Kp Amy

Available for adoption

Health status

Fiv+, irregular respiratory issue

6.33kg 29.10.20, 6.5kg 27.12

She is quite a popular cat in her old hood cos of her size maybe? She was released off the street when she was found to be grasping for air, thereafter she came to 猫房 after discharge from. Initial plan was to release her back to the old hood (but she had danger of respiratory issue and might one day gone missing). On the day she was supposed to leave 猫房, she didn’t want to leave, and her rescurer asked her if she want to stay she shall walk back to the open cage and she did. She is a grumpy girl, i can generally touch her more than others so she choose who she want to trust.

Kp Amy's Logbook

Age : 13y 6m
Birthday : 13 Jun
Weight : 6.5kg as of 27.12.2020
Date of Entry : 13.6.2018

Kp 9.10.24 wed 

09 Oct 2024

12pm back from clinic. Sunny gave us some freeze dried food that’s 95% small little size kibble, and cuo cuo brand salmon flavour – kp like 

Kp 11.10.24 Fri 

10am+: 3.72kg – lose 40g in 9 days. To Subcut n give bupre n Cerenia  

Kp 14.10.24 mon 

240pm: I back for 2nd round sayang them, after my lunch. Kp walk and vomit twice/ thrice – kibble. Today need to give Cerenia on top of Subcut bupre 

Kp 15.10.24 Tue 

Morning: 3.74kg – gain 20g in 4 days 

Kp 15.10.24 Tue 

2.20pm: wa still got 1.5h more, she say last cat. So kp is the last to groom. Tao miss her chance. generally quite ok. Think all the cats got degreased and shampoo lots and bath. 

She say kp lots of dandruff  

Kp 8.10.24 Tue 

08 Oct 2024

10am+: basic grooming start. Fur brush and ears clean and nails cut 

New bed change. Immediately crawl into it 🙂 

Kp 7.10.24 Mon

07 Oct 2024

10am+: eating well 

Kp 2.10.24 wed 

02 Oct 2024

11am+. 3.76kg – maintain weight 4 days 

Kp 27.9.24 Fri 

27 Sep 2024

9.30am+: vomit some food out. I do think she also need Cerenia like Timmy. Kidney pain will feel nausea also. 

Kp 28.9.24 sat 

11Am+: 3.76kg- lose 20g in 5 days. Subcut and given bupre n Cerenia. 

Kp 22.9.24 sun 

22 Sep 2024

4pm+: I’m back for medi round. 3.82kg – lose 40g in 9 days. Subcut and given meds 

Kp 23.9.24 Mon 

9Am+: i saw her in 3 bins alr, didn’t poo at all. Will microlax her later on after Subcut 

11.15am: 3.78kg – lose 40g in 1 day. Subcut and med n microlax her. She keep licking herself didn’t see her go bin 

11.20am: still licking 

11.25am: still licking 

Kp 24.9.24 tues 

11Am+: didn’t see her in bin today 

Kp 16.9.24 Mon 

16 Sep 2024

12pm: given her some RC renal milk to drink, she know I told her to drink she drink. She is actually a good baby to me.

Kp 17.6.24 Tue 

12.00pm: She is eating kibble for some time let her be, later i wanna take her bp, Subcut n med

12.09pm she is back to big bed, 6 cats. Take bp. Can’t take at all. Meowawwww and move so much. Subcut n give med 

Kp 13.9.24 Fri 

13 Sep 2024

2pm+: im back again to medi the cat. Tmr can’t see them. Weigh her 3.86kg – lose another 110g in 11 days. The only way I can help cut her expenses is don’t go vet at all. Fluid/ line/ needles/ syringes/ some renal diet/ once in a while one off Cerenia and semintra/ grooming I absorb for kp lao baby alr. But her bupre n f patch really got to top up fr clinic. Sigh now if she is at Dr d, dr will ask for u/s only again. I wonder Ann got read logbook? If yes, maybe she also don’t think $460+++ ard $500 to be spent on u/s to get an “ans” while the money can be spent on painkiller? 

I open snack for the cats – she came to eat also. Tao / manja didn’t want to share w her. She smack them. 

猫房 cats 11.9.24 wed 

11 Sep 2024

Ha today major cleaning day. i throw away one bed, then this bed become hot item

kp 7.9.24 sat

07 Sep 2024

Kp 31.8.24 sat 

31 Aug 2024

Night: mmm;”Kp eating fast” – vitakraft carrot apple. 

Kp 2.9.24 Mon 

3.97kg – lose 20g in 9 days 

Kp 3.9.34 Tue 

How else can I help this baby? Today I went to clinic to buy another bottle of bupre for her sigh 

9pm; kp poo 1/10 

Kp 24.8.23 sat

24 Aug 2024

Morning: Subcut bupre semintra go on as usual. Kp is a good girl, she know I’m worried and she behave as norm as possible. Good girl, not happy just show it. Be herself. will grumble when she want. So cute. 3.99kg – lose 10g in 2 months 1 week. I should be happy that it didn’t drop much more. No chance for it to go back up le 

Kp 20.8.24 tues 

20 Aug 2024

10.42am+: basic grooming day start-

Wipe body, brush fur, cut nails and clean ears. Kp no shaking of her ears when ear drop go in a little weird 

Kp 21.8.24 wed 

7am+: today she sit on blue tutu cushion. 

Kp 17.8.24 sat 

17 Aug 2024

Morning: I went back after meal time to do medi round. I blend Ad for the tube feeding cats. Kp smell it and came in excitedly so I give her a share and she lick it

kp 12.8.24 Mon 

12 Aug 2024

Kp 10.8.24 sat 

10 Aug 2024

5.50am: mmm” Half can given to kp.” 

To give her more protection against pain n cost, use f patch. But today the patch is off. Waste when more money. Today give Subcut n open new bottle bupre for her use (this bottle will last 3.9.2024) 

Kp 11.8.24 sun

7am+: sayang her, Subcut bupre her 

Kp 9.8.24 Fri 

09 Aug 2024

1pm: poo 1/10 and she vomit some bile juice out. Place a new f patch for her. 

Kp 3.8.24 sat 

03 Aug 2024

7am+: flop at one side I’m a little worry until I serve food chicken gravy she got eat so feel safe.  

Kp 4.8.24 sun 

6am: these cats must have been meowing a lot and mmm: “1 can each given to Oly, mamabaibai, Didi. 1 can shared by kp, manja, tao n Charmander”

The f patch is still on 

Kp 6.8.24 Tue 

Morning: major cleaning day. Just old folk gang sleepin on bed tgt. Her f patch is off. I place a new one. 

6pm+: saw Ann post a old post 2016 kp. 

Kp 8.8.24 Thu 

Morning: Omg both didi and kp patch is off. Super poor le. Given bupre 

Kp 28.7.24 sun 

30 Jul 2024

Morning; Celebrate Teddy 7th bday in 猫房. Kp wanna eat her cake she still growl at kp. I have to scoop a share for kp to eat elsewhere. Later, Kp came to the plate to eat on her own when Teddy don’t want le. maybe kp need the u/s – but maybe won’t help her. Just to know she got something inside maybe? Will it help her? Not sure. Maybe money better spend on buying pain killer for her 

Kp 29.7.24 Mon 

29 Jul 2024

Morning: she sit in bin. Sigh scary. Checked: f patch is off. I place another again. Tmr I got to stock up their pain meds  

Kp 31.7.24 wed 

Morning: just feel that she getting thinner. Erm I will keep her comfy. Sigh or she really need that u/s? I bought more f patch to standby for her. Other than pain killer, how else can I help you lao baby? 

Kp 24.7.24 wed 

24 Jul 2024

Morning: celebrate junior Nala belated bday. Kp got eat their cake. 

today is shampoo wet wipe day. Brush fur and clean face and ears and Butt. Ears use the ear drop. 

Kp 22.7.24 Mon 

22 Jul 2024

Noon: given bupre jab and Subcut. Shave her ears and put a f patch for her. sayang her she know I pamper her. 

Kp 21.7.24 sun 

21 Jul 2024

Morning; Dr d inform about macka Rena spec results and non clear on so need to continue pancreatitis treatment so I ask for kp also. Stop or I should just give till 31.7? She didn’t reply on kp. Think I shall deem fit. But 31.7 can stop. And maybe can’t review le. 

Night: mmm send photo of kp sitting in litterbin, I think she needs the u/s she is not well. How ah? I’ll try to help save and don’t spend on vet bill. But I’ll deem fit based on cat’s welfare. If I think she better do an u/s to find out it’s some tumor or gall bladder etc that can be Medicate, then I’ll book bah. For now, kiv and I think her pain Med maybe need to up. Tmr I’ll give her a f patch also 

Kp 20.7.24 sat 

20 Jul 2024

Morning: “Absolutely no idea why KP had abnormal snap still. I was suspecting the pancreatitis wasn’t cleared yet as the symptoms still there. Ideally to do ultrasound abdomen then” – her spec is normal. So maybe should try to stop her pancreatitis treatment end of July. Then see how 

Kp 15.7.24 Mon 

15 Jul 2024

Morning: basic grooming start. Nails cut hind only. Bleed non stop. Stop. So front not cut.  clean ears and face and body. Brush fur. Left hind ear wounded 

Kp 16.7.24 tues 

Kp amy Review

Dr d feel her belly area still sensitive 

4.00kg – drop 100g in 1 month 

Nail, dr d says she will help clean the wound, only can clear some of the dirts out. But ok la 

Taken basic kidney profile  ie pcv crea bun lytes. upc also cos she is on semintra. Fpli also. 

Her basic kidney still ok. Maintaining. 

Fpli still abnormal, send out spec. 

UPC 0.6, now she is on 1mg/kg semintra, got a feeling dr d wanna change – yap she up to 1.5mg/kg. So to give 0.6ml. 

Pcv 44% – recheck this in 2-4 weeks. 

2pm+: back to 猫房. Give snack to cats who go to vet. She got eat. Subcut her n given her pancreatitis treatment. Restart all over again 

Kp 9.7.24 Tue 

09 Jul 2024

Night: tao bday cake. Attracted kp and Manja 

Kp 11.7.24 Thur 

Morning: maybe unwell maybe pain, today a little angry le. Normally she v tolerant of me one. I think in pain. Have to review but I can’t bring her on 16.7, will see how again. Tmr will restart her on bupre. 

Kp 14.7.24 sun 

Morning: serve blended Kd w phos bind added.  She got lick, saw her at the plate twice. Subcut w bupre n semintra given 

Kp 7.7.24 sun 

07 Jul 2024

10am: no poo but food intake ok. Release. Going to ask Ann want to go for 16.7 review or not. 

Kp 9.7.24 Tue 

Morning: Ann didn’t reply Re whether to go ahead w kp review. Then I’ll deem fit nearer the date. then go protocol, shall go unless she say don’t go. Subcut her. Duno why I feel she under par today. 

Kp 6.7.24 sat 

06 Jul 2024

10am: got poo 4.5/10. Got pee. She did vomit out kibble. Continue monitoring 

5pm: did eat. So she can release but didn’t. Will release her same time as rena 

9.13pm: mmm”Kp is 2nd portion. No poo”

Kp 3.7.24 wed 

03 Jul 2024

Morning:bupre no stock. have to rethink n cut some cats pain management. Kp can try to cut. But I need to monitor her to make sure she eat pee poo ok. tmr will give as normal again. Fri then maybe trial stop. 

Kp 5.7.24 Fri 

Morning: discharge fr right eye. Clean off. Subcut only. Stop bupre. Monitor in cage 1 w o2 to see how. She sleep very well in bed just now w the old folks, sena take care of them

Re all the bupre shortage, dr d:”opiates are not meant for long term pain meds eh, they wont work if used long term. gabapentin, sc ketamin low dose, cartrophen for the joints, low dose meloxi (in the current research there is zero contra indication for meloxi, as long as the cat is hydrated. even kidney failure wasnt a contra indication)” 

Will tell dr d to elevate the type of painkiller for her on 16.7

Night; didn’t eat the food I give in the day? water bowl look like she drink more water. Got eat the dinner. RR looks v irregular n heavy. 

No poo yet. 

