Xiao Kitty

Available for adoption

Health status

(4.45kg, Hct 53.7%, retic 77.3, Deworm 13.9.20, 4.5kg, temp 37.6, bloods all good Hct 48.8% 19.1.21)

I don’t know how to promote him, he aren’t very friendly, but can sayang and touch but yet he might scratched you if he not happy. But who know? You might love him at first sight?

Xiao Kitty's Logbook

Age : 8y 8m
Birthday : 04 Mar
Weight : 4.5kg as of 19.1.2021
Date of Entry : 4.3.2017

Kitty 10.10.24 Thu 

10 Oct 2024

Kitty 8.10.24 Tue 

08 Oct 2024

kitty 1.10.24 Tue

01 Oct 2024

Kitty 26.9.24 Thu 

26 Sep 2024

Night: mmm:”Rubbing bum on surface. Penis itchy or poo got stuck” 

Kitty 22.9.24 sun 

22 Sep 2024

9.18pm: mmm”Made the funny sounds. Not sweetheart” – just now I didn’t give him painkiller. Tmr will give 

Kitty 23.9.24 Mon 

9Am+: still active. Later will give bupre 

4.82kg – gain 40g in 9 weeks 

Kitty 16.9.24 Mon 

16 Sep 2024

10am: saw him in bin 01 want to vomit like that but don’t have. Later on floor got see vomit (vitakraft w fur and one pallet) – but can’t confirm is his 

Kitty 16.9.24 Mon 

12pm: given b12 bupre and cystaid 

kitty 13.9.24 Fri 

13 Sep 2024

Kitty 10.9.24 Tue 

10 Sep 2024

Today I won’t be seeing the cats cos need to stay w mama. 

Night: mmm photo show kitty in bin again. Yesterday I give bupre le loh. Only skip today. Sigh. He down look got issue so what’s the issue? See enough vets (more than 5 times) 

Kitty 4.9.24 wed 

04 Sep 2024

Morning: given bupre. Sigh. I really have to cut, sigh. rethink of meds later on. think I need to alternate everyone bupre unless is those that really can’t 

Kitty 6.9.24 Fri

9Am+: still sleeping in bin, have to give him bupre later on. 

Kitty 8.9.24 sun 

7am+: given bupre but 8am+ jo in he in bin sleeping again  

Kitty 9.9.24 Mon 

Morning: celebrate rena 10th bday in 猫房. And Given her the green catosphere sb toy, she only enter for a while and Kitty occupy it thru out. He likes it a lot 

Kitty 31.8.24 sat 

31 Aug 2024

Mmm says Day and night kitty in bin. When I’m in at 10am-12pm he didn’t. So I didn’t give bupre. Tmr must remember to give him. Means he got Something pain also. 

Kitty 1.9.24 sun 

7am+: he sitting in litterbin, given him bupre jab. 

Kitty 2.9.24 Mon 

Morning; active but still sitting in bin. 

Kitty 3.9.34 Tue 

Day: still sitting in bin. 

Night: still sitting in bin.

Forgot to give bupre today. Sigh Tmr must give 

kitty 29.8.24 Thu 

29 Aug 2024

kitty 24.8.23 sat 

24 Aug 2024

kitty 23.8.24 Fri 

23 Aug 2024

Kitty 9.8.24 Fri 

09 Aug 2024

Morning: see him a bit sian, keep lying on the tutu cake pillow on the bench. sayang him and given cystaid, bupre and b12 jab.  

kitty 7.8.24 wed 

07 Aug 2024

Kitty 29.7.24 Mon 

29 Jul 2024

Morning: skip his bupre cos he is up there. Intend to give him once every 3-4 days. 

Night: he still play w wheel. So can don’t give frequent. No confirmation what’s his issue but he did feel better on bupre 

Kitty 27.7.24 sat 

27 Jul 2024

11Am+: talking about him n mmm mentioned he did in bin still on tues night. Means left frequent till I didn’t see but still got. Erm. Still pain? Somewhere. Yesterdsy given bupre today skip. 

Kitty 24.7.24 wed 

24 Jul 2024

11Am+: today is shampoo wet wipe day. Brush fur and clean face and ears and Butt. Ears use the ear drop. 

I Re clean him ears still so dirty. Erm 

Kitty 21.7.24 sun 

21 Jul 2024

11Am+: given cystaid and bupre. Roll on bed 

Kitty 22.7.24 Mon 

Noon: given bupre jab and cystaid. On big bed. Tmr skipping bupre 

Kitty 19.7.24 Fri 

19 Jul 2024

Morning: dr d “kitty no growth uricult” 

Yesterday n today didn’t give bupre. He is sleeping on blanket bench w Rena. Think really help. Tmr I’ll give him. 

Kitty 17.7.24 wed night 

17 Jul 2024

Night: he is on wheel, some days didn’t see him cycle le. Bupre really helping. 

Kitty 10.7.24 wed 

10 Jul 2024

Morning: still sitting in bin, can groom himself in there. Otherwise normal 

Kitty 16.7.24 tues 

Take urine test – all fine so no findings again. 

To m/c 

4.78kg – gain 60g in 6.5 months 

Dr told me to give him a pain trial 

2pm+: back to 猫房. Give snack to cats who go to vet. Given him a Bupre jab 

Kitty 17.7.24 wed 

Morning: not in bin. In big bed sleeping and flipping like happy. So really in pain? N bupre help? Given bupre again. Tmr will skip. 

Kitty 5.7.24 Fri 

05 Jul 2024

Morning: he is in bin again. Can groom himself. I see him eat also. will ask me sayang also. Erm. Not sure is it right to keep giving him cystaid. 16.7 will tell dr d check him. 

kitty 2.7.24 Tue 

02 Jul 2024

Kitty 29.6.24 sat 

29 Jun 2024

Night: mmm”Back in the bin” – I know but Duno why he like that. Sigh. Next to monitor 

Kitty 1.7.24 Mon 

126pm: he sleep until curl up and very soundly in the bin again 

Kitty 28.6.24 Fri 

28 Jun 2024

Day and night also in bin. Erm 

Kitty 26.6.24 wed 

26 Jun 2024

Morning: still got eat in bin, got eat. Generally ok. 

Night, mmm”Kitty poo n then drag his bum on the floor” 

Kitty 22.6.24 sat 

22 Jun 2024

10.05am: come out for me to sayang n he play w ah boy  

Kitty 23.6.24 sun 

Morning; active got eat. 

Mmm:”Kitty was in the litter bin under sink” 

Kitty 24.6.24 Mon

11.20am+: still in bin 

Kitty 21.6.24 Fri 

21 Jun 2024

9.13am: fr ip: can’t see him 

10am+: did eat, did pee (not a lot, but colour seem ok), did poo. Out of observation – can play w ah boy. But he go sit in bin again. 

11.35am: still sleeping in litterbin. 

Night: mmm”In the bin. After poo at the wheel” – sigh have to see the need to bring him to vet 

Kitty 20.6.24 Thur 

20 Jun 2024

10am: sit in bin again. Otherwise look normal 

12.03pm: Still in bin. Going to monitor him in cage 02 

12.25pm; mmm lent us a ikea bin, later put Kitty in cage 02. Manja keep going to see him, kind of disturbing 

Night; mmm”Sat in bin for a long time. Nibble a little kibble, look out n now back in bin. Ah boy trying to open cage….”

10.53pm: fr ip: can’t see him – should be in litter bin again   

Kitty 19.6.24 wed 

19 Jun 2024

Morning: sit in bins twice at least. I chase him out. Still play well w ah boy wrestling  

Kitty 10.6.24 Mon 

10 Jun 2024

Morning: basic grooming day, Kitty only cut 2 nails only. Later part she tried again she say only 1 leg haven’t do 

Kitty 1.6.24 sat 

01 Jun 2024

6pm+: as usual kitty always greet me excitedly when I’m in. I’ll sayang him lots2. 

