Off to the Rainbow Bridge
FIV+, kidney failure, heart mur mur
3.4kg, UPC 0.43, k 2.9, pcv 29% 13.9.20, 3.52kg 27.9, 3.66kg 29.10, 3.45kg 27.12, 3.15kg 10.1.21, 3.12kg, Temp 36.9, USG 1.006, no bac, bp 140, k 3.6, Crea 547 aka 6.49, urea 30.8, Sdma 43, Glu 10.66, Rbc 5.10, HCT 21.7% 19.1.21
Bp (150 13.9.20, 137.86 on 27.9, 135.6 on 10.10, 126.1 27.10, 19.1.21, 19.2*****)
🐾 Semintra 0.78ml
🐾 1 vial in bag kcl 125ml
🐾 darbepoetin 0.04ml (19.1.21, 26.1******)
🐾 gabapentin (started 24.1.2021)
A old cat who whack me on day 1 i sayang her. A kidney failure cat, but over times I assume she love me. I took her over when she was about to send to shelter boarding when she needs iv drip and her life is saved back then.
01 Aug 2021
930am: survived w/o o2. Peepad not used. Mean no pee I scare
n tube her 48ml Kd. Didn’t vomit. Look a little fine. Still salivating.
Did use mouth breathing, look like THAT Friday night but she is a fighter!!
Ah boy got kiss her.
1130am: n tube her 48ml Kd (2)
Lucky got pee alr
2pm: n tube her 48ml Kd (3)
Using mouth to breath but I do find her “happier” to be in room c, so not going back o2 chamber, I on the small o2 machine in the room then
I shave her one side a bit after cleaning w f10.
No poo today. I stop polycilin (I’m sure that’s the cause of vomit)
630pm: prep to tube feed her again, same pose, no abnormal pose … she isn’t moving anymore. No more breathing, lift her up a little. Not really harden but I know she is gone. I know this is a difficult fight, if can win, will take months. I somehow just feel Maxine know n don’t want to drag this fight. She is a super fighter. End of 巫麻茜 story in 猫房
31 Jul 2021
8am: kns the kids off Maxine o2 again. Tmr I at home or tonight I’ll let Maxine be in room c rest don’t be in o2 chamber anymore
got a 7cm formed poo, Subcut her. Buprenophine given as well.
Only n tube 4.5ml Kd w med she vomit ard 3ml.
Ard another 15ml of Kd, she vomit ard 3ml again.
Think either is body got issue, or i reply think I should gauge on my own whether polycilin should be given. I’m not going to give for tonight n tmr. Think this cause her to vomit.
B4 I left home, n tube 60ml Kd.
919am: fr Ip she still look v weak
7pm: n tube her only 54kd n she vomit again. Something really v different today. Is Maxine worried about me? I think later we go downstairs see stars again for a while if I can assemble the cat tree for them, so I can bring her back to rest in room.
1030pm: just n tube her the remaining 6ml fr evening.
1230am: I only given gabapentin thru her tube and flush a bit, alr feel that she might want to vomit again.
Total today is 120ml, n so many vomits. She look uncomfy.
I put her on floor while I pack the room and set up a new cat tree – she at least look more alert than in the cage keep salivating. Decide a major plan: place her blanket in room
C, lay the same Peepads, let her be there, stitch a bit scare of her, cola guarding her, let her be ard the rest, she can breathe natural air, no fresh o2, but no need to worry the kids off her o2
30 Jul 2021
1030am: n tube her 60ml, subcut pink fluid
Told her feed lesser per time now. Her RR still fast, didn’t count. Didn’t vomit
Since yesterday I had down her Buprenophine to 0.03ml/kg, 猫房 on disaster mode
1255pm: only manage to give 42ml Kd and I got to rush out alr, due to irresponsible pple make me do extra things waste time.
She looks weaker and tired, I want to comb her fur leh, but think I’ll make her skin raw. Have to find my shaver to shave her bottom down.
940pm: barely give 21ml Kd w the oral med – she vomit out ard 3ml of food
RR 92
Duno y these 2 days something is off. Only thing: Na is Low n the red bag?
Had been vomitting but alr reduce lots of food intake, and Cerenia jab still given.
Finish giving the other 39ml Kd.
Today only total 162ml.
1024pm: RR 62
Or is it Buprenophine cannot drop rate? Or should I up back to twice per day? I think I maintain rate, but up to twice per day tmr onwards.
She had been salivating – think v uncomfy.
I’m thinking of letting her rest at one corner of room – not to be in o2 so she can choose to move if she want? (Maybe do that on Sunday cos tmr I work full day)
29 Jul 2021
1020am: o2 off by the cats, lucky Maxine is fine.
n tube 75ml of Kd (1) – told Maxine I won’t up to 78ml for tmr onwards, will try to feed more frequent
Pee a lot, no further vomit from yesterday. Got poo as long as on polycilic.
245pm: n tube 75ml of Kd (2) – think too much at one time? I going to reduce but feed more frequent then targetted 2h, maybe 1.5h can alr
4.45pm: n tube 72ml of Kd (3) – I feel she is v full. Don’t think can push so much leh.
915pm: n tube 72ml of Kd – today total 294ml. I really think she can’t take it, will vomit ah. But didn’t. Syringe a little water into her she suddenly open mouth scare me. B4 I syringe she alr mouth a little wet, think hyper salivating, maybe she is controlling not to vomit.
RR 83 breathing really fast.
I think I stop further feeding tonight.
Minus out 30ml didn’t give. Total today 264ml.
10pm: RR 60. Change ice pack.
Lights out
Today both times Subcut I had change to red packet – the one w 150na rather than pink 131na. Should be safer than adding real salt? kcl still added to bag. Tmr will change back to pink pack, maybe ratio 2:1. See how
28 Jul 2021
Per 1ml of kd mixture, 0.7564kcal
10+am: n tube 72ml Kd
12pm+: n tube 72ml Kd
1pm+: b4 I go out check on her, there is like a 2.5ml amount of vomit, first time she vomit out food since we started nasal feeding.
Today more vocal
11pm: I work long hours on wed. Got poo, clean her up, she had been adjusting till her butt not at unicharm peepad, so the plan to keep her clean aren’t that successful.
N tube her less than 30ml Kd, she vomit out at least 15ml of Kd. b4 that she did meow louder.
End up finish n tube the other 42ml Kd.
Summary: today total 216ml, but she vomit twice.
27 Jul 2021
845am: for a poo inside, but right at anal hole, I help to push push push And I pull out. 3.5cm formed poo 5/10.
N tube 69ml Kd
1045 wait for dr yeumee till 1130+am loh, Maxine pee some alr but dr says Maxine still got some bladder – but nurse Alison came in to says can’t take any urine :,( – so no upc today, so no point do bp also.
Drop 2 more pieces of formed poo in the clinic, total Ard 12cm of poo today.
1210pm: me n Maxine waiting aimlessly – dont think the nurse remember to help me ask behind can bath Maxine or not.
1212pm: haining tell me ask, 2 senior nurse on mc, so can’t.
1248pm: Maxine meow ! – haha think she sianz wait so long today in the clinic
Cbc Rbc 3.22 (up fr 2.31), hct 13.7% (up fr 10.4), retic – 53.1 (I’m still producing!!!!)
Wbc still high, plot graph still show got some infection going on though unknown what n is a more gentle graph – continue Marbo n doxy.
Today Maxine 2.84kg, Marbo up to 0.57ml and doxy continue till 2 august (complete 4 weeks course)
Kidney profile sdma 47, crea 257, urea 34.8 phos 2.56, kidney values all worsen, polycilin I got to stick to Guai Guai twice a day 3ml.
K 4.6 – continue current treatment
Na 144 cos she pee so much so dr yeumee told me to give a pinch of salt to supplement that, I really think is too dangerous … Though she say safe not to change brand of fluid. I later check nacl na how much more than pink then I decide again
4pm: n tube 69ml Kd (2)
Given darbepoetin jab + 3 combo.
1030pm: n tube 69pm Kd – today total 207ml.
Need to count kcal Maxine got per day now, for now, one tub of kd 177 kcal = 39 syringes +
Minimum maintenance for Maxine per day is 54.6kal/kg = 155.2kcal.
26 Jul 2021
230pm: w unicharm peepad can’t gauge her pee output, but still be have. Confirm cleaner that way.
N tube fed 60ml kd
445pm: N tube fed 66ml kd
745pm: N tube fed 66ml kd
10pm: N tube fed 66ml kd – total today 264ml, tonight got some salivation. I scare. RR seem a little faster, but can’t be cos of food go wrong place. brush her fur to clean up a little but become raw, cos too matted. Clean w f10 and apply silvin. Tmr see how the nurses going to bath her.
25 Jul 2021
1030am: no new poo day 01 – today will reduce her polycilin to once a day
N tube 60ml kd, later will blend new tub
230pm: got hear her voice 🙂
N tube 57ml Kd (2)
530pm: N tube 63ml Kd (3)
10pm: n tube 63ml Kd – today 244ml.
Have to use tape to tape the tube to her back cos w the 3 way plug heavier.
24 Jul 2021
8am: pee and poo a lot, whole bottom body stain w poo – wipe her down
Unicharm do a good job for the soaking of pee issue
Poo is disaster
N tube her 60ml kd
Tube going well, but the tape came off her nose
2.28pm: fr Ip: sleeping
630pm: N tube her 60ml kd
Today I kind of worried that she will vomit and these 2 days I’m worried about her.
930pm: Ice pack is on her leg – she totally can’t move or she totally can’t feel the ice? Her leg icy cold.
N tube her 60ml kd – today total 180ml.
23 Jul 2021
1030am: flooded w pee – peepad is much more soaked – so her body v smelly w urone smell
N tube Kd 51ml
220pm: wanna n tube fed again, but her tube v blocked again – rush to Alex – pro is pro, he did quite long but he manage to do it. Warm water w lots of effort n 1+5ml syringe.
He even think of how to prevent it for me – 3 way plug (tube need to be soak w water thru out)
When outside she look brighter – she like me to take cab bring her go gaigai la …
330pm: rushed back 猫房 continue N tube Kd 51ml
Given her a unicharm peepad – think I no need to keep clearing n also absorb pee so well that she can be kept clean better
945pm: quickly give her Subcut n all the jabs. Today miss out one Subcut. She look weaker. Omg N tube Kd 51ml – today 153ml total.
Will still head butt me.
She looks v tired
21 Jul 2021
930am: checked on her, look weak but aren’t as scary as THAT FRI
her pee is darker today, I scare is rbc or hopefully is the excess b12
change cooling packs for her
1030am: n tube her 51ml Kd
11am: Maxine rather flat today – I might not bring her tmr more of how much blood going to waste again n smartie may need the slot more
130pm: n tube her 51ml Kd (2)
Got pee again
1115pm: n tube her 51ml Kd – today total 153ml. Didn’t get to feed one more time b4 I run off from home cos Bella is critical at vet Avenue.
I m still considering to bring her to vet tmr or not.
21 Jul 2021
730am: suddenly thought of semintra. In view of Simba baba, dr d mentioned these: “But if don’t treat proteïnurie, that will damage the kidney. It’s the only proven thing to actually deteriorate kidney in chronic kidney disease” – i anyhow stop cos Maxine is dying last week due to anemic – but I kind of manage to maintain her life, pcv now 13%, so have to start giving semintra today.
1215pm: clean her up, got another 3cm poo out and smear on Peepads – i evaluate I think let clinic bath her this Thursday
N tube 48ml kd. W immuno and semintra restart.