Kp 1.7.24 Mon 

01 Jul 2024

Status update: she didn’t look that ok yet. Pancreatitis treatment continue but today I stop Cerenia. 

kp 27.6.25 Thur 

27 Jun 2024

Kp 22.6.24 sat 

22 Jun 2024

11.45am: brush her fur 

Kp 23.6.24 sun 

Morning; love bed a lot, I wanna throw the old bed she keep wanting to go on it. Later give them new bed after major cleaning 

Keep wanting to go into Bessie cage cos she want to eat that ff. Eventually she go sit on wheel n i give her selar she eat 

Night: serve usual + a little ff. Eat happily 

Kp 24.6.24 Mon 

10Am+: saw kp eat aixia orange 

Kp 25.6.24 Tue 

8am+: keen on aixia orange but didn’t eat 

Kp 21.6.24 Fri 

21 Jun 2024

12pm+: celebrate Jack 8th bday 猫房. Kp wanna snatch his cake v keen the moment she ff. Let her eat. She drink the pumpkin soup also 

Kp 20.6.24 Thur 

20 Jun 2024

10am: no poo but food cleared, release her. Let her be alr. Today didi to be in cage 01 monitoring 

12.03pm: she had been eating. Good. 

1232pm: going in out of diff bin. Her bones def not good la 

Kp 19.6.24 wed 

19 Jun 2024

Morning; food did almost finish. So she did eat.  Calm in cage and also happy to sleep on bed w didi and Jack. Subcut on bed. I really not enough Cerenia soon if buy loose fr Clinic v ex. O2 is good for her. no poo, got further pee. 

Night; mmm”Kp poo” – look soft so she is not constipated. So she is safe to roam le. But breathing maybe aren’t good – even mmm also feel so when I told her if she want let kp down she can:”Oxygen there. Better”

Kp 18.6.24 Tue 

18 Jun 2024

Morning: did eat some i/d

But keep going in n out of diff bin 

10.25am: see her try to eat a little of food again. I start to think is she constipated? Today I’ll cage her to monitor. If Tmr no poo I’ll microlax her 

10.30am: not sure is if hers but one of the bin she in just now same position got poo 2.25/10. 

But she sit in another bin  now 

11.20am: 4.1kg, lose 100g in 5 days. Apply the cream on ear 

Continue pancreatitis treatment and I let her stay cage 01 – w oxygen on. 

8pm+: i do night round, i feed, she got eat. 

And the food in cage is cleared. Got pee.

Just waiting for poo then I can release her from quarantine/ observation zone. I let her out while I’m preparing stuff she is happy to sit on the bed. She loves bed. When I carry her back to cage she seem to know I wanna do some check, so she isn’t that unhappy. Kiss her. 

Kp 17.6.24 Mon 

17 Jun 2024

Morning: day 05 treating pancreatitis. She didn’t eat. I give her a few times she walk to bin to sit. Need more dose of bupre. 

Night; stupid me wanna to jab her extra bupre forgot. But I feel she really got something more wrong. Did Ann read her log? Can go echo n u/s that dr d recommend? I scare kp got fluid also. Her right side looks bloated today. And she didn’t eat. sigh. 

Mmm:”Kp didn’t eat” – sigh the gaba n appetite stimulate gel tube all look the same, I can’t be sure is which one. But both kp need. I got to try it on her Tmr. She don’t eat cannot. Too dangerous 

Kp 16.6.24 sun 

16 Jun 2024

1010am: kp give me a shock of my life. She tuck her head into the bed as usual, but she didn’t wake up to look at me. I shake her head and she didn’t wake up, I hold her head up and it went limb – super scary. Wa vets which vet run thru my brain. I Duno why she is dying and where i can rush to. Then she harden her neck and she look up at me, I touch her neck and neck, back to normal. Scare me. She is in deepdeep sleep just now 

kp 14.6.24 Fri 

14 Jun 2024

Kp 13.6.24 Thur 

13 Jun 2024

10am: i flying out w 5 cats to dr d for checks. Kp sit in the bin, scary, poo 0.5/10 50c size poo. She flop in bin scary. Just see vet one week ago hug I think necessary to bring her to see dr d. 

Heart sound ok, lung don’t sound ok. Told dr that’s her chronic issue. 

4.2kg – lose 20g today. Weight almost the same. 

Mouth not good. Lots of tar tar built up and the hind root can be seen. 

Extra findings: dr feel she got arthritis and fpli is taken. Didn’t retest other bloods cos only one week. And her bladder is small. So to treat pancreatitis. Most prob she is in pain, so she flop in bin just now. 

Today shall get her sterilisation and m/c cert done since Aw not helping for that. and think she needs to start on bupre. So need ab Ma? 

“I really think her joint hurt like a manic” – she didn’t get angry till we touch her joint. 

1057am: m/c done. she needs to start on bupre. So need ab Ma? – no need cos today didn’t take bloods for health status. 

11.43am: fpli did show she had pancreatitis. (Didn’t send her spec cos $80 too ex n don’t want to poke her for more blood) So start the treatment. Asked dr d ps discounted price for bupre after gst is $340++. I’ll get elsewhere. 

Catrophen / gaba for long term for her joint pain. 

And her k and HCT is high despite being a kidney cat is scary. So she highly recom a full kidney u/s – kiv. 

Re pro bnp result:”Kp amy: machine says abn but again very little color change. Only want to get more info: echo. I heard very weird lungs but not heart murmur”

3pm: celebrate her 6th bday in 猫房. 

Then subcut her, given Cerenia n bupre. Tmr onwards will give the full combo fluid w bupre w Cerenia n b12 b com. 

Kp 10.6.24 Mon 

10 Jun 2024

Morning: cut nails, clean ears and brush fur 

Kp 6.6.24 Thurs 

06 Jun 2024

9.50am: waited w her at the clinic to see dr Nally – 10am appt. She is in at 9.52am. Kp did eat just now when i serve her food only 

4.22kg – lose 440g in 1 month 17 days. 

Teeth still as bad 

Still the usual wheezing 

Taken 1ml blood for Cbc n renal profiles. 

Sigh didn’t have enough blood for pro bnp. I really feel she got heart issue (nx round then). 

Bp 151/93 – she said got improvement, but little only. But still worried about the use of semintra. Will adjust when I’m back cos her weight drop. 

Clinic: “Only kidney values some increase in CREA – definitely can explain the increase frequency of vomiting. Pls add in maropitant if you have +/- omeprazole. Maropitant will be good for both vomiting/abdominal pain (and even oral discomfort) but need to give at ~8mg/kg. Otherwise, Ondansetron at 0.5mg/kg 2x daily will help with nausea/vomiting should it be the reason of the reduced appetite, if giving this pls also give bupre minimally 1x daily and assess. Full UA – urinalysis no sediment, UPCR improvement at 0.23 (previous 0.4). Based on bodyweight of 4.2kg, the dose of Semintra 4mg/ml is 1mg/kg 1x daily so 1ml 1x daily.” – I’m back and Subcut her n given semintra 0.63ml and Cerenia 0.42ml. Will give for 5 days see how. 

Cbc – red blood holding so semintra continue. 

Kidney worsening despite regular Subcut for kp alr. I did ask about pancreatitis but dr think no need to test, when yes no change to treatment plan. Ya I do give her Subcut, b12 b com and sometime bupre. Today give Cerenia that’s basically the treatment for pancreatitis. 

She back to 猫房 eat. 

Kp 4.6.24 tues 

04 Jun 2024

Morning: vomit out those foam again. Have to die squeeze in schedule for her to check. next possible slot to arrange is Mon morning. not sure can get slot or not. or should I try Thurs slot? But I know I’ll be dead tired. I think got to. 

Kp 2.6.24 sun

02 Jun 2024

8am+: didn’t see her eat when I serve food, 

Checked: slight flu, and I think her internal got issue le. Drag the review too long. Have to see vet soon. Not eating. Serve extra instinctive n don’t eat. Serve aixia renal she keen n vomit. Something else wrong. Then she did lick some paste. latest wed must see vet le. I can only bring one to vet Tmr (she or Xiami, Xiami is felv more serious and weaker and every parameters r worse off, but I decide to bring kp Tmr cos the core diff: she aren’t eating much n she vomit, Xiami is still eating)  

Kp 3.6.24 Mon 

9am++: arrange jo to do the feeding so I can rush kp to vet. End up aw sigh no slot. Told them I need morning slot they told me go 2.30pm. End up earliest I can squeeze in is this wed 9.30am dr Darius one slot only, Kp got to shift to next week cos Xiami frame is worse off plus he is felv cat. today kp did eat, but must see vet. but Xiami might die. But kp also not that good, but she is old. Maybe I’m worried about semintra cos scare she anemia. 

kp 1.6.24 sat 

01 Jun 2024

Kp 21.5.24 tues 

21 May 2024

Noon: routine Subcut her and given semintra. Clean her eyes and butt. she angry and beat manja up 

Kp 26.5.24 sun 

10am+: routine Subcut and given semintra  

Kp 27.5.24 Mon 

10am+: i serve didi a big plate of food, kp interested in the instinctive pouch n move over to eat. 10 mins later I saw her vomit, but is cream colour, maybe the atats treats that’s on the plate too. (Oh my god she go lick back what she vomit out) Think she needs to be on this Thurs vet visit for her status too. At least minimum Cbc  

Kp 21.5.24 Tue 

21 May 2024

4pm+: I went back to just do a little packing and Given snack round to everyone. Subcut her and given semintra. She is a nice kid to me   

kp 16.5.24 Thur 

16 May 2024

Kp 7.5.24 Tue 

07 May 2024

1050am: cut nails need me to hold if not things not done. ears, cut nails and wipe body done. But front right not done 

kp 5.5.24 sun 

05 May 2024

Didi & Kp 3.5.24 Fri 

03 May 2024

Noon: everyone rush in to see new room. Attend at the beach catnip party. These 2 come in to find the new bed 

Kp 23.4.24 Tue 

23 Apr 2024

12pm+: brush her fur she like. Subcut and given semintra 

Kp 26.4.24 Fri 

Morning: Subcut w b12 b com and given semintra   

Kp 30.4.24 Tue 

Morning; electric work today … they will stay in food room till Friday bah after cleaning then let them back. Subcut and medi as usual. 

Kp 7.4.24 sun 

07 Apr 2024

Morning: major cleaning day. Subcut her n given b12 b com jab. N semintra. Still love beds 

Kp 10.4.24 wed 

Morning: mmm”Buddy is such a gentleman. Let kp in”

Kp 11.4.24 Thur 

3pm: Subcut her, but I think Princess much more dry than her. But kp obviously smaller in size le 

Kp 15.4.24 Mon 

10am+: Subcut a lot. Told her next few days I see first. Semintra continue. Wipe down her body she like it, wipe butt twice she scold me. 

Kp 19.4.24 Fri 

Morning: scanned on 19.4.24 confirm NO m/c 4.66kg – lose 210g in 40 days 

Subcut her n given semintra   

Kp 5.4.24 Fri 

05 Apr 2024

Morning; jo photo she quite thin. Quite some time no review le. 

3pm: go back celebrate char 8th bday. B4 I Subcut kp, her breathing is loud. Erm needs more monitoring, think it’s time to give her more o2 therapy. 

Kp 1.4.24 Mon 

01 Apr 2024

Morning: Duno why the bed folded and she hide in between it. So fast the new big bed looks dirty again. I got to throw stuff again. 

Kp 27.3.24 wed 

27 Mar 2024

Morning: got helper in to cut nails, steam bath and clean ears. But kp can only steam bath a little cos cut her front one nail and hind 7 nails she v angry le.

Subcut her n given semintra. Informed her I won’t be ard till i can come, they will take care of themselves. 

Put a new big bed she very enthu first to climb on it. I hug her praise she so smart n she become angry. She Duno I’m praising her so cute so smart. 

Kp 22.3.24 Fri 

22 Mar 2024

10am+: given sacc, renacor, semintra and Subcut 

Kp 20.3.24 wed 

20 Mar 2024

2pm: da jiejie cook selar fish w soup. Rena like to drink 

Kp 17.3.24 sun 

17 Mar 2024

Morning: got 2 helpers in to clean up and for her: cut nails fail, clean ears and steam brush fur only. 

Kp 13.3.24 wed 

13 Mar 2024

Morning; Subcut as usual, given renacor

Semintra and sacc. 

Kp 10.3.24 sun 

10 Mar 2024

2pm+: 4.87kg lose 30g in 1 month. 

Subcut w b12 b com and given Semintra 

Night: mmm”Didn’t eat. Don’t like salmon?” – I do think I need to quarantine kp one of these days. To filter down if she eat, how’s poo pee and also whether she is the one who poo at the wheel 

kp 11.3.24 mon

told her that I’ll quarantine her for a few days and see her stays. But bed is wet so not today. I got to bring a new bed here again

Kp 1.3.24 Fri 

01 Mar 2024

Morning: Subcut n on regular med 

Kp 27.2.24 Tue 

27 Feb 2024

2pm+: poo 3.5/10 

Kp 24.2.24 sat 

24 Feb 2024

Night; mmm”KP n Manja very soft poo. No form. Forgot to take pictures” 

Kp 20.2.24 Tue 

20 Feb 2024

Someone gave renacor- so I take for kp use. can help some w her kidneys better than nothing. 

