Off to the Rainbow Bridge
FIV negative, FELV negative
mouth pain – on pain killer
A super senior cat, will keep running away when u want to touch her and meow meow meow want food. When she feels calm, okay to sayang her.
07 May 2022
06 May 2022
05 May 2022
825am: I can’t sleep loh. Awake again. Still same feeling. Stronger. I don’t even know should I prepare heating pad n go to the room or should i check her status first? Yesterday leg is an indication le. But I still wonder can she swallow?
Enter – glance in, she is gone. think daring Tao know it. I finish giving them food, didn’t enter alley room and prepare coco funeral and carry her out. Tao looking at me carrying coco out.
1130am: Joanna visited coco funeral.
310pm: Mao mei mummy visited coco funeral.
Night: change chanting for coco – Tmr she will leave 猫房 at 2pm.
04 May 2022
830am: give food she still eating. Meow is much softer than last time but still ok. Sayang her. Floor aren’t as dirty.
Bin not used. I think she pee on Peepad. No poo.
10am rush like mad to aw, but they reject say strictly 1230pm, walk in also can’t. I go hs wan in dr Cheryl.
While we wait for cab, coco pee pee loh. still concentrated leh or is it losing rbc?
We waited one hour and I clean her up and the carrier, got some loose poo at her tail/ butt – maybe she no strength poo.
She will take t4, urine to check if she is losing proteins n she suspect is gradual kidney issue. she noted that coco is still active and eating but weight drop is scary. She don’t think cbc/sdma is necessary.
1159am: dr Cheryl told me she can’t get the urine cos coco pee again all soak in her leg. They give her Subcut and wait to see how to extract urine again.
1252pm: coco is out, but Duno why I feel she look weaker.
120pm: coco UPC is not out, but urine confirm got protein so I bought a bottle of semintra n bring her back first.
213pm:”Hi Cat, coco’s UPC is 1.61, which is very high. Please start on the semintra and recheck for urinalysis and UPC in 1 month”
245pm: enter room she is still responsive to me. given 0.35ml semintra she don’t like it for sure, cos I serve kakato she want eat but the taste in her mouth maybe yucky.
Book May 30 Mon 3pm review
520pm: she did scare the hell out of me. She didn’t come out to find me. I’m so scare she hide to die or alr dead, cos just now the male nurse bring her out I can sense she much weaker.
If she survive this week I think she should review soon n not one month later.
She is hiding in the slide box, looking weak n tired. Didn’t come out but got respond to me. Hope she is just v cold. I off the aircon. Serve ciao cup, she eat a little. Told her I’m going to work.
930pm: I don’t see her at all from all 3 cams. She might be just resting in the cat box or pass alr? I really feel that she is v weak the moment the male nurse pass her back to me. What happen? Semintra even cause something is lower rbc, won’t have such instant side effect. Let’s hope she is just resting.
1020pm: I’m still waiting for Cora to finish her food. I’m super extremely worry about coco. Sigh. What happen ah? The poke in bladder cause her weaker? she definitely much weaker than going to vet
She is confirmed still in e same box when I left home, y? She is always active walking about one. Pls pls pls just be tired, n resting only.
1030pm: I’m preparing food to bring into room slowly though I rush home cos I’m really v scare.
1040pm: coco didn’t respond at all. I bend down same spot, she is there, Alive. Food didn’t touch today ever since vet visit.
I pull her out she is confirm weak (I type she is weak past days as in her body condition, but she can still walk about, even up radio box) – tonight her Hinds r totally weak, flop to ground, I feel the u/c box area safer so I bring her there.
Serve tuna w salmon w a/d – she got lick n bite a/d – but I wonder can she swallow? But her condition no way no meat not possible to put o tube or nasal tube. Or nasal possible?
I told her maybe now body getting used to that first dose of semintra, Tmr will be better pls.
Got sayang her, she is trying hard. Fighter ah Ma coco. I feel anemic leh. Just think got more way to help her. Don do like the o2 chamber cage, i think Tmr I will clean it up throughly
N put heat pad n let coco sleep in o2 chamber. Don’t think today clinic took coco temp also.
03 May 2022
Morning: bin hurry come today so I can move coco out of Rena Princess room – more of I Want to check if she is pooing or not. I need to Subcut her w vitamins again tonight. Her size really cannot. Day 04 not on ab anymore, Tmr need to see dr nally for review.
this morning, did want food but I think didn’t really touch. i clean right eye – got those sick discharge.