Kitty 21.5.24 tues 

21 May 2024

Noon: cough like he wanna vomit fur ball but nothin come out  

Kitty 27.5.24 Mon  

Night; Junior the 4th to learn to play wheel! N recently the wheel got poo again Duno is it Kitty jealous again n did it again!? 

Kitty 19.5.24 sun

19 May 2024

Night: mmm says Kitty and ah boy play wheel, trying to go in opposite direction

Kitty 16.5.24 Thur 

16 May 2024

The new green wheel Kitty got play regularly le 

Kitty 12.5.24 sun 

12 May 2024

Morning: given b12 jab and cystaid and his wheel arrive remind him cannot naughty again everyone play tgt 

Kitty 13.5.24 Mon 

Morning: poo 5/10, today he got play on the wheel le

Kitty 7.5.24 Tue 

07 May 2024

1050am: cut nails need me to hold if not things not done. ears, cut nails and wipe body done. Kitty is v good boy for me to scruff 

Kitty 10.5.24 Fri 

Morning: pee in bin but butt raise so high up so i got to clean up the chairs 

kitty 3.5.24 Fri 

03 May 2024

Kitty 26.4.24 Fri 

26 Apr 2024

Morning: given b12 and cystaid 

Kitty 28.4.24 sun 

Night: mmm”Rena refused to let kitty take her seat. He’s so upset” 

Kitty 30.4.24 Tue 

Morning; electric work today … they will stay in food room till Friday bah after cleaning then let them back. Sunshine go into one of the cat box like Amber and I tape up and carry him over. So heavy!! When I release then I realise is him and Kitty both in the box! 

Kitty 15.4.24 Mon 

15 Apr 2024

10am+: poo 5/10, Carrara stalking him outside the bin, see him poo. I’m ard nothing happen 

Kitty 19.4.24 Fri 

Morning: like aixia oldie 

scanned on 19.4.24 confirm NO m/c ard – angry w me scanning him 

Kitty 13.4.24 sat 

13 Apr 2024

9.12pm;”No wheels, very sad. Then pick fights”

Kitty 10.4.24 wed 

10 Apr 2024

Kitty 7.4.24 sun 

07 Apr 2024

Morning: major cleaning day. Throw away the pink wheel and thick climber stand. Carry him

To show him the wheel being thrown. Told him to be Guai, I order a new one. But all share, can’t do such thing ever again. If poo again on it, then I won’t buy new one anymore. After cleaning, the room looks so much spacious. 

Kitty 8.4.24 Mon 

Morning: no more wheel he did poo in bin 4.75/10. Told him good boy want sayang him he keep running away 

Kitty 6.4.24 sat 

06 Apr 2024

1.23pm; jo specially send me a sale post she saw that sell wheel. – first I won’t buy second hand for non felv cats, but understood that she must think the wheel is far too dirty. Tmr will throw. Ordered new one alr. Kitty have to learn that no exercise for one month till new one is here. If he dirty again then sigh.

Night: mmm”Gave me a scare when I walk in. Haven’t seen him lie down like this”

“Someone constipated. Rub bum on floor” – this I think is Kitty but just his habit of rubbing on floor 

kitty 30.3.24 sat 

30 Mar 2024

Kitty 18.3.24 Mon

18 Mar 2024

Morning: shoot pee on fridge loh. In bin. But his 

Butt raise too high 

Kitty 15.3.24 Fri 

15 Mar 2024

Night; Still shit on wheel. This Sunday will throughly wash down. If he still do it, I might throw 

Kitty 12.3.24 Tue

13 Mar 2024

Night: mmm”again” – poo beside wheel – i check ip and send both jo n mmm; “I found the culprit. I adjust the cam so can see the wheel. He didn’t shit beside the wheel. He shit on the wheel n cycle on it so the shit fly all over” 

Jo:”Hahaha he claimed the wheels it’s his….. sometimes ah boy or Bessie playing the wheel he will chase them away”

Kitty 13.4.24 wed 

Morning: as usual sayang time he will active come find me. I carry him to see the wheel a while n I bring him into bin to do the cover action. Hopefully he understand that I’m telling him to use bin. I really feel like throwing the wheel away. Sigh. This Sunday can’t get proper cleaner in. 

Kitty 11.3.24 Mon 

11 Mar 2024

11am+; ate cat grass and vomit – ok 

kitty 9.3.24 sat

09 Mar 2024

Kitty 5.3.24 tues 

05 Mar 2024

Afternoon make a trip back to celebrate belayed bday w Kitty. Yesterday 2

Cleaners so long hours the cleaners cannot make it till I totally forgot to celebrate his bday cos I work non stop. Kns. 

kitty 2.3.24 sat 

02 Mar 2024

Kitty 1.3.24 Fri 

01 Mar 2024

Morning: given cystaid as usual 

Kitty 17.2.24 sat 

17 Feb 2024

Kitty 16.2.24 Fri 

16 Feb 2024

Kitty 9.2.24 Fri 

09 Feb 2024

4pm+: all got their 压岁钱 了- he is the winner best poser 

Kitty 10.2.24 sat 

Morning: did I feel that he quiet in box today? 

kitty 12.2.24 Mon 

Morning: given cystaid and omg did I feel that he quiet in box today again? But I remember he did come out yesterday ask me sayang leh. Cos got new comer xiao lian? He unhappy? 

Kitty 5.2.24 Mon 

05 Feb 2024

Noon: 4.72kg – lose 10g in 3.5

Months. Given b12 jab and cystaid 

Kitty 6.2.24 Tue 

4pm+: 17th to groom. Bath w argan oil shampoo. Ears generally quite clean. I scruff him to cut nails and female groomer can hold him to clean ears. All quite calm today cos sweeties ard to calm them. Will bite and growl n want to run but aren’t that aggressive. Still under control type. Run away after bathing. Haven’t to catch back to put in playpen to dry. And he pee right after the hair dryer is on. Bath again n use micro fibre towel. Wipe dry only. want to wear collar back for him he want beat me I beat him back 

5.45pm: I sayang his chin. We friend again 

Kitty 31.1.24 wed 

31 Jan 2024

Noon+: on regular cystaid when I’m in. 

kitty 18.1.24 Thu

18 Jan 2024

Kitty 12.1.24 Fri 

12 Jan 2024

Morning; given cystaid. Maintenance mode. I feel he is doing well on it  

Kitty 8.1.24 Mon 

08 Jan 2024

Kitty 4.1.24 Thu 

04 Jan 2024

6pm+: checking on Ip. Got a cat meow MEOW MEOWWWWWW… i think is him

kitty 30.12.23 sat 

30 Dec 2023

Kitty 27.12.23 wed 

27 Dec 2023

Morning: pee concentrated, pee

Well but as usual shoot so high up and I got

To catch it using Peepad 

Kitty 25.12.23 Mon

25 Dec 2023

Morning: given cystaid. Then he eat cat grass and vomit out med too. 

Kitty 23.12.23 sat 

23 Dec 2023

Morning; there are 2 sets of 0.5/10 poo w blood in bin, can only suspect is Kitty. Still look active. Sigh I forgot to bring cystaid to 5G again. He still want to play w the potent catnip toy 

Kitty 24.12.23 sun 

Just status update: looks fine. I clear all Peepads so can monitor whether the someone still pooing bad poo and w blood or not. Today don’t have diarhhoea in bins. given cystaid 

Kitty 21.12.23 Thu 

21 Dec 2023

Morning; poo 3.75/10 w blood 

Activity: same 

Kitty 17.12.23 sun 

17 Dec 2023

Kitty 14.12.23 Thu 

14 Dec 2023

Morning: cut nails and clean ears. I hold so ok. Fed cystaid also 

Kitty 6.12.23 wed 

06 Dec 2023

Morning: given him b12 jab and given cystaid 

Kitty 1.12.23 Fri 

01 Dec 2023

Morning: given cystaid 

Kitty 25.11.23 sat 

25 Nov 2023

Night: mmm”Starting to hump”

Kitty 15.11.23 wed 

15 Nov 2023

Boy and kitty play wrestling as usual. But sigh. Ah boy very tough w Kitty. I know kitty is rather gentle. He scare he hurt ah boy. But ah boy too much. Must cut boy nails in dec 

Kitty 12.11.23 sun 

12 Nov 2023

Night: mmm”Kitty very scared of me. I walk near n he’ll run away”

Kitty 6.11.23 Mon

06 Nov 2023

These 2 days he little weird keep hiding didn’t see him out most of the time. 

