Off to the Rainbow Bridge
First know him when he had acute kidney failure. He stay in 猫房 to recover and he left 猫房 in July 2020. Today 30.8.21 he is back in 猫房 cos his kidney is in bad shape again.
07 Sep 2021
620am: Kitty and stitch fighting, and I check on Garfield, don’t look breathing. Back facing me. I touch his back and call him, body jump a bit and some legs kicking. just got a quick kicks, not moving n I turn him over, passed on.
Prepared his funeral quite slowly – I’m damn tired n blur in the morning.
His eyes pupils v big, sayang him.
715am: his eyes change n body stiff le
750am: Agnes visit him a while
1240pm: moon n Agnes attended his funeral
Night: Jj, moon n Agnes attended his funeral
06 Sep 2021
920am: Garfield sent off to hs to do checking.
I don’t go w him so a lot of missing data.
Information from dr yeumee:
“Bloods look bad, crea looks worse, have to try to dilute a second time. Sodium and chloride also low now. bP is lower, so can stop amlodopine.” – to use na cl bag, later i change new bag to nacl. bp is Low, scarier than high loh. Crea dilute 2nd time still no reading. v v v cui.
“With added K, 1 vial” – I double confirm w dr to add cos his k is 5.3.
“bP is 108 now. Was 166 before”
“IV was ok. Not swollen or blocked.”
“Pcv is 11%” – hct even worse loh 8% – this number make me giddy, if Garfield can save back this round will be miracle le.
“I think we should start antibiotics for the nasal discharge, very crusty this morning” – “Marbo at 0.5ml SC sid”
“Abdomen felt a bit distended so checked quick scan, no free fluid”
“Just I think the IVF are not staying in the circulation” – ask dr then can off iv n be on Subcut – can’t, just lower to 11ml/h.
“And drooling a lot today.”
“stop amlodopine, continue benaepril, continue maropitant and Mirtazapine.”
“Not looking very good, sadly. But benazepril can keep same dose. UPC did improve at least” – UPC today is 4.49. Phos still sky high, all bad.
“Perhaps we try darbo, twice weekly” – means today got to give le.
1145am: start him back on his current drip bag, at rate 11ml/h. Think overnight will drop to 8.
310pm: check Ip on xiao Hui and Garfield. Just now checked twice, Garfield got change in position, n I can see his face. His breathing like got problem. Thinking of his 9%, At this rate I damn scare. Is really extreme serious.
Ask dr ym re Garfield Buprenophine “Yes that’s fine, very low dose. Safe. I didn’t feel he was in a lot of pain, just weak. Not su grumpy after exam and blood collection today”
Asked clinic for thurs review slot for Garfield – fully booked. No slot at all so how? – told dr ym n she squeeze Garfield in for me. This Thursday 10am
728pm: fr ip : alive
730pm: ask Agnes :”I anyhow add things to treat Garfield wor? Like Maxine, i 死马当活马医. I add immuno and kidney gold for him. Since he crash alr, I think is fiv his immune system down” – she reply ok.
So today med I add on 2 immune booster
Didn’t take syringe feeding well- only 15ml of aixia kidney pouch.
05 Sep 2021
8am: got one piece of 2cm formed poo, aren’t hard
Got pee
He looks lethargic
Fish bot touched – wasted
intending to stop Cerenia but can’t, think something else wrong w him, maybe from start he got pancreatitis also
Nose discharge stick to his nose, help him clean up, nubulize
Played Agnes friend audio for him twice n sayang him
Serve RC renal pouch and he seem more keen but still can’t eat
9Am: rush back cos I remember to replace new fluid bag if not later will beep, so late for work le
He looks relax mode resting, tonight I need to force feed
1230pm: wanna check ip see how he is – end up his iv stop. Sigh. Duno what’s the issue. He will be without iv for 6h.
630pm: rushed home so Garfield can have fluid. flush his iv port, still smooth. 17ml/h
825pm: stop again. V stress tonight. Get scolding non stop le. his fur v puff up, think he is in pain. told him I’ll give him pain killer later on.
930pm: Syringe fed him one whole pack of aixia renal. Pee a lot again.
Nose still got discharge – Nubulise twice today.
Fur puff up, I think he is in pain- eyes a bit no soul, Buprenophine given iv.
1120pm: fr Ip: check on him again, resting. Didn’t look ok. But resting. Don’t disturb him.
04 Sep 2021
Morning: clear Peepads, no poo day 02
Look v sianz. Ask clinic got Monday slot or not, think can’t wait till Tuesday, felt a little warm, right leg look a little swollen – clinic say no slot. Sigh
I think got eat a bit or his body rub away the liquid renal food?
