Off to the Rainbow Bridge
❤️ gummy
(3.91kg, Hct 30.3%, urea 14.6, crea 98, Tp 102, glob 75, k 3.7, sdma 9, urine ok 26.11.20)
(4.15kg 6.12.20, 4.26kg 10.12.20, 4.02kg, bp – 124 7.1.21)
(3.09kg rbc 5.72, hct 30.7%, Mcv 53.7, Glu 9.40, Crea 132, urea 14.9, sdma 31, Tp 97, Alb 25, alt 137,
Na 169, K 3.6, Glob 72 23.3.21 tues)
🐾 BATH (18.1.21, 23.3)
🐾 CUT NAILS (6.1.21, 18.1, 23.3)
🐾 Depredil jab 0.25ml (30.6, 22.8, 31.10, 12.1.2020, 16.3, 26.7, 8.9. 20.10, 16.11, 16.12*****) – stop (given 23.3.21 0.15ml, 23.4****)
🐾 immuno 0.3ml (restart 9.9.20)
🐾 gabapentin 0.37ml (start 10.10.20)
🐾 methadone 0.08ml (26.11.20 onwards on off) (start 23.3.21 tues every 6-8h)
🐾 broxemine 4mg 12h gap (start 24.3.21 wed 12pm)
🐾 seretide evohaler twice daily (start 24.3.21 wed 230pm)
🐾 nubulizing n O2 (start 23.3.21 tues)
🐾 tube feed (start 23.3.21 tues)
🐾 atopica half tablet (start 23.3.21 tues)
🐾 Subcut
🐾 Clav 0.2ml (start 23.3.21 tues)
Hugger. Koala Bear. Super cute, Dr likes to hug him on each vet visit too
26 Mar 2021
1244am: check on him again, didn’t look ok, but not v bad. Add one more cold pack for him – sleep.
822am: “Hi Cat, the swab I took from Gummys mouth shows bacterial growth on uricult. Did you want me to send this out for culture and sensitivity? This time it should give us more info” – sent out
825am: got pee no poo, look weak look thinner somehow. Start to log in number for his breathing difficulty status: 8/10
Nubulize w evohaler
840am: didn’t eat
848am: v weak, but I like the fact that he is trying and got times he is sitting up
1009am: resting mode, but panting, breathing difficulty status: 8.5/10
1015am: tube fed 14ml ad
I off o2 for a while (let it rest a while) cos on nubulizer – breathing difficulty status: 9.25/10
1019am: just 10 mins … Erm have to rethink tues can even go out to go vet or not
I on the small o2 machine 5litre at 40% for him
1030am: tube fed 12ml ad
1155am: tube fed 36ml ad, given all oral tube meds
Sleeping – I think it as sleeping (lying flat)
1225pm: ok didn’t sleep that well w me keep disturbing him, I think I should go sleep. Subcut him n give injectable medi. Tube fed 12ml Ad w lysine
1234pm: sleeping
124pm: resting, didn’t disturb him, breathing difficulty status: 7/10. I bath a lot of bears he isn’t very disturbed by the washer sound n etc
140pm: tube fed 48ml – quite ok
228pm: dr ym asked for gummy weight. 3.16kg – gain 70g but I think is the o tube weight, so at least didn’t lose weight. breathing difficulty status: 9.5/10 – panting badly I quickly put him back O2. Poo out really small PCs of poo on the scale.
320pm: found him lying in a diff positron, on the food plate – more scary than the past 48h, wipe him clean n he look ok again? Let him sleep
510pm: need to rush but found him looking bad n he has the radio fm sound again following by coughing more of choking sound … did he want to vomit n choke n cough all at one time? Saliva dripping n I feel something choking him like that. Cerenia correct to give? Harmful? Harmless? Just now at 3+ i feel like asking dr whether can give doxy Duno why I had that in mind – dr ym: “I think cerenia would not have helped because the coughing and the phlegm where from the throat and back of the mouth. Maybe harmless but probably not very useful.”
520pm I know he is going, his front hook onto o tube n become stiff, I almost scare he torn his neck. I know dying, I hold his hand n accompany him.
526pm he is gone v fast.