4pm+: got hold of him on tree, fed cystaid 

Kitty 31.10.23 Tue 

31 Oct 2023

1pm: kitty sleeping soundly when the rest are grooming 

Kitty 27.10.23 Fri 

27 Oct 2023

1030am: reach 5G w lumi T. Lumi want to roam, let him be. Kitty wanna whack him but play type n didn’t cos I’m ard.

Kitty 17.10.23 Tue 

17 Oct 2023

2-4pm+: go back visit them special trip. Didn’t manage to feed him cystaid but I feel it’s helping him alr. Will give whenever I can. Alr reorder reguLar supply for him and don. 

Kitty 22.10.23 sun

Morning: today feel he little off again. Sigh. Continue cystaid. Poo 4.25/10 

Kitty 10.10.23 Tue 

10 Oct 2023

Night; ce:”Kitty didn’t like me. Keep running away” 

Kitty 1.10.23 sun 

01 Oct 2023

Early Morning: given kitty last Clav jab. Told him we stop cos like not working much this round. Let’s rely on cystaid n see how. 

Kitty 6.10.23 Fri 

Morning: still go into n not much pee. Erm 

Kitty 29.9.23 Fri 

29 Sep 2023

Morning: still looks like got issue w bins. Alr on v long ab. don’t think it’s helpful. Today given cystaid again. But he is eating ok, activity ok too 

Kitty 20.9.23 wed 

20 Sep 2023

Morning: given Clav jab. He can shoot pee also. Colour ok. throw the bin below basin to prevent the big bed wooden frame to stain. 

Kitty 21.9.23 Thu 

2pm+: I go back medicating them. He is doing well, given Clav jab. But I give him gabapentin, he react to toilet vomit out some fluid – can’t give him gaba anymore 

Kitty 24.9.23 sun

Evening:  by right alr on some time Clav can’t be can’t pee.n I thought I saw him shot pee (can’t confirm) onto toilet wall. But he try to do it on the hanging bed – nothing. Erm …. 

Kitty 25.9.23 Mon 

Morning; I have to wash the window cos he go up to the hanging bed just to shot pee on the window. Sigh. 

Kitty 27.9.23 wed 

Morning to noon: alr on many days of ab, I keep saying him in out of bins, didn’t see him pee. still active, can quarrel w Sunny. Started him today on cystaid. Given b12 jab  

Kitty 17.9.23 sun 

17 Sep 2023

7am+: still got the pee issue. Think last time he did block but he unblock himself? Waaaa

Still active can play w ah boy. 

Love to sleep on big sofa sb 

I ordered cystaid for him le, see how to get chance to feed him orally 

Kitty 18.9.23 Mon 

9Am+: still continue Clav. Have to record today is day what. Tmr most prob skipping. 

Kitty 15.9.23 Fri 

15 Sep 2023

9Am+: can pee a bit but I think he got issue again. Keep seeing him in bins. Restart Clav, told him this round 14 days. Go find tao and sunshine quarrel. Still can play wrestling w ah boy. 

Kitty 16.9.23 sat 

Morning: he exercise on the wheel – smart boy 

Evening: still exercising on wheel. Can pee, but did still see him jump into bins. still giving Clav. Can’t let him block like don. 

Kitty 14.9.23 Thu 

14 Sep 2023

2pm+: I go back check on their well-being. Again? I see him going into bins – diff bins a few times. But he did poo 4/10

Kitty 8.9.23 Fri 

08 Sep 2023

Morning: 4th Clav jab. He seem ok le. Will still give the jab Tmr 5th jab. then end treatment 

Kitty 2.9.23 sat 

02 Sep 2023

Night: saw him in basin, bins, bed, can’t pee. Or did pee minimum drops. Didn’t see blood so far. I’m starting him on ab tonight – ha this boy i can’t catch him at all. Sigh. Need to get oral ab. Or should i just whack vibravet? Clav bupre b12 jabs – none given. 

Kitty 3.9.23 sun 

7am+: he got issues – confirm can’t pee so uncomfy try here n there n keep running away fr me once he sense I want to do something. If not he will come over sayang, i scruff him once w my right hand. Wrong choice cos I need to change hand n no way he will stay still. 

Can only standby med to try to get him. Given first Clav jab before I left 猫房 

Kitty 4.9.23 Mon 

Morning: still do go into bun. But definitely is better than yesterday. I didn’t manage to get a good chance to jab him today. Sigh I wasted a chance where he actually let me do something to him, think yesterday he did feel better after the first jab. Sigh today manage to give him oral gabapentin  

Kitty 5.9.23 Tues 

3pm+: quite sure kitty also know Clav jab is helping him, given jab today. Minimum target: 5 jabs. Today 2/5 jabs done. 

Kitty 6.9.23 wed 

Morning; given day 3/5 Clav and a b12 jab. He confirm feeling better. 

Kitty 28.8.23 Sun

28 Aug 2023

Kitty 25.8.23 fri 

25 Aug 2023

Day; poo 4.5/10 

Kitty 22.8.23 Tue 

22 Aug 2023

Kitty 16.8.23 wed 

16 Aug 2023

411pm: While fei is recovering from seizure, kitty go over n check him out and smack him on his head. Though naughty, but I feel kitty is worried about fei fei and want to smack him awake or something. 

Kitty 12.8.23 sat

12 Aug 2023

Kitty 11.8.23 Fri 

11 Aug 2023

Morning: love the big sofa sb a lot, sleep well on it 

Kitty 6.8.23 sun 

06 Aug 2023

Evening; poo 5/10

Kitty 4.8.23 Fri 

04 Aug 2023

Kitty 25.7.23 Tues 

25 Jul 2023

10am+: pee and shoot damn far on the wall again sigh 

5pm+: nails all cut, i scruff and ear only clean one side. Sigh. Have to scold n whack n fight till my nose so itchy then clean finish the other ear. he got bite me, but he didn’t use strength. Not injured at all. his ear got scratches, but is clean, so is scratches From fights

Kitty 21.7.23 Fri 

21 Jul 2023

Morning: pee v concentrated – good. Pee high, but enough to be contain in bin, told him this height is good boy.

Kitty 14.7.23 Fri 

14 Jul 2023

Morning; poo 5/10 

Kitty 6.7.23 Thurs 

06 Jul 2023

Kitty 4.7.23 Tues 

04 Jul 2023

Tonight I bring a blue bathtub for them, go in to play loh. They take turns 🙂 

Kitty 30.6.23 Fri 

30 Jun 2023

Kitty 26.6.23 Mon 

26 Jun 2023

Morning: poo 4.75/10, still drag his butt on floor 

Kitty 24.6.23 sat 

24 Jun 2023

Night: poo 4.75/10 

Kitty 22.6.23 Thurs 

22 Jun 2023

Kitty 19.6.23 Mon 

19 Jun 2023

10am+: poo 2.5+5/10 

Kitty 18.6.23 sun 

18 Jun 2023

Kitty 18.6.23 sun 

18 Jun 2023

Kitty 3.6.23 sat 

03 Jun 2023

My sacc alr used up, given probiotics for onwards days. 

