Off to the Rainbow Bridge
FIV + and FELV +
Kidney failure
Heart mur mur
(4.3kg 9.9.20, 3.49kg 6.12.20)
(3.1kg, temp 35.3, dehydrate, sdma 53, lung clear, no free fluid, Glob 62, neu 13.54, K 3.0, UTI, Rbc 6.11, hct 27.3% 30.12.20)
(3.03kg, k 2.9, pcv 30% 2.1.21)
(3.22kg – Phos 1.94, CA 2.01, K is 4.2, USG 1.006 slightly cloudy 5.1.21)
Urine culture positive
(3.3kg sdma 18 phos 1.96, k 3.5, HCT 19.1 9.1.21)
(3.39kg 12.1.21, 3.55kg 15.1.21)
(3.58kg, Pcv 24%, phos 1.878, k 3.7, crea 322, urea 21.8, sdma 18, urine sg 1.006, temp 36.9, UPC 0.4 waiting for urine culture result 21.1.21)
🐾 Subcut W Metoclopramide 0.5v and kcl 1v in 1 bag (start 2.1.21 10pm)
🐾 Probiotics (start 9.1.21)
🐾 Renal k (start 9.1.21)
🐾 Marbo 0.46ml (given till 31.1.2021)
🐾 Darbepoetin 0.05ml (9.1.21, 17.1, 23.1******)
Rescued from being pts cos paralysed from neck to spine, cannot move from first day. Also both positive for fiv and felv. Recently his right kidney fail him also, only left kidney working. Had heart mur mur too, suspect heart problem too, a grey area between Subcut him for kidney issue vs heart problem (fluid retention).
06 Jun 2021
11am: I’m dead tired, saw Shirlene post on some tcm still enquiry w her thinking maybe jingle should go for tcm since so long le, just feel he no progress.
I walk out as usual will take a look at him, he like to look at me in the morning when I prep stuff, he lying flat on floor, really flat, I open door he is hard alr!! He is gone. Why? He isn’t even in 猫房 critical mode. Sigh. I thought I’ll be more worried about Totoro and socks. Omg :,(
Jingle ended his 猫房二号 adventure in 4th generation 猫房 – actually he quite li hai Liao. He travelled w me from Centre to 682 to Naung and to new place.
He did eat so he got energy to find Lyon and tiger gor gor 🙂
04 Jun 2021
02 Jun 2021
Morning: saw him poo, a bit hard total 10cm, 2 portion, legs not strong
Jingle 3.6.21 thurs
Good appetite
27 May 2021
22 May 2021
9Am: poo on the new furry mat. I flip over n poor socks sit on such mat. Sigh. Tmr have to throw le
1030pm: lucky today whole day he didn’t sleep in bin
Jingle 23.5.21 sun
358pm: since morning sleeping in the bin again
830pm: serve food w the nutrional yeast, first time Jingle stay in bin don’t come out to eat – ohhhh he don’t like?
21 May 2021
19 May 2021
猫房二号 damn smelly, can’t find source, I wipe a lot of things alr. Think jingle or Totoro smelly.
Jingle 20.5.21 thurs
Still sleeping in bin
12pm: Subcut him, cut all his nails, right hind got 2 nails bleeding – f10 banocin put on, still bleed but not excessive la
The smell in the room is maggots – clear some 20+ of them, have to throw all their sb
412pm: msg fr hs”We would like to update you on Jingles urine culture. The result is negative. This is to rule out urinary tract infection.” – so today onwards no need give Clav n see how again
456pm: he is still in the litterbin.
1130pm: he is still in the litterbin
17 May 2021
11am: early morning alr keep sitting in bin, yesterday midnight his whole tail area wet w pee I supposed – will still walk out to wait for food and will eat
Wipe him clean if not he smell of urine.
4pm: see dr yeumee 4.27kg – lose 130g
Today his eyes r a little weird – look dilated, but yet not renel detach or anything. But he seem to be able to see dr ym or he is nervous (but definitely not blind) – have to check pressure
Kidney profile, lytes and Pcv and definitely urine to see his current status.
His bp is rather higher today, 170-200, w me ard less stress still ard 170.
Upc taken to see if his bp is due to kidney or really high blood pressure issue. Also this decide to up the semintra or not
Pcv tp didn’t take cos they didn’t take enough blood so i reject, don’t want poke another time.
his crea and urea had dropped. Didn’t take sdma this round, dr ym say save money.
Phos Normal.
Clav she told me give 2 more days or so till the urine culture come back negative. Based on urine analysis, she say currrntly is no bacteria found.
Oh means today didn’t take cbc n pcv, so I Duno his anemic status – but I don’t think is v bad cos he is still eating well despite the peeing on floor n sleeping in bin.
Physical hydration didn’t look great
The moment come back to 猫房 he find food
Night: didn’t sit in bin
I gave him gabapentin also. Maybe still high bp. He sure got something wrong somewhere
Jingle 18.5.21 tues
Whole day fr morning till 7pm still going into bin to sleep even w shit ard. Lucky felv poo all formed one
Got eat as normal
16 May 2021
11am: still sleep in bin, Subcut him, hydration so so
1am I’m dead bz, but I weigh the pros cons – I still need to send him to vet tmr
12 May 2021
11 May 2021
Whole day keep sleeping in litterbin – but when serve food will come out to eat. Checked today is the 15th Clav jab, so should review alr but this week ph, have to squeeze jingle in next week – try to book Monday
10 May 2021
07 May 2021
06 May 2021
02 May 2021
8pm: 4.52kg – gain 120g
27 Apr 2021
826pm received info fr dr ym: “regarding Culture and Sensitivity Results for Jingles. This time the culture came back as a different organism – Enterococcus. Not Ecoli. And Jingles is resistant to TMPS. She is asking whether do you have Clav at home? Can give 50mg twice daily for 2-3 weeks. Then recheck with uricult at the end of the course.” – 0.25ml jab Once daily.
24 Apr 2021
650am: he is sitting in litterbin again
707am: he did come out eat on his own
I got to carry him out again n again n put him on the sb
729pm: eating kibble
22 Apr 2021
1120pm: go hs buy jingle tmps one bottle first – change fr marbofloxacin to tmps (2ml twice daily if based on 4.37kg weight)
Urine culture sensitivity taken – see when result is back
Night: 4.4kg – so gain 30g only – so 2ml tmps correct – horrible reaction to it. need to change to tablet for him – contact hs tmr got to fetch for him.
21 Apr 2021
420pm: sleeping in the bin – scary. No other abnormality
12am: Subcut w all the good stuff n medi
He walked into bin, scary feeling again
I carry him out he go in again.
Carry him out n lucky he eat sheba food.