Kp 18.2.24 sun 

18 Feb 2024

Morning: Subcut her and given semintra and sacc n nutriplus gel. Still feel scary that she is on semintra without regular check on Cbc. Got new bed she and Jack just squeeze into one

Kp 14.2.24 wed 

14 Feb 2024

11Am+: poo 1.25/10. Wanna give her sacc again – no more stock. Sigh. Given usual Subcut n semintra 

kp 9.2.24 Fri 

09 Feb 2024

Kp 5.2.24 Mon 

05 Feb 2024

Noon: 4.9kg – gain 80g in 1 week. Subcut her w B12 n b com. N given semintra. Her Subcut fluid from yesterday like haven fully absorbed. To take note 

Kp 6.2.24 Tue 

12pm+: 6th to groom. Bath w argan oil shampoo. Ears ok dirty. Cut nails make a lot of noise and kick pple. Buttock as usual dirty. 

She want to tear the playpen – her front left nail bleed 

Kp 1.2.24 Thu 

01 Feb 2024

10.30am: see dr nally for reviewing  

4.88kg – gain 60g in 2 days. 

Take bp – very grumpy keep moving about 

Hr 206 

Bp 154/68 – but got dog barking loudly just now 

Gums – look paler than last time. 

HCT 37.2%, crea 2.7 sdma 13 maintaining well means must Subcut this frequent. sg 1.012 smear no bacteria. 

Upc 0.4 – stable. But continue semintra. Review 3 months more of her kidneys. Cos all high end normal. I’ll put in my schedule as 4 months review. will Subcut her as usual more. 

Kp 30.1.24 Tue

30 Jan 2024

Morn: Think kp having issue pooing, Tmr supposed to go vet but dr nally cancelled, I have to see if Fri I can squeeze in or not. 

Kp 31.1.24 wed 

Noon+: given Subcut b 12 b com and semintra n sacc. 

Kp 28.1.24 sun 

28 Jan 2024

7am+: go 3 diff bins poo 3-4 items all 1.5/10. Given Subcut, semintra and sacc. N nutriplus gel 

Kp 29.1.24 Mon 

11Am+: 4.82kg, lose 140g in 2 weeks. V grumpy today. Subcut and given sacc n semintra. And dental care 

Kp 20.1.24 sat 

20 Jan 2024

11Am: I make a special trip back mainly want help kp Subcut and I drop the bag, the dripline tip break wor. Play safe discard the whole thing n I don’t have spare so end up skip kp Subcut n her semintra also left 0.3ml. Just give whatever. Tmr I bring new bottle for her (0.5ml). 

Kp 14.1.24 sun 

14 Jan 2024

Morning: Subcut her and given semintra. tmr maybe need to take upcr and bp also for basic. 

Kp 15.1.24 Mon 

1120am: carry kp all the back to 4g to go vet w sweeties. Sweeties can’t roll too much. 

12.55pm: 4.96kg – gain 20g in 1 week 

Drawn blood from right jacular, told dr Nally today mainly cos of semintra that’s why Cbc – want to make sure she isn’t anemic and also hope to stop semintra cos it’s always scary to give that. Gum a little pale. 

Cbc 37.7%. Let’s wait for upcr to see if can drop further for semintra, if can I’ll drag her next review. 

Still got trace of protein in urine. Have to wait for upcr results to be out. 

Clinic: “Amy’s UPCR – 0.37 (improvement, but high-end normal)I will still recommend staying on Semintra until next renal panel, Her next review is Feb for BP/renal” 

Kp 12.1.24 Fri 

12 Jan 2024

Morning: she looks thin. Next Mon review Cbc confirm. I’m worried in case she is anemic 

Kp 7.1.24 sun 

07 Jan 2024

Morning: given doctorby toothpaste – she ok. 

Subcut and etc she all quite cooperative w me once I got her. If not she will go hide when she know is medi round 

Kp 8.1.24 Mon 

Morning, 4.94kg – lose 40g in 1 month. Still on semintra so I’m still worrying. Have to schedule checks soon. Given doctorby oral ample for her dental. 

Kp 5.1.24 Fri 

05 Jan 2024

Morning: given Subcut w b12 b com.  And semintra. She needs to check Cbc asap. 

Kp 2.1.24 Tue

02 Jan 2024

kp 29.12.23 Fri 

29 Dec 2023

Kp 26.12.23 tue

26 Dec 2023

Kp 24.12.23 sun 

24 Dec 2023

Just status update: bed gang member still got kp and jack. On semintra and Subcut. Today given b12 b com also. 

Kp 25.12.23 Mon

Morning: Jack insist want console her n sayang her she got angry  

Kp 22.12.23 Fri

22 Dec 2023

kp 20.12.23 wed 

20 Dec 2023

Kp 17.12.23 sun 

17 Dec 2023

Kp 13.12.23 wed 

13 Dec 2023

Noon: Subcut and given semintra – she didn’t react negatively towards that oral med 

Dr nally: “Amy KP – Review renal panel/UPCR in 2months, earlier if weight loss/unwell. Continue theophylline, bupre if needed, telmisartan, maropitant nasal drop, SC fluids back to daily or alternate day minimally.” 

Kp 14.12.23 Thu 

Noon: cut nails and clean ears and her butt hole – super dirty 

Kp 12.12.23 Tue 

12 Dec 2023

Collection her med at clinic today, Tmr Start her on semintra. But don’t know her current HCT status. But sept still ok. I have to monitor closely. 

Kp 11.12.23 Mon 

11 Dec 2023

1115am: see dr nally for review 

4.98kg – lose 70g in 40 days 

Draw blood from left and right jacular, can’t get blood. Dr nally want to try from hind leg and front leg and I checked logbook, told her my last record state that you fail in taking from legs and make her super angry. 

So end up try from right jacular again. 

Kp generally listen to me. She will calm down and while she is fierce I still trust her and sayang her and she will calm down further 

Kidney results crea 3.0, bun 38 – kidney worsen without the regular Subcut. Now have to put her back to my regular list. 

No bacteria no crystals. Urine v dilute sg 1.014. Sigh have to wait for UPCR results to decide whether she needs to start on semintra or not- hope not.

Her breathing is so bad that dr ask me to seriously consider starting her on ventolin – asthma. 

Bp 137/88 still ok. 

1+pm back to 猫房 Subcut her 

““UPCR 0.48 (significant proteinuria). To start on telmisartan 1.3ml 1x daily. Plan is to recheck renal/UPCR in 2-3months, earlier if persistent wgt loss”

Kp 1.12.23 Fri 

01 Dec 2023

Noon: Subcut w b12 and b com. 

Kp 6.12.23 wed 

Morning: Subcut her w b12 also.

Kp 28.11.23 Tue 

28 Nov 2023

Kp 26.11.23 sun 

26 Nov 2023

Day; nubulise her w oxygen therapy – she keep walking about in the cage 

5+pm; bring a big new bed – she conquer it as usual 

Kp 25.11.23 sat 

25 Nov 2023

Night: mmm”Breathing hard” – video is faced down, scary, legartic. 

1101pm: fr Ip she is on another bed – sigh how. Need to book her dec review soon too 

12am: position got change so feel slightly safer 

Kp 11.11.23 sat 

11 Nov 2023

Fei, Jack & KP 4.11.23 sat

04 Nov 2023

Kp 31.10.23 Tue 

31 Oct 2023

3pm+: full grooming. 5.05kg – lose 160g in 23 days, revo plus her 

Kp 22.10.23 sun

22 Oct 2023

Kp 18.10.23 wed 

18 Oct 2023

Morning: today cleaner is horrible. 3h can’t finish even one room, waste my time helping her w just even food room. Didn’t get to weigh the cats. Subcut her w b12 b com. cooperative, so I think she knows she need it. given Cerenia nose drop also 

Kp 9.10.23 Mon 

09 Oct 2023

Morning; recently her sleeping is quite still. V scary. I scare of all the old folks 

Kp 13.10.23 Fri 

Morning: brush her she like it and adjust for me to brush the whole body 

Just a thought: she alr don’t have pain killer n don’t think I should listen to vet words to cut her Subcut to weekly. Think got to Subcut slightly more to help her body feel better  

Kp 8.10.23 sun 

08 Oct 2023

Morning: today last day kp on bupre. No more. Subcut her today w b12 b com also. 5.21kg – lose 180g in 25 days 

kp 4.10.23 wed 

04 Oct 2023

Kp 20.9.23 wed 

20 Sep 2023

Morning: Subcut w b12. N bupre. Given Cerenia drops 

Kp 24.9.23 sun

Evening:  nose clear looks good. The chamber I bought for her came. But haven’t decide to let her start puffing or not 

Kp 25.9.23 Mon 

Morning; nose looks clear. Hate gaba a lot. Promise don’t give for pain issue, sigh means can’t cut her bupre. 

Kp 19.9.23 Tue 

19 Sep 2023

Kp 15.9.23 Fri 

15 Sep 2023

10am+: bite her mouth shut, don’t want to take oral med. 

Kp 13.9.23 wed 

13 Sep 2023

5.37kg – lose 40g in 1 week 

Teeth very bad. Need to give bupre on off. I’ll mix w gaba for her stress level due to breathing issue. Her nose breathing sound is very loud. May need to buy spacer for her asthma.  

Taken bp: relatively fine. Taken from tail. 

Dr Nally can’t get blood from her neck, her left neck for and wart. no harm. 

She take from hind leg n she damn damn angry. Even me want to beat me. 

taken from right jacular eventually – to take Cbc, Chem 10, sdma.  

Her results out very good Subcut help her. 

Kidneys back to normal. Sdma 12. Can go maintainance mode 1-2 times per week. 

Can also use Cerenia nose drop on her, but maybe not that useful cos hers is need to open up airway. 

Today her kidney values ok so end up didn’t do urine. So can do maybe 2 months later when review check up for status. 

Tonight I’ll check for chamber price for her asthma. 

New treatment plan for kp

1. Subcut -> reduce to 2x weekly for maintenance

2. B12 b com  -> ok

3. Need buy bupre -> dispensed 1 bottle, to use when in oral pain

4. I’ll add on gaba too  -> pls do and esp before vet visit, give 50mg 2-3hrs before

*5. Kiv theophylline or inhaler/spacer to improve breathing/bronchitis, can try maropitant nasal drop*

*6. Routine review kidneys/UA/UPCR/BP in 2-3months, earlier if unwell again*

Kp 14.9.23 Thu 

Morning; is she a little not well? 

2pm+: I go back check on their well-being. I haven’t research on theophylline. Today didn’t give Subcut, just give bupre, started bupre fr today onwards. As well as gaba. Given nose drops, she didn’t react v negatively. 

423pm: can’t find anyone selling on Carousell. Ask ju whether she got source to get it. I know spacer is better for kp character. Ju got seretide to sell, Erm online spacer less than $50 but have to buy S and M mask. Think first … Dr nally reply Re seretide: “Yes, even better but it’s puff 2x daily when having ‘attacks’” –

Cos theophylline got side effects for cats than dogs (dr yeumee said so) 

Kp 11.9.23 Mon 

11 Sep 2023

This wed we going vet, send clinic status: 

kp review health status. 

Check Cbc, Chem10 and sdma 

  1. Subcut 
  2. B12 b com  

Kp 12.9.23 Tue 

1pm+: grooming start. Ears quite clean. 

She v cute today. The groomer play w her belly 

Kp 8.9.23 Fri 

08 Sep 2023

Kp 1.9.23 Fri 

01 Sep 2023

Morning: given Subcut, b12 and b com. And nutriplus gel. Fur not nice again, have to groom again may need to shave down.

Kp 5.8.23 Tue 

Morning: day 21 of Clav. Today should be last day and should review le. Dr d after this week no more slots till oct. Sigh. kp Rena fei – think all 3 reviews gonna go aw. 

Kp 6.9.23 wed 

Morning: 5.41kg – gain 250g in 5 weeks. Subcut her. 

Kp 31.8.23 Thu 

31 Aug 2023

1pm+: sneak back 猫房. given her Subcut and med and b complex jab.  