Send out his poo this morning: “Kitty giardia negative (idexx) Wet mount – no signs of cysts also” – kitty clear Liao 

Kitty 2.6.23 Fri

02 Jun 2023

Kitty 31.5.23 wed 

31 May 2023

Given Sacc. Will continue So won’t log till I feel can stop. 

Kitty 29.5.23 Mon 

29 May 2023

Brought him to clinic for Anal gland expression,  dr Brandon mention: “thick” no consult but charge consult. 

Kitty 30.5.23 Tues 

Night: continue sacc. He quite ok w the taste 

Kitty 25.5.23 Thurs 

25 May 2023

Night: massive diarhhoea in all bins. He should be one of them, heard he even vomit twice in bins. Given sacc. Sigh. 

Kitty 27.5.23 sat 

930-1045pm: wa I do so many things loh. 

Poo 0.5/10 quantity good to send out testing but Tmr the timing no way. So sigh. Continue giving sacc. Have to order alr if not have to give probiotics if use up.

Kitty 10.5.23 wed

10 May 2023

Kitty 6.5.23 sat 

06 May 2023

Night: pee concentrated 

Kitty 20.4.23 Thurs 

20 Apr 2023

325pm: I bought them a XL cat wheel. Kitty tried, too heavy wheel can’t move that easily? 

Kitty 15.4.23 sat 

15 Apr 2023

Kitty 7.4.23 Fri 

07 Apr 2023

Noon: ah boy, kitty and sweeties play bird till hypnotize, haha. Sunshine stunned at one corner only 

Kitty 5.4.23 wed 

05 Apr 2023

Night: poo 4/10, looks fine. Pee fly sky high again. Sigh 

Kitty 2.4.23 sun 

02 Apr 2023

7am: pee shoot high up loh. Lucky didn’t spray on rena n food 

Kitty 4.4.23 Tues 

3pm: cut nails and clear ears. 19th cat. Nails v long and sharp. One almost in growth at hind leh. Struggle a lot. Much harder to catch than Amber. 

Kitty 1.4.23 sat 

01 Apr 2023

Night: serve toplife milk, he keen – not sure got drink or not  

Kitty 30.3.23 Thu

30 Mar 2023

kitty 28.3.23 Tues 

28 Mar 2023

Kitty 23.3.23 Thurs 

23 Mar 2023

230pm: I go back celebrate sheba bday. kitty cry in the inner shelf lowest deck. He is trap in there – rescue and give him a good rubs 

Kitty 13.3.23 

13 Mar 2023

Poo 4/10

Kitty 25.2.23 sat 

25 Feb 2023

6pm: get smack by me, for no reason go ratten shelf 2nd deck and shoot pee to the wall. 

Clean till I die also no use. 

Kitty 26.2.23 Sun 

Morning: come want me sayang, sayang him lots. Remind him can’t naughty again 

Kitty 23.2.23 Thurs 

23 Feb 2023

Night: Tmr major cleaning day. Given them tonne of catnip. Quite happy. 

Kitty 8.2.23 wed 

08 Feb 2023

Likes to eat cat grass 

Kitty 10.3.23 Fri 

Really like to knead bedding

Pee like to shoot sky high – almost on me yesterday night  

Night: poo 4.75/10 

Kitty 6.2.23 Mon 

06 Feb 2023

Kitty 23.1.23 Mon 

23 Jan 2023

11pm: poo 5+1.75/10 

Kitty 19.1.23 Thurs 

19 Jan 2023

520am: fr Ip he rub his butt on floor after bin again 

Kitty 21.1.23 sat 

3pm: stand super straight for photoshoot w Ang bao. After some time he still didn’t move, super cute  

Kitty 12.1.23 Thurs 

12 Jan 2023

Night: his red bell bell disappear le 

Kitty 13.1.23 Fri 

Assemble new cat toy n etc. kitty happy and go onto the bedding to knead 

Kitty 14.1.23 sat 

Morning; poo 5/10 and drag on floor again. Like to knead the capsule bed also 

Kitty 11.1.23 wed 

11 Jan 2023

Just putting the same new year bells for Kitty and ah boy. 

Kitty 7.1.23 sat

07 Jan 2023

Night: poo 5/10

Still v playful w ah boy. 

Like me Sayang him 

Kitty 30.12.22 Fri

30 Dec 2022

Manja, Kitty & Rena 30.12.22 fri

30 Dec 2022

Kpo when fei is back from vet check up

Kitty & Boy 29.12.22 Thu

29 Dec 2022

Kitty 25.12.22 Sun

25 Dec 2022

Morning: poo 4.5/10 

Night: poo so much ah? Eating v well? Poo 5/10!

Kitty 21.12.22 wed 

21 Dec 2022

Night: poo 5/10

And he pee v well, shoot far3 till I almost have to save didi from having whole face full of Kitty pee 

Kitty 23.12.22 Fri 

Quite sticky to me, ask for sayang a very good boy. Ah boy will play tough w him 

Kitty 17.12.22 sat 

17 Dec 2022

Sexy post in the morning 

Kitty 9.12.22 Fri 

09 Dec 2022

11Am: pee in bin 4, but shoot so high till bin 6/7. 

11pm: the way he meow so intense and Erm … why? 

Kitty 6.12.22 Tues 

06 Dec 2022

Kitty 4.12.22 Sun 

04 Dec 2022

810pm; poo quite a lot 5/10

Kitty 24.11.22 Thurs 

24 Nov 2022

11pm: he is kneading on a pillow and make meow meow meow sound. After that as normal. Make me worry for a bit 

But I did catch him peeing normally in bin, so aren’t pee issue. Pee issue is resolved for now. 

Kitty 2.12.22 Fri 

12pm: nose got 3 lines loh, Duno slap by who. 

Kitty 21.11.22 Mon 

21 Nov 2022

1045pm: poo in bin 06 – nice olive seed size, 5/10 

Kitty 22.11.22 Tues 

Morning; vomit put some food on the carton boxes 

Kitty 16.11.22 wed 

16 Nov 2022

1230pm: still see him in various bins 

Kitty & Sunshine 15.11.22 Tues 

15 Nov 2022

Kitty 10.11.22 Thurs 

10 Nov 2022

Morning: pee in the basin – think he likes 

Kitty 8.11.22 Tues

08 Nov 2022

Kitty 4.11.22 Fri 

04 Nov 2022

Kitty 2.11.22 Wed 

02 Nov 2022

Morning: keep going diff bin. One bin got 20c pee. Poo seem to be his 4.75/10 no issue. Another bin he is at – no pee. He do it in my paper bag also, maybe drops but confirm no bloods.

Kitty 3.11.22 Thurs 

Morning: ah boy and kitty playing fight as usual 

Kitty 1.11.22 Tues  

01 Nov 2022

Kitty 29.10.22 sat 

29 Oct 2022

Night: In under 50 mins, he go to bins more than 10 times. See him drag butt on floor. Sigh 

Kitty 24.10.22 Mon 

24 Oct 2022

Night: while I wanna log since anal gland expression, i didn’t see him in bin that frequent. – nope tonight he in various bins again. In bin 04 he did pee, but I aaaa him cos I scare his butt raise too high n shot out, but he stop n go away, only got 50c pee, no blood nothing. Colour look fine. 

Poo 5/10

Kitty 20.10.22 Thurs 

20 Oct 2022

1105am: fr Ip kitty and sunshine quarrelling 

Kitty 14.10.22 Fri 

14 Oct 2022

Morning: just feel that I kiv him for vet check, keep going toilet? But didn’t feel or see him having issue leh. Maybe anal gland again?

Kitty 15.10.22 sat 

Night: got eat, hungry. Tao want bully him. past days also Keep seeing him in bin. No straining but he is in bin. Didn’t found any blood bin like in Tao case. So maybe just bring him anal gland expression n cut nails also good?