UTI – high on the post. Tmps should be the new ab I need to buy tmr at Hs.
20 Apr 2021
17 Apr 2021
Night: continue to poo pee on floor – erm. Urine culture not back yet? So Marbo continue
Today bought pet tinic for him.
15 Apr 2021
6pm: waited till 620pm then see dr ym
4.37kg – gain 210g
Hydration is pretty good
Mouth is good
Will take kidney values, cbc, bp and temp.
lytes skipped, should be fine cos all along ok + he is eating well w his gf socks
Sdma 18, crea 310, urea 29.1 – all went up – so have to do fluid more frequently or the grey area to weigh pros n cons of quality of life – ask for the latest due date to review (2 months)
Phos 1.87 – good so I can alternate day or daily give, no need extreme strict rule of daily phos binder
Dr ym did a quick scan just for the status: left side kidney still v big, but today she discover right still got blood flow so means not 100% cui yet, but still most job r done by left kidney. The cyst still there so this should be jingle perm issue. No need to hope for improvement, but hope no worsening.
Pro neg in urine, no rods n bp 140-150, so means semintra is working – to try out to cut cost, cos 19 days use one bottle of semintra, today onwards give 0.75ml half dose
Ask dr ym what junelle ask me – about semintra cause anemic – her take is maybe, but compare to the help that it help cat w high, alr kidney issue which most likely alr got anemic, the side effects of semintra is negligible.
Ask dr ym re angel mindset of Peepad is bad UTI/ kidney cat – – erm …
rbc 6.42, HCT 29.1, retic 7.1, plt 62 – thought
still Low. All going slowly up. So is a happy news
Re Marbo ab can stop or not – wait for urine culture result to be back n decide .
13 Apr 2021
11 Apr 2021
8am: pee n poo on floor again – can’t delay review
Food intake ok
07 Apr 2021
11am: Subcut bag 1/3 each time I subq them. Sure sterile. B12 Marbo all given. Tonight should be happier without meds – oh he still got lots of oral meds
06 Apr 2021
31 Mar 2021
30 Mar 2021
28 Mar 2021
1010pm: eating very well, but tonight I felt his right stomach area bloated – fluid building? Tumor? Something is going on – 41h more to see Dr ym
26 Mar 2021
820am: room v wet he poo pee on floor again, he confirm got problem – go book appt on Tuesday for him
Still eating, hind super weak now
1234pm: sleeping – I know him n socks waiting for me v long to go in, I’m packed – I got to wait till I can bath then go in subcut them then sayang
140pm: awake- I’m still bz haven’t go into their room
Night: serve tuna w salmon w natural beef and hoki feast topper – he got eat – like w socks he will eat well, but I know he currently got issue going on
25 Mar 2021
18 Mar 2021
Somehow feel that he is weaker these 2 days (both hind legs)
behaviour wise still v Manja to me
14 Mar 2021
Morning: good attitude, like me sayang
Subcut him w b12 n bcom
Jingle 15.3.21 mon
Sticky to me, v good term w socks
05 Mar 2021
Jingle 5.3.21 fri
12pm; bath him w malaseb shampoo, clean ears, cut all nails, get ready to move house
He is v weak during bath. No strength at all, got one point seem to be v Guai like he lie one side for me to scrub clean, but generally look scary
Night: 3.93kg – gain 370g? Did I get it wrong?
Jingle 6.3.21 sat
given revo plus
Jingle 8.3.21 mon
he seem happy to be in new 猫房 – always can see me
Eating well, pooing well
04 Feb 2021
03 Feb 2021
01 Feb 2021
31 Jan 2021
28 Jan 2021
26 Jan 2021
24 Jan 2021
24 Jan 2021
13 Jan 2021
13.1.21 wed
* can’t confirm his poo, pee, food intake – but think food intake is good cos 猫房二号 plates all polished
* He confirm happy to be w socks
14.1.21 thurs
* updates from dr yeumee:”Hi Cat, its Dr Yeumee. Jingles urine culture and sensitivity is back. Escherichia coli- It is resistant to most antibiotic. Including unasyn, And marbo. Resistantto doxy and baytril. Orally is just TMPS” – to try Marbo jab (Marbo is intermediately effective) 0.46ml and tmps TMPS dose 1ml twice daily for 1 week ( We can check at 5 days earliest. We try to keepthe tmps course short anyway) Then we recheck again the urine. – given first dose tonight – foam like mad Loh
15.1.21 fri
🐾 will broke ah. I give jingle renal food – pouches $3.84 x 3 packs n more per day omg
🐾 night: 5.55kg – gain 160g 🙂
20.1.21 wed
* morning: got eat leh
* Night; bin overflow v badly n Duno y I feel he like lose weight?
21.1.21 thurs
* 1150am: waited for dr ym to finish surgery, waited so long for review
* 3.58kg
* Hind leg definitely look better than last time
* Told Dr ym can’t give confirm ans for his poo pee food intake – but these should b covered n ok
* Temp 36.9 – his temp always Low should be circulation not good
* To take pcv n see how then decide need to take cbc or not
* Kidney profile including phos n sdma taken
* Urine culture in house taken – So need to continue tmps or not – need to till result is out
* For urine analysis, seem clear, urine is clear but sg still 1.006 no trace of protein. – going to check UPC to see if need to start semintra
* Crea 322, urea 21.8 – went up cos not on iv so normal, sdma maintain 18
* Phos 1.88 still ok – improve fr 1.96
* k 3.7 – improve fr 3.5
* Pcv 24% – improve fr 19.1%
* UPC 0.4 – borderline so see culture result first. If culture positive, then ab continue and ignore this upc0.4/semintra things. If negative, then might need to start semintra but to note at the same time, crea / urea will go up w semintra. So need more subq.
10 Jan 2021
10.1.21 sun
* 1pm; all food cleared. Good appetite
* Tmr need to start him on 2nd course doxy
* Poo 14cm 5/10
* on off heat pad for him cos he is still shivering – everyday rain. Didn’t give Him Buprenophine
* Eating v well, food all cleared
* Night: manage to clear the scan off his right nostril
11.1.21 mon
* Day: breathing louder – he needs nubulizer
* Didn’t eat renal chicken when I serve – either nose more block (but that’s after Cerenia nose drop) or sick of this flavour?
* No poo
* 330pm; nubulize him
* 7pm: got see him eat, weak hind leg as usual.
* Don’t think he can off iv tmr but Duno how is his Pcv – so maybe tmr only take Pcv
* 847pm; fr Ip: sleeping pose scary. But his food is cleared
* 1010pm – going to nubulise him one more time
* Started him on 0.7ml pet tinic
* 130am: iv stop, I went up n scare me like hell. I thought he pass on. He is sleeping on the line.