Night: Rena will whack coco but I know she go soft alr. kiss her lots. Told her Tmr going to vet. She try her end, I try what else I can do. She eating well. I bought a new u/c bin for her, she got a new u/c box, I put her in room e, w the radio box w her too, she did sleep on the small cat hole bed in room d too. she so small so cute can fit in loh.
Given some Subcut and a b12 b com.
02 May 2022
Night: she is freaking 1.33kg only – drop 420g. Body n face super small n slim like bamboo.
But she is eating well. She like to go head butt me n Rena n get scolding from Rena n princess. Even eat kibble.
Like to follow me ard for sayang n food. Something else is wrong. Marbo ended 3 days alr, ph these few days. Try to book this wed or is Tmr open?
28 Apr 2022
730am: as usual room v messy, come to think of it the weird poo is cos she eat the paper plate also? Today paper plate is really v shredded to bits. Today she is weird. Should I put weak. Not ok. Less reactive, didn’t walk much, didn’t excited. I sayang her she is v responsive head butt my hand non stop, not keen on food. Confirm weird Liao. Or is it the diffuser in her room? But her current treatment not ended yet, still got some days of Marbo. Not nose issue. I guess is diabetic leh, later ask clinic got dr Cheryl slot or not Tmr – dr. Cheryl is off on Fri, so kiv.
115pm: I’m back w Don n Kerry.
I clean up coco room (she did eat afterall), and change her to room d – w Princess n Rena. She finish all their food loh.
1130pm: she look v thin, but still v active in eating. Face got the look of Lyon – fur gone due to lack of nutrient?
Coco 29.4.22 Fri
11pm: both Rena n princess sian of coco in their room, cos their room is really horribly messy and dirty due to coco drinking every bowls n biting into every plates. I think I need to cage coco for the quality of life for the other 2 girls, or I should bring the 2 back to 5G?
And coco today last Marbo jab aka 14 days. So need review soon, go who? i feel something else. Her size is v small n thin despite eating a lot.
Coco 30.4.22 sat
7am: other than her small face and her reducing body size. She still eat, drink well. She keep following me, Rena keep scolding her. She also ok. Think will put her in room E alone. Princess Rena room v dirty.
I can’t split her cos I don’t have enough litterbin. Think have to tell Eric deliver earlier for 4G.
27 Apr 2022
26 Apr 2022
9am: still eating well, her water bowl super dirty I change to a big bowl for her so won’t b that dirty easily. the way she drink water is almost whole face place in, so her face wet wet dark dark. i in a rush, want to put food for her first b4 I lay Peepad, she put her head into my hand want sayang yet I thought she want food more – so happy. Coco love ah Mao.
Poo got the greenish thingy again v weird – I send the poo for fecal test. No findings, no bacteria nothing. i gonna delay her review at aw and see how first.
25 Apr 2022
240pm: rush this 4G batch to clinic to retest fiv felv (I still Duno who is the one whose test aren’t accurate, the one I tested all idexx, ahhhhh).
Check coco nails is ok from last cut. Taken pcv also.
Later go back will let her stay in room c again, cos alley move in to room b.
Retested fiv felv both negative.
Pcv 29% stable.
24 Apr 2022
23 Apr 2022
22 Apr 2022
22 Apr 2022
21 Apr 2022
17 Apr 2022
630am: Rena Got growl at coco.
Didn’t poo pee yet.
Confirm no vomit.
got eat – of cos la her fav kakato tuna n chicken.
Left Nose still got discharge
Got sleep in the radio box. today I throw away her u/c box in 5G.
830pm: got eat, floor lots of diluted splash drops of blood – later I can add gabapentin into her food, Buprenophine I’ll feed direct. she also got eat kibble.
10pm: nose still got discharge, clean for her and nubulise.
Food – got eat, plate got blood.
will walk About, recognise the cat playground. Rena growl at her again.
Got pee.
summary:other than I did bloodworks to start her on Ab n ai, I didn’t get the answer I need on how to proceed w her mouth issue at all. Erm – I partial got my ans from my old logbook, that dr d seen her teeth b4 n more towards no need another dental sx anymore.
Occasionally added nutriplus gel into her diet too.
Oh ya, dr nally didn’t hear about coco heart mur mur…
16 Apr 2022
Morning: check her, mouth aren’t as bad. But of cos cant bleed as much as yesterday la.