Kitty 16.10.22 Sun. 

730am: Today add Liao – kakato tuna w seaweed and tuna w chicken ham – kitty for meow me for food 

Kitty 17.10.22 Mon 

1215pm: see dr Brandon 

4.73kg – gain 60g 

Physical can’t find any issue. 

Sure thing: His penis is not inflamed 

His bladder is small, confirm not blocked 

So I try to catch him peeing (but I’m sure no blood found in bins) 

Anal gland full – thick, settle – so hopefully this is the cause to why I keep finding him in bins. 

He shiver a lot in clinic, become 胆小猫 when outside. 

Kitty 5.10.22 wed 

05 Oct 2022

855pm: fr Ip: kitty and Tao quarrel, shout for them don’t fight, they did stop and split up 

Kitty 6.10.22 Thurs 

Day 01 Joanna come feed them In the morning. 

Night: miss me ah, kiss him direct ha 

Kitty 9.10.22 Sun 

830am: poo 4.75/10 

Kitty 2.10.22 Sun 

02 Oct 2022

10pm: kitty billy Jack, kitty whack Jack face – ended  

Kitty 4.10.22 Tues 

8pm: just ah boy and kitty playing rough w each other. 

Yesterday I accidentally step on his tail, my leg one line loh 

Kitty 26.9.22 Mon 

26 Sep 2022

8pm: poo 5/10 

Kitty 20.9.22 Tues  

20 Sep 2022

Kitty 19.9.22 Mon  

19 Sep 2022

Kitty 15.9.22 Thurs 

15 Sep 2022

950am: saw kitty rub butt on floor again 

Kitty 14.9.22 wed  

14 Sep 2022

Kitty 8.9.22 Thurs 

08 Sep 2022

kitty so bore that Tao sick, he play the high shooting pee game again 

Night: want sayang I kiss him on his heaD. He is super cute 

Kitty 10.9.22 sat 

Night; given them their fav semicircle sb, they play tgt. Bully Oly, don’t let her play. Today i did see him rub his butt on floor again. So fast anal gland full again!!!!?

Kitty 5.9.22 Mon 

05 Sep 2022

840pm: he is licking the old green crab catnip that Tao love. Pasted a new blue crab catnip for Manja bday- he like it and keep occupying it, Kitty also want it. 

Kitty 30.8.22 Tues 

30 Aug 2022

Kitty 30.8.22 Tues 

30 Aug 2022

Night: poo 5/10 

Kitty 24.8.22 wed 

24 Aug 2022

Seen dr d: 

4.73kg – gain 60 g

Confirm Steralise – don’t have the bud in the penis anymore

If really want to test even more details, can send out to test his male hormones, if high means not yet if Low then is confirm for sure Steralise – no need la. 

He shiver a lot loh. Always look so cute and innocent and poor thing at vet. 

Nail cutting. 

Anal gland expression – done, a lot, maybe a little stuck n he can’t get it out. No infection, nothing so good. 

Night: still close to me. Good boy. 

Kitty 18.8.22 Thurs 

18 Aug 2022

Night: poo 4.25/10 

Kitty 22.8.22 Mon 

Morning: Tao and Kitty quarrel again, i on video, both act cute as if they didn’t do anything. 

Kitty 16.8.22 Tues 

16 Aug 2022

1030am: I pack up ball pit to give away, he go play last round. Look a little sad – no – more of angry. Left 7 balls behind for him 

1131am: naughty whack fei head when fei is eating 

Kitty 11.8.22 Thurs 

11 Aug 2022

Ce” “Kitty is spayed? He was crying in heat and humping the bed. Still there. Hump n cry.  Need to double check balls intact?”

Kitty 12.8.22 Fri 

Morning: kitty and Tao sit facing each other for some time 

Kitty 6.8.22 sat  

06 Aug 2022

Kitty 1.8.22 Mon 

01 Aug 2022

Morning; today he squant to pee 🙂 – quite a lot of pee, colour normal. 

Tao & Kitty 27.7.22 wed  

27 Jul 2022

Kitty 17.7.22 sun

17 Jul 2022

Kitty is behind one of the litter bin Duno doing what – nothing much behind. I might want to throw the playpen and balls if the cleaning is too much. 

8pm: gave him some selar after meal tonight. 

Kitty 18.7.22 Mon 

1030am: quite quiet up there on the cat box, later part normal cos get scolded by sweeties

Kitty 21.7.22 Thurs 

Morning: Tao again at it. But I take video n she less aggressive n this kitty auto don’t meow don’t make noise. Sigh 

Kitty 13.7.22 wed 

13 Jul 2022

120pm: left 猫房 – his ball pit finally totally cleaned up, hope he love it and don’t dirty it again 

Kitty 9.7.22 sat 

09 Jul 2022

Morning: Tao scare kitty till he got to hide in his ball pit to eat to escape from her. Somehow Tao not v comfy in the ball pits but kitty is comfy in there, so that’s his escape zone 

Kitty 3.7.22 sun 

03 Jul 2022

Night: Poo 5/10 

Kitty 2.7.22 sat 

02 Jul 2022

Morning: Extra Manja, station right outside the bin and whack kitty when he finish pooing 

Whole morning he and Tao is at it. Tao is the persistent one who want to bully kitty, but kitty is the one screaming so I got to stop them. 

This boy will go to bin to pee but his pee shoot sooooooo high till I fly all the way to ball pit panels and the balls omg. I got to get an extra cleaner in tmr just to wash the balls. Poo 4.25/10

Kitty 28.6.22 Tues 

28 Jun 2022

Night: long thick poo 5/10. Scoot on the floor after that 

kitty 26.6.22 sun 

26 Jun 2022

Kitty 21.6.22 Tues 

21 Jun 2022

150pm: randy came to 5G for photoshoot. Got some photos.

Kitty 13.6.22 Mon

13 Jun 2022

Morning: chase sunshine so aggressively loh. I use slipper smack his butt he still want to try again. His nose got 2 lines duno whack by who

Kitty 11.6.22 sat 

11 Jun 2022

730pm: tonight really bad. Keep irritate sunshine till scream3, I use slipper whack whack whack his butt. End up sunshine is scare till wet the whole hanging bed, pee all over the place. 

Kitty 7.6.22 Tues 

07 Jun 2022

Morning: the way he pee omg sooooo high up till it shoot all the way to the other wall. Haha 

Night: aiyo he shoot pee again. I got to f10 o/r spray the wall n the floor, Tmr then clean up, I rushing to fetch Cora from vet. 

Kitty 5.6.22 sun 

05 Jun 2022

945am: caught to get ready to go adoption drive. Reach centre, pee, at ad, keep sitting in bin. Even ah boy more brave than him. 

645pm: early dinner. He also pee in carrier when we back in 猫房. Sigh. 

Kitty 6.6.22 Mon 

Morning: his normal self, find sunshine meow at each other. 

Kitty 1.6.22 wed 

01 Jun 2022

920pm: on ip, he is guarding his ball pit. Haha that’s his fav spot 

Night: kitty and sunshine still at loggerheads

Kitty 2.6.22 Thurs 

Morning: sayang him talk to him a bit. When he listen n is a good boy, he is damn cute. 

Kitty 4.6.22 sat 

Super cute – know how to dive into ball pit and play on his own. Video for adoption drive. 

Kitty 30.5.22 Mon 

30 May 2022

Morning: jump out of bin n rub his butt across the floor for a while 

12pm: i sit in ba pit he is the only one who dare to come in play w me

120pm: play a while w him on the bed – wa nails v sharp loh 

kitty 26.5.22 Thurs  

26 May 2022

kitty 24.5.22 Tues  

24 May 2022

Kitty 14.5.22 sat 

14 May 2022

Sunshine Not on good term w Kitty, Kitty keep asking trouble, sunshine will scream back. Sunshine bigger than kitty loh. 