* Poo 7cm formed nice n fat 5/10
• he continue eating after I clear his cage
12.1.21 tues
* morning : did finish food
* No poo
* 145pm: his iv leg start to look swell but fluid swell – lucky today going vet review
* Right iv leg got some infection – iv is off
* Left leg burst also can’t put iv
* Let him take a break – off iv trial see how – next tues then see how
* Today Pcv 22%
* Temp 36.9
* 3.39kg – gain 90g
* Hind still v weak
* Tmr urine culture back then decide see how – since Jingle now cover for Doxy
* Urasyn can stop
* 530pm: back home – go back to 猫房二号
* He drink water and walk into bin
* 830pm: happy in 猫房二号 🙂
* Subcut him – keep moving here n there
* Continue to give him probiotics also
06 Jan 2021
6.1.21 wed
* morning: got poo too, size ok, look ok, but feel 7/10 – ard 4cm
* Syringe fed him 30ml ad w phos binder
* Given Buprenophine cos he is Shivering again
* 250pm; poo a 3cm 5/10 poo
* 357pm; fr Ip jingle sit on the heat pad directly – this gonna be felv heat pad Liao
* 11pm: poo wow 20cm lot of poo 4.5/10 but he flatten them n stain all over his legs and butt n cath n line – clean till siao
* He clear his renal food
* Serve renal food again he got eat
* 1254am: he is eating on his own so I didn’t feed
7.1.21 Thursday
* 10am: got poo 9cm 4.5/10 but his dragging movement cause stain all over his legs n tail n butt
* Renal food cleared
* Serve food for him b4 I go vet
* 1pm: he cleared the renal food again, serve him some indoor – he tried to eat
* Appetite good now
614pm: “jingles in-house urineculture is positive. We can either continue unasyn but i think better to send out for culture and sensitivity since it hasnt helped thus far.” – so sending out urine c n s
* Night food cleared – wa I got to order many ctns of renal food for jingle
* He meow n look at me when I’m doing all the medi rounds n etc
* Serve food and indoor27
8.1.21 fri
* morning: didn’t clear the food, but 50% got
* This boy will jealous of vallie de Loh
* Did eat but not as good – cos no metoclopramide?
* No poo
* 240pm: w heat pad should b more comfy
* Got continue to eat the renal food
* Got pee
* 530pm; serve dinner – eat again
• 11pm: poo 3cm 5/10
* Serve tuna w smoked fish w aixia n Indoor – didn’t really want to eat
* Fed him phos binder separately
* Must sayang him a lot, add on ff he like but also lick a bit only
9.1.21 sat
* 830am: no poo
* 60% of food touched
* Serve renal pouch but wasted – he didn’t get to eat much n I bring him out to hs alr
* Breathing louder – nose more block now
* 920am: drop off at Hs
* metomide- dr ym added half vial into the fluid bag cos left 280ml
* Jingle took a bath at clinic cos stain w poo
* Dr ym: “Can you start probiotics for him since on antibiotics for awhile?” – will start him on probiotics tonight
* Cbc is done, cos his HCT drop to 19%, so Pcv is done 22% – but still he needs go start darbepoetin 0.05ml
* start cerenia nasal drops tonight too
* “pantoprazole- if not vomiting and eating ok I would stop this one.” – tmr Sunday left last one n I’ll stop
* His k is 3.5, dr ym say continue w 1 v of kcl m told me to try to give renal k orally. We targeting to wean him off iv on Tuesday
* 3.3kg – gain a little weight
* Sdma improve a lot to 18, crea up though to 256 Aka 2.89, urea 17.8
* Rbc 3.91, but still regenerative
* Phos 1.96 so maintaining good
* Dr ym says jingle doing well in clinic, polish the renal pouch
* No poo in clinic, pee a good amount
* 545pm: back to 猫房 – 7ml/h drip as usual – this bag last till Sunday 1am
* 645pm: jingle pee and will meow at me
* Serve renal pouch and some kakato tuna w chicken
* He poo 4.5cm 5/10 poo
* Given cerenia nose drop, his left nostril more block
* Given probiotics and renal k directly no issue
* Given darbepoetin, b12 n b com
01 Jan 2021
1.1.21 fri
* morning; given the meds but I add on doxy I just know it’s right
* His right nose got discharge and his breathing got some issue, doxy will cover that too
* Change new bag of fluid w kcl
* Serve tuna (he Try to give a big bite but didn’t really eat it) w aixia oldie – he at least will lick that
* Keep sitting in the wet Peepad – I throw super frequent le
* Should be got pee la
* Still got nose discharge
* Night; syringe fed him 26ml ad – keep niam niam Duno how much came out
* Told him many times sockxi waiting for him to recover n back to 猫房二号 – kiss kiss head butt w her
2.1.21 sat
* 8am: no poo day 04 – but not much food intake
* Today cage in a super mess
* While I’m at Xiami, he meow at me slightly louder – I scare
* Syringe fed 30ml ad and medi done b4 we leave for clinic day care
* Tonight need to change fluid bag
* Pcv 30%
* K 2.9, cl 109
* “I think we need to add some more potassium. I didn’t run the rest of the kidney check yet, not sure if you want to wait until tmr? Jingles is 3.03kg here today, down slightly from 3.1. I think we should decrease the fluid rate because I suspect we are having some washout with the higher rate, and we should add more potassium to the drip also.” – dr ym think carefully n told me to go Low, she scare jingle will flush out more potassium then it go in if rate is higher – tmr must retest k
* “I did a quick scan of kidneys, his left kidney very big, dilated pelvis, right side very small and has a cyst. I think the right kidney likely already not functional, left side maybe pyelonephritis. But I didn’t attempt to sample from kidney, would need to be sedated.” – left side swollen due to fluid or working dAmn hard to compensate the right spoilt kidney
* Dr. Ym told me to think about o tube
* “BP is normal, 110mmHg.” – she took that jingle don’t look right, not really blind but can’t see clearly. Seem to respond to light/ shadow, but his eye confirm not right. Viral neutro issue
* “Yes, 2 vials to 1 bag. Rate of 7.5ml/hr. I would want to check potassium again for Jingles after we increase the amt in the drip”
* He wann eat but not eating so maybe due to nauseous- if cerenia don’t work, so maybe add on metoclopramide in the drip bag 10mg/2ml – add one whole v to bag
* Dr ym ask about buprenophine also – Think today he is in pain
* Dr ym didn’t see any obvious tumor, lymphoma, bladder stone or kidney stone.