Clean her up, left nostril got stuck I clean up unblock it.
Her movement and etc still look active and light.
455pm: I rush back 猫房 5G fetch her.
Her left nostril must more mucus coming out. so got some flu issue now? Now 99% still is mouth issue.
550pm: waited so long, seen dr nally.
First thing dr see the face, nose discharge – so need to start Marbo 0.26ml (priority cos can jab) and doxy 0.16ml (if can will be good, if not can skip cos no point her mouth can take it) – she change to OR. So I give Marbo only.
need to nubulize her as well.
Wide spread of Ulcer on tongue – mention herpes, calici virus’s – whack lysine
Pale gum – I take full bloods, Cbc, chem17 n lytes. (Fr Dracula, easy, bp ok)
Dr nally mention coco might have high bp due to eye – Erm – how? Didn’t go further. I’ll check bp on my own
Rbc 6.41, HCT 28.8 – no mention about darbepoetin I’ll see first.
Wbc 20.68
Glob 5.6
Amyl 1811
Na 142
If kidney good to go, will start meloxicam also. 0.06ml, once for 4 days.
She mention about retromad1 also (kiv next time)
No mention about dental cos no way la the age the size.
Temp 36.6 – w all this I think I bringing her back to 猫房hospital. No aircon also better for her.
To give both gabapentin and Buprenorphine 0.09-0.12ml x 2.
715pm: bring coco to room b to rest, give her the cooling mat. Serve ciao cup she got eat.
Night: serve food in o2 chamber where she nubulise, cage become dirty cos she splash all over – got eat
I fed meloxicam, oral Buprenophine, gabapentin directly.
Subcut, given Marbo.
Nubulise for half hour, Totoro waiting for me cos I need to pack Peepads n wait for coco b4 going into 猫房二号.
16 Apr 2022
Yesterday night the water bowl she always use – water turn red colour loh. The frequency of her mouth bleeding is bad. I need a vet who can really see mouth to see her – where is dr d??!
Night: as usual for the past days, saw coco mouth seem to be full of blood again, I wipe for her, esp the right side got blood lining that I almost can pull out, but later I go take more tissue I didn’t force open coco mouth n lucky her clotting still seem ok. Her mouth must be so yucky disgusting that she taste her own blood – i think that’s y she is always drinking water. Water bowl become red.
gabapentin is no use for her anymore. I’m using Buprenophine for her, can’t wait for dr d anymore, I got to do something else to help her, waiting for dr nally slot – sigh can’t get slot on Sunday. Have to replan.
1.86kg – she lost 680g, almost 30% of weight. Recall: she got heart murmur too, her age. Pls la. I still need to think n consider meh? Chance of death due to ga as high as 95%. hopefully mild sedation for washing the whole mouth possible? wash n clean up, n do jabbing.
Tonight I Subcut her w b12 b com to maintain a bit first.
She is still eating – but food got blood – thrown after I clean Up. I open up ff chicken liver for her – she try to eat. Best food for her is aixia oldie – but she generally don’t like.
12 Apr 2022
03 Apr 2022
Morning: coco mouth pain is a known fact, every now n then have blood stain. But wow today her mouth look bleeding, I wipe it and it’s clear, Duno is it from teeth or what, can’t open her mouth one. She even more cannot ga. Even checking I think I got to wait for dr d to be back. I can’t think of what other choice I have, dr nally?
Subcut her, w b12 b com, brush her.
28 Mar 2022
06 Mar 2022
25 Feb 2022
Morning: drink lots of water, until mouth so wet, bowl so dirty. Kidney? I Subcut her now.
Coco 3.3.22 thurs
Morning: her box flatten by Jack – thrown
C:”Saw Coco no more box. She’s walking around looking sad”
Night: sad – sigh coco is back in litterbin – I order one more unicharm for her, after the cage thrown, at least got one spare bin for her to rest in
20 Feb 2022
18 Feb 2022
Morning; her box is dirty w pee stain. But I can’t throw – sigh. Have to lie Peepads in them, till I spend another hundred to buy another new bin for them?
She will still come out meow for food, eat etc – but her comfort zone is the unicharm box
14 Feb 2022
Night: Subcut her today, quite sometime didn’t. Subcut her alr. Given b12 b com too
13 Feb 2022
Morning: Full Brush her fur 60% only – run off. she is the one who needs brushing the most loh. Quite a Lot of her right fur coat r gone due to the licking/ bin?