Kitty still likes the ball pit, he stay till i scare he treat it as litterbin, I checked: clear. 

Kitty 11.5.22 wed 

11 May 2022

Morning: he is in the ball pit himself … cute photos taken. Ah boy wanna join but scare. 

Night: affectionate leh, i cup his face n kiss him. poo 5/10 

kitty 9.5.22 Mon  

09 May 2022

Kitty 6.5.22 Fri 

06 May 2022

Mmm:”Silly question….  Kitty is spayed right? He was humping the bed…. I heard different noise.  Went n saw him humping.” – fr video he isn’t humping but a bit like ah boy that time urine on bed, I scare UTI.”  I msg ask agnes asking who is the one who Steralise kitty or is she sure he is nextured?

Kitty 3.5.22 Tues 

03 May 2022

Morning food tuna w white fish totally didn’t touch. Snack and dinner got eat as usual. Keep disturbing want to scare Kerry next door. 

Kitty 27.4.22 wed 

27 Apr 2022

Night: kiss him. 

Kitty 28.4.22 Thurs 

1030pm fr ip: he is going to provoke Manja 

11pm: I remove his bandage from his behind 

Kitty 30.4.22 sat 

9pm: poo 5/10, still pee high up.

Kitty 26.4.22 Tues 

26 Apr 2022

220pm: choose him go retest fiv felv. 

Just bcos he and ah boy going for drive, they r young, better get out of 猫房 asap better. 

He also like to quarrel w the rest, test better. 

Also tested his Cbc.

345pm: 4.67kg – drop 430g – looking at weight drop I v scare – I’m still waiting for his result 

Results out: as what I know fiv positive, felv negative. 

Cbc looks ok, no anemic issue HCT 51.0%. Looks good to go good good home w ah boy 

430pm: we back to 猫房 5G tv room. 

Didn’t manage to pull off his leg bandage – he himself keep licking it. 

I throw all kibbles and re wash all water bowls. 

5pm: Serve dinner early today alr. 

Kitty 20.4.22 wed 

20 Apr 2022

9pm; almost fight w sunshine, both fierce and loud. 

Kitty 25.4.22 Mon 

9pm: v noisy keep wanting to provoke buddy. 

Kitty 11.4.22 mon 

11 Apr 2022

Morning; like to knead the bedding, even Kp ready to whack him he is too engrossed in the massaging 

Kitty 10.4.22 sun  

10 Apr 2022

Kitty 4.4.22 mon 

04 Apr 2022

Kitty 31.3.22 thurs 

31 Mar 2022

10am: poo 5/10, poo quite a lot 

Kitty 28.3.22 mon

28 Mar 2022

230pm: 20th to clean ear, and cut nails, brush fur. He is calm w Jack so I manage to get him to do it. His ear is relatively clean. didn’t get to brush cos he dash off when I tell her to scruff n she hold him only. Kitty turn aggressive to me, get smack by me. 

Kitty 25.3.22 fri

25 Mar 2022

Morning: sleeping on pillow v cute 

Kitty 14.3.22 mon 

14 Mar 2022

2pm: Got tunnel got play w ah boy 

Kitty 6.3.22 sun 

06 Mar 2022

1030am; Kitty like looking for ah boy, I told him ah boy is fine. Still monitoring only. 

Kitty 7.3.22 mon 

Morning: inform Kitty that ah boy is coming back tmr 

Kitty 25.2.22 fri 

25 Feb 2022

Morning: pee always so high till fly out of bin though he did go bin to pee 

Kitty 4.3.22 fri 

Morning: celebrate bday – run away fr cake loh. 

Angry when I follow him ard. 

Kitty 4.2.22 fri 

04 Feb 2022

Morning: both sweeties and Kitty on fridge, Kitty whack sweeties face n she fell down the purifier. Saw him sneeze once. 

Kitty 6.2.22 sun 

1130am: so far he is fine. Pee well in bin 04. Concentrated pee. 

Kitty 1.2.22 tues 

01 Feb 2022

Kitty 31.1.22 mon

31 Jan 2022

Kitty 12.1.22 wed 

12 Jan 2022

1050pm: v worry that he move to 5G will cause issue 

Night: wa know how to come out of broken net room le 

Kitty 23.1.22 sun 

9Am: good boy these days – hopefully he understand I’m worrying he will cause trouble at 5G. 

Had been praising him good boy to get ready to move tmr. 

Kitty 24.1.22 mon 

1130am: we move to 5G, he scare until vomit a little n pee in the carrier. 5.1kg – gain 350g. 

Night: walking about on the floor across 2 rooms 

Kitty 25.1.22 tues 

Night; relatively doing well in 5G. Can run more, got play, he saw Kp didn’t disturb – lucky ah.  

Kitty  26.1.22 wed 

Night; saw him irritate a few cats – smack his butt once – pls don’t start   

Kitty 2.1.22 sun

02 Jan 2022

350pm: still provoking pple, v hard not to Whack him, will he really remain in 4G bcos of his behaviour? Or will he change better at 5G? 

Kitty 4.1.22 tues 

Poo 5/10

Kitty 5.1.22 wed 

11pm: I back from work he is peaceful today didn’t create trouble free roaming

Kitty 8.1.22 sat 

9Am: good formed poo  

Kitty 10.1.22 mon

Keep provoking pple including Princess and Xiami 

Kitty 1.1.22 sat

01 Jan 2022

Kitty 21.12.21 tues

21 Dec 2021

1120am; Kitty shoot pee on stitch ratten shelf – got whack badly by me. I might throw this shelf. Does it make sense to bring over to 5G? 

Does it makes sense to bring kitty over too? 

Kitty Dec21 during domain down

19 Dec 2021

Kitty 25.11.21 thurs

25 Nov 2021

1235pm: Kitty scare rena till she poo n pee on shelf – get beating from me again. This boy ah. Sigh morning we just sayang sayang but he like to Provoke others – rena scream quite long 

Kitty 27.11.21 sat 

9pm; sneeze ard 5 times – weather v cold 

905pm: quarrel w stitch – stitch is the v loud one – chase him back to room c – go in play bites w ah boy 

Kitty 30.11.21 tues  

Morning: I know he is approaching sheba – want to whack her cos he thought she is stitch but somehow I saw his movement is slow cos he is unsure – haha when he realise it’s sheba he walk away – Sheba didn’t react, steady all the way. 

Provoke fight w stitch later on, surprisingly stitch didn’t respond w his loud meow. 

Q in room b w Sheba. 

Kitty 12.11.21 fri

12 Nov 2021

8am: come out of room c first thing is lick the crab catnip ball

Kitty 14.11.21 sun 

Morning: poo 5/10 – he like pine 

Kitty 10.11.21 wed

10 Nov 2021

Kitty 6.11.21 sat

06 Nov 2021

Night: junior head butt Kitty. Kitty didn’t react 

Throw the cricket ball for him to play 

Kitty 7.11.21 sun 

11Am: poo 8/10 rather dry than just hard 

Pee shoot so high out of bin 

730pm; So many hours w ah boy in room c, both no poo no pee.  

Kitty 9.11.21 tues 

This boy poo in standing position, damn cute n handsome – poo 5/10.  

Kitty 28.10.21 thurs

28 Oct 2021

Make Rena scream 

1010pm; poo 5/10 

Kitty 1.11.21 mon 

1130am: he got pee, didn’t dirty his feet, but did I feel that he seem to pee a little slow? 

Kitty 3.11.21 wed 

10am: just logging down he is eating well, got pee. 

Night; playing w ah boy 

Kitty 24.10.21 sun

24 Oct 2021

11Am: he keep meowing for me sayang. Let him bite, pain loh, won’t stop even though I told him pain. Alley will listen. 