* Bring him back 猫房 at 6pm +, let him go back 猫房二号 a while to kiss kiss socks while I sort out his cage for him to go rest
* 930pm: still looking a little sad
* Given b12 b com in dripline
* Given new nag of fluid at 7ml/h
* Syringe feed 20ml ad
* Fr the way dr ym describe, I got to make jingle happy
* 11pm: serve more of ff than tuna w Chx、 he look like he eat more. The bcom help? The lower drip rate help? The higher k help? Metoclopramide help?
• 1235am fr Ip: jingle is grooming himself – just now I got use f10 help him wipe body cos he stain whole body
3.1.21 sun
* morning: day 05 no poo minimum
* Got lick a little aixia
* I later go buy renal pouch for him
* Today cage not in a mess – hopefully he feel better
* 1115am: wa wait so long finally see dr Ruth, 3.03kg weight no change
* Move more in the clinic today
* Taking kidney profile, sdma, lytes and pcv tp
* Asking her about his poo – they Manuel digging it? (Ruth says Jennifer is doing it? – one small piece only inner in n he is in pain so didn’t dig further)
* ask about iv cath (change leg, already got problem on the leg)
* Urine still cloudy but better than day 01
* Pcv 30%
* Sdma 46, drop a little only
* Crea 242, urea 27.9
* Phos 3.68- have to get the powder phos binder cos jingle not willing to swallow
* K 3.0 – up kcl 3 vial but have to see her on Tuesday
* Urasyn – they no stock
* gut protectant top up
* I assume cerenia can stop
* Go and buy more renal food for jingles
* Dr Ruth ask me about b12 bcom too, told her I had given jingle that
* 12+pm: reach 猫房 put him on 3v of kcl, meds given.
* Serve him renal w chicken – he got eat more than these few day
* night: he did ate the renal w chicken
* fed him 20ml ad w phos binder
* Serve renal w tuna – he really willing to eat Rc renal food
• 1240am: Scare me like hell, fr Ip The head twitching … I rush up, head still in a scary position not moving still v scary. I’m so worried cos of the 3 v of kcl in bag – but that’s only 91ml of fluid so far …
• he is dozing off – he sudden awake n look at me, happy that i sayang him. Sayang him more n tell him sleep
30 Dec 2020
30.12.20 wed
* 850am; fr ip someone sleeping super still v scary, run up – it’s totoro – jingle same position
* Did see him walk out of bin super wobbling (Duno is it pee problem) n he walk to water bowl – Duno got drink or not
* Waited at Hs for quite long not our turn yet cos walk in though w notice
* 1020am: his ears already felt cold
* 1116am: finally get to see dr Ruth, vitals bad – pale, extreme dehydrate (told her a quick story on why I can’t Subcut him), temp 35.3 – going to run full bloods now – iv cath is a high chance
* Nurse will put Him in a warm cage when bloods r run
* Crea 347, urea 24.4 – false Low
* Sdma 53 sky High
* Quick scan: lung clear, no free fluid
* Glob 62, neu 13.54 – both high understood
* K 3.0 Low but don’t go too aggressive so give 1 v in one bag first see how
* Urine analysis urine cloudy — lots of bacteria – UTI
* SO START urasyn – ok no need to sleep Liao (0.62ml iv x twice)
* Cerenia (0.31ml x once) n Buprenophine 0.2ml n kcl n app stimulant (0.1ml x once) use mine
* Pantiprazole 0.4ml iv x once
* Dr Ruth ask me really don’t want to let him stay in one night? – I reject
* Rbc 6.11, hct 27.3% – not that anemic yet – see how on Sunday
* 3.1kg
* Drip rate 12ml/h – 9.3ml/h
* 158pm drip rate 12ml/h, at 2
* This bag will end on Friday 10am
* Serve tuna w chicken – got eat a bit
* Jabs given successfully Iv port
* 210pm; keep looking out – nose pink alr cos angel keep saying white
* Only eat that little bit but Better than nothing
* Pee n make a mess in the cage
* Total food intake as of 10pm maybe 15g
* 1020pm; will eat each time I serve food – but maybe another 5-10g intake
* He is grooming himself
31.12.20 thurs
* 10am: don’t look fine, topple and multiple weakness at one time
* Eyes still bright, sayang him
* Serve tuna w chicken ham – don’t eat, top w little bit of ff – at least got lick – later I’ll syringe him ad
* Can’t even gauge if he pee or not cos he keep topple all water bowl
* 12pm: syringe fed him 21ml ad – at least got swallow
• 3pm: syringe him 10ml didn’t even take much in – look a little daze hope is bcos of the Buprenophine I gave just now
* 820pm: syringe fed 15ml ad
* 839pm: serve dd pure sea bream w aixia oldie – he got lick – didn’t really eat
* 1210am: check them out – he still look fine but I still sayang him n let them settle down cos no more sound
23 Jul 2020
23.7.20 thurs
* junior bday boy pee normally – colour ok
• his leg that part still raw But didn’t worsen further
29.7.20 wed
Junior – keep playing w the sand
7.8.20 fri
• junior v 听 stitch … will let him do anything to him – they v good term – always hugging n playing w each other
9.8.20 sun
• junior – I think he is seriously sexually assaulted by stitch and he didn’t really fight back – aiyo
17.8.20 mon
• junior left eye a little wet – not starting medi
18.8.20 Tues
• junior: he ate gold d Chx in g
19.8.20 wed
• junior: eye still wet, other than that look fine – added lysine to water bowl Cos can’t feed them medi
24.8.20 mon
• heard junior sneeze twice
8.9.20 tues
• junior – fto him – right hind thigh a little raw
15.9.20 tues
• given 6 cages away – junior scare until siao fly here n there when the mover move the cage down the stairs
23.10.20 Fri
* groom by jack – he love to be sayang by anyone -? Still v high pitch cute meow
2.11.20 mon
* night; look a bit teary like sick – not as Meowy as usual
* Still got eat
3.11.20 tues
* night; still got high pitch meow at me after I told him to do so – sayang him n hug him, kiss his head – he like
* But feel that he is Like v thin
5.11.20 thurs
* Night; will meow at me himself
9.11.20 mon
* night; sneeze once
28.11.20 sat
* like brushing
23.12.20 wed
* Afternoon; maki mummy like him leh
27.12.20 Sunday
* 8am; poo 4.25/10 but v smelly
* Then he went on to eat gold g chicken in g
13 Mar 2020
13.3.20 Fri
• 5.14kg— fattest in 猫房二号
• he appear the most fed up w the new comer – Duno why – he don’t even want to eat when totoro eat beside him – maybe he unhappy thinking totoro is relaxing tiger? !!!! No way, I told them b4, tiger is tiger, Ruselle is Ruselle, Emma is Emma, tigger is tigger, kuning is kuning, titi is Titi, meow meow is meow meow, 小老虎 is 小老虎 … no one can replace anyone …
25.3.20 wed
* likes kakato
* Today revo
30.3.20 mon
• weigh 5.1kg – lose 40g
13.4.20 mon
• 5.02kg – lode 80g :,(
8.5.20 sat
• 4.97kg
23.5.20 sat
* jingle didn’t really eat much these few days, but ff given – eat big bites
* He also like gold d sardine
8.7.20 wed
• 4.9kg – lose 120g
30.8.20 sun
• bathe him w malaseb shampoo – head like got 丑头 like that … in fact the whole head including neck area to scruff area all got – scrub him a lot.