245-4pm: N tube 48ml kd and doxy block tube!! Why? I want to kill myself I feel I unblock Liao leh. But yet just can’t I can’t even find anything stuck. Ah try my luck ask Sunny happen anyone in clinic today – Maxine damn lucky Alex is in! I fly there
Pee on cab again
Wth she want go car ride ah? Alex did a while more of what I alr did n unblock Liao, no need to put new one. Summary 1ml to unlock better.
come home Subcut n today w darbepoetin b12 b com etc, she pee again.
530pm: N tube 48ml kd (3)
930pm: n tube 48ml Kd – total today 192ml.
Got pee again
19 Jul 2021
11+?am I can’t remember timing well today lots of disturbance – n tube her 45ml Kd
2pm: n tube her 45ml Kd, do feel that the tube jam easier or the quantity too much?
430pm: wanna n tube her, i stupid STUPID FXXKING IDioT to try phos bind on her again, tube jam!!!! Y M I SO STUPID?!!!!! So stupid?!!!!!!!!!!!!
I so stupid but she is alert cos she know I m so angry 😡
6pm: see dr Chua for pulling n putting in new tube – today she did xray also – ok la.
Today pee many times, just to vet alr pee twice.
Did a pcv for her – 13%. My power Maxine … 巫麻茜 :)
Today good girl no pee in cab.
Back home ard 740pm I quickly tube fed her what’s supposed to give at 4+
9-10pm I forgot so many things to do: n tube her 45ml Kd – today total 180ml.
16 Jul 2021
9am: I a bit scare – no pee overnight
N tube her 36ml kd
She still react to my touching of her face/ head
1130am: N tube her 36ml kd
She pee twice for me, good girl she know I scare she no pee
120pm: N tube her 36ml kd, told her have to wait till night then can feed her le
930pm: N tube her 36ml kd
Still no food intake on her own
Told her I go help mimi, and omg our Peepads r extreme Low in supply.
She did pee twice again, colour ok not the darker colour I thought that day.
Somehow tonight like weaker?
Tmr will be 39ml Kd day. One meal in the morning then she got to wait till I come home le
117am: fr Ip head down face front – really do look weaker, or maybe sleeping?
Maxine 17.7.21 sat
8am: n tube fed 39ml kd, got pee b4 I go off.
Told her today later feeding.
Headbutt aren’t as strong, but the fact that she survived is wow wow 🙂 told her we slowly 补身子
630pm: n tube fed 39ml kd (2)
Later I restart applying this on her: appetite stimulant gel – see she will try to eat or not
1030pm: n tube fed 39ml kd – total today is 117ml. got pee. Apply gel.
1120pm: fr Ip, more movement than norm – I’m more scare than happy.
Maxine 18.7.21 sun
930am: I m extremely tired, fr ip she is flatten, I ice block got shift position
I go n check on her, position really scary, she is ard, weaker. Got pee. Colour seem ok.
N tube 42ml kd.
430pm: N tube 42ml kd (2)
710pm: N tube 42ml kd (3)
Got pee and there is a 1cm poo stick at her anal, I help her dig out them total 3cm of formed poo. Then another 3cm of poo at her anal I pull out, so she v weak no strength to push out. Total today after 7 days: 6cm. Should have more, by tues didn’t poo more think I’ll microlax or wait till Thursday microlax
9pm+: butt a little dirty w poo, wipe clean
N tube 42ml kd – total total is 168ml.
give her thick layers of Peepads after I sort out the blAnket for her
15 Jul 2021
845am: look ok 🙂
N tube feed her 33ml of kd, yesterdsy somehow the tube got stuck 3 times but no reason cos nothing particle based. I blend Kd until extreme smooth. Restart polycilin today
1015am: saw dr ym, first qn she wanna ask w/o talking – I reply her Maxine alive 🙂 – she say she is a fighter
4pm: got pee, N tube feed her 33ml of kd
7pm: got pee, N tube feed her 33ml of kd
930pm: looks well, got pee, N tube feed her 33ml of kd
Today Total 132ml
Tmr got to blend new cans alr, maybe blend 2 cans at one go cos sat i damn bz.
14 Jul 2021
232am: fr Ip sleeping
1030am: n tube fed 30ml kd
Got pee – seem a little more yellowish – excess b12 or losing more blood?
But will still head butt my hand when I sayang her
Today given darbepoetin 0.07ml
1250pm: n tube fed 30ml kd
225pm: n tube fed 30ml kd – told her i go work so feed more now, have to hungry till I back
11pm: got pee, stack up more Peepads. Look okay. n tube fed 30ml kd – total 120ml today
1215am: kiss her good night. Tmr is 33ml per feed day. Day 03 no poo. Tmr will restart polycilin.
13 Jul 2021
10am: got pee, no poo
One of the tape on her came off, so the tube is loose now
10-11Am nasal tube fed 28ml kd
230pm n tube 24ml kd (2)
3pm see dr yeumee, weight 2.78kg – maintain. She pee on the way here, didn’t take urine.
Taken Pcv 13%, hct 10%, but her retic is high today, her body is trying to regenerate rbc
her other values after diluted phos still high, wa alr feeding kd. Today is day 02 without poo, tmr no poo I might restart polycilin on Thursday.
Today started her on the 1/10 of b12 capsule junelle pass me (brownie tested and it work for her, recommended on chronic kidney site too).
sdma n everything else off reading so don’t bother.
Focus: anemic. told dr yeumee dr see told me to give 0.07ml fr the start, given on 29 June, 4 July and 7 July. Dr yeumee recalculate dose and told me give 0.03ml. Show dr d the bloodworks first: “I would try up the dose of darbepoetin” – that’s when I told dr d above, “ So would be 4.1 microgram for the highest darbe dose. So that is 0.1 Ml, that is maximum dose. Cant give if hypertension. Was already on 1 microgr/kg before. This still moderate response. I would say keep at 1 micro/kg or go to 1.5, but don’t go down” – ie 0.07ml or 0.1ml
530pm: nasal tube fed 28ml kd
Oral fed 1ml of fish soup aren’t that keen.
1045pm: nasal tube fed 27ml kd
Got pee
Today total 107ml, and oh ya today I got to hear her signature meow! Like 3-4 meow. So happy ah Mao. Kiss her she know I love her a lot.
12 Jul 2021
I target to wake up late but somehow bio clock will auto wake up early when cat is critical.
830am: Ip is off
840am: checked, wa the kids off Maxine o2 supply, heat pad also off – on back. Check ip, lucky it’s off since 639am.
Maxine isn’t good but not worse off, will still respond to my hand sayang
Got pee no poo.
855am: n tube 24ml kd.
10+am: given first Subcut n jabs.
look normal bad.
top up lots of Peepads. No further poo.
12pm: syringe her a little water, in case her mouth is dry.
n tube 24ml kd (2)
Flip her to face the o2 tube
3pm: n tube 24ml kd (3)
Still look weak
545pm: put eye drops for her, quite in a daze. I know in o2 chamber aren’t a lousier choice cos she isn’t moving anymore.
Night Subcut will give her b12 b com jab too.
Tmr revert back to twice daily subq. Think thrice is too much.
6+pm: n tube 24ml kd
9+pm: n tube 22ml kd – total 118ml. Tmr need to blend new can.
Got pee twice so good, kidney still working
Tonight given b12 And b com jab too. Got one point her head is down one, i called Maxine Maxine, she got react to me 🙂
1050pm: Ip she is sleeping face in again
11 Jul 2021
Sat 1129pm: Dr ym reply me cos I send her the latest video of Maxine able to hold her head up: “How does she have the strength to lift her head up?! Amazing”
8am; awake by the cats, glance – Maxine still ard
9am: she poo! Stain all over her body – but it’s good news! Can poo. I can n tube n she can poo! But the poo messu n meshy is ok, but it’s grey in colour. Dark green grey. Like cement mix.
N tube 21ml Kd and flush w water. Given 0.2ml immuno and wanse.
12pm: more poo r out (mesh and one 3cm 5/10) I wipe her butt clean but Maxine today got mouth breathing alr, I didn’t count the RR, nothing significant but the mouth is an issue.
clean up the cage – later will set up the O2 chamber w new sheet N let Maxine sleep in o2.
N tube her another 21ml Kd.
3pm: more poo r out, messy, clean her up. Third time today alr, so i shall stop giving polycilin. I mainly need that for guts movement+ phos binder, but since I’m giving Kd no issue w phos.
N tube her another 21ml Kd (3).
Set up o2 chamber for her alr, cctv can work for her chamber, can see clearly
530pm: ip- she is moving to change position. Think I’ll do her medium Subcut and n tube feed her again
6pm: N tube her another 21ml Kd (4), got poo stain again.
915pm: N tube her another 21ml Kd. Today poo n pee regular. tonight stop polycilin already. Today Subcut thrice. today total 105ml Kd given. night: seem better, can lift head n when I sayang, can head butt my hand …omg I’m so happy. Power girl.
1134pm: fr ip head towards the other side, can’t see much
10 Jul 2021
530am Kitty Duno provoke who make me awake – sigh I wanna wake up at 645am
Tale a quick glance, Maxine position should be still alive
608am Kitty and stitch wanna fight, I went in to sayang Maxine, looks even weaker, but still conscious.
830am: n tube her 18kg and given Subcut w jabs. Added on immuno liquid 0.14ml, half dose. later See how
10am-2pm+: fr Ip her position no change, which I know she is still alive.
1217pm: Dr ym :”Hi Cat, how is Maxine? Her uricult came back negative. Doesnt rule out a kidney infection but no bladder infection it seems” – send her Maxine Ip video: “Wow she is such a fighter”
830pm: n tube her 18ml kd. today only feed 36ml as planned.
got pee a lot since longer hours I’m not in = good.
She can lift and turn her head siak. Really got chance leh – think wanse n immuno combo is working. Tmr continue these 2.
I just rub some corn juice for her to taste for yummy purpose.
09 Jul 2021
955am; ff ip the kids open up her door. Not messy. Only Rena is sleeping on the box.
10am: she is still ard. Weak. Like yesterday. Really look super sleepy. Like I’m waiting for her to die peacefully in sleep.
703am: Dr d reply: “Dropped hct again, rest looks pretty stable. So the virus most likely in bone marrow, as darbe not working. Will make her more and more weak”
So far she got shiver like cold like that, but don’t have any seizure or those death seizure that I’m aware yet.
1120am: she is sleeping v soundly. I sayang her neck, still got reaction. I’m waiting for her to die in sleep – I know is that weak alr.
I still give Subcut, the jabs and 15ml kd – told her today Kd up 3ml.
She can hear tao Tao bday celebration.
135pm: she is still ard, more flatten w 2 front legs stretched out. given doxy and 15ml Kd. Decided not to give semintra – even if the chance that it cause anemic is 0.01%. No point. Decide not to give Petinc cos will cause constipation. But yet i think I should give wanse – should I? Same logic – iron cause constipation, but at least wanse direct help anemic. thinking …
245pm: she is ard, aiyo so noisy. Major fight among cola, Simba and Tao. Kitty and ah boy somehow involved.
Oh ya just logging down the last words fr 2 vets for Maxine:
Dr d at 1116am: “I wouldn’t know anything else to do…”
Dr y at 1248pm: “I hope she goes peacefully in her sleep. Seems like her body is not strong enough to fight”
Told Maxine I won’t bring her to work today, so I 3+ try to n tube her again, then maybe 9+ 6-6.5h later feed her again. maybe will just put a pc of Tao chicken w her, or should I blend it? N let her lick a bit? I think I should blend it. So she can taste tao bday celebration chicken.
305pm blended some chicken for her, syringe her orally so she can taste something, didn’t swallow, nvm wanna let her taste some nice food only
330pm: n tube her 15ml Kd
4pm; fr Ip, sleeping, sliding down the bedding
840pm: did pee again, unlike socks who stop urine – n tube her 15ml Kd w ard half tab of wanse
Today fed 60ml.
