
As this site is solely run by Cat Wu, please do give me some time to get back to your queries. You can refer to FAQ for information. If there is a situation that you would like to highlight to me that is not listed there, do drop me a note using the following form:

    Other Useful Contacts

    Lost Pets:
    SPCA: 62875355
    AVS/ Npark: 1800 4761600
    Facebook: lost and found pets in singapore

    24hrs Emergency:
    SPCA (Domestic animals): 62875355 ext 9
    ACRES (Wildlife): 97837782
    24h Vet: 6581 7028
    MPJG: 6251 7666

    For animal cruelty matters:
    SPCA (Domestic animals): 62875355 ext 9
    ACRES (Wildlife): 97837782
    AVS/ Npark: 1800 4761600