• ears damn dirty, clean Until super clean
7.9.20 mon
• he got episode of fluid build up one so I won’t subcut him at all
• given him a b12 jab tonight
9.9.20 wed
• 4.3kg – drop 600g
17.9.20 thurs
• started applying mycoban cream for him
22.9.20 tues
• v manja like scare I forgot to sayang him if I sayang socks
25.9.20 fri – 26.9.20 sat
• keep sticking to me want sayang n kiss kiss – I give him all Lyon Lyon kiss kiss
27.9.20 sun
• 3.91kg – Drop 390g but angel more of don’t want to bring him for a check one – last round all felv went for check up except jingle whose weight drop a lot drop a lot
• informed angel read jingle album
30.9.20 wed
• hopefully w him n socks closer to each other. He is happier?
4.10.20 sun
Jingle throw temper. W 3.95kg – gain 40g
11.10.20 sun
• 3.94kg – lose 10g
4.11.20 wed
* night: wow he is w totoro n socks at the TOP of desk means he can climb up there ?! – follow socks up the purifier? – jingles love the cafe
7.11.20 sat
* new food for joint came – going to give see how
6.12.20 sun
* Night; 3.49kg – drop 810g – sigh
18.12.20 fri
* today I Subcut him give him b12 n nutriplus gel
23.12.20 wed
* Morning; I saw he look weaker today so I knock on panel n he got look up, maybe sleepy but still scary
* 4pm: serve teabreak b4 I go out – he got move towards food
* Night; as usual
* Pump nutriplus gel w socks
28.12.20 mon
* day 02 having flu le … been pumping nutriplus gel
29.12.20 tues
* He is like the usual boy didn’t move much today I’m bz in out their room clean window n remesh window n by 930pm: their room food not really touch today, so means all of them didn’t really eat
* Jingle both nose block n I clean him up
* fed nutriplus gel n he look weak
* He stand n fall audden.
* Not eating even w ff
* Confirm v weak
* Walk about like like issue
* Walk into bin n out
* Got smell got want to eat but think nasuses
* did the basic stuff to help him for Now- I give little Subcut to give a b12 b com booster and cerenia jab- waiting for angel reply
* 1115pm; no reply fr angel still – check on him again, definitely weak think right leg got issue – not leg injury type but he is weak
* Serve dd pure sea bream n give him n socks fur mat – he didn’t touch at all, socks clear it
* Something is wrong, confirm need bloods – bomb hai ning n dr Ruth to check if 930am can fly in
* Tonight won’t go emergency
• 305am: he is sleeping alone – sock at level 2. Did move somehow like know I take his pic
• 4am: went to 猫房二号 to check on him, sleeping pose is scary. Maybe in pain? He is trying to sleep I think cos on light he also no movement – sayang n look at his eyes – will wait till tmr morning. I think is organ related not really anemic
• sock jump down to accompany him – can see that he is happy w socks n my accompany
23 Jan 2020
23.1.20 thurs
• 5kg
• night; found jingles in a weird position, he is foaming.
• clean him up and his rr is 58 – have to fly to vet
• he looks weaker in legs than norm n he walk to bin to pee n pee all over the floor
• angel out UNITED N VES – so only mpjg – tonight is dr Lee (Namecards none got her name)
• she sound nice la
• she checked rr 48, breathing fast too. So taken xray – no fluid good news but then it’s weird news then
• cbc, bio Chem full panel taken – waiting for results – nothing remarkable
• HCT 28.7%, glob high maybe due to slight dehydration.
• non conclusive. Keep telling me if tmr no improvement to come see dr Goh
• I saw him having a weird snoring sound – she said to start doxy as well 0.4ml
• for foaming, in case of nauseous, give cerenia 0.5ml
• might be in pain somewhere, Low dose Buprenophine 0.2ml
24.1.20 fri
• he still got stain on mouth – clean him up
28 Feb 2019
28.2.19 thurs
• this boy v scary since the day he tried running away. I So worried his paws holes got infection
1.3.19 fri
• today he is more normal
22.3.19 Fri
• 5.55kg – gain 45g 😉
13.6.19 thurs
• 5.87kg – gain 320g – biggest size felv+ now
29.6.19 sat
• he like to eat rawstew chicken & fish roe 🙂
• first to sit in the new condo cat bed 🙂
13.9.19 fri
• first time I saw jungle go water fountain drink water
26.9.19 Thurs
• today show flu symptom
13.11.19 wed
Summary of treatment plan so far:
❤️ Jingles
* nutriplus gel (7.9.19 – ongoing for felv cats)
• he is fine, still blur blur look
25 Feb 2019
25.2.19 mon
• choose his bday to review cos I’m quite confident that today can stop his medication – true that his urine is more clear but still a protein UPC tAken 0.22 so ok. – Marbo jabs can stop
• review at mpjg means I can bring him to the park .. let him walk let him happy … but this boy credibility bankrupt!!!! He run RUN away!!! Omg. He RUN Run away! I almost scare that his bday become funeral day. Wa I’m not trusting him anymore – lucky I manage to scruff him back when I’m alone w him
• he even crawl up a car – he burn 3 holes in his hand – now need wound dressing when back
• jingles, so u happy la? Got adventure story to tell tiger, Lyon and socks …
• back home shave his paws and clean his wound n apply Silvin cream n celebrate his bday for him
03 Feb 2019
3.2.19 sun
• Jingle 5.425kg – gain 45g
11.2.19 mon
* 1115Am reached mpjg for ultrasound
* 1120am jingle no shave nothing just go in take ultrasound – saw the ultrasounder took last report and was reading, maybe she will aim back those spots to see the diff
* Hug him out for a walk while we wait for the results and see dr Goh – wa he keep running about ah. Today so fast
• dr Goh feel he breathing faster today – 1) he might be excited from park walk 2) outside a lot of dogs
• 5.505kg – gain 80g 🙂
• the “stone” disappear
• best news today: the area behind the kidney is improving, not worsen or bigger – Cos that need surgery to trim it
• continue Marbo Cos his urine though much clearer than b4, still got bacteria
• review in 2 weeks for UA will do
24 Jan 2019
24.1.19 thurs
• 520am: I’m so scare, he is still alive
• RR 47 – improved but I think better don’t give frusemide again.