356pm fr hs: “We would like to update you on Garfield’s urine culture result. The result is negative. This is to rule out urinary tract infection. “
510pm: ip cam off the cats off the camera, can’t check on Garfield but iv is flowing
630pm: got pee, still sianz look.
830pm: change rate to 10ml/h night rate
His nose got yellowish discharge alr, by right should start doxy alr, kiv first
Nubulise him.
His mouth alr show sign of bleeding from that rotten tooth – think he is in much pain. Given gabapentin but I give 0.16ml Buprenophine iv too at 10pm.
10pm: given him selar – keen did lick n I think lick thrice then that’s it. Didn’t eat at all.
Today Apply appetite stimulant too, serve tuna n w aixia oldie – not keen at all
1127pm: fr Ip can’t see his face, I scare
03 Sep 2021
Morning: don’t touch food no new poo day 01
got pee
Noon then I remember go up his drip rate, i up to 18ml/h since I need to tap down
Got pee.
Sigh 1010pm his alarm ring, coil his legs so many round loh – change extension line n new fluid bag, set drip rate 11ml/h
Got pee. Told him I help him put more Peepads
Think he did touch a little food. sigh.
Tmr see how.
Serve him tuna w chicken ham n aixia oldie – didn’t eat.
145am: he looks sianz sianz
02 Sep 2021
1032am: fr Ip: sleeping position on the paper plate
Check 1009am cctv: diff position.
Going to vet soon, I think current HCT must be bad, Duno how bad. Sdma crea pls come down significantly
Got 6.5cm of 6/10 poo formed
Pee a lot, mess up all the Peepads – ok didn’t wet himself – smart
1128am: omggggg still waiting for cab. Me n gar even walk to roadside le where is our cab? 1 more min we r late
1139am: at clinic alr, waiting …
Dr ym commented he look happier today
in clinic :- 4.72kg – gain 260g – Hydration of cos better
No heart mur mur
Don’t need to take bp – cos amlopidine won’t work so fast also. Dr ym feel the pulse on his hind, she think it’s not that high today.
Don’t take cbc, cos his wbc no much change one, just more concern w his anemic issue, so Pcv tp will do – pcv 20, tp 7.2. Start darbepoetin 0.05ml once weekly.
Do crea only – sky high n after dilution is 888, no improvement – this round the kidney really too cui
Sg 1.008 even more dilute
Lytes: potassium still ok at 4.5 cos he is on renal k, phos bind need to add on to twice a day, His value still sky high.
Do UPC – by right need to start semintra but his is v high (7.78, wa can fight w Simba baba) n need a lot, so to start benezapril better (2.5mg daily)
That day they didn’t do urine culture – today then do – waiting for result
New finding today: his left lower front canine is bleeding and rotten (that might be the issue) – need to start giving gabapentin and dr mention Cerenia n I told her I gave alr – continue I deem fit
Nose is wet, to continue what I’m doing – I think he need Ab leh, let’s wait for urine cul result to be out
Temp: 37.9
Iv cath check: intact, still on front right leg – next appt is on tues day 09 of the iv cath – that day sure must change the iv cath alr
Back to 猫房, the iv cath cap tighten so tight. Fed up. waste so much time.
New fluid bag going at 20ml/h. another 1-2 days I have to tap down to 15.
513pm: fr Ip he is sleeping soundly
Night: didn’t see him eat day 01. I’m sure that his mouth is v v pain, start to bleed Liao fr his gum. – tmr might need to give Buprenorphine.
Apply appetite stimulant for him.
I Subcut him, so go give him darbepoetin, b12 and b complex, added oral iron.
Given him tuna w salmon w/o renal food, tmr see how
1240am: fr Ip: his position look sianz and in pain? Sigh
131am: he is resting
01 Sep 2021
Morning: alive
Got pee, almost plain, super diluted – cos he pee to the lower tray and I clean up
Drank 40% water in water bowl
Drip rate change back to 20ml/h- I think Friday night I change the extension line so the line will be in perfect condition for him to stay in 猫房 on Saturday without going to clinic for day care
serve tuna w chicken w aixia renal pouch – got smell didn’t eat. – I feel he flu nose block inside leh – nubulize him
Day 03 no poo
Given nutriplus gel – but if he still don’t poo, I can’t give this anymore.
Teabreak: I serve kakato tuna w seaweed
1035pm: fr Ip: he is eating kakato 🙂
Today >13h of 20ml/h drip
Supper: serve tuna w smoked fish w aixia Renal – didn’t eat
Got pee, throw a lot of Peepads
Throw u/c Peepad
1130pm: change drip rate to 10ml/h to last overnight to tmr b4 we go vet
132am: his eyes look really tired
31 Aug 2021
730am: check on him le, didn’t eat much
Got pee, 75% of a pc of Peepad wet – put unicharm Peepads for him so he won’t be wet. somehow he don’t like the feel of u/c Peepad
feel he is nausea- given 0.46ml of Cerenia in iv.