Think I’ll give again at 10+ to make it 75ml today.
945pm: did I get some hope again cos she move her head on her own? Wanse power?
1030pm: n tube fed 15ml Kd. Total 75ml. Told her I see hope again? Maybe sleepy cos recovery / conserve energy Mah. Tmr told her feeding will be 18ml but morning then 2nd will be evening alr – unless I bring her to work, I decide not to.
08 Jul 2021
Yesterday given third darbepoetin jab
850am: fr ip: smart, sit on floor off the bedding cos the bedding is wet w her pee
But she seem to struggle to want to get up
Eventually she got on bed to rest on the non pee part.
1045am: subcut01, some oral meds and the jabs, see dr ym at 3pm
She is really weak today, legs like no strength
245pm: we go out no new poo
Otw she pee in carrier – she smell of urine now
3pm: see dr ym
2.79kg – drop 30g
Legs seem paralysed – Dr ym have to pinch her quite hard to get faint reaction from her right hind, left still got a little reaction – check bp – but seem like the heart now giving problem – she feel cold and her hind legs r cold. But lucky dr ym mention she think not a clot/ thrombus YET
Temp 35.9 – I have to think of how to set up heat pad in room – got to shift her to room c, can pull up the camera into the room too
Day 08 no poo, didn’t feel a lot of poo though, still microlax at clinic cos I thought of Xiami, constipated also leg can be weak (only 2cm hard poo come out, that’s it. Dr yeumee say she can try some soft one surrounded by some hard one but she isn’t pooping out – no strength la) – 2 more days nothing Ill microlax again.
Left kidney much bigger, right kidney small – u/s to check if we had totally lost one kidney function – mention right kidney is ard 2cm, left ard 4cm. can safely say now Maxine only functioning on one kidney n normally to help that hardworking kidney, I have to up fluid but she got heart problem so can’t do anything more. Can only try to give one more time 40ml fluid. Make Subcut 3 times.
Left eye much cloudier
Head hang Low, dr ym say checking lytes – go ahead but I don’t think her potassium will be Low cos alr on it
Hopefully blood count don’t drop further than 14 – pcv 16%,
Urine sg 1.006, glu still +1
UPC 0.67 – didn’t really want to do this, I did want urine analysis but ahhh did drop la, but still waste money doing this.
Crea, urea, Phos still high but all drop cos of all meds can go in thru nasal tube
Her rbc is 2.86, lowest of all 4 full bloodtests taken these 2 weeks
HCT 15.6%
Today wbc neu went up, so she is fighting !! – on 2 ab already, dr yeumee say she grow bacteria first then send out to see if Marbo still working for Maxine or not. Cos 3 days high dose ab still for bacteria might mean Marbo doxy not working.
Today dr yeumee mention iv, but I told her about the current mindset: – I know Maxine is old, sick, kidney, heart, save back last time, don’t think got much chance, n core thing is iv advantage aren’t much more – so make more sense that if she were to pass, she can choose the floor, The blanket, the position she prefer to die. Dr ym understood.
Top up polycilin. There is no liquid probiotics choice.
530pm: home to oral meds, 12ml Kd and 1ml water to flush clean her tube.
Room c w heat pad 45^.
620pm: sent dr d Maxine reports for today review.
730pm: n tube 12ml Kd and 1ml water to flush clean her tube. Peepads aren’t that hot. She is v sleepy – let her be. no new pee
830pm: from ip- same position
1030pm: she look totally flatten – eyes not even opening, looks totally dead except still got breathing. Given Subcut and Buprenophine anyway. Nasal tube 3ml n decide to stop – she looks dead alr.
Talk to her n ask her opinion n we decide to go playground sit and chat.
11pm RR 12. Taken video – sent to dr d and dr yeumee – mine responded as of 1246am.
1120-1205am – we at playground chat, sayang, laze ard. Her RR at 1150pm still 12. I think she is cold alr, we go back 猫房 on heat pad 38.
1248am: fr Ip same position
07 Jul 2021
9am: she got pee in bin. n tube her 9ml kd and 1ml water to flush her tube
RR 13
945am; brought Maxine to centre to work
1130am: given first Subcut n all jabs given.
tube her 3ml kd, polycilic and phos b n Renal k then block Liao. Flush w coke also can’t. Rush to hs. They also can’t. Pull out n a new tube placed
1240pm: back we n tube her 9ml kd and 1ml water to flush her tube and doxy given
220pm: n tube her 9ml kd and 1ml water to flush her tube
245pm: got pee
4pm: n tube her 9ml kd and 1ml water to flush her tube, given all oral meds thru tube
7pm: n tube her 9ml kd and 1ml water to flush her tube, she looks really fluffy. Think tired or cold in the Center waiting for me to end long lessons: Subcut her night round Le
915pm: n tube her 9ml kd and 1ml water to flush her tube, she looks really fluffy. Did pee again.
Today given 45ml Kd, later go home won’t feed anymore. Just Buprenophine for the night.
Day 07 no poo
reach home she dead tired I also! Let us concuss – tmr will b v alert!
06 Jul 2021
1030am: evaluate n nego w her to go ahead w nasal tube today.
dr yeumee slot me in, she do it during lunch time.
1110am: drop her off to do pcv as well
1233pm: “Hi Cat, the NG tube has been placed. PCV is 15%” – tp 7.0 means hydration aren’t that bad mah. Didn’t tell dr yeumee to try to poke in iv. Cath. At least let her free roam – in room b w the blanket
Bought doxy tablet for her – recommended 2-4 weeks but hai Ning ask me want how long cos Dr Duno Maxine can survive or not. ok understood
Dr ym mention Maxine didn’t have big reaction towards the pitting of the tube. But her left eye cloudiness is more. Later go back sayang her more
210pm: rushed back let her settled down in room b first – she definitely look sad – told her no choice, both syringe feeding n tube feeding also not comfy, at least n tube the food n meds go in.
320pm: tube fed 6ml Kd as per Dr Chua instruction for socks. given polycilin 3ml too.
525pm: n tube 6ml Kd and 1ml water to flush clean
725pm: n tube 6ml Kd, 2.5mg doxy, Renal k n phos binder, and 1ml water to flush clean – she looks damn sianz – a bit worrying
Already prep the stuff to bring her to work Tgt
1030pm: seeing her night round med only confirm that I should put in this n tube – hell lots
Given all, added in gabapentin, she look v tired, let her sleep on the comfy blanket
She did go into bin to pee which is good
Day 05 no poo
1215am: fr Ip: both ip angle can’t see much. I need to sleep soon. I scare I can’t take it tmr
05 Jul 2021
Yesterday midnight I sleep w Maxine on the floor – on aircon 27^
3am: I wake up she went to sit outside my room floor mat – got pee on the blanket Peepad
Thru out the night, she move ard – also got eat on p room floor mat – she pee on it – thrown
Morning: she is hiding on the new packs of unicharm
Serve food didn’t eat
Subcut little, Marbo 0.56ml, Cerenia 0.28ml, buprenophine 0.1ml given
I cancelled her 2pm appt, dr yeumee thought something scary happen – just explain to her cos situation neither here nor there, no vein for her to poke also so I cancel : “I see. I think it’s good to give her veins a break. Is she eating?”
I busy cleaning up 猫房 cos later buy new Shelfing for them …. she didn’t move much – move once back to the blanket to pee then back to unicharm packs to sit
I carry her into room c to sit down while I
Vacuum floor so she is involved w 猫房 chores
1248pm: at least she is sitting at the kibble water area, Duno what she want – but at least she got intent to eat drink? that’s y today shelf off the plan for N tube etc
4pm got new Shelfing in Q room, Maxine still sitting in the litterbin
Evening she still sitting in litterbin.
Night: she is sitting at the new cabinet 🙂
Syringe feed her 21ml kd, she angry will whack my hand Liao – for this I might think Tmr I should put in a nasal tube for her – I go ask hs got slot tmr for me to do so or not.
lots of oral med too
Midnight from Ip she is sitting in litterbin again
04 Jul 2021
B4 going vet, i ask dr d what status should I consider stopping Iv:” Better hydration, lower sdma. But if hct drops too much, also might need to stop/lower”
1030am: nothing significant – just still not eating, hydration look worse than b4
Told her good girl girl don’t pee while going to vet cos we didn’t get to do UPC
2.72kg – drop 190g
Temp 37.2
I saw she touch Maxine iv leg- as what I also touch back in 猫房 – don’t think her leg in pain so that iv is still flowing well sigh – took out anyway cos day 07 alr
Rbc 3.04 – further drop
Hct 16.7%
Neu 2.26
Stop eating day 04
Told dr see that her poo is v hard – she didn’t tell me whether Maxine still got poo inside or not
In clinic quickly send as much updated info to Dr d:”Lower fluids but don’t stop. Continue iv fluids. There is glucose in urine, that either comes from infection with Leptospirosis, spread through rats. Or it means severe tubular damage of the kidney. I would add on doxy for potential lepto”
Ask about Marbo – dr d say “yes. Now more inflammation and even bands noted, could be because of iv also”
Dr see told me to give 0.28ml which is the standard dose I know. But the other day dr d told me give 3mg/kg but that will be 0.42ml – waiting for Dr d confirmation
Maxine 4 legs all gone, they can’t put any iv cath in, sigh all veins gone I can’t even bring her to other clinic to try. I got no choice but to Subcut her. Told me to try tmr? No logic siak. I book appt w dr yeumee, even want try to poke her vein again, I’ll do at Hs, but still don’t make sense. Her veins ruined Liao. Sigh. Ask dr d about Subcut freq and amount: “Probably 60 ml twice daily if possible. Otherwise max 80-100 once. Yah…. But we shouldn’t drown her in fluids either”
I ask dr d should I die die put in an iv tmr : “Not sure if I would do iv as you can only give so low rate fluids. I would mainly try 1x for iv antibiotics.” – noted that’s my ultimate choice
230pm: came home, I Subcut her 125ml, given darbepoetin, b12 b com, wanse. Given Marbo 0.28ml and started her on doxy.
8-9pm: I syringe feed her 18ml ad she isn’t swallowing – i think I need her to eat on her own la
1030pm: let her free roam at bear museum- she didn’t move much – settled on the quilt blanket I put on floor that time – make into a bed for her
11+: chit chat w angel n yap nasal tube came to mind – u/s for what? To find bad things fr the u/s is just to confirm her kidney really cui then so? As if her anemic is not worrying enough, do u/s useless. Nasal tube make so much
More sense.
12am: lie down on the floor w Maxine – tonight sleeping w her. she still love sayang v much. Suddenly remember socks w the iv cath n the nasal tube. Can’t have the luxury that Maxine has now, can walk can lie on bed, even sayang is w that idiot cone … issue now is anemic, food I think still can dong if she feel better. anemic remedy all r jabs so N tube also can shelf off. I go msg hs ask for thurs slot or next week slot better.
03 Jul 2021
1254am: got move a little, didn’t eat at all.
614am: like didn’t sleep like that. something is weird, by right she is feeling better, day 01 sianz sianz but will head butt me v hard n will still eat. Now is not eating.
530pm: from ip: iv smooth
Can’t get slot at clinic, i think her iv need change but can’t sigh
She didn’t eat
816pm: fr Ip iv still smooth, she didn’t touch food at all, later I syringe feed more cos need to add hot water
930pm: syringe fed 30ml kd, I Duno whether did she even swallow?
Tonight I had given probiotics as well.
The rest, phos bind, renal gold, pet tinic, as usual.
1135pm: fr ip, she look really sianz. Tmr will go vet Take out that iv, but most prob will put in new one, dr d haven’t reply me on what circumstances I still forgo iv.
02 Jul 2021
My whole day logbook disappear cos I accidentally overwrite it. Sigh.