• 930am: jingle ard – RR 50
• I’ll say no pee, but got blood stain – so is urine problem
• no poo
• got one weird green like substance Duno what is it
• 10+am rushed to see dr Goh mpjg.
• summary given, told dr Goh what I had given yesterday midnight
• I notice dr Goh touch jingle hind paws 🐾 like maybe he suspect coldness or?
• he felt jingle is warm too
• 1102am: Chest X-ray n urine n temp to be done in room 5 now
• temp 37.5degree
• urine taken: cloudy and lots of bacteria – definitely need ab – sending out for culture
• xray taken: no obvious fluid, airway clearC , xrays clear compared to last time in United – the frusemide might have helped a bit but 2 core points:
1) heart slightly enlarge
2) there 2 blood vessels slightly enlarged which suggest that blood not flowing well, that’s y causing the bv to thicken, n when this can’t handle overload will become fluid in lung.
=> so all suggest heart problem – echo to be taken
• I saw him pee like 4ml w blood definitely – UTI now
• but UTI won’t cause such heavy breathing, so it’s 2 issues happening concurrently
• 1154am i bring him to the park Cos he is frustrated sitting in the carrier – waiting for echo …
• Bladder not full – no mention of urine catheter
• • 1233pm dr d ask for update n I send her crucial pics on blood and xrays; “There is a bullae in the lungs. Probnp done? Bloody pee”
• “Some congestion, I think good that you gave furosemide, doesn’t hurt and probably helped” – lucky dr Goh also says that _ Yap yesterday after frusemide RR drop 60 to 47
• “But shouldn’t forget the main problem which is the uti”
• But now while waiting in park (1215pm)… his RR 80 – “Yah, probably anxious and that bladder still hurts”
• 1245pm: I just counted – RR 46
• “for UTI, giving ab For normal cats no. For felv cats I wouldn’t take the risk and give ab. So felv I would give ab”
• dr d says “Sad we don’t have a culture now then” – but I inform her that dr Goh has sent out jingle urine for culture. – “But you already gave antibiotics yesterday right? Very unlikely it will come back positive then” – Erm I did inform dr Goh, think the timing is ok?? – ““Problem is that antibiotics given will stop growth of bacteria in the beginning. So it could be false negative now because of clav jab” “
• 108pm; dr Goh started echo
• 125pm: dr Goh says the heart is only slightly enlarged so it’s a ? Why he is breathing like this? – just start oral Clav 1ml twice daily (how Long? Till culture result back furst) and frusemide 0.5ml for 3 days will do n monitor RR
• ask about pain patch – dr Goh don’t think it’s necessary at all
• do conclusion for the echo is even w echo, he is still MIGHT have heart problem. Cos not enlarged enough to confirm he is a heart patient
• bringing jingle back 猫房二号 – need to be caged Cos need to monitor his pee n blood
• 205pm; back in 猫房 – serve him tuna and sardine – lucky got eat, but don’t like to be caged no choice have to monitor pee
• 9+pm: didn’t really eat, serve salmon and tuna and RC instinctive – totally didn’t eat
• got pee much more than this day time – significantly less blood or no blood
• carry him down to talk to tiger for a while while i pack his cage – he went to pee – ok amount without blood N he went to drink water
• given Clav 1ml and frusemide 0.5ml
• 12am: RR 42.
23 Jan 2019
16.1.19 wed
• morning: saw him choking while trying to climb into litterbin – just tired or?
23.1.19 wed
11pm: just feel that jingles is not right, position not right, just not right. I first notice he isn’t sitting beside tiger which is not norm
I carry him out from under the bench. He went into the bin quite Long I thought is constipation. Then the floor seem to be have drops of pee … I Guess UTI? Then notice his breathing is bad – think of his old issue of fluid retention
• 1231am: ask dr d for her availability tmr while waiting for Angel reply – “The night was more open than afternoon, so 6pm. But could have changed”
• “Start clav and genta nebulisation, just in case. With fiv felv cats don’t take risk and wait, breathing is not normal”
• “Do genta nebulisation eh. Can’t harm” – done, also let him rest in oxygen but i know he unhappy he don’t Want to be in cage – he even make angry or unhappy sound
• “I’m more worried pleural effusion as his breathing seems paradoxal: abdo goes in while chest goes out. But difficult to see” – he did have that in March 2017
• “I’m mostly worried for pleural effusion so possibly pyothorax again. Uti not sure, could be blocked then. Otherwise why breahting like this. Also no good. I would go to vet tmr morning or even emergency vet if getting worse. Maybe it’s just constipation or uti, those are the “good” ones. But more afraid he stayed long in litter tray because weak and out of breath”
• “But if out of breath due to fluid: need to tap”
• 0.32ml Clav given
• “Can consider also doxy again but don’t freak her out. If too out of breath, then wait till thoracocentesis done. Go to United at 9 then, otherwise fluid getter more and more and him more weak”
• 144am: ask dr d: Dr, now aren’t sure is it fluid, so can’t anyhow give frusemide wor? – waiting for respond
• 2am: “Can give but if other problem might get worse. Won’t help a lot with pleural effusion either but can try. If been eating ok up till now, can give 2 mg/kg. If improving, can repeat in 2-4 hrs again” – told dr d I can’t gauge if he is eating today, But he is definitely not eating now, Generally non dehydrated – “Ok then give, If better, then can repeat, Otherwise don’t repeat”
• frusemide 0.5ml given (lower of the range) RR 60 – I retrace the video taken at 11pm + also ard 60
• he just want to sit under the bench -he is frustrated w me – should have pee issue. Found tinted dluted blood stain on his pee pad
• he felt feverish. Temp 38.8degree
09 Feb 2018
9.2.18 Friday
• head mites spots become like hot spots v v bad, tiger and 小老虎 worst. Bathe jingles and dry up in spa
• eating well but itchy cat
9.3.18 Friday
• head spots still there, even revo him last week nothing much change, have to bath again
28.5.18 Mon
• 5.75kg – gain 140g 🙂
18.6.18 mon
• 5.96kg – gain 210g 🙂
28.6.18 fri
• ever since I sayang him lots while socks sit on my lap, he is quite sticky to me, will find chance for sayang
9.7.18 mon
• 6.03kg – gain 70g
24.8.18 Friday
• 5.685kg – loss 345g
06 Apr 2017
6.4.17 Thursday
• review w dr Teo; heart and lung sounds clear
• 4.9kg
• gum Colour ok
• dr comments if everything is fine, finish current medicine then can stop all medi Liao
• 2 more X-ray taken to finalise check, generally good n clear but there is one part dr is concerned so might still have infection going on, so he would extend one more week of antirobe then can stop Liao n no need review unless I think he got problem
• dr Teo would like to use jingles as a case study to talk about sickness – approval granted
20.4.17 Thursday
• given Korean sajo cat tuna w white meat – he got eat
24.4.17 Monday
• got eat – but can see that he don’t really fancy sajo cat
27.4.17 Thursday
• today I carry him back to his room wa v heavy leh
8.5.17 Monday
• for past 5 days – got eat but eating v v little – 10% of norm?