10 Feb 2022
1035pm: fr Ip, oh no coco didn’t sit in bin for a long time since we move to 5G, bcos she normally sit in unicharm cafe – I’m dead I throw the last box today n she sit in litterbin again.
Carry her out n bring her to wooden cat box. Hope she won’t go back to litterbin again
Coco 11.2.22 fri
Whole night she is in litterbin. I got a unicharm box for her, hopefully she will be happy in it. Still got eat, mouth still pain.
Night: in the carton box 🙂 mean I can’t throw away.
19 Jan 2022
Morning: don’t like white fish, open Tuna w chicken – she got eat
17 Jan 2022
04 Jan 2022
08 Dec 2021
Domain is down, can’t do logbook on site, so I won’t log as detailed as b4, see how.
Eating well. Fur still bad Liao cos since bubble spa back still sleeping in bin, informed the kids we moving house, coco will move too. Think grooming can be only once every 2 months since expenses going to go up again.
Coco 15.13.21 wed
Morning; Think alley over ate n vomit – omg coco go lick the vomited food
Coco 16.12.21 thurs
Coco white bald now, after that bubble spa? Groom herself? Wet and bald erm … we moving to 猫房 5G Duno how she gonna be
06 Dec 2021
29 Nov 2021
16 Nov 2021
04 Nov 2021
27 Oct 2021
22 Oct 2021
Day; got eat, eat quite well
Night: eating well
Coco 24.10.21 sun
11Am: got eat will meow for food. Sigh groomer give the slot n say the slot not available now. She end up can’t bath on Tuesday. how? She is the one who needs it.
3pm: booked grooming for her on wed morning
Coco 25.10.21 mon
Night: still sitting in bin, will eat and drink water
18 Oct 2021
13 Oct 2021
08 Oct 2021
Night: sitting in bin again. She is extreme dirty. Need to bath n groom. Thinking first – should I send her for lion cut?
Coco 9.10.21 sat
Sitting in bin again.
Coco 10.10.21 sun
Sitting in bin again – I need her to go grooming
Coco 11.10.21 mon
7am: eating
930pm: 2.69kg – gain 20g
07 Oct 2021
Since room revamp coco didn’t sit in bin, tonight I Subcut her. Is she in pain? Like much more pain than I thought? Given 0.12ml Buprenophine to see how she respond.
05 Oct 2021
29 Sep 2021
Morning: got drink water on her own. Like stand there quite long
Still sitting in bin
Night: still sitting in bin
Coco 30.9.21 Thurs
Night; got pee, look a little dilute, but last full check up by dr Daniel no kidney issue
Will find time Subcut her n give her b12 b com
Still sitting in bin, will not clock about sitting in bin further
25 Sep 2021
Got eat. Still sitting in bin.
22 Sep 2021
Morning: got eat, mouth still pain
Night; still sit in bin
Coco 23.9.21 thurs
Morning; still sitting in bin, today didn’t eat – mouth pain
Night: didn’t eat, surrounded by all the choices, I have to open up wet wet food for her tmr, but she don’t like morsels and aixia oldie
Coco 24.9.21 fri
Morning; mouth still pain still got eat
Night: sit in bin but will eat
19 Sep 2021
Night; serve tuna w chicken ham w ziwipeak chinese – at least got eat, better than aixia oldie she not keen at all
Still sitting in bin
Coco 20.9.21 mon
9Am: got eat.
9pm; still sitting in bin, will come out on her own during meal time. Last 3rd day of doxy.
Subcut her w b12 b com today.
16 Sep 2021
Morning: still sitting in bin
Night; serve tuna w chicken w stella chewy morsels- not that keen leh
Coco 17.9.21 fri
Night; serve her tuna w white fish w aixia oldie – not keen
given probiotics till I see good poo
Coco 18.9.21 sat
830am: got meow meow didn’t eat, like want something else. Still sitting in bin
Conclusion about doxy; not helping at all. But will finish the first course n stop.
Night: still sitting in bin
14 Sep 2021
10am: want to eat, but will meow at me like want to chose food. I know she n Manja will like really liquid food but I scare they diarhhoea after that. Sigh
Coco 15.9.21 wed
Teabreak: kakato seaweed – she like
11 Sep 2021
09 Sep 2021
1130am: Seen dr Daniel, waited v long I Duno I got enough time to wait for more bloodworks or not b4 I need to rush off
2.66kg – lost 340g
most of the time, is dr asked me for details, but didn’t say much things. new findings:heart mur mur stage 02/6. Last seen dr d in 2019 no heart issue
New findings: got ulcers on tongue though I know her mouth v pain
Cbc, chem15 and lytes taken.