2+am, 7am i wake up cos her iv entangled and each time she did pee. These 3 days main difference is she pee more, but she stop eating. I know mainly due to anemic issue already. Darbepoetin can only give on tues.
tonight I syringe fed her 15ml k/d and given renal gold and pet tinic. appetite stimulant once a day didn’t work on her. Morning given Cerenia also didn’t work on her. morning I change extension line for her, so far no issue.
01 Jul 2021
725am: yesterday told dr d I finally remember what I forgot to ask: does Maxine need any ab? – “I forgot: she fiv or felv? Her dot plot on the procyte is suggesting inflammation so I would say yes give. It’s 2-5 mg/kg, I would give 3 mg/kg once daily now. And would be good to recheck the urine, it had 1 plus glucose which is not great” – “If there is a straight line between purple and blue, that means the neutrophils are looking like young and toxic ones. Line quite clear”
8am: change her fluid bag but added 1 v of kcl, cos later see lytes report then decide need 2 v or not
1030am: see dr see
2.82kg – gain 50g
Temp 37.3
She didn’t ask me about the drip rate, but ask me about food intake. Not much poo, bladder small cos Maxine pee on cab.
Pale pink, but I feel look quite white
Dr wanna take kidney panel but I reject telling her I normally do Pcv and iv cath on day 03, day 06 then I do full. But cos their Pcv is “Our PCV is done manually so don’t have a report for it.” – so I do cbc, also can let dr d see the plot graph.
Taken urine analysis and UPC.
taken lytes also cos I need to monitor her k also – k 4.9, dr see told me can don’t put kcl into bag alr, but can’t – will drop further if abruptly stop.
1058am: Maxine bladder v small, can’t get any urine at all – try again when?! – sigh monday Liao Loh
Rbc – 3.77 (drop n this is more concerning), HCT 19.8 (drop but expected, darbepoetin no effect yet), body not generating much new rbc cell.
Taken bp – average 139.75 so it’s ok, dr d:”That’s good.”
Asked re Marbo plan, dr d:”Lytes very good, better to go 1 vial in fluids. Dot plot actually looks better so I would try without”
Dr, iv drip still 8ml/h? Dr d:”yes”
I bought appetite gel apply on her ear, I bought k/s standby.
1230pm: her iv bend cos she sit on it, pls don’t have issue till I back from work.
This bag will end on: sat midnight 230am
256pm: she isn’t moving but didn’t touch food yet, iv flowing, monday need to change iv cath.
630pm; iv stop again, she keep sitting on it
1050pm; peaceful night I’m v sick I need to sleep. She is eating lesser today.
12.04am: iv stop again, she entangled 3 rounds her legs.
Got pee again. Pee more than day 01 on iv.
Tmr going to change extension line maybe.
30 Jun 2021
1220am: she change position – ok let’s bath n sleep le. Let her sleep
1050am: fr Ip, she sit at one corner – smart cos she didn’t want to sit on pee
Serve loveabowl tuna w barramundi – got eat (same that bit better than nothing)
She isn’t on any ab so no med, night then give the whole day med.
11pm: as usual i give her once a day 0.12ml Buprenophine, tonight I notice she is shivering – the kind that I saw in Lyon when he is in pain due to the high kcl in bag (3 v). Informed dr d.
today she did eat each time I serve food but maybe 3-5%, not 5-10% anymore.
Tmr still Duno AW can test UPC or not.
29 Jun 2021
1am: she turn her back towards me again. hope she is just sleeping.
139am: same position, hopefully she is catching up on sleep
2am: ok she change position again. Think she trying to sleep, I won’t go to hospi room to disturb her so ah Mao shall sleep now.
830am: fr Ip, different position, still look pain. I need her to pee if no pee i v scare.
9Am: got pee 😉
Added 7.6ml of kcl into bag
Her hind left swollen Liao, double – but only one day, I’m bringing her in to check on her iv cath
serve loveabowl tuna w barramundi- she got lick a bit. That’s all.
She still happy I sayang kiss kiss her.
1045am I bringing rena to vet, then wanna bring cola for vac then maybe Maxine to check iv? Then I decide stress even worse, I can just bandage pressure for the swollen leg, but I sayang her wanna tell her I go out then she got action of sudden shivering. Scary. Better just check. Cola skip.
Alex checked her iv, intact, ok, The leg aren’t as swollen as he think (I know not serious but play safe, but he sound like it’s really normally, so less less serious than it is) bandage up the whole leg to subpress pressure on leg.
W the whole leg wrap up, Maxine got try to want to bite bandage – told her no no
1230pm come home continue 8ml/h. So this bag will end thurs 230pm.
Serve RC tuna w chicken – got eat – each food I serve she got eat 5-10%.
dinner I serve aixia kuro tuna w white bait w tuna w chicken – she got eat 10%.
She did pee, v little. once a day? Better than nothing. So far no poo.
28 Jun 2021
Morning: in the bin again. I carry her to the soft mat, her head auto in my palm which she likes, but today a bit different v long n hard, i think she is v unwell. Tmr seeing dr see. maybe need iv? Kidney status v bad now or what? She still got eat.
210pm; didn’t look fine – esp the head pressing
Ask to see dr see got earlier slot today
4pm: see dr see, today the scale weigh 2.83kg, when I come out weigh 2.77kg, mine more accurate for sure
Ears dirty
She got see the fur – I got tell her I think is from the groomer blade – got clean up alr
She got ask all the important qns (current status, current med she is on n freq/amt of subcut) n touch to listen, evaluate, but she don’t talk – no information out of the vet at all. I got to ask to get the following info:
Temp 37.3 (I don’t find it ok she say ok)
Maxine left stomach area a little bigger she say nothing
Bladder small – but I ask so still can take urine analysis? She didn’t ans qn one. But later she did say will take urine sample
She did check the eyes for more than 1 min but she didn’t even say out a single thing, she didn’t say out anything re the heart, re the lung, re the liver, re the kidney, re the stomach. Nothing. Sigh.
Show her 27 April bloodworks she noted Maxine is lower in HCT, I got tell her the reason for why didn’t start anything for the anemic – cos her bp is 170, so started semintra to lower her bp first.
she mention will take bp.
they bring Maxine to the back to do stuff – HATE THAT cos I know nothing initially like what bloods r going to be taken? Sigh. Old cat don’t get out of my sight normally.
She didn’t even mention Maxine got heart mur mur?
Anyway they taking cbc, chem15 (I ok cos phos need to be taken anyway), lytes and she miss out sdma initially.
430pm: we waiting for the results of all bloods, urine.
bp dr see said had gone down to 140+- (but I don’t really trust the info, at least just as a guide la)
UA out: no ket, no blood in urine, sg 1.008, colour straw
Crea 8.7, bun >130, sdma 65, phos >16.1, – all sky high – Dr see initially told me Subcut 100ml once daily. I asked her will iv be a better choice? she won’t advise hospitalisation cos no overnight nurse. Noted that I can take care of her, i just more concern whether which option better for her, dr s prefer iv, but she is concerned about her heart mur mur, so she say she will calculate Low dose for me.
K 3.0 ,
Waited quite long for the dose calculation and iv cath to place in, summary of what I was asked to do: iv rate 15ml/h (first day), 11ml/h thereafter. 1 vial in 250ml bag (told her mine is 500ml, didn’t tell me put 2 v, but I’m not a fan of too much kcl in bag, so stick to one v), phos bind 1/2 scoop twice daily. Eprex (I told dr see I’m using darbepoetin n she said yap dose same) 0.07ml sc every 2 days. Semintra remain 0.8ml till review.
635pm: we reach home, I put 1 v kcl into bag, I given her some Subcut, cos I give the first dose of darbepoetin 0.07ml (I know is on the high side, I forgot always to start Low, but I’m sure the every 2 days confirm r wrong, dr d always say once a week only, extreme case I have then dr yeumee told me whack twice per week, alternate day r for EPO). given b12 b com jab also. Given pet tinic iron also. Given more phos binder and semintra 0.8ml as usual.
put her on iv rate 12ml/h – 15ml/h is far too high especially when we should go Low? I was shocked by the number, thought she might tell me give 6-8 maintenance rate.
above too scary already if I Duno anything, seek professional consult dr dr d, i do those I know still correct or safe one.
Serve batang fish n soup – she did eat. 🙂 too high protein n phos?
714pm: dr d:”Really needs fluids. Need fluids with a lot of kcl supplement. Ideally repeat UPC. If hypok and hypertension: need to think about testing for hyperaldosteronism. 15 very high ah. I would do 8 ml/hr. Hyperaldosteron only if hypertension and hypok. Need to give kcl in fluids ah. 2 vials. For darbepoetin, do not give every 2 days!!! Start with the low dose ah.
It doesn’t work better with more often giving, just more side effect.
With the fluids; always monitor resp rate ah”
805pm: i home and change drip rate to 8ml/h, she didn’t have any pee yet, by now 17ml iv had flow in. I didn’t change bag to 2v of kcl yet (mainly cos i forgot, tmr then i prorate to add in)
857pm: RR 25
Serve RC renal pouch she also got eat – Lick a bit better than nothing.
1036pm: fr Ip she is sitting down, peaceful.
1046pm: she is meowing – 6 times
1125pm fr Ip don’t look ok, face down, can’t see breathing so should b v slow. Might be just sleeping
1148pm: fr Ip: she face the cage, head pressing is bad. I think she is in pain.
1208am: I go turn her to face camera, she still respond by head butt me, I kiss kiss her, since her iv is on her left hind, I diffuse 0.14ml Buprenophine into the dripline. This bag will end on thurs 11Am.
12.24am: same position, don’t look well. can’t do much for now alr, given her Buprenophine alr. Tmr only change is add another prorated vial of kcl in.
24 Jun 2021
Quiet – a little scary. Got certain point of time just sit. Body frame aren’t that bad.
Cola go smell Maxine for a while – she wanna come v close n keep wanting to smell Maxine when I Subcut Maxine – worrying for her?
23 Jun 2021
1010am: got touch some food
Can sit down on floor calmly w Junior – waiting for me to open room a
1150am register Maxine at mp Clementi
1208pm: sigh still waiting outside i want to vomit from car ride le
Total time from me go in check in, take my temp to weigh to the vet go weigh her carrier n check her eyes = <14 mins n off they close shop pull down curtains = overall feelings super negative about this clinic. The time spent I can easily bring Jack for his eye opinion.
Dr Heng don’t seem to even know that the staff ask me for HS and AW to pull Maxine history n etc, so say wanna know her current history to have better advise / diagnosis those template r rather bullshitting la. Above all negative re the reception cos what’s said/ asked of me n what happen during consult don’t tally.
summary of the vet visit: still meet my purpose, I just need the expert to do what she is expert in – check eye.
She back in room went to all sections. Sat in princess litter bin, did vomit some kibble in it
Went room a also sat in litter bin. I need her to go vet soon. See how.
22 Jun 2021
Yesterday check her body – got lots of those spots that I can tear out her fur leaving her w patches of bald spots – f10 clean her – throw the radio she had been sleeping in.
since she stay in this room. She don’t move much – I carry her back to q room, she look weaker today. Health weaker, leg weaker also ? Tmr i bringing her to dr Heng – for her eye. But her body health like got issue. she got eat, but her body skin n etc maybe not absorbing the nutrients?
17 Jun 2021
13 Jun 2021
12 Jun 2021
10 Jun 2021
Bring her to playground room cos pple coming to do work, let her stay there permanently- ok didn’t meow
Maxine 11.6.21 fri
Did still meow during night, but hopefully better – but seem like this room she got more place to laze ard than coaping in room a tv boxes
Got eat
Night: Rena like a bit sad to be At playground room, I bring her back to q room, only Maxine stay put in this room – hopefully meowing is lesser and I told her here more places for her to jump or walk to or laze ard. also Kitty cannot disturb her, recently she also angry w Kitty disturbing her
01 Jun 2021
Discover Rena ears dirty, not cleaned at all 🙁 so I check Maxine, ears also dirty, only one week after grooming so most likely didn’t clean at all. Rena is just yesterday so confirm
Left eye patch seem to be bigger but didn’t feel it get worsen. Need eye specialist opinion.