Kitty 25.10.21 mon

9am: no poo no pee 

Open door, met up w stitch, stitch provoke by noise, Kitty is peace wanna slowly walk off one 

Night: Got kiss kiss him when he is at the common shelf, then he wanna climb up the ratten shelf in his room i scare later he cry can’t come down so scruff him down he Turn n wanna bite me siak- Gana whack by me. later I give him my hand to bite, he really bite wor. No bloods type. 

Kitty 19.10.21 tues

19 Oct 2021

11Am: got whack by me, cos he go disturb Princess. Locked him back to room c but got explain to him that I’m worried about Princess nose and yet he … sigh remind how he sick I also protect him he got listen to me nagging. Let him be. 

1020pm meow at the top shelf, sometime he go high up n Duno how to come down will cry for help 

Kitty 20.10.21 wed 

Morning: poo 6/10 

serve ciao chicken fillet w crab stick in soft jelly imc-164 and tuna w Salmon –  not food motivated when out roaming. 

Kitty 7.10.21 thurs

07 Oct 2021

11Am; poo nice 5/10 

Relatively Guai got let him roam many hours, he didn’t create trouble, night then i close door

Kitty 9.10.21 sat 

830am: status: poo good 5/10, got pee

Food intake good – plates all cleared 

Kitty 10.10.21 sun 

Whole day no pee n poo 

Looks fine 

Kitty 11.10.21 mon 

7am: got pee 

930pm: 4.75kg – Gain 100g 

Kitty 28.9.21 tues

28 Sep 2021

Night; poo 5/10

Kitty 30.9.21 Thurs 

Will meow a lot for my attention 

I think to find them a home earlier I need to split him and ah boy le – so sad :,( 

Kitty 5.10.21 tues 

11Am; good formed poo 5/10 

Kitty 20.9.21 mon

20 Sep 2021

7am onwards always provoke stitch from next door.., sigh, scold and beat him ah 

9pm: I was out for 5h, he n ah boy alone in room c – got 1/10 poo, highly filter out is ah boy alr 

10pm: serve earthmade mackerel, he got eat 

Kitty 24.9.21 fri 

Morning; pee not much – okay. 

Got eat 

Night: keep meowing for me, like me sayang, no poo 

Q Room 18.9.21 sat

18 Sep 2021

830am: no poo in room b – so can’t gauge who might be the one having soft mucus

Stool. The 6 of them damn cute tgt – like a gang. Stitch, junior, Brownie, Maki, Sheba, ah boy. 

Night: when I’m back home, confirm tao and Kitty r ok poo, the rest of the bins got issue, so can’t narrow who – give 11 of them probiotics except Nala. 

Kitty 16.9.21 thurs

16 Sep 2021

Morning: didn’t have poo 

Night: given probiotics 2ml 

Kitty 17.9.21 fri 

10am: poo 5.5/10 – just look dry but ok to stop probiotics alr 

1030pm: almost fight w stitch – 5s type 

Kitty 18.9.21 sat 

830am: no poo in the room 

At one point I temp close door n he is w Rena alone, he bully Rena till she scream. 

Night: confirm 5.5/10 poo, more of dry, still give him probiotics anyway 

Kitty 12.9.21 sun

12 Sep 2021

8am: didn’t start fight, but almost get into quarreling mode w stitch, today both got to quarantine when I go work. 

830am: get scolding n smacking of butt by me, make princess scream 

Kitty 15.9.21 wed 

Morning: poo <5/10, forgot to give him probiotics tonight. 

Kitty 10.9.21 fri

10 Sep 2021

743pm – more than 8 mins fight – stitch and Simba fight until Duno like what, hug roll on the floor type, stare at each other type, Scream until damn loud type. Onlookers join in make things even more chaotic – brownie, Sheba, cola, kitty join in at some point of time. 

945pm; look ok. Fur on the floor no one injured. No bloods 

Kitty 9.9.21 wed

09 Sep 2021

Pee a lot, good yellow. Mellow down a lot, so I didn’t quarantine in room.  

Kitty 6.9.21 mon

06 Sep 2021

Super look like ah boy their frame 

Poo 1/10 

Given probiotics – surprisingly Manage to give  

Kitty 7.9.21 tues 

617am: Kitty and stitch fighting, they let me know Garfield is going 

Manage to took off his clothings – let him be. 

Kitty and ah boy 2.9.21 thurs

02 Sep 2021

Kitty 31.8.21 tues

31 Aug 2021

Let him wear the handsome boy suit, open up room c, he meet up w ah boy who wear the same cloth as him. Duno He tame down cos he don’t want me put him alone in room c or he wear clothes he not happy hide below cat hospi cage. Put new furnishing in room c, and open up the rooms except tao’s. All happy cos many hideout now. No quarrels no fight.

Kitty 17.8.21 tues

17 Aug 2021

Morning: did hear him sneeze once – kiv. 

Kitty 11.8.21 wed

11 Aug 2021

Kitty 9.8.21 mon

09 Aug 2021

945am: day 04 or so quarantine in room b 

Poo 6/10, got pee, today food got finish, yesterday no food intake n no poo n pee

Kitty 10.8.21 tues

915pm: he n Tao can’t meet, sigh. This afternoon let all out roam a while only got issue. Tao q her back room a, Kitty change room to room c. Room b cat tree more comfy the cats like. 

Kitty 4.8.21 wed

04 Aug 2021

Night; almost q rena n Kitty in room b- Kitty dare to bully her till she scream thrice 

Kitty 5.8.21 thurs 

Didn’t let him out of room b – continue to be q 

Kitty 3.8.21 tues

03 Aug 2021

7am: woke me up twice cos he disturb stitch and Rena – quarantine in room b 

Kitty 30.7.21 fri

30 Jul 2021

1pm: q him in room b. he finding stitch trouble. 

Kitty 29.7.21 thurs

29 Jul 2021

1110am: asking for trouble w stitch who is shiting in bin 

Kitty 15.7.21 thurs

15 Jul 2021

7pm: I’m assembling a new cat tree for them, Kitty free roaming n happy to be on the hommock part of the cat tree 

Kitty 16.7.21 fri 

8am: woke me up cos he in room b cat tree, tao in room a cat tree wa can quarrel thru the netting part. Faint. 

Till night still w tao meowing loudly- I got to shift the cactus tree in room a so tao can’t smell/face stick to netting to provoke kitty in room b 

Kitty 18.7.21 sun 

Will play w fish w catnip 

Kitty 12.7.21 mon

12 Jul 2021

10am+: let him out cos I’m going to major clean and vacuum floor, for many mins didn’t create trouble. 

Kitty 11.7.21 sun

11 Jul 2021

Morning: day 03 q in room a, told him I buy a new cat tree delivering on Tuesday then they got more vertical condo to jump, don’t fight then i merge him again. Sayang him he like to be sayang. 

Kitty 10.7.21 sat

10 Jul 2021

530am Kitty Duno provoke who make me awake  – sigh I wanna wake up at 645am 

608 Kitty and stitch wanna fight, q Kitty alone in room a. 

830am: didn’t let him out of room a, but ah boy and brownie went in to accompany him.

Kitty and ah boy play until like fighting loh  

Whole day didn’t let him out of room a. 

Kitty 2.7.21 fri

02 Jul 2021

Kitty 1.7.21 thurs

01 Jul 2021

8am let him out a while only asking Tao fight. 

Q him alone in room b 

12pm : he sleep until dAmn cute one the pink bedding – but I don’t have phone w me 

Kitty 29.6.21 tues

29 Jun 2021

10am; he met his 克星 –  cola – cola is chased after him n whack him one n he got to back off 

Very manja n playful w ah boy, they r perfect match. Kitty really see ah boy as his younger bro, he will groom him too. 

