Off to the Rainbow Bridge
Guai Guai (fiv+ felv+) (chronic flu,renal azotemia, iris stage 3)
23 Dec 2021
7.09am: alive. She did have meowing calling sound thru the nights ESP 1am+.
727am: same. Got twitching action. Otherwise breathing is slow.
740am: open door, serve Breakfast – ff and aixia oldie – didn’t respond to food, got meow at me. Continue to lie down. I think she can’t see the food loh
835am: syringe fed 11ml aixia oldie and given 0.29ml gabapentin (5mg/kg) – didn’t think she is that stage yet.
Got pee a little bit, one can food size only.
10am: Guai go to her old hood to lie on the floor, visited by 4 members from the family, visited Jj, then to n see hs.
1030am: seen dr ym. temp 35, bp 70. plan: draw fluids to make her better, quick echo heart v large, not pumping much. On iv, too boost her bp, to make her feel better n stable then go back 猫房 w me.
What’s done: b4 the procedure, Guai vomitted once. Dr ym given Cerenia. Drawn out 80ml from chest. Abdomen didn’t. W Iv, bp didn’t hit 90 thru out. Pcv 20, w her v hydrated.
Ard 2h she is in o2 cage then bp keep dropping w heart beat getting slower. Jennifer called agnes. Agnes called me at 230pm, less than 15 mins we waiting for cab, Guai pass on.
Fetch her back to 猫房 for funeral.
22 Dec 2021
1150pm: Guai come to bunk in w Totoro – hopefully she sleep better w oxygen and purifier and positive vibes – to get ready for tmr vet visit
Afternoon ask dr yeumee on what can be done for Guai :”An oxygen concentrator might help her to breathe more comfortably and conserve energy. Buprenorphine to ease some pain” – given 0.09ml Buprenophine – based on agnes weight; 2.85kg.
1) Guai definitely seem to be in pain – got some jerking action every now n then
2) on o2 90% in room
3) lie down position told her sleep
1248am: alive, eyes open. Still in resting mode position
128Am: fr Ip: same
30 Oct 2021
146am: more than 36h dr ym didn’t reply to: Dr, Guai Guai feeder asked:”Cat, GG was given med into the nubulizer for 10 day but still she sneezing, She like block nose , can help to ask dr Y can give her med anot” – so agnes mainly want to know if there is any contradiction w the current meds which I know no, so Guai is starting on doxy today onwards. one Course 11 days worth, see how. From video she sound like block nose. weight: 2.67kg, dose 0.25ml.
04 Oct 2021
30 Sep 2021
Inform Agnes that I’ll be packed w lessons today, so leave it to her to decide and liaise w clinic re Guai le.
402pm: Agnes inform me :”Jess told me that vet say GG like Garflied with kidney failure can go any time, if you were me will you still insert nasal tube ?” – I check w dr ym
Y:”I haven’t got the results yet, but I just warned her that her condition isn’t looking great. She has a pleural effusion on left side chest. Bloody nasal discharge from left nostril also. More quiet today so I think feeling worse. I have put her in oxygen until she is here to discuss options. I think we cannot put feeding tube as breathing already not good.”
• 430pm: Agnes: They want her to hospitalise” – i ask dr ym on What’s the diff of her hospitalising via going home w her? – “Oxygen therapy, IVF. Il probably want to start IV antibiotics. Also, we have to sedate her a bit to drain the chest, so recovery. But high risk procedure. Ah, well you can, if you are ok with it. But like Garfield, prognosis not good. But also, have to drain the chest first and see how she does after that. If breathing is bad, or bad recovery from sedation, may have to stay here or go to overnight intensive care.” – thought Agnes will hospi Guai at least for tonight n see how cos of this. End up only tap the chest and did nothing of the following: no nasal tube, no iv, no hospi. bring home med: spironolactone 1/4 of 25mg (dusty on this for heart), cidopodogrel 1/4 of 75mg, Marbo start again?, Buprenophine 0.2ml that’s the higher dose alr – mean dr ym think she is in pain.
• bp 190
• 837pm: sigh agnes brought Guai back didn’t hospi
• dr ym; “I didn’t use much sedation cos I was scared for her heart so didn’t need to wait here. No IV, they decided not to do IVF and meds, just to keep her comfortable and pain free. I started more oral meds to try to avoid fluid buildup. I suspect her heart is enlarged, but cannot say if due to the high BP or underlying heart issue. In any case I started some meds to help protect against clot formation. For now I said just don’t go more than 80ml SC every other day because she is still dehydrated, but since she still drinks maybe can reduce.”
• asked dr ym what will b the diff if Guai is in my hand “I would not do nasal tube now, since bloody discharge from the nose today. But I would do IV for fluids, antibiotics and in case breathing gets worse again, to give frusemide quickly”
29 Sep 2021
Morning: got poo 8cm formed poo.
got vomit.
Agnes says she thinks yesterday’s panting episode start after she Subcut.
1225pm: given dr ym update n ask if need to change Subcut plan.
Dr ym; “Pls ask her to stop the fluids for the next few days to see if the panting improves. We may need to take xrays if persistent. Is she eating and drinking on her own?” – eating no, drinking yes. Syringe feeding.
Night: video body breathing didn’t look that heavy, but mouth got movement. Tmr manage to get a slot at 4pm to see dr ym.
28 Sep 2021
14 Sep 2021
Go see gg cos Duno what ac go ask gg about Pts, go sayang her. Her eyes looks damn scary and cui. I really think she is in pain. No mention about pain killer etc.
Today main core point:
07 Sep 2021
Review w dr yeumee: “She is blind, I assess retinal detachment from hypertension. Lost weight since last week. I told her prognosis isn’t good. But we try a few more meds, see how we go. Btw I didn’t add pain relief yet because I didn’t want to overwhelm with too much meds. Also might benefit from IVFt but was still eating according to her, so I left it for now.”
Guai continue Marbo and semintra, started on amlopidine. started on darbepoetin when her HCT is 27%, unsure why.