Kp 26.8.23 sat 

26 Aug 2023

Morning: poo 5/10 

Kp 26.8.23 sat 

26 Aug 2023

Kp 24.8.23 Thu 

24 Aug 2023

Kp 22.8.23 Tue 

22 Aug 2023

Kp 21.8.23 Mon 

21 Aug 2023

Kp 20.8.23 sun 

20 Aug 2023

7am+: serve food got eat 

Kp 17.8.23 Thu

17 Aug 2023

Kp 16.8.23 wed 

16 Aug 2023

Morning: we go see dr d for check up. In the consult room. Kp glueeee glueeee sound quite loud, she can even groom herself leh. But the breathing sound is loud. 

Didn’t hear heart mur mur, sound mainly from her nose, so me to give her bromhexine? Erm X-ray and probnp can be taken, I told dr d probnp ok for now since is same poke of blood. X-ray Duno kp will kill them of not. To take Cbc, Chem10, lytes, sdma. To try to see if urine taking if possible for her kidney since she recently drink much more water. 

1148am: dr trying to check for me if her nails are still sharp. bloods taken. Urine still trying. I got tell dr d if she attack she aim for the eye 

1159am: urine taken, her kidney values all up. Confirm got kidney issue. Pro bnp normal. at least i don’t have to worry she heart attack die suddenly. 

Dilute urine, urine don’t show any rbc wbc, cloudy. Might be old might be chronic. No inflammation in urine. But she thinks she needs help for her kidney + fiv +. So Clav for 2-3 weeks then review. Add on Subcut to help her 

Dental is bad but dr d totally didn’t mention much, maybe cos her record of respiratory issue so can’t even be considered for now  

Fr recept: kp weight is 5.2kg – given Clav 0.26ml. And Subcut her also. She know la. 

Given bromhexine but I can’t be sure it go into her, can’t find it n she attack want bite mode. My finger can’t go into her mouth. Tmr I got to mix a bottle of liquid bromhexine. 

Night: fei can walk n walk to join kp in bed and kp give up the bed to fei. Good girl. Ok I got to arrange cctv guys for more to be installed 

Kp 13.8.23 sun 

13 Aug 2023

Night; perch at water bowl. Waaaa pancreatitis ? Subcut w b com, not cooperative but still got some fluid w vitamins in. If she pancreatitis then headache Liao 

Kp 11.8.23 Fri 

11 Aug 2023

Morning: saw her in 3 bins. A bit worried she UTI. But she eventually poop out 2.5/10. Safe for now. To give sacc. 

Kp 10.8.23 Thu 

10 Aug 2023

1pm+: double confirm w Ann that I can bring kp for a through check up, I worry about her heart b4 (the way she Pant sometime is scary, and I don’t dare to let her groom too frequent) and recently she drink water so long, really got to check to get factual details so I can adjust what I can do to her 

Kp 9.8.23 wed 

09 Aug 2023

Morning: Subcut her, told her it’s good for her. She understand one despite being a chilli padi. She tolerate long enough to have Subcut done. 

Kp 6.8.23 sun 

06 Aug 2023

Evening; given her sacc 

Kp 7.8.23 Mon 

Morning: saw she drink a lot of water. A lot. Drink quite long. 

Kp 29.7.23 sat 

29 Jul 2023

Morning fr Ip she sleep until dAmn flat n in the middle of nowhere scare me 

Kp 28.7.23 Fri 

28 Jul 2023

Morning: Teddy bday cake on floor she hurry up come n eat 

Kp 12.7.23 wed 

12 Jul 2023

Noon: given her a b12 jab 

Kp 21.7.23 Fri 

Noon: 5.16kg – gain 10g in 40 days. Given b12 jab 

Kp 25.7.23 Tues 

12pm+: Cut nails, clean ears n bath 

Kp 7.7.23 Fri 

07 Jul 2023

Noon: kp likes to sleep in her Tiger den.

Pour her out I clean her eyes for her, her face so small so Cute. 

Kp 9.7.23 sun 

Morning: her Tiger den too small? One hand handing out of it … 

Kp 3.7.23 Mon 

03 Jul 2023

Morning: her eyes n face show me she needs a check up. Sayang her tell her she knows she got ah mao pamper. She still eating 

Kp 4.7.23 Tues 

Night, poo 5/10 

Kp 28.6.23 wed 

28 Jun 2023

KP 24.6.23 sat

24 Jun 2023

Kp 21.6.23 wed 

21 Jun 2023

Noon: poo 3+1.5/10, w tinted blood 

Kp 15.6.23 Thurs 

15 Jun 2023

Kp 13.6.23 Tues 

13 Jun 2023

Celebrate her 5th bday in 猫房. She likes aixia kpm-4 pouch. 

Kp 8.6.23 Thurs 

08 Jun 2023

Morning: send out her poo for testing, 4.5/10. 

Gonna let her bath, not sure got enough slot or not. I monitor her and sayang her n tell her her breathing not that ok, I don’t let her bath. safer for her. “KP, Snap Giardia Test, negative.KP Amy fecal microscopy: no ova or parasite seen in direct fecal smear. All poo samples are solid, formed and firm, dark brown in color.” – so I can drop her sacc. But still give her probiotics to protect her guts on off. 

Kp 11.6.23 sun 

Day; 5.15kg, lose 270g in 4 months. Active in eating selar 

Kp 30.5.23 Tues 

30 May 2023

Night: continue sacc. 

Kp 31.5.23 wed 

1049am: ha I waited for 1.5h plus no one poo for me yet for testing. She pee looks diluted. I think she really need a health check.

Given Sacc. Will continue So won’t log till I feel can stop. 

Kp 3.6.23 sat 

My sacc alr used up, given probiotics for onwards days. 

Kp 5.6.23 Mon 

Sacc stock is here, Tmr continue w sacc. Today had given probiotics. 

Kp 24.5.23 wed 

24 May 2023

11Am: given sacc 

1150am: diarhhoea 0.5/10 

Kp 25.5.23 Thurs 

Night: massive diarhhoea in all bins. She is in my list of suspect. Have to stop most finesse food for now. Given sacc. 

Kp 27.5.23 sat 

930-1045pm: wa I do so many things loh. Continue giving sacc. Have to order alr if not have to give probiotics if use up. 

Kp 18.5.23 Thurs 

18 May 2023

Kp 12.5.23 Fri 

12 May 2023

Morning: 4.75/10 

KP & Fei 11.5.23 Thur

11 May 2023

Kp 9.5.23 Tues 

09 May 2023

Morning: vomit quite a lot of bile juice, some really like the thicken leftover orange juice. sleeping on cycle wheel, later going to groom her. She got sigh of breathing heavier, have to monitor even more closely than norm. 

210pm: kp cut nails first then shave down then bath then clean ears. She like quite like to be shave. V cooperative. 6th cat to groom. Ears surprisingly not that dirty. Applied Argasol gel. 

Kp 4.5.23 thur

04 May 2023

Da jiejie cook selar for them. Kp loves fish and drink lots of fish soup.

Kp 3.5.23 wed 

03 May 2023

1030am: poo 4.25/10. 

1130am: sleeping soundly in brown furry new stool. Kp seem to like chicken food.

Kp 26.4.23 wed 

26 Apr 2023

Morning: Clean her body up w f10 and apply banocin, clean her for 5-6 times. Butt v black. Wanna groom her soon. 

Kp 28.4.23 Fri 

Noon: superx5 cute… I should have start my video b4 I throw the new bed on floor, she immediately jump out from the old bed and hop into the new one 

Kp 23.4.23 sun 

23 Apr 2023

Even kp sit on the exercise wheel, but not moving 

Kp 21.4.23 Fri 

21 Apr 2023

Kp 15.4.23 sat 

15 Apr 2023

Kp 12.4.23 wed 

12 Apr 2023

1245pm: pee quite pale yellow.

Kp 7.4.23 Fri

07 Apr 2023

Kp 4.4.23 Tues 

04 Apr 2023

Noon: cut nails and clear ears – nails long (initially v steady, then turn angry, must sayang non stop then cut nails) and ears dirty. She is the 6th to q up. Butt there dirty (but not the worse I had seen) she likes scratches at the back area.

515pm: bath w oatmeal shampoo, will struggle when washing butt hole  

Kp 1.4.23 sat 

01 Apr 2023

Night: serve toplife milk, he like 

Kp 3.4.23 mon 

1140am: given probiotics 

kp 28.3.23 Tues 

28 Mar 2023

Kp 27.3.23 Mon 

27 Mar 2023

Morning: given Mimi bonus round – wellness tiny taster. And give to fei too, wa poor boy he like leh, but the smell attract kp, manja, tao and Jack. Wa kp and manja whack fei head to take over The food siak 

Kp 22.3.23 wed 

22 Mar 2023

230pm+: given Subcut b12 b com, deworm. 

Kp 19.3.23 sun 

19 Mar 2023

Morning; in 2 soya bins, for quite some time. Too fat siak. Got poo 0.5/10.

Given probiotics 

Fei & KP 18.3.23 sat

18 Mar 2023

Night: today selar should be nicer, fei don’t like fish for the last few times. Today he got eat. But he is a gentleman, kp sit right beside him n eat his and he just watch, watch so lovingly loh. Kp also 自动、know she stealing food so she didn’t fierce or anyhow whack fei. 

Kp 7.3.23 Tues

07 Mar 2023

Kp 12.2.23 Sun 

12 Feb 2023

Night; 5.42kg- gain 50g. 

Kp 13.2.23 mon

Day: her skin issue Subcut w b12 will be good for her. Subcut her – alr struggle a lot, given b12 and b com (maybe 30% given) angry bolt off 

Kp 20.2.23 Mon 

Morning: did kp vomit food and she lick it again? Erm … 

Kp 7.2.23 Tues

07 Feb 2023

Kp 3.2.23 Fri 

03 Feb 2023

2pm+: given probiotics and nutriplus gel. She want to sleep on bed, not enough space, I give her a new bed 

KP 2.2.23 Thur

02 Feb 2023

Kp 30.1.23 Mon 

30 Jan 2023

Kp 29.1.23 Sun 

29 Jan 2023

1250pm: 5.37kg- lose 20g. Having more of those bald thingy she had. Losing nutrient. She is eating still. Active n just old age sleeping  

Kp 21.1.23 sat 

21 Jan 2023

Kp 20.1.23 Fri 

20 Jan 2023

Morning: poo mixture of 1-3/10 w mucus. No bloods. 

Given probiotics 

kp 17.1.23 Tues

17 Jan 2023

Kp 16.1.23 Mon 

16 Jan 2023

Morning: poo 3.75/10 

Kp 10.1.23 Tues 

10 Jan 2023

Day: 5.57kg – lose 100g. looks ok. Just feel like letting her groom buttt Cora took 2.5h plus haven’t bath. Think I got to skip some of the cats 

Kp 20.12.22 Tues 

20 Dec 2022

Morning: sometime the way kp flop on plate to eat rather scary. Tonight I wait for her to walk out of bed to eat on her own 

Kp 18.12.22 Sun 

18 Dec 2022

Party time: they say she vomited – checked, is more of foam when she is stress. Seem ok. 

generally good girl, quiet. 

kp 17.12.22 sat 

17 Dec 2022

Kp 14.12.22 Wed 

14 Dec 2022

230pm: 8th to shower today. Didn’t react as violently during bathing.  

Kp 12.12.22 Mon 

12 Dec 2022

Morning: given probiotics 

Kp 13.12.22 Tues 

1220pm: Cut nails. V fierce scream a lot. and clean ears, dirty but she is kind of ok w ears cleaning. 

Kp 9.12.22 Fri 

09 Dec 2022

11Am: will wait for fresh water bowl and drink water 

Kp 11.12.22 Sun 

Morning: poo 3.25?/10

Subcut her, v fierce wor. Ha. maybe only half of vitamins go in. 

Kp 27.11.22 Sun 

27 Nov 2022

Morning: Spray her w the bathing spray today.

Kp 29.11.22 Tues 

430pm: rain finally stop i quickly got to rush to bring char to 5G. Kp eat the extra snack char bring along – ciao cup chicken fillet. But the way she flip on plate v scary. Sometime she sit in bin Erm.

Kp 1.12.22 Thurs 

Night: we got selar fish today. Happy to eat it. 

Kp 5.12.22 Sun 

Morning: major cleaning day, saw her pee, ok speed. 

big bed move and Kp angry and whack fei 

Kp 7.12.22 wed

Night: princesssweetheart belated bday present from da jiejie – Saba fish. Kp got eat

Kp 21.11.22 Mon 

21 Nov 2022

Kp 16.11.22 wed 

16 Nov 2022

10am: Kp super like bed, I folded the bed to get ready to throw. She sit on it. I put at another spot, she sit on it again. 