Told dr if crea bun got issue then take sdma
He sound like he wanna take fpl but I didn’t want vcheck (both Alex n dr say vcheck better) Erm …
Rbc 7.30, HCT 36.8 – at least rule out she is is not anemic
Wbc 21.73, NEU 12.70 – eos high 3.82 – worms? I think I go back deworm her again
Organs function still fine
Conclusion: dr mention about pain management, but he fold me give doxy (small dose, 0.06ml per kg 0.16ml) – but he say give long time wor. I ask for minimum period he say long time or till she better. Erm this can’t listen la. One tube finish see how bah.
Gabapentin up dose to 10mg/kg ie 0.54ml.
Instruction from clinic:
-Vibravet 0.06g once daily for 14 days (ah this make sense) Can be given long term if helping with oral pain.
-Gabapentin: can give 25-30mg twice-thrice daily
-Monitor appetite and ability to chew.
115pm; given doxy 0.2ml- just nice for 14 days course for one tube
Night: she is still in litterbin
Given the higher dose of gaba
Coco 10.9.21 wed
Morning; still in litterbin, still eating
08 Sep 2021
Tmr seeing vet, fed probiotics
07 Sep 2021
Keep sitting in litterbin. Poo 1/10
Coco 8.9.21 wed
Definitely need to check soon, keep sitting in LB.
01 Sep 2021
Teabreak serve kakato tuna w seaweed – she like didn’t stay in litterbin
Night: outside eating food
19 Aug 2021
1030am: sit in litterbin again
Coco 23.8.21 mon
1230pm: she is sitting in litterbin again
17 Aug 2021
830am: serve her tuna w chicken ham. Not keen, she try to eat still not keen,
Serve a plate of Rc renal pouch w aixia oldie / I know She did touch some food w didi sharing w her.
910am: she went out for grooming.
318pm: no news on the girls on when they coming back from Grooming – I’m super sleepy alr
412pm; Update on groomer:”All of them have earmites.”
Come back, normal. She is hungry.
Her right centre body got lick marks that’s raw and wet.
Night: sigh y after grooming she will sit in litterbin?
11 Aug 2021
21 Jul 2021
13 Jul 2021
fur still bad as usual. Need a though brush out. Poo v little like 1cm only but 1.5/10
06 Jul 2021
23 Jun 2021
Night: comb her fur, look nicer, only done 2 rounds n she want to run away, let her be. Think can schedule her for basic grooming
Coco 24.6.21 thurs
Night: comb her fur 1 more round
22 Jun 2021
Fur v bad condition – need to groom or a major brush
13 Jun 2021
22 May 2021
Had been hiding in unicharm box, fur grow out rough n not nice. Tonight got come out to eat
19 May 2021
Night: didn’t eat leh
Coco 20.5.21 thurs
did come out to eat
10 May 2021
07 May 2021
05 May 2021
Since lion cut, keep sitting in litterbin – sigh v dirty now alr
29 Apr 2021
Alr dirty, cos keep sitting in bin. Have to put her in bathing list.
28 Apr 2021
Today still sitting in litterbins – day and night
Did eat – mouth pain
27 Apr 2021
So scare cos she yesterday night so
Weird that I scare I found her dead this morning.
10am: when I enter, she is scratching the cat tree. 🙂 got eat 🙂
Night: she got scratch the pole also – cute
But light out n she sit in litterbin again
Coco 28.4.21 wed
Morning looks ok. But after meal she sit in the bin again – why?
26 Apr 2021
Late morning: send her for lion cut
fr groomer:”Coco and Manja have ear mites. I have already cleaned them, so just keep eyes on their ears.”
Coco i sayang her a lot when she is back – think she is ok w her lion cut. told her last time also cut this b4 mah.
1025pm: v scary she sit in litterbin, I carry her to box. She go sit in litterbin again. I carry her to bed, she go sit in litterbin again.
1050pm fr Ip she is still in litterbin – something went wrong?
24 Apr 2021
650am: serve tuna w smoked fish – didnt eat
Serve aixia oldie – didn’t eat – mouth pain again
I had never given coco depredil b4, it’s time?