Maxine 3.6.21 thurs
Until now mpclementi don’t reply on the appt. sigh
9pm: finally appt confirm on 23.6.21
28 May 2021
1030pm: pending to call to book for opinion on her eye: “Vet name is Dr Heng. 67768858”
27 May 2021
930am: got eat. See her eat occasionally – just not food motivated.
Will meow when in carrier cos brownie was panicking.
11am she go for lion cut, information given to groomer:
Orange carrier:
Maxine (I put shampoo w her)
Can be fierce. But she always calm down w me cos she can sweet talk one. She definitely know the word “sayang” .
She weigh: 3.19kg – gain 70g 🙂
She is back, looks nice v white and clean, Revo plus her. Butt v smooth.
24 May 2021
Morning; she got eat – yesterday midnight she responded to nugget, one MEOW one WHEOW one MEOW one WHEOW
20 May 2021
Tiger passed on n I prep the kidney gold alr, so I just give Maxine, she didn’t hate herbal taste as much as her own med
19 May 2021
17 May 2021
Both morning got eat on her own – but a bit n stop when I’m clearing bin
Got move about to tv sb in room c. Whole day free roam for her. Night will close the room she is in so to prevent her from meowing at window, she still do meow meow but not as bad as 3 weeks ago
15 May 2021
10pm: tonight finish 10 days doxy course, eye white patch still as bad. So suppose to review – so should continue doxy? I think yes, will start another course. Halid continue. Thinking to use terramycin or not – but I think can’t use w ulcer (not sure so no).
Eat selar
14 May 2021
12 May 2021
4pm: think she want to use the small bin w Peepads toilet, but tiger head sleeping in it
1140pm; v pissed w me cos many meds. Hate most of the stuff. left eyeball didn’t look worsen. Still will meow at night.
11 May 2021
4am: since woken up by tiger head iv alarm, i might as well finish porting Maxine info to Maomao site. Wa no wonder I don’t remember Maxine ever start amlopidine b4 – she got negative reaction to it! That’s y last time
Stop. This time maybe 1/8 only so didn’t realise, but didn’t show any improvement. I think her eye is the issue. Pain killed n halid is the way to go. Tmr onwards will stop amlopidine.
Don’t see her eat today
10 May 2021
06 May 2021
130pm: seen dr Geetha
3.28kg, gain 90g
Glaucoma is ruled out cos her eye blood pressure seem fine, not red
There is high pressure in the left eye (average of 5 readings is 14, but I trust the 17-18
More), then seem like right eye might have issue too – monitor
Dr says I can continue halid (for her eye ulcer) and start doxy 10-14 days (0.3ml) and pump her up flow lysine. She also suspect herpes.
Night: added on lysine n doxy.
01 May 2021
I don’t Want to log any of her 5am meowing non stop already. Till got changes then I log bah
Gabapentin n amlopidine so far don’t work for her constant need to meow at the wrong hours.
I feel that Maxine left eyeball got more issue. More white? In pain? Cataract? Need to bring her in on Tuesday to check also. I’m sure she is a good girl, definitely is in pain to keep meowing like that. I still continue give gabapentin.
Tonight drip some halid into that eye
30 Apr 2021
502am I need to wake up for her.
Lights on n I go check on tiger head n thru out I’m in the room she didn’t meow. Cos I’m ard? Cos light is on?
537am she meow again, I go give her a daiso light – see how
550am meow again so I keep the light – talk to her a while
557am she is meowing again now – got to ignore
603am go in talk to her n leave the room light on
605am meow again
615am she meow at the window – v loud – go in whack her alr – ask her what she want. Sayang her lots also no use. Her meow can harm all the cats
Her left eyeball did look got pressure, I clean her eyes but I think she is in pain – but still day time she can be quiet?
7am meowing loudly again – I ignore
1020am: got eat
2am: I need to sleep Liao – pls don’t meow. I even shopped for noise cancelling blanket now
29 Apr 2021
610am: she really got problem. Meow non stop n loud n intense – totally can’t tolerate her – in pain? Behavioural? – can’t be cos I kept her in room a – she did such at the window that’s y I put her in room a each night
Given gabapentin
Really meow for me meh? Attention seeking that badly each midnight n near dawn? I v long didn’t sleep Liao – alr panda eye max
845pm: given her the 1/8 amlopidine. Down semintra back to 0.8ml.
She is quiet whole day time but let’s see midnight
28 Apr 2021
Night: body scab v bad leh. Tmr will bath her, wa tmr marathon bath bears and cats – everyone spa maybe 30 mins will do so I hope to bath more tmr. Tmr will throw more things
Maxine 26.4.21 mon
417pm: shave the spot that she got itchy spots, clean up w f10 then we go bathing. bath her, wa left hind 2nd nail bleed – f10 and banocin.
Cut nails, clean ears and spa 42 mins.
Maxine 27.4.21 tues
Whole night1149am: still waiting to see dr ym. Keep meowing non stop. Respond to my sayang and head butt.
3.12kg – gain 30g
Hydration looks good
Heart mur mur still sound the same
Dr ym touch the spine n down n to kidney n etc – she don’t think she is in pain
Mouth right lower just a little imflammation- v pale redness only
Going to take kidney, lytes, pcv, tp, upc to see if semintra is helping N whether got any need to start darbo
Rbc 5.48, HCT 21,4, retic 6.0, plt 245, pcv 22% – dr ym say to start darbo but yet she wanna me start amlopidine for the high bp. Erm … I think properly first. Darbepoetin 0.04ml (I’m not going to give darbepoetin yet la – these 2 points contradict leh. Will retake blood to confirm.)
Bp 170 – will up semintra to 1.2ml if I don’t give amlodipine (semintra more ex but I think Maxine happier w it so this option taken)
Sdma 25, Crea 440, urea 29.8. Phos 2.02, k 4.2. Hydration is good
Night: given 1.2ml semintra n Also rhink of it might cause anemic – erm these combi really cork siak.
28 Apr 2021
1pm: Whole night including day time also keep meowing non stop. I on aircon for them n she is sleeping now.
What happen? Really got to give amlopidine? Or is she is pain?
22 Apr 2021
Night: body neck spot getting bad – i think I may need to bath her
13 Apr 2021
1030am: got try to eat but brownie jump to platform knock onto her n she don’t want to eat again
11 Apr 2021
She got eat – tonight add a little selar
06 Apr 2021
230pm: seen dr ym
3.09kg – same weight
Told dr that Maxine did very well since last visit, mucular n etc till semintra out of stock and she stop for 47 days alr
Today see how n how much to restart
To take urine, bp, upc for sure
UPC weirdly 0.43, but sdma 30, Crea 546, urea 27.7 – which upc will decrease w reduce Renal function – so tally
K 3.4 – need to supplement potassium again
Urine sg 1.008, a little wbc in urine – ? Meaning? Have to ask. Normal number like 1.008 – 1.012 means kidney not doing anything, like normal fluid go in n out of body. 1.006 means kidney may be doing something like some excess fluid the kidney help flush out, somehow I don’t get to understand so 1.008 is better or not? Anyway her kidneys values sure need iv (but heart mur mur grade 4/6 louder today might due to lack of semintra n borderline High bp of 160 today) – iv is least preferred. Subcut more often then (added kcl today).
Dr ym ask about her old dose of semintra 0.78Ml – had been changing amount accordingly to her weight change. But dose all along same – she told me to stick to that then
Review in 2-4 weeks I deem fit.
Pcv 28%, tp 7.2
Left upper mouth gum may have some issue, though right side look redder
430pm; bring her back to q room
Update on:
🐾 darbepoetin 0.04ml (19.1.21, 30.1, 6.2) (check on 6.4.21 Pcv is 28% holding so can stop)
04 Apr 2021
Night: Subcut her n when it’s time I leave 猫房, she will go to room a on her own
Status: body don’t look ok, should be the effect of stopping semintra for a long time due to no stock – think should go for a through check
Neck wound healing
Maxine 5.4.21 mon
Morning; look better, got eat
night: she really walk to room a herself. Tmr the slot I reserve for horlicks got to be used so I’ll bring Maxine n tiger head for check up
02 Apr 2021
940pm: Subcut her, her left neck that patch not healing keep having scab – i think need to shave off – shave off n Clean up w f10 and silvin cream
Night: now b4 lights out I auto lock her w whoever who stay in room a
01 Apr 2021
These 2 nights keep meowing non stop – have to trap her to room a so she won’t meow at the window
31 Mar 2021
29 Mar 2021
10pm; ok got eat tuna w white fish
like me sayang but will play bites w me
25 Mar 2021
820pm: sayang her lots, didn’t see her eat
23 Mar 2021
1am I heard loud sound – it’s Maxine
meowing n walking about in the room, maybe cos room 2 and 3 closed she not happy
20 Mar 2021
Active v good 🙂 happy to have selar tonight
19 Mar 2021
Follow me tonight v cute but I end up give her renal k n phos binder – maybe it’s time to stop?