119pm: 5.67kg – lose 220g. Still eating fine  

Kp 15.11.22 Tues 

15 Nov 2022

Kp 13.11.22 sun 

13 Nov 2022

Subcut and given b12 n b com. Generally cooperative, told her get some vitamins in good for her 

Kp 12.11.22 sat 

12 Nov 2022

Morning: her left upper part above eye got a small hole, don’t look big deal. But Erm …. Who? Normally she is the one who whack others there 

Kp 10.11.22 Thurs

10 Nov 2022

KP 8.11.22 Tues 

08 Nov 2022

Kp 3.11.22 Thurs 

03 Nov 2022

Kp 1.11.22 Tues 

01 Nov 2022

Morning: looks dry, think I shall Subcut her and give her some vitamins  

Night: change new big bed, she v happy 

Kp 28.10.22 Fri  

28 Oct 2022

Kp 15.10.22 Sat

15 Oct 2022

Kp 14.10.22 Fri 

14 Oct 2022

Morning: her poo is fine, 5/10 but only 3cm. She groom her butt straight after pooing 

Kp 12.10.22 wed 

12 Oct 2022

Poo 3.5+2/10, w little mucus w little tinted blood. Given probiotics 

Kp 11.10.22 Tues 

11 Oct 2022

Morning: poo 2.75+3.5/10 

Still groom herself. Yesterdsy flop to eat look rather scary 

Kp 9.10.22 Sun 

09 Oct 2022

830am: looking cute in a sb posing 

Kp 8.10.22 Sat 

08 Oct 2022

Kp 6.10.22 Thurs 

06 Oct 2022

Day 01 Joanna come feed them In the morning. 

Night: poo 3.5+0.5 w tinted blood, Tmr or something must start probiotics 

Kp 27.9.22 Tues 

27 Sep 2022

335pm: fr ip got eat kibble 

Kp 23.9.22 Fri 

23 Sep 2022

Bottom 40% mark of her body dandruff, no nutrient ah 

Kp 26.9.22 Mon 

810pm: I got some spare time so

I sit on floor, the cats crowd ard me. Kp raise her leg damn damn nice and sexy and cute 

kp 21.9.22 wed  

21 Sep 2022

Kp 12.9.22 Mon  

12 Sep 2022

Kp 8.9.22 Thurs 

08 Sep 2022

1110am: she got eat. Given probiotics and clean her eyes for her (some red discharge) 

Kp 9.9.22 Fri 

1120am: felt lighter for sure, 5.89kg – lose 190g, first time less than 6kg. One more time have to go vet check  status 

Status update: didn’t see her vomit further 

Kp 6.9.22 Tues 

06 Sep 2022

930am: found one set of bile vomit on floor. Can’t confirm is kp’s but she did vomit some more of such on bed – give her probiotics. 

Still vomit a more times, w earthmade kibble. think she needs a check up already? 1-2 years didn’t have health check up? 

Kp 30.8.22 Tues 

30 Aug 2022

1120am: just kp photo shoot. major cleaning today. All beds thrown …. She waited for me to put our new big bed 🙂 

Kp 31.8.22 wed 

Morning: a little weird. Saw her walk to bin and sit down – anemic? Need check!? 

Then she move to bed on her own, vomited out some food, and continue to eat other food.

Go and drink water on her own. 

Erm … 

Given probiotics for now.  

Kp 23.8.22 Tues 

23 Aug 2022

Night: i cook selar for them, got eat.

Jack 16.8.22 Tues 

16 Aug 2022

1140am: 6.54kg – lose 30g. Still my sticky Jack Jack. Brush his fur 

Kp 16.8.22 Tues 

16 Aug 2022

11Am: poo 2.75/10, given probiotics 

6.08kg – lose 30g. Brush her fur, she got lots of dandruff 

Kp 12.8.22 Fri  

12 Aug 2022

Kp 10.8.22 wed 

10 Aug 2022

Kp 4.9.22 Thurs 

04 Aug 2022

Day: given probiotics  

Kp 7.8.22 sun 

1045am: 6.11kg – lose 210g. Confirm still eating. Brush her fur, and she jump off to bed. Clean her ears. Given probiotics 

1240pm: will munch food on her own 

Kp 2.8.22 Tues 

02 Aug 2022

Kp 1.8.22 Mon 

01 Aug 2022

Kp 24.7.22 sun 

24 Jul 2022

Kp 18.7.22 Mon 

18 Jul 2022

12pm: eating well. Give her probiotics every now and then 

19.7.22 tues

she really love beds a lot. no big beds, she go squeeze into e small bed w jack

Kp 13.7.22 wed 

13 Jul 2022

Morning: poo 4/10, but she go 2 bins and a third bin. given probiotics

Kp 9.7.22 sat

09 Jul 2022

Kp 3.7.22 sun 

03 Jul 2022

1017am: 6.32kg- lose 100g. Then she go eat then go sit in bin .  

Clean eyes and nose 

Kp 29.6.22 wed 

29 Jun 2022

845am: fed Kp and she eat well b4 she go off for grooming. 

From groomer: “ KP’s ears are slightly dirtyx KP was quite vocal and disliked getting the nails trimmed and paw fur shaved” – ear picture look relatively clean 

Come back hungry go straight to cora morning plate. I serve her a fresh plate of wet food she eat also. Put her cute bell collar back for her 

Kp 28.6.22 Tues 

28 Jun 2022

Fei go sit beside Kp after grooming, Kp got smell him loh. I trying to arrange Kp for Tmr grooming also

Kp 26.6.22 sun

26 Jun 2022

Morning: vomited out twice. After that got eat as normal again. 

kp 21.6.22 Tues 

21 Jun 2022

150pm: randy came to 5G for photoshoot. Got some photos.

Kp 16.6.22 Thurs 

16 Jun 2022

Morning: brush her and clean both ears. Ears not that dirty, and she love to be brush 🙂 butt both holes v raw and dirty, clean her up w f10. Didn’t scream maybe she know later sheba will come attack me if she scream for help. 

6.42kg – drop 30g 

142pm: afternoon nap 

205pm: eating dd jelly Carrot 

Kp 13.6.22 Mon

13 Jun 2022

Morning: celebrate her bday w her. she listen to birthday songs till she like dozing off. Tao and ah boy wanna fight push the bench almost hit her and she want to hum tum them 

Kp 11.6.22 sat 

11 Jun 2022

730pm: sheba really 正义感damn strong … she attack from behind and my waist got injuried. cos … I’m letting Kp wear a cute dress and Kp is screaming and sheba come to her rescue! 

Kp die die don’t want wear the left hand one so I took off. Wipe her butt w f10. Think dirty again.  

Kp & Jack 10.6.22 Fri  

10 Jun 2022

Kp 7.6.22 Tues 

07 Jun 2022

Morning: she is trying to hold her butt to groom but can’t. Didn’t manage to capture on video. Super cute nevertheless 

Formed 5/10 poo. 

Kp 5.6.22 sun 

05 Jun 2022

645pm: early dinner. The 9 kids back from adoption drive, Jack and Kp sleeping on bed. Kp status update: butt so far no recurred bad butt. legs cos too fat not that good as usual. Still eating. Still grumpy. Still loves beds.  

Kp 2.6.22 Thurs 

02 Jun 2022

915am fr ip; sleeping belly rub in the middle of nowhere.

11+am: posing for photos 🙂 

Kp 30.5.22 Mon 

30 May 2022

kp 30.5.22 mon  

30 May 2022

Kp 14.5.22 sat 

14 May 2022

Someone pee on the big bed so I throw, she got one lesser big bed to flop on. 

Kp 25.5.22 wed 

When flop on bed, she don’t mind lazing ard w Jack. 

Kp 10.5.22 Tues

10 May 2022

Kp 30.4.22 sat 

30 Apr 2022

9pm: morning round I put a big bed in the safe room, Jack and Kp sleeping on it. 

Kp 28.4.22 Thurs 

28 Apr 2022

9Am: sayang her a few times cos I don’t have enough one carrier, either she or Bessie to stay behind so I bring Bessie cos Bessie will stick to me. Kp stay on the floor one, will sleep on her own. Will wait for me to sayang her when I can touch her, so will bring her Tmr. 

Kp 29.4.22 Fri 

10am: catch her go retest fiv felv. Easy to catch her, tell renny to see Kp so Guai. 

Told nurse grumpy old granny, she under easy category. 

Pcv taken also – 40%. currently safe list. 

Fiv + and felv negative! 

6.45kg in clinic – lose 140g. i did feel she a bit thinner 

130pm: back to safe room.

Doing ok, eating normally. 

Night: bandage still tightly on leg, i help her take off. Not sure Renny amber sunshine off alr or not 

Kp 21.4.22 thurs

22 Apr 2022

Morning; I’m doing Kp fb album porting to website, saw 2018 she loves to sit upright and belly up, nowadays she seem to only sleep and only walk to drink water. I enter 5G and there, she sit ballet position and belly up for me to rub her, as if she know I’m worrying about her. 

Kp 22.4.22 fri 

22 Apr 2022

Kp 18.4.22 mon 

18 Apr 2022

218pm: vacuum etc sound ard, she is sleeping soundly. I can’t throw this bed b4 new one come. 

Kp 15.4.22 fri 

15 Apr 2022

morning: just sayang n pat pat her butt. 

Night: like to sleep on bed, today bed popular 4 cats in it. 

Kp 13.4.22 wed  

13 Apr 2022

Kp 12.4.22 tues

12 Apr 2022

Kp 10.4.22 sun  

10 Apr 2022

Kp 4.4.22 mon

04 Apr 2022

Night: poo formed but v soft become 2/10

When I hand pick 

Kp 3.4.22 sun 

03 Apr 2022

Morning: Duno y go pee so long, n go back to bed n flop sleep w Jack 

Kp 28.3.22 mon

28 Mar 2022

110pm: 18th to clean ear, and cut nails, brush fur. Scruff until my finger no strength. confirm scream all the way and struggle. Duno Kp ears really not that dirty or she just do a bit 

Kp 27.3.22 sun 

27 Mar 2022

Morning: still the same lazy pose to eat – got eat. 6.59kg – lose 170g. Butt raw, wipe her butt w lots of f10, as usual make a lot of noise. 

Kp 20.3.22 sun 

20 Mar 2022

Fr ip she didn’t sleep on bed but align herself w bin 03, funny girl   

Brush her make noise but she like it la 

Kp 18.3.22 fri 

18 Mar 2022

Morning: poo like those not so soft ice cream cone – 3/10. Given probiotics. 

Kp 14.3.22 mon 

14 Mar 2022

I throw all boxes and bedding away. She really love to sleep on bed. At night will add on cooling mat. See she will change preference or not. Kp so poor thing meh. I throw all the beddings Away, alr gave them 2 weeks notice today ravamp rooms … she hide one corner like so sad loh 

Night: give her a cooling mat, she O.K loH w it, once I put a new bed down she hop onto it. Waaaaaaaaa I go order a super large bed for her again. 🙂 

Kp 15.3.22 Tues 

Morning: big bed stop to floor n inverted but Kp still happily lie on it.

Kp 9.3.22 wed

09 Mar 2022

Pee ok 

Kp 3.3.22 thurs 

03 Mar 2022

Kp 27.2.22 sun 

27 Feb 2022

Morning: given probiotics as n when 

Kp 1.3.22 tues 

Morning: sleep in the cat box where there is a plate of food, she just sleep on the wet food loh.omg body just tuna smell – help her clean up angry w me loh 

Kp 14.2.22 mon 

14 Feb 2022

Kp 13.2.22 sun

13 Feb 2022

Morning: Full Brush her fur, clean eyes and ears. – like it, body still got those dry spots – better type. 

Kp 6.2.22 sun 

06 Feb 2022

1130am: Pee well in bin 04. She normally keep sleeping on the v Lounge, lll hug her body and sayang her. Didn’t irritate her much.  

Kp 9.2.22 wed 

Check her butt, not nice but at least not like last time Rotten butt n raw. 

Kp 3.2.22 thurs 

03 Feb 2022

607pm: she sleeping on curtain – scary pose. Someone pull down the cat curtain – have to check who – SUNSHINE. 

Kp 1.2.22 tues 

01 Feb 2022

Kp 31.1.22 mon  

31 Jan 2022

Kp 27.1.22 thurs 

27 Jan 2022

Kp 22.1.22 sat

22 Jan 2022

Kp 19.1.22 wed

19 Jan 2022

Midnight: ip:  she poo in bin 04, tmr I check the content 

Kp 20.1.22 thurs 

10am: sleeping on the duck bed, I wipe her butt butt 

I check the midnight poo ard 4/10 

1210am: kp Like to go toilet during midnight siak 

Kp 18.1.22 tues

18 Jan 2022

230pm: we move house to 5G – 6.76kg – gain 90g, initially sit in cat box then hide under v lounge then sit on v lounge fish cushion rest 

Kp 12.1.22 wed

12 Jan 2022

Generally she didn’t seem fine, fur conditions still bad. See how. 