15.5.17 Monday
• seem to be on good term w 小老虎 – almost catch them kissing
31.5.17 Wednesday
• bathe him – first 5 seconds scare until want to fly down
• calm down after a while
• relax in pet care room – 小老虎 join him n she help him groom his tail
4.6.17 Sunday
• night: kiss 小老虎
25.6.17 Sunday
• got eat – reasonably
• not as much as b4
27.6.17 Tuesday
• 5.41kg
6.7.17 Thursday
• give him a small toy (pose only?!)
• his fish plate is clear – should be he eat one
9.7.17 Sunday
• Jingle don’t really touch food wor
• Checked 37.4degree no fever but I do feel he is a bit warm
• Not that pale
• touch got Tummy – duno is fluid slowly building up or not
• breathing still fine
• nutriplus gel, 30ml ad given
12.7.17 Wednesday
• day 04 got eat la but little?
• breathing still fine
13.8.17 Sunday
• tickle him he bite my whole right face – erm but I can’t gauge he is playing w me or he is unhappy
18.8.17 Friday
• room 5 is mystery room – he just simply love to be in that room w tiger
1.9.17 Friday
• loves Fancy Feast liver
18.9.17 Monday
• bought new food: RC BEAUTY pouch, he likes
25.9.17 Monday
• given him a medium blue reddingo collar with his name tag
2.10.17 Monday
• found some wound on his left ear and head- apply silver gel
• 6.042kg
• think he n 小老虎 wanna bathe
5.10.17 Thursday
• bathe him and 小老虎 … water Super brown Loh
• his left ear injury looks bad I put banocin powder for him
11.10.17 Wednesday
• left TOP eye lid come out – Red Colour
• nubulizer Him
• fed him one notch of vibravet paste
• fed him 50ml of ad
13.10.17 Friday
• eats lessser
• still on vibravet paste
14.10.17 Saturday
• his eyes didn’t look fine but he is eating ok
25.11.17 Saturday
• yesterday third day on vibravet paste and I nubulize Him – today his right eye seem to have issue – how?
• lucky he still headbutt his gf 小老虎 today
26.11.17 Sunday
• confirm flu v bad. right eye even shut tight
• clean up eye open, red surround
• given a 0.5ml histamil + 0.5ml b12 jab
• still willing to eat but think can’t smell = not eating
• syringe fed him 40ml ad
• nubulize Him
27 Nov 2017 Monday
• eyes clear, looks much better
• still didnt breath that well
• still give a histamil+b12 jab today
• relatively eat better
17.12.17 Sunday
• 5.61kg – drop 370g
• today bullied by socks
20 Mar 2017
20.3.17 Monday
• today let him out for fresh air – he likes to zzz on tiles … laze ard w the girls
• walked about …
• off oxygen for today
21.3.17 Tuesday
• seem stable without oxygen n outside loitering w the rest
• merge Moon into the room so might as well on both the oxygen
• wanna observe the poo issue
22.3.17 Wednesday
• eating well
• I still on oxygen but he is free to walk out of oxygen cage
25.3.17 Saturday
• eating v well
• stabilise for now w the New medi
3.4.17 Monday
• know how to crawl into litter bin to poo n pee
• totally don’t eat pork
19 Mar 2017
19.3.17 Sunday
• couldn’t wait till tmr
• angel brought him for review
• X-ray full of shit – eat a lot
• still proceed to draw out 200ml of fluid – slight whitish yellowish – non sticky
• asked dr Teo re the possibility of related to heart – he mentioned the fluid show no sign of heart issue
• culture results r bad, dr Teo wants to change to a stronger antibiotics
• continue vibravet paste, change 2 antibiotics
• review in 2 weeks time or earlier
15 Mar 2017
• morning: dr Teo called me that unfortunately culture and sensitivity test result is still not back as what they had expected, so he thinks that I can discharge jingles and monitor in 猫房二号 while waiting for the results to be back.
• X-ray done again and fluid is building again, 150ml of light yellowish w pus fluid drawn out again.
• I rented another oxygen concentrator for jingles and get ready the wrapped chamber n discharged him at 4pm. Came back to 猫房二号 w:
1. Vibravet paste
2. Clav 50mg x 2
3. Forgot what’s the third medi
• serve him fc tuna n chicken n ad
• zzz in oxygen – he looks v panicky in the cage and wanna come out
• 9pm went back to check on them. He settled down in the cage but I feel that it’s too stuffy so I let him out – he go n kiss kuning
• tmr need to bring ice bag for his cage
16.3.17 Thursday
• morning shift: hiding at where fat boy likes to be
• i think eat a bit only
• placed in 2 ice bag – let him rest in oxygen
• 1230pm checked w vet; his culture result is still Not back yet
18.3.17 Saturday
• still no news from clinic re the culture test results.
• today morning: jingles have the scary mouth opening look but after coming out of oxygen n lazing ard on the toilet tiles … till my lessons end, he seem ok.
• today got some poo in cage
• clear his food plate which is good
• Monday to review w moon
12 Mar 2017
12.3.17 Sunday
• 930am: he got eat on his own
• oral b12 given
• still looks fine
• 8pm: adoption drive ended and brought back Miaw miaw pouch for him, he seem interested to eat, but somehow don’t wanna eat
• he didn’t look fine, ate him 60ml ad and 9ml of water w lysine – he react negatively – I just feel that he got issue
• videos taken, breathing is getting bad
• placed him in nebulizer for 8 mins n check on him again And gave him a bed bed to rest but feel that he is very Not right, rush him to united vet – reached 856pm.
• Physical examination: dr nick mentioned that he cant hear heart? (M i too sleepy?) and silent in the lung.
• on oxygen while bloods are taken, both HG CDP taken: organs r fine, PCV 34%, platlets v Low 99, ALB v low which means if on iv drip the rate must be very slow, so might not be on iv drip today, WBC v high 60+
• 2 X-rays taken. There r fluids outside the Lungs, to extract out some to see if its water or pus –
It’s pus and vet is drawing out even more pus when I’m leaving – pus sent for culture test – result to be out in 1-3 days time
• Hospitalised him – dr mentioned he will give a convenia Jab first n something iv antibiotic to let him feel better n see by day to decide on hospitalisation – w or w/o iv fluid / oxygen
• conclusion for tonight is that he got a puntured hole in his lung,
• too tired and forgot to ask the following 2 qns:
1. Is he going to have 24 hrs monitoring
2. punctured lung then how?