Or just Gaba will do? – tonight decide but I know she wants to eat
730am: she is eating tuna w smoked fish – mouth pain
Night: she got eat
22 Apr 2021
12 Apr 2021
930am : still got eat, got come out ask for food but mouth v pain
Continue probiotics and gabapentin
01 Apr 2021
Day: got eat but still hiding
Night: got come out eat
30 Mar 2021
Night: feed gabapentin also pain, pawing action totally like gummy, body super gluey n dirty
Got come out eat
29 Mar 2021
28 Mar 2021
930am didn’t come out to find me
I know mouth is pain
940pm: given her Gabapentin – she did come out to eat
05 Mar 2021
28 Feb 2021
Poo 0.5/10 – start probiotics if not her poo sell is horrible at such rate if we move house
22 Feb 2021
morning; think coco having 1/10 diarhhoea
17 Feb 2021
Morning: poo 0.5/10
10 Feb 2021
mouth definitely still in pain – but still eating
08 Feb 2021
04 Feb 2021
6.2.21 sat
mouth drooling n in pain, have the pawing action,started her on gabapentin
02 Jan 2021
03 Jul 2020
3.7.20 Fri
• sayang her n brush her
12.7.20 sun
• poo still bad and probiotics continue
15.7.20 wed
• morning: poo 4/10
29.7.20 wed
* morning: v watery w other stuff poo?
* Vomit some broken kibble too
7.8.20 fri
• started her on royal pet in food – for her fur – day 01
10.8.20 Mon
• she seem to be missing some fur – brush her fur
• apply Sean FTO on her
• can touch her / catch her / scruff her easier nowadays
19.8.20 wed
• much easier to touch her nowadays – on RP day 13 alr
29.8.20 sat
• day 23 on RP – do feel her fur like nicer?
• will try to brush her fur again
30.8.20 sun
• bathe her w malaseb shampoo – one hour of spa machine her fur not that dry yet
• brush her
• given a b12 jab
1.9.20 mon
• she finds comfy pooing in hospi room floor – formed 5/10
10.9.20 Thurs
• jo:”Yup fur looks nicer. Younger :))” – wa like that means continue the Royal pet
11.9.20 Fri
• poo 1.25/10
• have to start probiotics tonight
• night: given her probiotics n I stop Royal
Pet for her alr
12.9.20 sat
• Lao baby – coco is rather playful for her age 🙂
Wa big plastic bags also very expensive leh coco
18.9.20 fri
• poo 1/10 – wa since I stop RP?
• tmr will give her b12 jab and probiotics
19.9.20 sat
• night: coco still poo pee on the floor – poo 4/10
21.9.20 mon
• fur really quite nice to touch
22.9.20 tues
• poo 2/10
26.9.20 sat
• her fur really damn nice to touch
2.10.20 Fri
• morning: coco vomit out some kibble
10.10.20 sat
• fur v nice to touch
• ah Ma – still v playful- play w plastic bag
18.10.20 sun
Night; vomit out some kibble but I’m not sure is it Cos after she eat cat grass
22.10.20 Thurs
* Night; anyhow pee on floor so I wanna catch her go bin n she scream – tao came Duno is extremely agitated by coco or she want to save coco
28.11.20 sat
* like brushing
30.11.20 mon
* morning: appetite like not bad
4.12.20 fri
1220am: poo 1.5/10
18.12.20 fri
* fur look really bad – help her brush today, run away from me like mad even bite me lucky not pain
* Got eat
* Did see her pee properly in unicharm bin
19.12.20 sat
* night: her poo 1.5/10 main thing like got a little intestinal liner
24.12.20 thurs
* these 2 days I started giving her probiotics
* She got some ulcers on her tongue but she will still go blue room ask for food
* Tonight she vomitted out a roll of poo-like fur ball
26.12.20 sat
* I had continue her w probiotics – haven’t catch her poo yet, but these weeks she had poo in unicharm bin
30.12.20 wed
* night; eating well – eating all over the floor
01 Jan 2020
1.1.2020 wed
• I just feel coco seem thinner
3.1.20 fri
• still got eat but I think she is v old le
19.1.20 sun
• coco vomitted out some fluid today, generally I feel ThT her appetite aren’t that good and she like more sianz sianz – but acknowledge that she is getting older alr
30.1.20 Thurs
• poo 1/10 – back to pooin near 猫房二号 again
8.2.20 sat
• coco did look more sianz than b4, got meow when I touch her
• more calm
• poo 0.5+2/10
12.3.20 thurs
• poo 2.5/10