17 Mar 2021
As usual easy to Subcut, supplement her as n when
14 Mar 2021
Morning: restart her on subcut w b12 b com
Maxine 15.3.21 mon
just the next day look v dry, will give her more frequent subcut
01 Mar 2021
morning; free roam status – at least she got touch tuna w smoked fish though don’t eat much
28 Feb 2021
27 Feb 2021
26 Feb 2021
24 Feb 2021
22 Feb 2021
morning; she did eat some kibble – but v little
18 Feb 2021
16 Feb 2021
15 Feb 2021
16.2.21 tues
Did poo super tiny poo super dry
Subcut her chit chat w her
14 Feb 2021
11 Feb 2021
09 Feb 2021
Still sitting in bin, sitting in bin – eating 3%
9.2.21 tues
07 Feb 2021
05 Feb 2021
04 Feb 2021
04 Feb 2021
02 Feb 2021
01 Feb 2021
31 Jan 2021
30 Jan 2021
28 Jan 2021
28 Jan 2021
26 Jan 2021
25 Jan 2021
24 Jan 2021
24 Jan 2021
20 Jan 2021
* night: Oly irritate me when sub cutting Maxine – somehow we all very fed up today – didn’t subq the amount I would like to
* Make up w Maxine b4 lights out
• she went to room c n I serve food – she lick 1%
21.1.21 thurs
* Her body like can’t absorb more fluid so Tmr I’ll skip sc
• even she touch food, is like 1-2%? I take it as day 07 didn’t eat, I syringe her 10ml of aixia oldie
19 Jan 2021
* 3.12kg – drop 30g
* Left 2 small little cute tooth at the front. No more teeth. Mouth inner still got some imflammation but relatively ok = so Inappetite not due to dental
* She doesn’t feel painful when physical check on the kidneys
* Dr ym can’t feel one of her kidney
* Now she had a heart mur mur – take pro bnp
* Check everything wellness package cos maybe got to
* Temp 36.9
* Got fur mites
* Bad news. Probnp adnormal – so need to arrange echo if I want more details
* Rbc 5.10, HCT 21.7% – start darbepoetin 0.04ml
* Urine super dilute almost like water – UPC 0.47 – Semintra to continue to help w bp as well. 0.78ml
* Glu 10.66
* Crea 547 aka 6.49, urea 30.8, Sdma 43 by right need iv but cos of her heart, b4 I can arrange echo, no iv. So do Subcut daily w kcl 1 vial 2 weeks later review see how – if improve can stick on to Subcut which is safer for her
* K 3.6 ok Low but still supplement a bit, review on 2.2.21
* Her bp 140
* Urine analysis USG 1.006, no bacteria so no need to start any ab
* night: I add on pet tinic for her too – she hate it
* Darbepoetin 0.04ml given
• Subcut as usual no issue even w kcl
14 Sep 2020
14.9.20 mon
• somehow I feel that she didn’t look that fine
• but lucky she will have her signature meow for her kibbles
15.9.20 tues
• she felt warmer these days
• she seem not that well these days after the vet visit ever since she started amlopidine – informed dr d
• “Could be reaction to amlodipine, better to stop then. But high blood pressure no good so will need to monitor” – so today onwards don’t give amlopidine to Maxine anymore
18.9.20 fri
• night: started Maxine on double vial kcl drip – not frequent
27.9.20 Sunday
• love sayang I know she comfy w me
Maxine 3.52kg – gain 120g
front left bp: average of 7 readings
Sys 137.86 mmhg
Dia 112.71 mmhg
Pr 94.43 bmp
Sys 118,152,130, 182, 166, 112, 105 mmHg
Dia 93,125,112, 160, 125, 90, 84 mmHg
Pr 69,122,75, 81, 124, 114, 76 bmp
• look fine w/o amlopidine n I’m sure she allergy to it
• informed dr d:”Above 140 is seen as hypertension now, so she really is borderline”
1.10.20 Thurs
• tonight she didn’t look fine
2.10.20 fri
• still think she didn’t look ok, lucky I give her kibble she eat
10.10.20 sat
• she sit in the litterbin Loh v weird
• touch her fur nice when taking her bp and sayang her – though still got some raw bald spots on her w that beAds feel
* one point when I restraint her for bp reading she also limb like princess sweetheart
* Average of 7 readings (left front leg) :
* Sys 135.6
* Dia 92
* Pr 154.9
Sys: 141,145,140,155,88,138,142
Dia 74,67,94,133,67,85,124
Pr 147,135,161,161,167,161,152
27.10.20 tues
* Fur feel good
* Since morning like angry w me Duno why
* Night taken bp from left front leg
* Average of 8 readings
* Sys 126.1
* Dia 79.4
* Pr 131.1
* Sys 116, 118, 124, 133, 107, 147, 125, 139
* Dia 74,73, 79, 78, 67, 100, 77, 87
* Pr 127, 120, 127, 128, 140, 140, 138, 129
29.10.20 Thurs
* 3.66kg – gain 140g
31.10.20 sat
* subcut w kcl w b12
7.11.20 sat
* new food for kidney came – going to give see how – got eat – got walk about
* night; poo 5/10 in unicharm bin 04
* Physical size looks good
* Got eat the kidney health series food
10.12.20 thurs
* quick log; body looks and touch is good
18.12.20 fri
* she has her own private kibble bowl n she love it. Fur nice to touch w not much fluid therapy
27.12.20 Sunday
* 8am; always sit in a way that she can’t eat, i carry her to table to eat today – she ate
* 3.45kg – lose 210g but fur nice to sayang leh
9.1.21 sat
* happy to have a bit of selar
10.1.21 sun
* 840pm: 3.15kg – y? She lost 300g
13.1.21 wed
* Special note on this girl – I may q her n see how
* Night; shifted her to room a – Subcut w vitamins – her body still look ok let but didn’t see her eat n weight loss
14.1.21 thurs
* morning : didn’t really eat
* Got poo 5.5/10 ard 7cm
* Night; so far didn’t really eat but I serve supper w renal w tuna – she eat
15.1.21 sat
* morning: didn’t eat at all
* Night: poo 8/10
* Need to continue Subcut for kidney, cod health, for poo
* 11pm: serve renal w fish + aixia – she got lick aixia
17.1.21 sun
* she is very ok w me subq her – me n her time
* 1035pm; serve her some – Got eat Longveity papaya
18.1.21 mon
* 1030pm; open up her room cos Guai stay in, she went back blue room I let her be
* Guai taken over room a
13 Sep 2020
Seen dr d:
* 3.4kg – lose a little
* Still got soft heart mur mur
* Mouth looking good
* Taken upc —— 0.43
* Lytes – potassium further drop to 2.9 – somehow dr d look serious when asking whether I get to do bp – so let her do once in clinic see how
* Pcv 29%
* Bp need to be below 140, she is 150. – add on amlopidine 1/8 of 5mg
* 2 vial in bag kcl
* Need to retake blood pressure in 2 weeks time
* semintra 0.88ml need change? Can stop?
* nail cutting done
• night: given subcut, started amlopidine
• Tmr will mix a 20ml kcl into new bag for Maxine use
24 Aug 2020
24.8.20 mon
• subcut her w b12 w kcl – now at the rate of minimum thrice subcut per fortnight
6.9.20 sun
• yesterday promise her 5.9 last day of royal pet – her body fur nice to touch le
• pushing forward this Sunday review her – but only potassium review maybe can skip
12.9.20 sat
• tmr bringing Maxine to let dr d check for her latest health status, information given to dr d:
Cat 04
* Last seen u on: 20.8.20 Thurs
* giving once – twice weekly subcut w kcl n b12
* semintra 0.88ml since then
* Given her Royal pet supplement till 4.9.20
* What to be done tmr: u mention is to review for potassium level + nail cutting 🙂
20 Aug 2020
• 1130am review w dr d
• weight 3.51kg – gain 500g and look really strong n muscular n meaty
• for the frequency of me subcutting her, crea 179 – good
• urea 17.8, k 3.1 – need to give potassium more often
• UPC 0.44 – up Cos of her weight up semintra need to give 0.88ml now
• mouth look really nice
• still can hear her heart mur mur – I need to take her bp
• review in 1 month time for potassium level
• review in 6 months time for kidney
27 Apr 2020
27.4.20 mon
• ever since she is back from clinic that day, she didn’t look that well, like caught flu fr clinic?
• so Long so good – today I bath her and she had spa machine so won’t catch cold – should be feeling good 🙂
11.5.20 mon
• likes to meow me for kibble
23.5.20 sat
* Maxine slept w Oly today on the v lounge, she whack Oly when Oly head butt her Loh
* Gold d gf chx w quinoa renal care – Maxine got eat a bit
19.6.20 Fri
• didn’t subcut her as frequent – today did so – hydration seem good – given w b12 too
30.6.20 tues
• skin tent still good
21.7.20 Tues
• now she move back to blue room window area cos Tigu is gone
23.7.20 thurs
• 3.35kg – gain 500g 🙂
• her neck got some raw spot – I’ll see if possible le to shave and clean more or not
24.7.20 fri
• clean w f10 and shave her neck area and apply banocin and clean up further
26.7.20 sun
• neck is quite yucky think she got mites
• tmr try to revo her – bathing her I don’t think possible
27.7.20 mon
• Revo her
29.7.20 wed
* neck to head still for those raw 一粒一粒 spots – f10 clean up and banocin powdered
1.8.20 sat
• neck still not ok. Still nicer for me to shave do clean up n powder. 11 August will try the Sean FTO on her again – or maybe I should try bath her
4.8.20 tues
• more small dots on her upper – lower is totally fine n fur is smooth n nice to touch
• clean up w f10 n banocin – really feels like bathing her
7.8.20 Fri
• her fur look nicer – did I feel feel that as if her back fur about to drop a little? – should I start FTO?
• today started her on royal pet – wa I manage to feed direct – day 01
9.8.20 sun
• subcut her w b12 n n com also – is it lack of vitamins ? So the fur like that weird weird
• she like to making calling sound for me – I think she like me sayang her
11.8.20 Tues
• skin definitely better Cos of food? Cos of royal pet? Cos of f10/banocin?
• continue banocin powdered her she happy Cos I like sayang her neck
• put on Sean FTO for her
13.8.20 Thurs
• today fail in popping whole RP pill into her – syringe into her. Not good – I’ll try whole pill tmr again
16,8.20 sun
• manage to pop whole pill into her
• today bath her – ok reaction – baths nice nice – look at me fr the machine
19.8.20 wed
• subcut her w b12 jab too
• continue RP day 13
19 Apr 2020
• seen dr d (cb I cant be ard) so a lot of info lacking
• fr bloodtest her weight is 2.85kg – didn’t have change in weight but dr d send me “Gained 150 grams. Pcv 32. Upc 0.29. K 3.6. Crea 311. So Maxine doing well.”
• Maxine need to continue semintra? – “yes doing well on it”
• ask dr d about review date:” Maxine is doing really quite well like this, 3-4 months”
18 Mar 2020
18.3.20 wed
• tonight she react to semintra better
21.3.20 sat
• since the day I let Maxine discharge fr Iv, she had been staying at room a with door open, in the green trunk, the happy mat bed or the condo … peeing n pooing on floor n etc too, tonight I put a bin in room a – she use. She just don’t want to walk to blue room or the common bin
27.3.20 Fri
* feel that her hydration is good
• had been doing biz properly in bin in room a
• will move about n eventually back to room a
11.4.20 sat
• just to log down she is fine, I occasionally will let her break fr subq, but still v frequent
• she will sit outside room a or handing bed or dustbin condo Cos xiao Guai poo all over in room a
16 Mar 2020
* 2.89kg – lose weight, so retake everything sdma, kidney / lytes, upc, pcv – taken blood fr Jagular
* Hind leg wound no more – totally heal
* Left neck got a itch wound – negligible
* Mouth looks fine
* Skin tent is not bad on subcut
* Waiting for results – sdma went up fr 17 to 19, Crea n etc all went up slightly after stop iv and on subcut only – dr d thinks that’s fine
* K still 3.5, have to add in 1.5v instead of 1 v
* Pcv 26% holding
* UPC 0.57 – need to start semintra 0.71ml
* review in 2 months time
15 Mar 2020
• night: informed her that she had become 猫房 cat – she definitely is Maxine wu now. She is happy, I sayang her lots, she also sayang me and also groom me – wow
• 11pm: tonight got a few major news gonna lose 6k income so ask dr d tmr review what have to be done – can don’t do sdma if doing chem10 ? – “Better with SDMA but if want to reduce cost can do crea bun lytes pcv. That already lot of info”
28 Feb 2020
28.2.20 fri
• today like 7 servings none she is keen
• night: serve kakato chicken – wanna whack me when I give iv urasyn – but I told her I worry eat “guay bah leh” – haha she Hokkien Mao – she eat
29.2.20 sat
• morning; didn’t really touch the food afterall- including KitKat salmon treats
• down her driprate to 7ml/h – this round die die want to prep her off iv – for her emotional purpose
• serve 3 food to her, Dd pure salmon, tuna w salmon and ff chicken n liver – didn’t show interest
• got poo – 5cm hard one 8/10 v dry
2.3.20 mon
* 2.90kg – stable though drop 50g
* Today firmly take out iv cath
* Dr d says the urasyn not in plan but no choice la – understood the situation
* Since I had done full bloods on Thurs only, today save money for lean – all don’t do
* 2 weeks later need to check, at least Pcv Cos thurs she is 25%
* Ideal world: subcut twice daily 100ml, then once daily 150ml
* Come Back home she went n stabilise in room C w simba baba – she is at the lower deck whereAs baba Like go be at upper deck – she got eat kibble and wet food – confirm happy today Loh
3.3.20 Tues
• yesterday midnight I chase her out of room c, but since she like lower deck of dustbin condo I carry her to room a got the same condo – she is fine staying there
• afternoon: saw her sleeping in green trunk, I subcut her, easy to poke
• she will meow me for kibble 🙂
4.2.20 Wed
• smart girl – kitty bday shredded chicken she got eat 🙂
6.2.20 Fri
• eyes got discharge but she got eat
• subcut difficulty level 1/10
• given pork broth got lick
7.2.20 sat
• got eye discharge – maybe pain?