Morning she is v lazy, food right in front don’t eat, I have to put on top of a food bowl right right at her mouth then she start eating 

Kp 15.1.22 sat 

Morning; really getting v old? I know she got something just wrong but don’t seem to be related to acute disease, just health deteriorating 

6pm: fr Ip: lying against the wall. Did look scary. 

Night: serve her food w m/d – did touch a bit then didn’t notice much on whether she got eat or not 

Kp 5.1.22 wed

05 Jan 2022

215: bath w oatmeal shampoo. Clean ears, wash butt butt. enjoy spa alone. Grooming herself in the vuum room. 

6.69kg – weight no change. Revo plus her. 

Kp 1.1.22 sat

01 Jan 2022

Kp 25.12.21 sat

25 Dec 2021

She loves tonight 猫房 Xmas chicken soup

Kp 27.12.21 mon 

9pm: clean her 2 patches, still fur dropping off.

Clean her and apply cream she will make angry sound, I sayang ask her she know ah Mao won’t harm her right, she know she let me sayang. Clean her ears and eyes. 

Kp Xmas p 2021

24 Dec 2021

Kp 8.12.21 wed

08 Dec 2021

Domain is down, can’t do logbook on site, so I won’t log as detailed as b4, see how. 

Informed the kids we moving house, kp will move too. Morning Kp flop on 4 lying on the bed, I serve food in front of her she can’t reach without getting up the look look cute n funny but it’s worrying loh. Y so lazy? Too fat? Leg no strength. Night: look worrying, always lie down eat. I alr try to cut p room distribution. 

Kp 11.2.21 sat 

8am: one thing in my mind today when I look at her – she is really like bedridden alr, can walk la but always flop there eat also lazy to move even 1cm m give me the 我吃不到 look. 

Kp 12.12.21 sun 

540am: I woke up cos alley is crying in distress Scare me like hell – feed them super early today just to see if is in pain/sick/or ultra hungry? Serve bistro chicken w tuna w chicken. Kp lazy as usual but bistro can make her stand up after she smell it. Haha 

Kp 18.12.21 sat 

9Am: put green Xmas napkin on her – she cool about it – took some photos. Eyes small make me think of Mao – sign of pain and heart related? her skin got 2 patches that’s no nutrients n I help her peel off and clean up and apply cream see how 

Kp 6.12.21 mon

06 Dec 2021

Kp 4.12.21 sat

04 Dec 2021

Kp 2.12.21 thurs

02 Dec 2021

730am; got vomit out some food 

Kp 1.12.21 wed

01 Dec 2021

Kp 25.11.21 thurs

25 Nov 2021

Kp 23.11.21 tues

23 Nov 2021

Kp 14.11.21 sun

14 Nov 2021

Morning: seem to pant more 

Kp 10.11.21 wed

10 Nov 2021

Morning: just a little weird, is she getting v old? 

Butt hole area shave and clean up look ok

Kp 8.11.21 mon

08 Nov 2021

Her butt hole always look extreme big to me, close examine – like butt hole below should be her xxxx hole? Whatever it is, both holes v big and like got infection, as if my wiping of her butt and last few grooming sessions had helped her kept clean, if not somehow if really infected she should be dead by now. Erm … I think I’m arranging next grooming for her. 

Kp 9.11.21 tues 

Morning: got eat, eat v slow. Maybe eat 15% only n I send her out for grooming – later come back sure v hungry. 

5pm then come back? So late. Serve her bistro chicken, got everyone excited loh. all the cats surround her wanting to get a share. 

Kp 5.11.21 fri

05 Nov 2021

Night: give p room a new big bed, wa kp like beds – she quickly ditch the v lounge and occupy the new bed. 

Didi also like and join her, sit so near to her butt. 

Kp 6.11.21 sat

Night: didi and Kp still cozing on the big bed 🙂 

Kp 21.10.21 thurs

21 Oct 2021

320am: Ip: on the floor, Erm she got anything wrong mah? Will taking a bloodtest or seeing a vet help anything? 

Kp 22.10.21 fri 

Day; got eat, still the same lazy pose, more of Need to check her current health issue 

Kp 18.10.21 mon

18 Oct 2021

Yesterday got brush her fur so I know The top portion is safe. Today Look relatively ok. Same lazy pose eating 

Kp 20.10.21 wed 

Morning: serve ciao chicken fillet w crab stick in soft jelly imc-164 and tuna w Salmon – she got eat 

Evening: da jiejie sayang her say she look sick n sad – think she is getting too fat/ old also got issue 

Kp 17.10.21 sun

17 Oct 2021

She had been v lazy. Walk also v difficult – think too fat. 

1030pm: video time – Duno daring jealous or what – temper v bad, … go on to attack Kp from behind. They fight. Duno who injured. Got blood stains. Sure got bloods is from Kp, I wipe her down w f10, to her butt area and nails area I can’t find where. She scream and make angry sound as usual. Tmr day time can let her scream more then I check more throughly. 

Kp 11.10.21 mon

11 Oct 2021

7am: other than more lazy,  still Like to whack pple near her 

930pm: 6.69kg – gain 120g

Kp 8.10.21 fri

08 Oct 2021

655am: woken up. Saw she puffing again. But the anger n stress she had yesterday from going for o2 therapy, I’ll kiv first. 

Night: got eat, super extreme lazy 2 hands lay flat on floor eating position 

Got drink water on her own 

Kp 7.10.21 thurs

07 Oct 2021

Afternoon still happy find me belly rubs de Loh. Had been puffing more this week so i Carry her to hospi room for nubuliAtion n some o2 therapy. Wa fr the moment I carry her – angry puffball. I clean her eyes and ears still a bit ok. Carry her out angry angry angry puffballs, I don’t even remember when my right hand  injured. Therapy half hour only, wanna carry her back to p room angry again. Back to room give her dinner still angry. Sayang also sayang. Wanna attack her eye attack again, I smack her butt even angrier ha. Sayang her again. Brush her fur. Let her be. She eat dinner on her own. all In – is she in pain? Why carrying so pain meh?  Armpit pain? 

Kp 4.10.21 mon

04 Oct 2021

Night; she is ok, just the usual raw butt, fat, breathing a little negative. But somehow I feel that she is like a big ball, a little worse than norm. Sayang play w her she roll on back belly give me … but I can’t excite her too much 

Kp 5.10.21 tues 

11Am; recently got more coughing episodes 

Have to leave her be sometime cos interference sometime she more uncomfortable 

Kp 28.9.21 tues

28 Sep 2021

Kp 27.9.21 mon

27 Sep 2021

Kp 21.9.21 tues 

21 Sep 2021

Got eat some batang fish

Kp 15.9.21 wed

15 Sep 2021

Teabreak: kakato seaweed – v happy eating it 

Kp 14.9.21 tues

14 Sep 2021

Kp 11.9.21 sat

11 Sep 2021

Night: 6.57kg – drop 110g. Still eating, lazy, so should say v inactive, one of these days must bring her out to bear museum to walk  

Kp 8.9.21 wed

08 Sep 2021

fed probiotics 

Kp 10.9.21 fri

Night: dress v dirty, but coming Monday I bought same new one for her, can help her change 

Butt and her other hole Erm look a little rotten. A little only la, managed by probiotics and cleaning. She let me clean. Sayang her she happy. 

Kp 3.9.21 fri

03 Sep 2021

Night: given her half probiotics

Kp 4.9.21 sat 

Morning: she lie on bed and eat 

Kp 6.9.21 mon 

Given probiotics 

Kp 1.9.21 wed

01 Sep 2021

Morning: after coming out of toilet, vomit out some kibble and fluid – i think of xiami, gastro movement not that good

Kp 28.8.21 sat

28 Aug 2021

Kp 23.8.21 mon

23 Aug 2021

Kp 21.8.21 sat

21 Aug 2021

Got eat, but v lazy always flop on floor or in bed or movement really got limitation? 

kp 15.8.21 sun

15 Aug 2021

Kp 14.8.21 sat

14 Aug 2021

830am: had been sleeping on the big bed, like it a lot or she not that active / well leh.

9pm: lucky she got eat. But v lazily eating on the floor 

Kp 11.8.21 wed

11 Aug 2021

Ms guo like to see Kp on fb, today she finally get to sayang kpp. 

Kp 10.8.21 tues

10 Aug 2021

11Am: I thought I heard her fart, take a quick pee, seem ok

Kp 8.8.21 sun

08 Aug 2021

Restart her on nutriplus gel 

There is still one set of diarhhoea in the room not sure is whose
really like the big big bed

Kp 26.7.21 mon

26 Jul 2021

3pm: Most alr on standby mode when I vacant the floor plates, once uncle vacuum arrive everyone alr know … this girl don’t bother 

Mop uncle she even more bo hiu … even angry loh. After mopping she even cat walk for me – in video – damn cute. 

Kp 22.7.21 thurs

22 Jul 2021

Given probiotics 

Kp 18.7.21 sun

18 Jul 2021

Kp 14.7.21 wed

14 Jul 2021

Kp 11.7.21 sun

11 Jul 2021

Kp 8.7.21 thurs

08 Jul 2021

Fur start growing back, but same as last time, got 2 patches always got issue, after brush will have sores. Wipe clean w f10. 

Kp 6.7.21 tues

06 Jul 2021

Night: laze in one cat box, v lazy look but I feel quite worrying. She don’t eat tuna w smoked fish when serve. Given her loveabowl chicken she got eat, extreme lazy mode. 

Kp 1.7.21 thurs

01 Jul 2021

Kp 28.6.21 mon

28 Jun 2021

Afternoon: check her butt, didn’t look nice but not raw. She is always sleeping lazily, I bully her she ok. I sayang her la. She like 

Kp 23.6.21 wed

23 Jun 2021

Update status: butt raw again, clean w f10 

Still like to sit cross hand 

I bought a cute t shirt for her but they delivered wrong one 

Kp 13.6.21 sun

13 Jun 2021

Birthday girl. As usual whacking anyone who want to share her cake 

Kp 12.6.21 sat

12 Jun 2021

Night; Serve new food loveabowl tuna barramundi protect against heart problem  – got eat 🙂 need to protect cos she is fat and getting older, maybe her respiratory issue might be due to heart too. Protect play safe 

Kp 6.6.21 sun

06 Jun 2021

Kp 25.5.21 tues

25 May 2021

8pm: didn’t eat. I sayang told her eat then she eat. I think her diarhhoea round start again. Bins lots of diarhhoea   

Kp 23.5.21 sun

23 May 2021

915pm: serve food w the nutrional yeast, she didn’t totally ignore it, got eat 

Kp 24.5.21 mon 

9pm: heard her sneeze 3 times. Wipe her eyes n face w f10 – nothing else significant noted 

Kp 5.5.21 wed

05 May 2021

11am go out lion cut 

6.68kg – gain 230g 

4pm: come back 猫房 – angry w me wor 

Revo plus her 

Kp 26.4.21 mon

26 Apr 2021

Give her a bed she like 🙂

Kp 16.4.21 fri

16 Apr 2021

Bath her – scream v loudly Loh like I abuse her 

Enjoy spa la after I rub her butt till clean le 

6.45kg – lost 190g 

Revo plus apply. 

Kp 15.4.21 thurs

15 Apr 2021

845am: the way Kp walk like backside really got problem or she v fat. Did she grow even fatter than last time? Need to weigh soon

Kp 14.4.21 wed

14 Apr 2021

Day: butt not raw today not red, but got poo stuck at her backside – sigh I don’t have enough time leh. Should bath her today but sigh 

Lazy to play w feather toy 

Kp 6.4.21 tues

06 Apr 2021

Kp 2.4.21 fri

02 Apr 2021

8am: today confirm got eat, will whack others to go to a plate of kidney health food 

Kp 31.3.21 wed

31 Mar 2021

Wipe her butt thrice w f10 to disinfect – she needs a bath then … 

Kp 30.3.21 tues

30 Mar 2021

Night: butt still v raw, didn’t see her eat 

Comb her matted fur for her 

Continue nutriplus gel and probiotics 

Think tmr I give probiotics only 

She might need to be hospitalised at mfh

Kp 28.3.21 sun

28 Mar 2021

940pm; given nutriplus gel 

Kp 24.3.21 wed

24 Mar 2021

Morning: go to litter bin – maybe cos I’m changing litter she is disturbed so she sit in bin – but still something is weird – kiv 

Noon: she confirm go into bin n nothing n come out – confirmed got problem. Constipated again? Butt raw again, help her clean till she give me multiple warning – WARNINGS – but still basic cleaning all done 

Probiotics to be continued 

Kp 20.3.21 sat

20 Mar 2021

Comb her fur, look better without matted fur 

Kp 21.3.21 sun

Night: didn’t really see her eat wet food, she got eat kibble 

Kp 22.3.21 mon

Got eat as normal – tuna w white fish 

kp 19.3.21 fri

19 Mar 2021

Butt still a bit raw, didn’t worsen, probiotics continue, bin got diarhhoea cos i up their room food I scare they hungry but maybe I should cut? 