21.3.20 sat
• poo 1/10
4.4.20 sat
• vomit out some brown gastric juice
16.6.20 Tues
• poo still 1.5/10
• chase her v Long then finally manage to give her probiotics
• she really super scare pple hold/ scruff her
19.6.20 Fri
• poo still not ok – continue probiotics
22.6.20 mon
• TOP right tip of her ear got a red lump – like pimple – but make me think of kate
• despite probiotics poo still 2/10 – kiv first
• but once I can catch her, giving medi is easy
23.6.20 wed
• poo still bad
• ear tip seem to burst
• fed her nutriplus gel
27.6.20 sat
• morning: poo still 1.5/10 – mucus
19 Jul 2019
19.7.19 fri
• poo 1.5/10
1.8.19 thurs
• poo 1/10
1.11.19 Fri
• poo 2.5/10
26.11.19 tues
• night: while I’m subcutting Guai, saw coco in a weird position. Hind right thign area wet, like typical bite wound with open wound and pus coming out look. But cos she is v furry can’t gauge well
• manage to scruff her which is v rare, somehow not wound leh, or just from
Her butt? Diarhhoea w mucus and stain her fur? Sigh. Serve her Fancy Feast she got lick a bit.
• tmr dr d not working. Aw closed. Need to rush tmr vet? Or thurs see dr d to check her up and maybe a through shave Also.
28.11.19 thurs
• 1115am: seen dr d – told dr d if we calm she is calm if not she will fly in the room – we all ok w checking 🙂
• 3.26kg – gain 660g fr last time – generally good size in 猫房
• there is a lump at the tip of her right ear
• end up didn’t shave her n etc, Cos dr d touch all over, no wound nothing – so that pus like thingy highly her mucus poo
• she no poo inside, but a lot of gas – she needs to be on probiotics, stay cage 08.
• got to deworm her, jab a b12
• most teeth gone, the canine r showing lots out alr, no need go dental if she is still fine Cos she is 14 Yrs old alr
• did full bloods on her, organs still good
• only glu high (stress), NEU glob elevated Cos of diarhhoea
• feacal test done . There is some blood in it. No wbc. No parasites.
• 530pm: got poo 2.5/10
29.11.19 fri
• morning: poo 1/10, she was released out sigh
30.11.19 sat
• poo still 1/10
• tmr maybe add kibble to her diet see how
5.12.19 Thurs
• eating ok
• poo 3/10
6.12.19 fri
• Formed poo
27.12.19 Fri
• think coco back to anyhow pee and poo
• she got drink my pork broth
28.12.19 sat
• confirm coco back to anyhow poo – scale 4.5/10
02 Jan 2019
07 Aug 2018
7.8.18 tues
• good formed stool
14.9.18 Friday
• still good formed stool – seem to have little blood
• vomited out dark brown liquid but w lots of fur ball
12.10.18 fri
• tear down the cat tree that coco had been peeing on and through clean the whole room and floor
21.11.18 wed
• soft poo 2/10
3.12.18 mon
• v watery poo 1/10 – lucky she poo on the pee tray
12.12.18 wed
• puke – but fur ball
03 Jan 2018
3.1.18 wed
• soft poo
10.1.18 wed
• ever Since I tear off n throw away that platform, now she stay at tv room, food time she will come pantry then go Ard clear food on the floor she eat even more then back to under mosses to zzz – did see her going to bin to poo n pee b4 meal time
16.1.18 Tuesday
* coco has been happy living in the tv room – and I saw her playing w the toy hanging from the bridge 🙂
20.1.18 Saturday
* poo a bit weird n seem to have blood stain
6.4.18 Friday
• ever since move house, she had been anyhow pooing and peeing on floor :,(
• appetite still good as usual
10.4.18 Tuesday
• always asking me for food
12.4.18 thurs
• dirty the cupboard n know how to siam to let me do cleaning
25.5.18 fri
• duno got constipation or not but anyhow poo, w some mucus inside (little poo too)
21 Jul 2017
21.7.17 Friday
• celebrate coco bday – she likes schesir salmon in water
• still eat 2 cans or more per day
8.9.17 Friday
• renny jump n squeeze coco off her Favourite spot, she fell down from tall height – checked not injuried, can run n jump
8.10.17 Sunday
• got form and also wet poo
18.10.17 Wednesday
• she ate daily delight mousse tuna. Chicken one don’t like
11.11.17 Saturday