• got move about in room a. Got eat
9.2.20 mon
• wa Maxine occupy room a n don’t leave – I short of one quarantine room
• I’m sure she anyhow poo n pee on the green trunk, in the dustbin condo, n on the happy mat hanging bed … all she wanna occupy – but it’s easy to subcut her when she is on the hanging bed – both of us relax
27 Feb 2020
• morning: review w dr Ruth
• sdma went up again but the other values improve despite she not eating – sdma more worth trustworthy so I agree she need urasyn again – promised Maxine last 4 days on ab n iv
• 2.95kg today – 0.6ml urasyn x twice – I manage to give directly
• HCT 25% – have to monitor
• today iv 13ml/h – I’ll wean down by 3 per day – target mon off everything
• come home let her play at level 1 – today she choose to stay near Pooh bear
• back to cage till teabreak didn’t eat the kakato salmon in broth
• 5pm : serve tuna w chicken – lucky she ate a bit
• appetite still bad but at least got touch food
• pee a lot still – keep changing peepads
20 Feb 2020
20.2.20 Thurs
• morning: got formed poo ard 10cm
• I’m dying alr still got to bring Maxine in to check iv cath – front left leg healing well, the hind leg cath is fine so re bandage no need to change
• 3.07kg – weight maintain
• didn’t really eat today – apply appetite stimulant – sayang n talk to her – she like talking to me – TOP up some salmon treats for her n given her rc renal kibble too
• can stop Clav jabs
Fb can’t edit album anymore. Can only continue in comments
22.2.20 sat
• so worried that she aren’t eating one moment – next moment she eat some renal kibble for me
• she love kakato tuna and chicken
23.2.20 sun
• she pee a lot – I keep changing Peepad
• didn’t eat much again – 1 more week plus waiting for dr d to give approval to stop her iv and let her be happy roam about
24.2.20 mon
• morning; brought her to change iv cath. swollen and pain, Buprenophine 0.18ml given
• 2.99kg
• temp 38.5 – no fever
• thurs got to come back check again, if not fine have to take bloods earlier than expected (Monday to decide off iv perm or don’t)
• let her play at level 1: she settle down to rest on big bear bear
25.2.20 tues
• morning: saw her hind leg abscess – given her another Buprenophine jab
• clean her up and applied silvin
• I take it as day 02 she isn’t eating
• pee a lot, no poo
• night: poo 2.5/10
• totally don’t eat at all – syringe fed her 20ml ad – sigh Thurs sure need to take bloods Liao
26.2.20 wed
• morning: poo 2/10
• didn’t eat, got me v worried – though still didn’t really eat but she show sign of want to eat the kakato tuna and chicken plate I serve her
17 Feb 2020
* morning: eat 50%
* Got formed poo in carrier
* 3.06kg – drop 200g n dr d says she is worried alr Cos she even felt that she is still dehydrated Though
* So most likely kidney values won’t be good
* I informed dr d that lean is firm on not wanting to continue iv for Maxine so no matter what, today she will be off iv
* Her bloodworks r out, good – unexpected good (sdma 12, crea n urea though still high but down too), to make sure things r right – Maxine should be on iv for another 2 weeks w/o iv ab and see how she is – told Dr d to open another acc for me to pay Maxine iv cath since lean not willing to pay for the iv change – ill bear the iv cath n pump.
* She needs 1 kcl vial in one bag of fluid – Cos k is 3.3 (Low)
* Her left leg upper infected n got pus – have to be on ab x 5 days clav 0.2ml – have to check/ change iv cath more frequently
* Her left leg need to put wet gauze wrap ard to suck out pus n replaced
• night: she didn’t touch the food or maybe 3% of all food
• got pee no new poo
• given Clav jab
• forwarded to dr d lean’s qn: “ how’s Maxine. I HV to know why her creatinine and urea rises when she stops some meds . Why? So if she’s not eating then what???” – Dr d:” Maxine has renal failure, most likely from the infection from the dental. And it has turned into chronic renal insufficiency”
08 Feb 2020
8.2.20 sat
• got eat, still like to meow at me
• still got drink water on her own
• her drip bag will last till tmr 802am
11.2.20 tues
• a bit happy That she meow at me today to tell me give kibble bowl – n she ate
13.2.20 Thurs
• she got eat today 🙂
14.2.20 fri
• formed poo 5/10
• today weird weird again don’t eat
• got pee quite a bit – plain
15.2.20 sat
• today eat ok – these few days added kakato meal
16.2.20 sun
• got eat – not a lot – but the way she sleep v scary, her breathing is extremely shallow type sometime Duno is she breathing
07 Feb 2020
* 3.28kg – got gain weight
* Heart and lung still ok
* Meow v loud
* Need to check iv cath and bloods to see if can stop anything
* Iv cath still look good, need to review cath in a few days
* For review, will see her 17.2 mon 11am.
* Her bloodworks look better but still not fine – sdma 23 from 25, crea 530 fr 600+, urea 26.0, pho’s 3.25, k maintain 3.9. Pcv 28% – holding
* But her wbc is highly than b4, so urasyn is doing a better job and dr d realise today they told me to give 0.38ml the previous round which is on the Low side so she increase to 0.65ml twice daily
03 Feb 2020
• morning; she keep meowing leh – didn’t really eat
• poo formed 4/10, got pee
• after serve food also keep meowing what’s wrong ah. Pee wet? I change for her many times after clean she will meow call me leh
4.2.20 Tues
• morning: got eat
• got poo 4.5/10, got pee
• night; I Duno what Maxine want she keep meowing at me, today didn’t eat much
6.2.20 thurs
• she got eat hypo kibble
02 Feb 2020
2.2.20 ?
Why all my log disappear? Why?
It’s a Long note that I had logged down. Can’t retype. In short her weight is 3.21kg despite looking fatter, protein loss in urine is getting better no need for semintra. but off iv she end up crea urea sdma went up, n there is still white blood cell in her urine so she need to change ab. Pcv 26%. Treatment become;
❤️ Maxine (appt: 7.2.20 fri 1030am)
iv 13ml/h
* marbo 0.64ml x once
* Mirtazipine 0.1ml x once
* b12
28 Jan 2020
28.1.20 Tues
• got eat today
29.1.20 wed
• down her drip rate to 7ml/h
• given urasyn thru iv port Cos need to get her used to that
• got pee no poo
• got eat on her own
30.1.20 thurs
• morning; these few days like keep entangled
• she v cute will meow at me
• drip rate tap down to 5ml/h
27 Jan 2020
• morning; got poo 4.5/10
• yesterday applied appetite stimulant again
• review iv cath at clinic didn’t change, but dr Ruth took bloods. Sdma 11, further improve. Bun 305, urea 19.3 still high but improved. Potassium is 3.9 n dr d wants me to wean down iv in next few days but urasyn to stop after one week, means this Sunday see her then decide.
24 Jan 2020
• today only change iv cath – vein pop Liao, so use hind leg
• this morning in 猫房 she whack me leh Cos I jab a buprenophine in
• end up Cerenia and urasyn I got to use the iv line
• at clinic she is rather calm or weak?
• Duno why she come back is rather sianz sianz
• yesterday she eat chicken v happy leh
• just now give her Ang bao she lying down – hope she is just resting
• she pee in the bowl of fc gold chicken and food
25.1.2020 sat
• morning; got poo 6/10 quite dry
• she weird weird look sianz, but yet I also got see her grooming herself even midnight also got groom herself
• hind leg entangled easier – lucky got extension n iv not affected
• serve food – she didn’t eat day 02
• night: she did eat the fussie cat yellow I serve for dinner
• supper : give her the same w selar – she ate too
22 Jan 2020
* 3.22kg – gain weight
* Mouth healing well
* Sdma 17, crea went up a little Cos she did eat yesterday, urea went down => all these show that it’s improving, she just need more time
* Iv definitely need to change today, but Cos of long weekend, have to recheck on Friday morning
* Pcv 30%
❤️ Maxine (appt: 22.1.20 wed 1030am)
iv 14ml/h – 10ml kcl w 500ml fluid
* urasyn 0.38ml x twice
* Buprenophine 0.2ml x twice
* Cerenia 0.3ml x once – try to wean off
* Mirtazipine 0.1ml x once
* b12
* phos binder – kiv
* Semintra – kiv
20 Jan 2020
19 Jan 2020
• day 06 no poo
• pee a lot
• can stand 🙂
• didn’t take temp Cos going out to dr d review
* 3.08kg
* Check kidney, potassium and calcium and iv cath.
* Will take temp – Temp for Maxine was 38.4 w/o heatpad
* Dr d says don’t think need to take bp here
* Mouth is really good, not pain when she even press on her gum
* The start of trying to eat kibble is a happy news – O tube is not in the story now
* No pain under the mouth itself
* Purring
* Dr d did touch her abdomen but didn’t say anything leh
* Sdma drop fr 75 to 25, crea today is 296 from 900+ – confirm kidney much better
* Urea still high at >46.4, phos is high 3.95 – so need to start phos binder but kiv Cos need to make sure she eat n not make her fed up
* Her urine is 1.008, UPC 1.43 losing protein in urine also so need semintra – but kiv also
* calcium waiting for result – 2.09 ok range
* Pcv 33% – ok didn’t drop much
* Potassium today is 3.2 from 6, so need to supplement 2v in 1000ml bag
❤️ Maxine (appt: 22.1.20 wed 1030am)
iv 14ml/h – 10ml kcl w 500ml fluid
* urasyn 0.38ml x twice
* Buprenophine 0.2ml x twice
* Cerenia 0.3ml x once
* Mirtazipine 0.1ml x once
• b12
* phos binder – kiv
* Semintra – kiv
• night: Maxine got poo! But stain bandage n etc – scale 3/10
• syringe her aixia oldie 10ml – willing to swallow
• didn’t eat on her own
• this drip bag will last till Tues 5am so tmr night got to change
17 Jan 2020
17.1.2020 fri
• 758am dr d respond to the xray: “Severe arthritis joints and spondylosis all spine.
• “You need to get her bp checked (if they didn’t do it yesterday) and start on meds. Her bp was checked before surgery, was normal, don’t know why seems to be high now. Will explain the blindness for sure. Ideally I would like it checked with Doppler. If high, needs to start amlodipine. The high blood pressure can be causing the high kidney. But don’t know what’s causing the high bp”
• “I also checked her urine during surgery, normal concentration meaning normal kidney function”
• “Pain meds for bad back. In future might need cartrophen. Gabapentin might be good idea also.”
• “If very sedate, give lower dose (half)”
• morning: no poo got pee
• rushed her to Hs for bp taking – 112 so no need to be on amp n also can change back iv to 14ml/h
• she got meow today at me
• temp 38.0 – off heat pad for now
• dr Simon checked her eyes – seem to be able to see (seem to)
• didn’t get to note time but I took her temp 37.0 without heat pad – so on again
• try to retake her bp but soMe how can’t. Keep out of range, time out n etc
• 6+pm: temp 38.2 so I off heatpad again
• 1012pm: temp 38.0
• only manage to get 7-10ml ad into her she didn’t want to eat
• dr d:”Lets see bloods Sunday. I think starting shock then, from dehydration and hypovolemia”
18.1.2020 sat
• 830am: I’m too tired can’t wake up at 730am alarm, from ip: saw Maxine groom for 2 seconds I also v happy!