While I’m arranging his wake, he alr lie down there, dead, msg come in order tv sb, I still ask gummy how? Should sell or let the cats play – he majiang want to ans me his mouth REALLY moving .., I know is muscle react la maybe the gas to the o tube hole neck n etc … but still … I sell off our toys, not enough to pay for his cremation also. Sigh
25 Mar 2021
130am: fr Ip he lie near water bowl again – don’t look good again :,(
140am: sayang him he look ok, pee again – I change for him
8am: gummy is ok. Not fine yet but look ok. No medi to give other than methadone – see first
Got pee – changed – colour look fine pale yellow
845am: tube fed 18ml ad
Got 2 pieces of formed poo 2.5cm totalled. Slightly better colour than yesterday v black poo, today still quite dark. Hardness still 8/10
913am: dr ym check on gummy. “Is he stable enough to be out of oxygen? If worried, can leave him in oxygen and we can keep updating like this ?”
Given dr a 31s video on gummy (he pee again); “Looks better! Seems that when you touch the chin area then the breathing worsens a bit more. So stress probably will make it worse. I’m scared that it will get worse with the travel” – so now waiting for dr to confirm going to see her today or not or next time she is in is next tues in clinic -“I think no need to come in the morning. Most important thing for him is the oxygen. If by afternoon looking worse again then no choice we see him. If worse before Tuesday I will come to see him or come into work for him if I have to”
950am: tube fed 12ml, breathing still not stable
Nubulize him w the evohaler puff
1140am tube fed 12ml, breathing got issue again.
1210pm: he pee again, erm didn’t look ok again
1230pm: Subcut, given methadone, Clav, bromhexine, atopica. Handling he don’t seem ok, b4 handling he is not ok also
257pm: leaning against the cage – look fine
392pm: tube fed 12ml ad, breathing is bad – but after I change the Peepads so let him be, on nubulizer again
415pm: he look ok again, b4 I go work will nubulise him w evohaler again
On off found 1-2 PCs of 8mm size small poo
520pm: his eyes look a little scary. Got pee n poo 6.5/10 1.5cm. Give him a puff of evohaler without nubulizing – rushing out for class
720pm: fr Ip he is resting – updated dr ym
830pm: tube fed 12ml ad – breathing is bad. With “wee-ing” sound. Nubulize w evohaler. Oxygen continue
950pm: tube fed him 18ml ad, given all night medi
His breathing is very bad again but I realise something – he poo – so today each time I feel he sudden become “worsen” is when he poo
Tonight good poo 5/10, ard 5.5cm
Nubulize him again
1108pm: fr Ip resting against the cage
24 Mar 2021
230am: m I mentally drained out? I knocked out tonight and I dream of mosses I know but I Duno contends but I’m v sad n I wake up to see the replies fr hs at 1016pm: “We can stop iv fluids for now, We can give a shot of depredil to reduce swelling. Either tonight or tmr.” – I know gummy really got breathing problem just now le, depredil alr given. I jump out of bed to off his Iv. But right I should go clinic tmr if he survive to do something but what can they do? Dr ym in on Thursday morning. Sigh. What happen? This is not the first round gummy weight drop due to mouth pain, we have overcome so many rounds. Why this time the only risk is ga scare he can’t wake up but he did n yet breathing become got issue. Why?????
Status: gummy breathing is really bad – so bad that I think I will lose him tonight – so bad that I know I rushed to Ves now they plug anything to him he will die even sooner or die otw
Try to extend oxygen w kid mouth mask right at his face for him he will move away – I see hope, I change ice packs for him and didn’t dare to disturb him too much, let him overcome himself?
308am: Ip he is v uncomfortable – lying near n on the water bowl – I know I go will end up open o2 chamber end up he less o2. Sigh.
Duno what else can b done.
340am: can’t sleep at all le, accompany gummy without disturbing him, let him know I’m around
358am: he is now in resting position, sayang him a while n told him try sleep now is hope his body can readjust back – can’t stress him further
4.52am: heard sound n I check on gummy again, he got a bit moan in pain again. I think I should just go clinic for their more concentrated o2? And also to remove his iv cath tmr morning
Msg clinic phone:”I’m still monitoring him now, can I bring him in the morning like 5h later?