Kp 17.3.21 wed

17 Mar 2021

Got see her eat today

Kp 14.3.21 sun

14 Mar 2021

Butt red and she licking herself – try to settle things down n bath her again 

Kp 15.3.21 mon 
Given her probiotics 

She rest on the flamingo scratchboard  

Kp 13.3.21 sat

13 Mar 2021

Afternoon: Saw her butt raw again, she got this issue every now n then. Means today bin lots of diarhhoea is hers – have to add probiotics for her n maybe nutriplus gel tmr 

Kp 5.3.21 fri

05 Mar 2021

Kp 5.3.21 fri
morning; bath her w malaseb shampoo, v fat, clean ears, cut hind nails only v fierce, wash her butt till she angry, lots of matted fur always her fur grow v fast like that, I think got mites, tmr putting revo plus 

Kp 7.3.21 sun 
we moved house, looks fine 

Kp 27.2.21 sat

27 Feb 2021

Kp 25.2.21 thurs

25 Feb 2021

night: as usual, v fierce towards the rest, keep wanting to whack pple, get scolded by me 

Kp 13.2.21 sat

13 Feb 2021

  • Vallie Ji steady, sit Beside kp n Kp hiss n she not scare too, Kp surprise too and she move away from this thin monster 
  • Fur v matted, need to bath her n give her through combing again 

Kp 11.2.21 thurs

11 Feb 2021

Kp 10.2.21 wed

10 Feb 2021

Kp 7.2.21 sun

08 Feb 2021

6.64kg – gain 140g 

Kp 31.1.21 sun

31 Jan 2021

  • Night: poo 3.5+1.5/10 – w confirm got blood 🩸
  • After a while, she walk in push out a little soft poo w blood again – think might need to see vet – soon – 
  • Tonight add her to my nutriplus gel cat list 

Kp 25.1.21 mon

25 Jan 2021

night: poo 5/10 

Kp Jul-Dec 2020

06 Jul 2020

6.7.20 mon 

• serve young agAin zero mature at the kibble buffet corner _ she went to eat  

• she like ad smell also

7.7.20 tues 

• morning: saw her butt hole raw – diarhhoea

Her album cant update anymore – continue in comments 

4.8.20 tues

• tonight she like v fed up – v angry – briefly check her body for wound or anything – didn’t see n she v angry keep making angry noises 

5.8.20 wed 

• morning: look sianz plus yesterday alr feel she had Temper (always is, but yesterday is bad bad bad) 

• 4pm; check on her, she is eating kibble – ok leh – young again. 

• then when I sayang mosses she walk towards n vomit out some (half of a $2 note size) patch of food 

• wipe her eyes b4 I go work 

• night: looks better

7.8.20 Fri 

• seem better 

• night: eat gold d ginseng 

12.8.20 Tues 

• to think I’m still worried that she didn’t eat or what – her stomach so big like ball loh

20.8.20 thurs 

• basic look looks fine 

• detailed look: matted fur n fed up, raw butt, need to q her and see how 

22.8.20 sat 

• raw butt- want to start her on probiotics so w her in room c – added prob into food – didn’t touch 

• clean her butt 

• serve her one more plate w/o prob

• observe overnight see joe then i most prob feed her probiotics directly into mouth

23.8.20 sun

• morning; poo 2.5/10 

• didn’t touch the food w probiotics 

• did finish gold d sardine gravy 

• will purr loudly when I sayang 

• serve tuna w salmon – got eat  

• dinner: serve kakato salmon in g – got eat

• supper: she Super fat n v v meaty – Erm is she ok? 

• eating well, plates all clear

• feed probiotics in liquid form 

• no poo got pee

• serve gold d sardine jelly

24.8.20 mon 

• morning; no poo 

• didn’t eat gold d jelly (w/o med) but got touch a bit of kakato tuna w veget and kibble 

• drink moderate water – maybe I should subcut her a bit – she looks dehydrate 

• serve tuna w smoked fish 

• night: poo 3.75/10 

• happy to see me – sayang but I fed her probiotics 

• given her a b12 jab

• did clear food and eat kibble while waiting for

Me to serve food

25.8.20 tues 

• morning; butt look better 

• poo 3.75/10 

• did finish quite a lot of kibble 

• night: poo 2/10 

26.8.20 wed 

• morning: poo 1/10 – why? When on probiotics somemore

27.8.20 thurs 

• these 2 days appetite aren’t that ok? Overnight food don’t eat 

• morning: poo 2.5+5/10

• today did have vomitting of food on floor

28.8.20 fri 

• still in 猫房 hospital room c for monitoring 

• morning: no poo

• night; poo 4/10 

• probiotics continue 

• did eat – not that much wet 

• got eat kibble 

• happy to see me back to sayang her – matted fur – will find time to brush her – her coat Super thick one

29.8.20 sat 

• morning; no overnight pee n poo 

• night: poo 2.5/10 

• play w her – she like me go sayang 

30.8.20 sun 

• love brushing time 🙂 

• somehow I hug her her n etc feel safe didn’t feel she gonna Attack Like she is b4 

• morning: poo still 2/10

31.8.20 mon 

• morning; poo 2/10

3.9.20 thurs

• morning; poo 5/10 – good form alr. 1-2 more days will let her free roam 

4.9.20 fri 

• morning: did vomit out some kibble – will let her out tonight 

• she is eating relatively ok in room c, clearing most kibble and got drink water on her own

19.9.20 sat 

• morning: poo 4.5/10

27.9.20 sun 

• 6.25kg – gain 340g 

• butt hole ok but she feel v hard body 

• she is v angry today – she almost charge to kill me – Duno WhY so angry today 

17.10.20 sat

• poo 5/10

24.10.20 sat

* morning; look a little unwell fr photo

29.10.20 Thurs 

6.33kg – gain 80g 🙂

7.11.20 sat 

* new food for hair ball came – going to give see how 

10.11.20 tues

* morning: easily have matted fur – help her comb out / she can tolerate me doing it

23.11.20 mon

* Night; poo 5/10 but 4 x1.5cm pieces

27.12.20 Sunday 

* 930am; 6.5kg- gain 170g

Kp Jan 2020 @ 3G

15 Jan 2020

15.1.21 fri 

* morning: poo 5/10 – is there tinted blood?

18.1.21 mon 

* 11am; should be her poo 1.25/10 

* Eating ok

Kp Jan-Jun 2020

03 Jan 2020

3.1.2020 Fri 

• vomit out 2 times – think need to see vet for a check

4.1.20 sat 

• informed Ann direct N schedule mon kp to see dr d

6.1.2020 mon


* Morning: didn’t see any abnormality – but As schedule bring her to dr d for a check 

* 5.91kg – gain back weight 

* Did have some mouth issue, got tar tar etc – not the concern now 

* She touch her abdomen- either fats n etc but she definitely feel pain 

* Dr d seen the 2018 TAD xrays, she said there is something at/ near the heart – so will xray today – that thing disappear but 2 issues 

* 1) she got brontitis (4 types, parasite, virus’s, bacteria and one forgot the name got to do w environmental one) – so far kp seem be this type Cos ever since she is in 猫房 n not outside, her breathing issue aren’t that bad other than recent cough n vomiting 

* 2) her liver is shrinking in siZe – at least from xray – so Think will schedule u/s but elsewhere. Hs to ex. 

* Dr d:” Bloods all good. Slightly elevated glob. I would start b12 for possible IBD and easy digestible food. Deworm.”

• deworm n given b12 jab

10.1.2020 Fri 

• tonight she is facing the room At a corner – not pressing but I still feel that she is weird 

• carry her to playground to observe

• she didn’t bully / whack others 

• day time she seem ok  

• night : RR 45

• let her sleep in oxygen chamber

11.1.2020 sat 

• 850am; look better in oxygen – at least got finish food 

• no poo, can’t remember got pee or not since I do thunder speed on sat 

• sayang her n told her b good girl

12.1.2020 sun

• only let her out yesterday night n I feel that she need oxygen again, now short of one slot Cos I lent OC to angel

17.1.20 fri 

• poo 5/10

25.1.20 sat 

• past 1 week did have a few times that I’m worried about her at one instant when she like breathing problem, coughing – but after that ok. U/s still need to do after new year bah re her abnormal liver

21.4.20 Tues 

• read that cats like to drink water near the place most not near to their food – ie 猫房 will be toilet Loh. I put some water source in toilet – kp like to 霸占 that bowl … look cute la – but I got to observe in case got any health issue

3.5.20 Sun 

• vomitted out quite a bit of kibble

9.6.20 tues 

• did saw her butt a little wet

– thought she dirty herself in the playground room 

• night; she pee on the sb – she go to bin to poo 2.5/10 a lot 

• vomit out at least 4 times w kibble 

• fed her probiotics

10.6.20 wed 

• think she did vomit out 2 more times

Kp Jul-Dec 2019

25 Jul 2019

25.7.19 thurs 

• poo scale 2.5/10

28.7.19 sun 

• vomit out some saliva

31.7.19 wed 

• (feeling) just feel that she is on my cautious list

11.8.19 sun 

• her butt damn dirty, too fat can’t clean properly – think got to bath her think got infection 

• spray silver all over her 

• angry cat who claw at my legs but no injury

13.8.19 tues

• today she vomit I just think it’s time to go vet since I maintain her for a yr without vet visit le

• cry like lao baby when otw to vet 

 * 5.63kg – Lose Weight but dr b says good for her to lose weight

* Breathing v clear and loud, no mur mur 

* Her coughing n etc might be just due to her eating too fast or her too fat    

* Temp 36.9

* Temp 37.4 

* Butt look much better w the silver spray so  I just continue w that 

• so nothing much she is still v fierce at clinic without drawing blood fr vets if they wanna take hers

27.8.19 tues 

• like cat trees w holes and hide under the pink horse

3.9.19 tues

• poo 3/10 but formed v soft

5.9.19 Thurs 

• brush her fur today

23.9.19 mon

• vomit out 3 times some liquid w kibble

8.11.19 Fri 

• she vomit our 2 x 50 cents coins big yellowish fluid – no food

11.11.19 mon 

• she vomit 4 times –

Have to kiv more seriously Liao

13.11.19 wed 

• caught her – so she is the one anyhow pee on floor near the spa machine

8.12.19 sun 

• eyes Super dirty, confirm start flu, got nose discharge and stain – wipe quite Long w silver n she got angry – kiv didn’t start her w any medi

• night: looks bad – got to start her on doxy

14.12.19 sat 

• given last dose of doxy

Kp Jan-Jun 2019

03 Jan 2019

3.1.19 Thurs 

• her coughing keeps more frequent recently – nothing major so far.

6.1.19 Sunday 

• morning; vomited out some food, but later got see her eating other food

9.1.19 wed

• her body fur r coming off like malnutrition – but same part as the part that she got v v matted fur – bald patch now – applied  c silver

14.3.19 Thurs 

• diarrhoea scale 1/10

29.3.19 fri 

• respiratory issue? But this period not accurate – air so bad

30.3.19 sat 

• vomit out a little fluid – yellowish

4.4.19 Thurs 

• 920pm: saw her pooing – scale 1/10

• then she like weak crawl out of bin n vomit out some food … then vomit on floor (I’m not worried abt the vomited out food) – worried any went back in? She is panting that’s scary 

• informed Ann 

• KIV on where to go tmr if need be 

• put her in oxygen – wann come out but I tell her must rest 

• serve her food – she got eat – a little safer

5.4.19 fri 

• morning: she is better, don’t see the need any vet – can’t think of who to see also at HS Cos I want their xray more 

• got eat, dint poo overnight 

• night: got eat selar fish happily –  celebrate Kerry kids bday

7.4.19 Sunday 

• eating normally 

• whacking others normally 🙂

8.4.19 mon 

• night: vomited out some rc indoor 7+ kibble

15.6.19 sat 

• night: she was lying down n I saw her butt a little raw – applied silver gel – diarrhoea? need to Q Her for checking. But she as usual CHIA CHARBOH anyhow beat pple up

17.6.19 mon 

• other than her butt holes area issue, no other abnormality so kiv

Kp Oct-Dec 2018

11 Oct 2018

11.10.18 Thurs 

• had been combing every now n then since day 1 cos she got lots matted fur 

• this particular patch see Liao v fed up, comb it out n seem like she got mites – observe 

• apply silver gel on the redness

13.10.18 sat 

• installing new Aircon, so KP kept in room E, she can sleep side by side w daring 

• saw her ate kibble indoor while waiting for the men to finish work

23.10.18 Tues 

• v naughty, even bite Bessie

2.11.18 Fri

• these days she had been coughing – fur ball? 