Serve tuna w smoked fish w wellness duck – got smell didn’t eat. Today officially didn’t eat.
(Look) still ok. Alert.
afternoon, got pee.
This drip rate damn high whole day >12h he is on 20ml/h – v anemic now? he look sianz sianz
Night: serve aixia renal – didn’t seem keen. I know is waste and throw food one that’s y change brand didn’t give RC renal today. syringe in 3ml of food in for him (got lick, can swallow) Still give phos bind, renal k n amlopidine.
Apply appetite stimulant gel for him tonight.
I feel he did have flu, right eye got some discharge, left nostril like a little stuck – can’t give lysine – I gave nutriplus gel – he don’t like it.
Tonight he looks really sianz. I’m worried. Tmr only wed.
Change water bowl of water for him.
9pm: change drip bag and drip rate to 11ml/h.
1020pm: fr Ip can’t see him being blocked by wire, have to go into room again.
1035pm: stranding up, i sayang him lots – tell him don’t cry cry
1042pm: fr ip, he is eating kibble more than 1 minute 🙂 – my handsome good boy Garfield
30 Aug 2021
350pm: saw Garfield at clinic, weigh him w carrier 6.0kg. Last year July 2020, he left 猫房 at 6.56kg. lost almost 2kg. afternoon saw his video look sad. Info gathered from agnes’ friend, past 2 days he start meowing, n don’t eat kibble, n didn’t really eat wet food other than the juice from gold d gravy.
4.46kg – lost a lot of weight
No heart mur mur most important for now.
Told dr that tues sat Garfield had subcut, last Subcut is on sat 100ml
She ask me about iv hospi, means haven’t do blood she alr think Garfield need iv Liao. Garfield is v dehydrate, v obvious muscle loss just from his hind legs.
Agnes friend ask whether his eye got problem – no problem but he is so thin till his face sunken in.
Taking wellness package cos he need to test many things.
Dr ym saw Garfield old photo n him today, she say no no – means he really look bad today.
519pm: remind clinic to do phos / lucky do it cos his is sky high > 5.20
527pm: still waiting
Just now thought Garfield mouth might be bad, checked aren’t that bad but the mouth damn smelly so means without blood test yet we know his kidney is very bad.
532pm: dr yeumee just had a quick talk w me, she asked to put in a iv cath. I told her if more towards don’t want, ok? She said almost can’t cos the results r really bad. sdma 78, crea no reading – now waiting for dilution still 1085. Urea >46.4, bp is 166 – have to start on amlopidine cos iv will push bp even higher.
Hct 22% rbc 4.73 when he is dehydrate, so means he is anemic now, any moment may need to start darbepoetin. Need to review on Thursday cos today didn’t take upc also.
Think his kidney really cui, first time dr yeumee told me to give 20ml/h, by right have to be 22, overnight I’ll give 11ml/h.
Taken in-house urine culture – to rule out UTI. For now, dr ym didn’t start him on any Ab.
Retest Idexx – fiv still positive, Felv negative
Urine drawn out – sg 1.010 v dilute, pro 2+, dr didn’t want to start him on semintra w/o taking UPC.
For today, k is 4.7. so won’t add kcl into drip bag, but thurs see how. I add renal k into his diet when I feed his phos bind at the same time.
Na cl look fine so I use my normal fluid bag.
6pm: reach 猫房 and I set him up in hospi cage, drip rate 20ml/h. By tmr Night need to change drip bag alr cos 2am will end.
I serve him RC renal pouch and aixia oldie – both he got eat.
I serve him RC indoor 27 w chicken sprinkles – he got eat too.
He drink water too.
7pm; update dr ym about Garfield status:
“Didnt take his temperature, because he got a bit upset with the blood collection!” – i do feel Garfield a little cold at the clinic
“He didn’t seem overly painful even on kidney palpation, but also quite quiet so hard to assess.” – so i kiv Buprenophine
I do feel he feel nausea so I will give him Cerenia Iv tonight.
930pm: he is on 2.75h of 20ml/h drip, now change to 11ml/h.
Set one cctv facing him.
Serve him bistro chicken – didn’t touch.
Serve Alsaka salmon kibble – he got eat
Given 3 meds – renal k, phos bind, amlopidine.
Forgot to give Cerenia.
Didn’t have pee tmr see how.
11pm: can’t see him much, cctv position not v good, tmr i got to adjust again