1) to remove the iv cath
2) maybe let him rest in ur oxygen chamber which I assume is better than my home lifeline type one”
551am: suddenly remember nubulise help airway – nubulize him again, still on O2 support
723am : sayang him again, nubulize him twice
I knocked out
741am: dr ym ask me about gummy
930am awake to reply her n gather some info: “Oh no….I’m so sorry to say I don’t think it looks good. I am not sure how he will survive without oxygen. I suspect he might have aspirated fluid after he woke up. I didn’t see any vomiting but he had so much phlegm in his oral cavity. The other possibility is that his throat was so inflamed and got worse due to the tube. I would try with some water but have to prop him up so that it doesn’t leak back up the tube and oesophagus. Can check his temp? It was quite low when he came in yesterday, but imrpved with warming. Got cold again during GA. Also can try to loosen or remove the bandage of the o-tube so that way his neck isn’t constricted. Continue with methadone IV if you think he is in pain. Maybe give half if IV. Aka 0.04ml. Can repeat at 6-8 hours. Can I check which injectable medications you might have at home? See what else might help”
1020am: temp 38.8
Remove the whole bandage on neck
Given methadone 0.04ml iv
Later will give 0.2ml Clav
Nubulise him again w saline only
1045am given Clav jab
1110am tube fed 12ml ad
1130am tube fed 12ml ad
1140am check on him, if I touch him lift him up to adjust peepad etc his breathing worse. So need minimum handling
1153am look scary position – but found out he poo a 1.5cm small piece of relatively black poo hardness 8/10
1216pm dr ym: “His colour does not look very good. Do you have any inhaler medications?”
“It’s called Seretide evohaler.” – sos help but think vallie have
“Otherwise do you have bromhexine oral tablet? Bromhexine is a mucolytic, to help break up phlegm. The breathing sounds noisy so I think there is some mucus. Can give half a tablet once every 12 hours. Via the tube. Any coughing or choking when feeding via tube?” – 1230pm: given Bromhexine 4mg
Meanwhile still finding place I can get the seretide evohaler – pharmacies not picking up calls
Joreen Yeo got leftover from twinkles – she sending to us for gummy!
I meanwhile nubulize gummy n monitor him
155pm: he stand up n go to water bowl, he lick 5 times n turn n fall again
210pm: puff in the seretide evohaler for him
230pm: took out the iv cath for him, nubulise many times le
Temp 37.7 – tonight try to find a faster thermometer – the panda one Sooooooo slow
327pm: didn’t look better
550pm: tube fed 12ml ad
Subcut 100ml and give methadone 0.08ml
Illusion? Still bad but seem safer?
608pm: tube fed 12ml ad
Nubulise again
620pm kiss him told him I give him power to self healing while I’m out to work to earn money for 猫房
749pm: eye open resting
910pm: position change, still resting but on his pee, eye still open
937pm: same position, face away fr his pee
1010pm: change position, seem better position
11pm did I thought gummy look better? More stable? Tube fed 12ml think ad not that fresh – throw n blend a new can for him
Clear his peepad n he pee again 🙂
Nubulise him w the seretide evohaler again
Later 12+ given him Bromhexine again w methadone
1150pm: tube fed 24ml – he really did look better – Erm … then should I go clinic tmr morning first thing?
1215am tube fed 18ml ad
Given medi, lights out
1259am: Duno why I feel he look weird again, got some jerking action
23 Mar 2021
815am got pee no poo again
Scare of me
But ok when he know I sayang him only
950am bath him
He got choking action/ sound when he struggling when bathing – a bit scary
Spa machine for Ard 25 mins seem ok – not dry but we got to rush to vet
Seem ok but mouth v v bad – got little blood in the machine
1050am see dr ym
Weight 3.09kg – lose 950g
Told dr ym about the coughing, she check her throat still quite ok
Taking full bloods Chem 10 w lytes cbc to see how – most probably o tube is rather firm
Still a little dehydrate
Ear a little a little yellow, I told dr ym I feel his belly area much more when I bath him
Nurse will help dry him more b4 o tube is placed, if not he will be cold
He hug dr ym as usual
Told dr ym that gummy seem to have urine issue, keep peeing when scare n etc – yesterday itself pee is more yellow
Physical check: Kidneys still symmetrical, liver feel slightly big, bladder small
Taking urine test also
rbc 5.72, hct 30.7% – a bit better than mosses
Mcv 53.7, Glu 9.40
Crea 132, urea 14.9, sdma 31 – can’t confirm is renal issue yet, so after o tube placed, iv cath keep in to help his kidney n see how – dr ym says will redo bloods after his hydration is better
Tp 97
Alb 25, alt 137 – liver did start to have a little issue – dr ym is trying to get urine, nurse can’t get
Na 169
K 3.6
Glob 72 those mouth issue
Plan: dr ym still want to hydrate gummy a little more n get his urine, then she try to do earlier (thought she initial target to do at 230pm) then let me bring back at 3-4pm.