• comb for her but her fur matted like got mites siak – spray the expensive silver on her 

• bully Bessie till she shit out

5.12.18 wed 

• afternoon: vomited some kibble 

• general behaviour still bullying others

10.12.18 mon 

• bath kp today 

• clean her ears 

• shampoo her fur and comb out lots of matted fur and spa machine 

12.12.18 wed

• 6.51kg – lose 20g – Cos I comb out her matted fur? Keke

• gave her her KP tag

• her fur v smooth but not smooth enough, keke didn’t comb her too aggressively during the first spa day

Kp Jul-Sep 2018

01 Jul 2018

1.7.18 Sunday 

• morning: day 04 not pooing

• 12pm – didn’t inform her that she definitely leaving 猫房 today … ann came and she didn’t want to go home (401)

• thru out I can touch and sayang her … till ann ask her whether she want to go home or stay in 猫房 then walk back to the cage – she really walk back to the cage – hAha

• I went over to sayang her, Duno what happen at one point maybe she thought I wannA help them carry her into carrier – Wa she give me 2 holes, right below the eye- Keke left face swollen like as if I do plastic surgery the wound not heal yet – haha

• continue to sayang her thereafter – don’t wanna make her feel bad – she is just a old ah Ma

• 745pm: got confirmation that kp staying in 猫房 for unknown period cos 1) emotionally: ““honestly despite what happened today, Amy showed strong intentions to stay with you, I believed all of us heard her” – medically, need to monitor her poo and breathing cos today 4th day she didn’t poo, later she might be full of shit again and respiratory issue start. 

• hope KP is happy to hear this news when I give them supper later on

• night: I really think human vibes matters lots to cats. Maybe she is just happy seeing me? Or my tone or pitch sound like I’m sharing a good news to her? She come and tuck under my legs while I tell her she can stay in 猫房Cos she converting to non medical cat boarding though she still need the following:

1) probiotics – monitor poo (tonight 4th complete day no poo) 

2) breathing – any moment I might need to put her in oxygen chamber n start nubulization all over again

3.7.18 tues

• 4pm: soft poo in cage, wa just cos I stop probiotics? – but she did poo on Own – clear up and she eat a lot 

• night: cannot monitor her real output Cos I let her free roam – she is comfortable enough to pin poo at the common bin 

• think he poo n accidentally eat on poo, body dirty and she busy cleaning up – saw her butt hole a little raw

4.7.18 wed

• ber trying to woo her? KP keep beating him, but can tolerate when I’m vacuuming 

• just felt that she didn’t eat as well, added salmon treat she eat again 🙂

5.7.18 Thurs 

• mummy j say “she pull the peepad to change, n kp fall backwards like Humpty Dumpty” 

• 3pm: clear food today 🙂

• 10pm: food clear 🙂

• 1130pm: sleeping on the floor n I ask her floor more cozy ah?

9.7.18 Mon

• whole day; move out of cage Liao. Wooden floor nicer – she likes … sleep until belly rub but she hEard camera sound and she wake up

12.7.18 thurs

• night: saw KP in big bin, not sure did she poo, but the contracting of anal and nothing coming out don’t seem ok. 

• she is still eating after walking back to her comfort zone … 

• she is fine w princess taking her lower deck bed, tmr I gonna cage her again to monitor poo

13.7.18 fri 

• didn’t manage to put her back to her cage… she don’t want, can’t get a good position to carry her 

14.7.18 sat 

• Berto lie on is KP’s urine? – today she come v near to Berto on her own wor – if not will be she is too salmon motivated – she steal Berto bday cake

16.7.18 Monday 

• cage her to make sure she pee poo normally 

• night time: throw temper wanna come out and after I ask her had she poo poo? Poo alr then I let u out, she shoot her poo thru the cage at me ahhhh- let her out 🙂 formed stool but slight diarrhoea (continue probiotics)

18.7.18 wed

• KP is a salmon cat- give her kakato salmon she likes

23.7.18 mon 

• 6.48kg – drop 260g

28.7.18 sat 

• q her to check on poo status 

29.7.18 sun

• morning; got poo, erm dark n not very nicely formed – quite soft – continue probiotics

1.8.18 wed 

• though still a chia charboh, but more calm ard other cats esp girls 

• particular like to bully bobby and ber

• likes to use common bin

14.8.18 Tues 

• she likes hello kitty or pink!!

16.8.18 thurs 

• today she go all the way to lazing room – top of the built in shelf …

21.8.18 Tues 

• she had been staying at the food serving corner … today she vomit out some fluid w kibble

22.8.18 wed 

• 6.53kg – gain 50g

1.9.18 sat

• will loiter around to Room A and E – like belly rub position

5.9.18 wed

• likes to stay in room C recently … and sit in the middle of walkway and whack cat who walk pass

10.9.18 mon 

• she and didi fiercing each other, I protect him n I got cut in finger by kp

Kp June 2018

13 Jun 2018

13.6.18 wed 

• 9pm enter 猫房 for medical boarding 

• fr Ann: 6.8kg weigh at vet 

• first place to go to is bottom of hospi cage … fierce wor. Trying to carry her out but waAaaA she so fat that she got no neck for me to scruff 

• let her rest in hospi cage 

• nubulize her 

• give her fc tuna and small Anchovy – don’t seem to be keen 

• given her daily delight pure blue salmon – got eat 

• can see that she is a kibble cat – give her a plate of RC Infoor she ate that first 

• her fur sticky mat mat one – comb for her and sayang her 

• give her a paw toy 

• 117Am: say good night to her

14.6.18 thurs 

• 9am check on the kids

• sayang her – she didn’t poo and pee yet 

• didn’t finish all the food which is normal

• 10am update fr j: “Amy fierce me this morning when i want to clean up the cage” 

• medi added to food 

• 8pm: she almost finish all food, kibble left a little 

• serve her tuna and salmon she seem keen but she is cautious re the nubulizer mist 

• sayang her – can touch a little of belly and butt – generally didn’t like it 

• at one point she is sitting at the water bowl n not drinking – a bit scary 

• occasionally still look like there is breathing issue 

• still let her rest in oxygen

• serve her extra fancy feast liver and chicken – she eats

• 1030pm: still no poo no pee (day 01)

• 1243am: got news that Amy gonna be rehomed due to her health conditions – can’t go back to street anymore

15.6.18 fri 

• 10am: got pee no pop yet (day 02)

• 9pm: didn’t touch much of the wet food – change new food tuna and ham and remove kibble bowl 

• closer to me today 

• still no poo (day 2) 

• give her a bed and she likes it 🙂 – for an instant I thought she wanna use it as litterbin … think she smelling it … Keke new one la 🙂

16.6.18 sat

• 8am: no poo and no pee yet 

• 9am: pee and change peepad for her she will angry de wor – even want to whack me 

• serve food while I change peepad she ok … wa so practical one …

• 340pm: her food all cleared 

• night: serve new food she don’t want wor

and will throw temper when she feel like to … Erm? 

• day 03 no poo – got to feed lactulose tmr

17.6.18 sun 

• didn’t finish all food – cutting down food given to her, first morning food will give more 

• day 04 no poo – today start lactulose 

• pee normally 

• pee on the bed I gave her – thrown 

• 7pm: at some point of time feel that if no oxygen she don’t seem ok, and breathing seem faster – tmr day time time off her oxygen and observe 

• food mostly cleared, serve tuna and ham.

• she sleeping on the paw toy 🙂

• generally if she is eating, n nubulizer is on, she will get angry 

• based on past few days observation, don’t think she can go back to street 

• 1222am: still no poo (6ml lactulose used alr) 

• there is some “v v v v faint line blood stain urine” on peepad – think just that she is dirty.

18.6.18 mon 

• 10am: she is happy to see me ! Either know is breakfast time or just happy ??! 

• today she leave me a good GAP and she seem keen to come down so I manage to carry her down to the floor to mingle 

• went to smell another bed – hint me she want another bed? 

• berto smell her n she whack berto – poor berto – he is a good boy – good old man 

• she is generally  fierce to other cats 

• didn’t walk about much … 

• after I clean up her cage, carry her back for nubulizer 

• today got poo > 16cm total up – a bit soft – another plate thrown 

• off her oxygen 

• don’t seem to eat and I added salmon treats powder in, and she start eating 🙂

• she seem scary at times Cos of her breathing … on oxygen for her 

• she really likes salmon

• give her one more bed cushion

19.6.18 Tues 

• morning; she greeted me n I carry him down to laze ard … longer time. Initially she will crawl under cage – ignore later part she come out on her own

• no poo no pee 

•clean up her thick fur and brush n brush. 

• not Happy but she didn’t bite me 

• but he whack the innocent bobby who is sitting just there – so get scolding from me 

• get scolding – she walk go playground toilet – lots of pee  

• later carry her back to cage 

• off oxygen for today 

• serve tuna w salmon. Ok got eat 

• night: no poo or pee

20.6.18 wed 

• morning: no poo no pee 

• serve tuna and white fish – got eat 

• tea break: no poo no pee 

• serve tuna and white fish – got eat 

• still maintaining at no oxygen

• night: no poo got pee 

• every time change Peepads she will get angry. 

• supper: serve bistro chicken w added Fc tuna and chicken

21.6.18 thurs 

• morning: day 03 no poo

• serve her tuna and white fish – got eat 

• tea break: she pose so cute and calm

On the flower bed mat… I sayang her n thought I’ll make her happier by giving her a new scratch board – she hate it a lot she whack me :,( – someone w cardboard bully her b4? 

• remove that sb and she Friend Friend w me again 

• night: got pee 

• serve her Fc tuna and small anchovy 

• maintaining day 3 w/o oxygen

22.6.18 Friday 

• 12pm: got poo (quite a lot more than 20cm total up, good texture) 

• her flowery bed and cream sheet all Soak w urine – all thrown 

• like to eat tuna and salmon 

• 5pm: sleep until belly up

23.6.18 sat 

• night: she is sleeping w belly up, looks scary w heavy breathing … call her she flip over normally think just too fat … 

• day 5 w/o oxygen – need to prepare for her to leave 猫房

24.6.18 sun

• 9am: no poo no pee. Such inconsistencies in bowel a bit worrying

• 1116pm: still no poo, got pee, cleared Peepads 

• she got a habit of wanting me to let her down … n yet she will want go climb back to her own cage 

• fierce sena n sena scream at her 

• comb her matted fur further – getting more smooth 🙂

• cleared morning and afternoon plates

• give her one more bed – her third bed

25.6.18 mon

• night: she bully bobby who walk near her n he can’t see 

• 6.74kg – if the weight at clinic is accurate, then she lost 60g. 

• got pee – day 03 without poo even w lactulose

26.6.18 tues 

• 9am-11am: still no poo yet (day 04)

17.6.18 wed

• day 05 no poo even w lactulose 

• have her probiotics and she poo – formed nice poo

• eating well 

28.6.18 thurs 

• no poo today, tmr going to shift down her cage and let her decide to come our roam or stay in

29.6.18 fri 

• night: day 02 still no poo

• shifted her down to lower deck

Medical Record

Kp 20.7.24 sat 

20 Jul 2024

Kp 16.7.24 tues

16 Jul 2024

Kp 13.6.24 Thur 

13 Jun 2024

Kp 6.6.24 Thurs 

06 Jun 2024

Kp 1.2.24 Thu 

01 Feb 2024

Kp 15.1.24 Mon 

15 Jan 2024

Kp 12.12.23 Tue 

12 Dec 2023

Kp 11.12.23 Mon 

11 Dec 2023

Kp 13.9.23 wed 

13 Sep 2023

Kp 16.8.23 wed 

16 Aug 2023

Kp 8.6.23 Thurs 

08 Jun 2023

Kp 29.4.22 Fri 

29 Apr 2022

Kp 6.1.2020

06 Jan 2020

Kp June 2018

13 Jun 2018