Kitty 27.6.21 sun

27 Jun 2021

Night; tao pooing Kitty try to disturb, Duno basic courtesy that even my Comm cats know (Pooing time all war pause) 

Kitty 23.6.21 wed

23 Jun 2021

1010am: troublemaker – wanna fight w stitch – I q Stitch in room a first 

Thinking that ah boy and Kitty should go adoption in a pair, big bro and small bro. Fight play roll tgt. 

Kitty 25.6.21 fri 

Tonight free roam overnight cos cola outside, somehow more peaceful 

Kitty 12.6.21 sat

12 Jun 2021

Morning: v naughty keep fighting sound, quarantine in room b 

Kitty 11.6.21 fri

11 Jun 2021

Naughty smack his butt – go into tunnel n pee there cos Tao like to sleep in the tunnel? 

Kitty 4.6.21 fri

04 Jun 2021

I place plastic bags of stuff on floor, he went to pee on them, get whacking from me 

Kitty 5.6.21 sat 

1230am; ganna whack by me, non stop provoke one go provoke another after I stop him, quarantine him w ah boy in room b – they can play tgt 

Kitty 1.6.21 tues

01 Jun 2021

Discover Rena ears dirty, not cleaned at all 🙁 so I check Kitty – looks ok, got clean. But anal glands I Duno :,( 

Kitty 2.6.21 wed 

930pm; came to a wall n tail shake I whack him no he run back room a to pee, he like to shoot pee, not a good boy when coming to pee issue 

Kitty 31.5.21 mon

01 Jun 2021

1150am: groomer side late for 50 mins in fetching the cats 🙁 

Given information to groomer: 

Blue carrier: 

Lion cut: 


The one who need to squeeze out/ express/ clear his anal glands 

Can be fierce 

The fighter his wound heal. 

But at vet he is a good boy. 

So Duno what he will react to u

4.65kg – gain 150g 

Lucky breakfast when he go room b poo I trap him in there so easier to get him into carrier  

630pm: back in 猫房, looks fine – groomer didn’t update did he help Kitty express anal gland  

Kitty 28.5.21 fri

28 May 2021

Kitty 20.5.21 thurs

21 May 2021

11am: his wound till now haven’t fully close, sigh. But not of serious issue. 

Still want to aim maki to fight. 

Kitty 5.5.21 wed

05 May 2021

1208am wound healing but character v bad, some days can’t get near at all. Sigh 

Kitty 4.5.21 tues

04 May 2021

Wound look better but still – not letting him join tmr lion cut session  

Kitty 30.4.21 fri

30 Apr 2021

This stubborn boy kind of like Meloxicam. Today 4th dose n I stop already. His wound also become one full hole, sigh, can’t really clean much. Today I try so long to put silvin cream but can’t. Don’t think this wed he can go grooming. The wound is too much

Kitty 24.4.21 sat

27 Apr 2021

Right shoulder abcess burst Liao 

Kitty 25.4.21 sun 

His shoulder sigh at least 3 holes, manage to clean w f10 

Tmr he going grooming – told groomer lion cut him so I can clean his wound better also  

Given gabapentin and meloxicam. 

Kitty 26.4.21 mon

26 Apr 2021

Late morning: his wound looks worse, w pus flowing out 

Wa looks like I abuse him using Magic clean mop to push him out cos he keep hiding when he see carrier – he suppose to go grooming! Just nice shave to apply med and anal gland expression – sigh. He rub his butt on floor again. See how first. Sigh 

Night, given meloxicam direct 

Kitty 28.4.21 wed 

Wound still looks bad, hard to clean w his character. But he is fine – still playing w ah boy 

Kitty 24.4.21 sat

24 Apr 2021

Right shoulder abcess burst Liao 

Kitty 25.4.21 sun 

His shoulder sigh at least 3 holes, manage to clean w f10 

Tmr he going grooming – told groomer lion cut him so I can clean his wound better also  

Given gabapentin and meloxicam. 

Kitty 22.4.21 thurs

22 Apr 2021

Body wound don’t seem to affect him much 

Night: poo 5/10 

Kitty 20.4.21 tues

20 Apr 2021

10am; find me sayang – sayang him more 

1045am: sigh he corner maki to litterbin 

930pm: wanna stalk Sheba? Or interested in her? Somehow they know time up, Sheba shop closing shop 

Kitty 19.4.21 mon

19 Apr 2021

1045am: fight w stitch, both mouth got each other fur, puff up, no injuries 

1045pm; found his right shoulder blade injured w one punctured wound – almost attack by him – see how 

Still eating 

Kitty 18.4.21 sun

18 Apr 2021

6am: let him out – fight almost instantly – sigh I wanted room b for Sophie leh, later see how 

Go soft on him, keep praising every now n then when the room is peaceful – nights out n sigh. I go back in to lock him in room b again. 

Kitty 17.4.21 sat

17 Apr 2021

8am: just let him out 2 mins only he go find Tao fight – back to room b – I’m rushing so Maxine in room b w him too 

Night: chasing him w Magic clean mop like I’m abusing him – just wanna chase him back to

Room b, he run from a to d then d to a then to d again, just don’t go back to room b. Sigh 

Kitty 16.4.21 fri

16 Apr 2021

10am: let him out, provoke fights again. Walk pass rena normally so he choose target one 

10pm: provoke tao n quarantine in room b again 

Kitty 15.4.21 thurs

15 Apr 2021

845am: let him out, no poo

See him dragging on the floor action again, anal gland full again?  

Kitty 12.4.21 mon

12 Apr 2021

930am : trying to provoke fights – w stitch n Maki 

10pm: naughty, provoke fights, I chase him to room b. Quarantine again 

Kitty 13.4.21 tues 

1030am: provoke fight w stitch again, last a while so give him One More Chance 

Night: again w stitch but he is e the aggressive one – in room b again, I wanna put him in playground but I v scare he will disturb the peace playground has

Tonight his nose got wound, got scratch 

Kitty 11.4.21 sun

11 Apr 2021

8am: irritate Tao when she is concentrating on pooing – irritate stitch, q him in room b

1050pm; will meow me sayang n let him out – ok let him out peaceful  – hope he n Tao learn 

Kitty 4.4.21 sun

04 Apr 2021

Night:  crying at the top deck – why? Can’t come down meh? Want to help him he don’t let me scruff so Duno what he want 

Kitty 5.4.21 mon 

Morning; still up there leh, can’t be can’t come down ah? 

358pm: still up there – what happen? 

Night: he is down alr – so who stalking him? 

Kitty 25.3.21 thurs

25 Mar 2021

Kitty run into Sheba room she also don’t care – didn’t hiss also didn’t scare – Kitty run in like victory Liao then he Duno what else to do, sniff a bit then run out cos I scold 

Kitty 20.3.21 sat

20 Mar 2021

Left eye a little watery – monitor – might be playing rough w ah boy 

Kitty 21.3.21 sun

Saw him provoking Tao, I scold him cos I’m submitting Maxine n he will stop when im calling his name  

Kitty 6.3.21 sat

06 Mar 2021

Kitty 4.3.21 thurs

04 Mar 2021

celebrate his 4th bday in 猫房

Kitty 27.2.21 sat

27 Feb 2021

night; poo 2.5/10

Kitty 26.2.21 fri

26 Feb 2021

night; drag his butt on floor again after pooing  

Kitty 12.2.21 fri

12 Feb 2021

morning: poo 5/10 

Kitty 11.2.21 thurs

11 Feb 2021

Kitty 6.2.21 sat

06 Feb 2021

Kitty 31.1.21 sun

31 Jan 2021

I think he poo paste 2/10 on floor near bin 04 

Kitty 26.1.21 tues

26 Jan 2021

Night; poo 5/10 

Medical Record

Kitty 16.7.24 tues

16 Jul 2024

Kitty 3.6.23 sat 

03 Jun 2023

Kitty 26.4.22 Tues  

26 Apr 2022

Adopt Xiao Kitty

Online Adoption Application