Keep iv in, I come back on Thursday if need be or i just come Sunday or something to take off the Iv. dr ym next in on next tues after thurs
Urine: pale yellow. Still concentrate enough so not totally kidney issue
Start new med atopica – ciclosporin half tablet (of 25mg) daily for 2 weeks see how – but review in one week? Alr booked
he got the breathing thingy issue like mosses, on xray better than mosses – dr ym give a cerenia jab to play safe
Dr ym told me to monitor his sound/ breathing, the pro tall nurse also reminded me this – Erm think it’s either v serious or they r v careful cos of mosses
5pm: back in 猫房- 6ml/h drip rate, on O2 chamber and nubulizing- I’ll switch him to non o2 chamber overnight so won’t be top stuffy
Dr ym told me to give Clav 5 more days 0.2ml
Also to give methadone 0.08ml for 2 more days
Re: atopical – ridiculous, it’s a v oily gel in a super hard capsule – totally don’t work for cats la. I had to cut it n almost 12mg gone n I need to syringe water into the capsule to try to extract as much juice out – total wastage – this is for dog la
By 7pm I had given 25+36ml ad – ok, but the sound is like radio fm signal got problem – tonight later will give maybe another 12ml n stop. Today less aggressive plus he sense I’m in stress mode.
830pm: found him really bad – really breathing got issue. need to let him be in O2 chamber – I really have the scary mode. Dr ym did tell me monitor 1,2 days or “even tonight” that I might give a depredil jab – I think she foresee this issue – depredil 0.15ml given, methadone 0.08ml given
Don’t dare to look at him More cos can’t keep opening the O2 chamber
945pm: I shine light into chamber see him he got look out, hopefully is ga drug totally off n he suddenly feel pain so just now scary.
Tmr morning got to give him methadone again
22 Mar 2021
815am no poo, got pee, he pee frequent when he scare n panic too
Body full of urine smell cos he pee n just sit on it – bath w waterless shampoo
Subcut n see how – somehow his body structure plus I can still feed blended thicker ad, I might abandoned tmr o tube plan.
940am: syringe fed 30ml ad
10am: syringe fed 30ml ad
1145am Syringe fed 15ml ad
230pm got pee, this round rather yellow. Duno his blood status. Syringe feed 15ad
720pm got pee again, same feeling – sigh might need o tube again?
Syringe fed only 5ml and he suddenly fart – I think is fart w diarhhoea poo 0.5/10 watery no blood no mucus
10pm: just now feed another 15ml, I Duno why he seem weak and breathing like weird also
Hug hug him lots – he still koala bear
RR 24
1120pm: Ip somehow he just look weak. Just tired? Weak? From syringe feeding? Like that scary leh. Tmr
o tube can put meh? Or maybe wait? I really need the blood work to be done. Sigh. I didn’t know dr ym in today 🙁
21 Mar 2021
Gummy 21.3.21 sun
8am; still not eating, status same
Clinic no reply yet, still got to prepare him for Tuesday
Ok, slot confirm coming Tuesday 1030am, I think I moving gummy to hospi cage to monitor
10pm: move him to 猫房 hospital – syringe fed blended thicker ad 30ml – quite ok
He is a little stress that I relocate him
1016pm: syringe fed another 21ml – start to be pain
Didn’t touch food on his own (aixia oldie n blended ad)
20 Mar 2021
Face v thin Liao. Look bad. Didn’t eat at all. I serve blended ad he also can’t eat. I serve selar he also can’t eat too. I made decision alr – he needs o tube or same he will die of hunger. think back, mosses didn’t put o tube will die too, so it’s still need to put, but just can’t find out why his body is destroying rbc. Tuesday trying to get slot for gummy check up for his current status and put o tube. Monday I’ll hold on the depredil jab.
Tonight given him 0.18ml Buprenophine
19 Mar 2021
His condition is bad – bad enough to do o tube but I can’t take the risk for him to do it. I’m waiting for the minimum 5 days thingy n I give depredil
Night: thick drool
Syringe fed him 15-18ml ad all gone, he is too pain. Omg either I can tong till Monday give him depredil and see how or he going o tube too?
17 Mar 2021
Still salivating
Still didn’t see him eat
Syringe fed him 24ml diluted ad – mouth too pain keep spreading to all over the floor – he alr on meloxicam still like this. Sigh. Will stop today onwards think will give him depredil back.
Up his pain killer
11pm; didn’t see him eat
14 Mar 2021
Night: restart him on subcut w b12 b com
12 Mar 2021
Stop his mouth wash too. like become depress w it. didn’t see him eat for some time?
05 Mar 2021
28 Feb 2021
up mouth wash to 2ml
27 Feb 2021
23 Feb 2021
22 Feb 2021
20 Feb 2021
10 Feb 2021
night: eating ard
28 Jan 2021
Night: since the start of meloxicam, can see he eating well
26 Jan 2021