• tmr to bring extra food for him
• dr mentioned that they will feed him more ad
13.3.17 Monday
• b4 I visit jingles, got this msg fr dr mark: “Jingles is stable enough for the moment to wean off oxygen. He is alert & responsive. Walking around the cage. Offered food, eating well on his own. No open mouth breathing noted, but there is still significant abdominal effort/breathing. We will repeat another thoracocentesis soon to drain remaining fluids/pus in the lungs soon once he has finished his breakfast.”
• 1135am: visited him at clinic after I drop tiger at animal doctor, wa waited quite Long for him to come out to a consult room so only spent a whole a while w him, kissing him, sayang him and telling him the girls r waiting for him to be back to enjoy the beddings.
• another X-ray taken: lung r more obvious, but can’t see the heart.
• there r still fluid but can’t extract fluid near to where the heart is – that part have to leave it.
• asked about the punctured hole – was told that it is one of the possibility. Might be cancer. To bother to think of surgery for the hole, must make sure got a hole first – to confirm that needs ct scan, so now will focus on the liquid and breathing first.
• yesterday extract 300ml fluid w pus
• today only 5ml
• I still can see significant abdominal effort/breathing
• he is on iv drip today
• thinking of discharging him tmr – not sure how to proceed on
• whatsapp clinic phone and asked vet 2 qns:
1. understood that ct scan is needed to confirm if jingles’ fluid retention is due to punctured hole, IF it is due to punctured hole, may I know what’s the next step?
2. For now, is Jingle able to be discharge and to monitor at home and come back for review and fluid extraction if needed?
• ah Mao try to zzz half hour b4 I need to rush back 猫房一号 clean Priscilla ears and go for classes … ahhh dr Nelson called me to answer above qns… try to update logbook now semi sleeping when talking to vet:
1. if is punctured hole would be surgery. But for now, vet opinion is to use antibiotics to settle the current issue. And if the fluid is building its building slowly, he says surgery will be last resort unless jingles totally stuck and can’t breathe.
2. Highly recommend to stay for another 3-4 days for monitoring purpose – cos though fluid is drawn, but “New fluid” is producing? so still need to draw out the fluid while monitoring his breathing and would discharge him when he is more stable
14.3.17 Tuesday
• morning: from dr Teo: “Jingles is stable in hospital so far. he is alert, responsive and also purring. His breathing is better as compared to before, no open mouth, but is still faster than usual, especially when you approach him. this is telling us that likely there’s still some fluid in the lungs. we will schedule another xrays to determine that. Apart from that he is eating well on his own. we will continue to monitor him and will wait for the culture results to come back.”
• 130pm: visited jingles – still blur blur boy – sayang him a bit and kiss him
• talked to dr Teo directly asked him the core qn again re the good reasons to Hospitalise vs coming back to 猫房二号 – he gave me 2 which I can’t do for jingles in 猫房二号
1. Extract fluid when it’s urgently needed
2. iv antibiotics is important for him now, but they can’t dispense such jabs for me w the end plug on.
25 Feb 2017
25.2.17 Saturday
• enter 猫房二号 for palliative care
• don’t have his latest blood test so don’t dare to drip him too much – still did w drip w multivitamins
• got flu? Put him in nubelizer
• while I’m having class, he came out of the cage to the back of toilet bowl, then out of the toilet to the top of weighing scale
• gave him aristoham – not keen
• gave him miaw miaw pouch v keen – but only lick can’t eat
• gave him schesir salmon in water – he likes n can lick n eat those I syringe into his mouth
• all 5 猫房二号 cats merged well
• Ah Mao massage his legs n hands – so stiff one
• ah Mao can kiss Jingles – think socks on jealous mode again
• tmr need to blend some food for him
• ear very dirty
26.2.17 Sunday
• all felv cats eat today
• found 11cm of poo – texture good n moist, quite big size, – think is jingles one
• ate ad on his own
• found him in tiger’s toilet
• he groom himself
28.2.17 Tuesday
• had been serving all sorts of food
• subcut him w vitamins
• like the red cat condo box
2.3.17 thursday
• syringe fed him 60ml of ad
4.3.17 Saturday
• duno is dun like ah Mao or playing w me, like to bite me when I tickle him/ sayang him, totally won’t be pain he BO GAY
• food motivated
• normal now, can groom himself after eating n etc
8.3.17 Wednesday
• first time he is Not eating wor, scare he is not active … I put him out to laZe w socks on the carpet
• prepared 30ml ad to feed him (maybe he sick of eating ad on his own)
• went out n found he not at carpet Anymore, took a video for him, he settled at the spot tiger love the most
• given him a b12 Jab
9.3.17 Thursday
• 7pm: scary that 大姐姐 update me that jingles breathing seem fast …
• 815pm: taken his temperature 39.0, 38.9degree
• fed him miaw miaw pouch he ate, add on as he also eat
• reverse all the red cat condo so he cannot cope himself in the tree – stuffy – got a feeling he is still scare over seeing fat boy pass on
• given him 2ml oral b12
• as of last blood tests, his liver kidney ok, no PCV record. I scare he anemic
• weak movement
• 1030pm visited him he hide at where fat boy hide (scary)
• given him food but he is not keen, but I gave him monge chicken n ham – he got lick
11.3.17 Saturday
• still think he isn’t fine but rescurer don’t want to test his HG yet … erm
22 Feb 2017
Beloved Jingles (fiv + felv+) (UTI, suspect heart problem)
(Age unknown, boy)
• rescued from being pts
22.2.17 Wednesday
Summary of updates about jingle as of today
• paralysed from neck to spine, Cannot move from first day. Now can kick abit.
• first Vet there syringe feed every day, can lick from spoon, Can swallow.
• Cannot eat on its own yet.
• dislocated jaw: first Vet say jaws will heal on it own.
• Jingles abit lethargy
• First vet got give b complex oral (PCV 17%)
• Kidney crea 2.2, ALT 131
• leg not fractured but can’t move – need to be caged – first vet Suspect got Nerve prob
24.2.17 Friday
• fiv felv tested POSITIVE !! Omggggggg 猫房二号 cat tiger will have a new bf instead of 3 ladies accompanying him
• no teeth at all
• need mashed food
• 2nd vet confirm brain issue too
• ankle abit swollen but ok
• jaw alignment ok thus no need to fix