• poo normal
25.11.17 Saturday
• poo looks relatively fine
27 Nov 2017 Monday
• update: poo is fine
• food intake is a lot 🙂
29.11.17 Wednesday
• today poo watery sigh 2 days ago is fine
10.12.17 Sunday
• these few days she keep being bully by those at level 1? She had been peeing on her top deck down all my cabinets
12.12.17 Tuesday
• Duno bully by who, don’t dare to go toilet, keep peeing from her own bed bunk box
15.12.17 Friday
• pooing and peeing at the TOP
23.12.17 Saturday
• from ps:”Coco finished 2 cans i gave another playe 1 can hahaha total eats 3 😅”
25.12.17 Monday
• coco platform I clean up again, even got maggots – might need to tear off that platform – or buy “cha chio”
• have to start planning to cage this girl alr
26.12.17 Tuesday
• dirty the whole place
• had to keep washing the cabinets
28.12.17 thurs
• bring her to cage so can quarantine her plus won’t let her be bully but she keep dashing out
• manage to secure her there for some time n she ate a lot of food
• eventually she still manage to run off to her dirty platform
31.12.17 Sunday
• tear off the whole platform and throw – she is being forced to run here n there on the floor – seem better I hope?
27 Jan 2017
27.1.17 Friday 除夕
• given her 压岁钱
2.2.17 Thursday
• thought she is a bit not fine for the past days, today confirmed: still good n well – think eat too much keke
6.2.17 Monday
• today buddy and sena bday: she had 2 serving of their cake
8.2.17 Wednesday
• seem to have mouth issue but good that she is still food motivated
10.2.17 Friday
• happy that coco finally got a new hideout after I assemble a new cat tree in the pantry
14.2.17 Tuesday
• mouth keeping bad – think need to catch her to vet – hard job
• lucky still eating well
15.2.17 Wednesday
• added buprenophine into her food for her to eat
22.2.17 Wednesday
• she found a new spot under the black racing car
• eating well
23.2.17 Thursday
• back to her usual spot
24.2.17 Friday
• happy to see that she can mix ard w the rest
26.2.17 Sunday
• soft stool – not diarrhoea
5.3.17 Sunday
• think she is getting really fat
20.3.17 Monday
• don’t seem to be v well
• added vibravet into food
25.3.17 Saturday
• health scale 6 – observe her eating
30.3.17 Thursday
• eat chicken w broth from maomei mummy
4.6.17 Sunday
• today v active leh
• I saw one part of her fur very matted
• manage to brush off some fur from her (10%)
5.6.17 Monday
• find her behaviour very weird, don’t seem to eat
6.6.17 Tuesday
• today she did eat – but I still feel that she is a bit weird
7.6.17 Wednesday
• got eat – but she is hiding under the car w Nina
10.6.17 Saturday
• need to find buprenophine for coco
14.6.17 Wednesday
• back to normal
18.6.17 Sunday
• like monge tuna w papaya
19.6.17 Monday
• sayang her when she is zzz- duno why she so scare human touch leh
03 Oct 2016
3.10.16 Monday
• lioncut at maomei Ashley mummy house
• deflea
14.10.16 Friday
• loves home cooked fish, chicken, liver
23.10.16 Sunday
• flu need to see vet type
• wanna clean her eye n feed her medi but she go siao siao panic so fail
• sigh have to catch her to hospi her
24.10.16 Monday
• by right can touch n sayang her Liao
• think she knows she is not feeling well and knows I’m catching her to VET, now don’t let me touch Loh.
• added vibravet paste and lysine into her food today. Let’s hope tmr it’s cleared.
27.10.16 Thursday
• day 4 adding lysine n vibrapaste into her food – she got eat – flu didn’t worsen
21 Aug 2016
21.8.16 Sunday
• wanna put a kitten Revo on her Not successful – she jump to TOP of cat platform
24.8.16 Wednesday
• Revo her
6.9.16 Tuesday
• can’t stand her matted fur … Omg think she needs a baths badly
9.9.16 Friday
• Rena bday celebration: ate some chicken by Mao Mei mummy – she ate rena’s leftover when she walked away
19.9.16 Monday
• don’t seem to know how to eat real chicken
• saw her come down to use the bin
26.9.16 Monday
• loves chicken liver – finished whole plate