•smart: she kick one v soak Peepad to one side, but another side still wet : her butt n tail wet and her anal area wet. Pee a lot. No poo
• syringe her 1ml of diluted ad she don’t want
• 855am: temp 35.2 – hopefully is Cos her body is still wet
• still kiss her n etc (can kiss her also worry, Duno is she so not well to not whack me or she know I’m worrying n taking care of her)
• serve aixia oldie and kibble plate
• 1.58pm: Maxine sleeping
• 2.58pm: she is sleeping diff position w legs stretch out
• 3.33, 3.55pm – no change in movement – I’m totally convinced she is gone :,(
• 4.08pm: position change! Omg omg my heart dropping
• evening: temp 37.3 – off heat pad
• pee a lot, no poo day 05
• I’m already damn happy when I serve her ff chicken n liver she didn’t eat but when I move the plate she got reaction so I move to her Mouth she lick once/ twice without eating also v happy Liao
• 11pm: I’m damn happy that I serve RC vitality- she ate!!! A few PCs also happy
• I serve her some selar – she ate!!!! Though didn’t finish
• oh ya when I gave her jabs she want whack me! – I’m damn happy!!!! Yeah she got energy to be angry to be Chia cb
16 Jan 2020
16.1.2020 Thurs
• day 03 didn’t eat. No poo.
• 449pm update dr d about Maxine weirdness
• dr d:”Dr d reply “Take temp and bloods. Need to do bloods. Don’t wait for me. Take bloods today. And check mouth, and take temp”
• 5pm+: fed her gabapentin 1.8ml to get her ready to vet
• 7pm+: I’m dead tired till I concuss even for 15 mins and rush to clinic see dr Ruth.
• temp 36.1 – dr d says not good and she is worried too
• 3.12kg – lost 300g
• dr Ruth pressed some parts of her mouth, definitely is pain but aren’t that painful compared to all mouth pain cat – I saw she still got some small little teeth at e front row (Still has incisors yes)
• dr Ruth taking xray too Cos She press Maxine also felt that her neck onwards to kidbey area etc is painful (neck area she mention painful, spine n stomach area she mention painful, kidney liver area she also mention painful) – basically Maxine v pain in her whole body which I also feel so – she said to take cbc, Chem10, electrolytes N see how
* main findings: crea unreadable – need to dilute down n see how 751? Or 951
* Sdma 75
* Urine cult will be out in 2 days
* K is 6.0
* Maxine needs to be on
* iv 20ml/h
* urasyn 0.38ml x twice
* Buprenophine 0.2ml x twice
* Cerenia 0.32ml x once
* Mirtazipine 0.1ml x once
* no findings on xray other than kidney shape do look weird / have asked dr d to comment
* Forwarded dr d on the outcome of tonight vet visit
* Dr d:”“Sucks Only cat I didn’t do preGA to keep cost down…. but 3 months ago all ok. And stable weight and appetite. Let’s hope it’s acute and can stabilize with iv fluids. Give b12 also. High potassium more often with acute, chronic is low potassium. Fluids sounds a bit high. I would start fluids max 14 ml/hr, pcv will also drop so first monitor how response” – I did give b12 past days, so will start Maxine iv rate at 14ml/h
* • 1129pm update dr d that Maxine is really scary – Then she basically lie w her mouth / head on the water bowl. She looks really stone. She got the occasionally jerking action.”
* • 1136pm: She is really scary now. Temp 36.7
* • on heat pad medium
* • 1156pm: Think she had light seizure – not the death type that I know yet – but still she is scary
* • taken her bp,
* Sys 230, 215, 219, 237, 224, 239, 157
* Dia 139, 111, 115, 115, 185, 116, 82
* Hr 109, 104, 103, 108, 111, 106, 104
* Average: 217, 123, 106 – I remember dr Ruth take her hr is 120.
* • asked dr d need to up or down iv? – no reply so based on my memory, iv boost bp, so I down the rate to 10ml/h at 1212am.
* • 1229am: Asked dr d whether w her condition now, Still ok to give the 0.2ml iv Buprenophine? – no reply, and again based on my memory that dr d said if give Buprenophine when a cat is v weak/kidney/dying will kill faster – so i didn’t give
* Slow syringe her 4ml of kakato salmon juice to check if she still got swallowing reflex – Heng ah got. But her scary factor still 9.9/10
• 106am: temp 37.5
* B4 lights out told Maxine 猫房 story and kiss kiss her n see her tmr morning – no particular notice anything wrong w rr except the mild seizure action – need that med – have to walk in clinic first thing tmr
* 202am: fr ip; she is facing in, not sleeping yet
* No pee yet – this is an issue too
07 Jan 2020
7.1.2020 Tues
• morning: no poo got pee
• did eat her fav kibble
• clear 2.5 out of 7 courses buffet
• got meow meow meow want come out
8.1.2020 wed
• morning: got pee no poo
• finish her fav kibble, did eat the aixia oldie – tuna n chx not really
• dr d:”“Maxine might have larger pupils due to fentanyl, then can see less. She had big pupils here also due to opiates. Opiates can give mydriasis, wide pupils. And then can’t see normal in some cases”
• night; didn’t really eat normal tuna based food
• serve kakato salmon buffet
• got formed poo 5/10
9.1.2020 Thurs
• so far didn’t really eat aatas chicken n kakato salmon – mouth can’t eat yet? – observe
• got pee no poo
• night: poo 4.5/10
• serve aixia oldie – polished
10.1.20 fri
• formed poo
• got finished aixia oldie
11.1.2020 sat
• morning; got poo formed 5/10
• though didn’t feel that she is v v good yet, open up room b n let her decide where to go
• night; found her in
Blue room again – got ask me for kibble 🙂
14.1.20 tues
• tonight she seem weird, she is at The spot where tash died – serve her food she didn’t eat – including aixia oldie and her fav kibble
• lucky she move
• her f patch off
• given her a buprenophine and b12 jab
• let her rest in room b to monitor
15.1.20 wed
• morning: she did move
• no poo no pee
• didn’t eat
• 2pm I sayang her I really feel that she is weird. I got the bad feeling re socks Duno why
• hopefully she is just mouth pain, told lean to get f patch for her
• night: no news about f patch fr lean. Sigh. Given Maxine oral Buprenophine and tonight I sayang and hug her n kiss her a few times tell her I worry leh. She seem to understand
• like no breathing one? Can’t count her rr – but definitely not fast
• didn’t touch all food day 02
06 Jan 2020
* Morning: got pee no poo
* Yesterday fasting since 11pm staying in room b – told her need to settle her mouth issue come back I give her buffet
* dr d looks thru her history her old bloods always glob high n nothing else remarkable n if needs blood need sedate her also – so didn’t do pre ga blood
* Go straight to dental – dr d says most likely full mouth out.
* Dr d:”Maxine all teeth had remnants…. Also still broken canine left lower present. Removed now. She no more teeth. Dental xray more clear for her as outside nothing to see. “
* “Maxine: clav jab and meloxi 2 wks, fentanyl pending how’s recovering. 2 wks review”
* Came home n I serve her 7 course buffet – she didn’t eat
* I sayang her n hand feed her aixia oldie and she sat on her own
23 Aug 2019
23.8.19 fri
• eye gel successful
• doxy, meloxicam and Clav all successful.
24.8.19 sat
• her eye ball like bloated and turn dark grey – scary but I know she trust me to let me get hold of her one
• eye gel successful
• doxy, meloxicam and Clav all successful.
25.8.19 sun
• 3.31kg – gain 180g
• left eye stain much lesser, good improvement
• since I can put eye drop for her, so add in some vitamins A hialid eye drop
• dr d says she is so much more calm n was surprised today I didn’t even give her gabapentin
• back home; hialid and eye gel successful
• doxy, meloxicam and Clav all successful.
26.8.19 mon
hialid and eye gel successful
• meloxicam and Clav all successful.
• doxy given but bad reaction she bite till her mouth pus n etc bleed again, not as bad as in clinic
28.8.19 wed
• medicating had been successful – she allow de la
• Eye confirm getting better, got see her opening her left eye
31.8.19 sat
• can still see the ulcer on eye ball
• getting harder to medicate her, but still successful till now
1.9.19 sun
• no longer successful in anything. Better? Fiercer – more strength to turn ard to bite me so I got to be extra careful so not successful
• she can sense I purely want to sayang her – she allow
• or medi time – she turn monster
• same
3.9.19 tues
• no choice target at least meloxicam in and eye drops if possible – but haha
5.9.19 thurs
• today lucky manage to get the position to eye drops her
2.10.19 wed
• w my voice and sayang her – she allow
• didn’t get to weigh her, she look gain weight n more muscular
5.10.19 sat
• stabilise touching her – she like me sayang
10.10.19 Thurs
• today room a occupied by Blanche, so she move to blue room
11.10.19 fri
• she had stayed in blue room alr
• keep meowing – so confirm is her during mid night for past weeks – what happen?
• her eyes puffy
• can sayang
12.10.19 sat
• just wanna clock she damn cute 🙂
13.10.19 sun
• i think I can confirm she is the one who meow Super loudly at night – have to quarantine her soon, she keep shouting at windows
8.11.19 fri
• body looks good. But eyes don’t look ok
18.11.19 mon
• recently keep giving her many food she don’t really eat. But look hungry and she will meow for my attention that she wanna some thing – kibble – she got eat n I think is her mouth that’s pain.
• I tried giving her aixia oldie she eat! Confirm mouth pain
24.12.19 Tues
• Maxine generally look scary – but compare to frenchie scariness is 30% only- should go for a check but lean sure say no need – her case I know is dental which day 01 alr know but had been delaying due to Budget
27.12.19 Fri
• quite scary for Maxine to be at hideout for the past days
29.12.19 sun
* 3.41kg
* Mouth still bad – definitely a full mouth extraction
• pee in consult room
* Now have to settle her pain issue b4 dental – fentalyn patch placed
* Give Clav jabs 3 days b4 6 jan surgery x 0.2ml
* SayAng her lots in clinic – fur v nice.
* Come home ask me for kibble
30.12.19 mon
• today she on pain patch somemore but seem like she is not keen on food or she pressurised why “I got Such special treatment ?”
• morning: still hide under table v scary Duno why change spot leh?
• lucky did see her come out to eat kibble
• butt looks fatter
4.1.2020 sat
• tonight given her Clav jab to get ready for mon surgery
22 Aug 2019
• 9am: manage to sayang her and get her to walk out of cat box and I put her into carrier
• seen dr d – gabapentin didn’t kick in yet or don’t work on her
• v stress up but dr d today (Erm..) Maxine v stress up and she bite her own tongue/ gum n etc n she bleed quite a bit – stopped alr
• 3.2kg – Gain 600+g
• mouth still v bad cos got Pus n etc n her teeth bad to begin w n damn smelly – she react negatively Cos of the head (near her mouth pain la)
• she bite me she bite dr d w her left side (lucky left side one teeth didn’t hit her hand)
• her left eye stain show that got scratch, got big damage, need terramycin eye gel
• need these 2 core things to get into her:
1) meloxicam
2) doxy
And add on Clav
• what to substitute if Clav unsuccessful: Marbo ok
• she is fine w drawing blood from leg
• hct 37% (improve a lot), no blood descruction, no infection
• glob tp high due to mouth, high glu due to just now freak out
• livers still fine
• meloxicam 0.1ml
• Clav 0.2ml or Marbo 0.4ml
• given meloxicam and eye gel twice
• Clav nope
• doxy partial n into food – not sure got take or not
15 Jan 2019
15.1.19 tues
• all food in room cleared – hopefully not all by frenchie
• let her be alone in room B
• eating normally
16.1.19 wed
• eating well
• poo scale 6/10
17.1.19 thurs
• poo scale 5/10 – nice well in bin – why u like that? Then why go out to blue room and anyhow pee poo on my shelf and floor?
18.1.19 Fri
• I’ll say eating well but yet these 2 days v v picky about food – want certain food only
• night: tuna and small anchovy w roasted chicken – got eat
19.1.19 sat
• regular poo and good form scale 5/10
20.1.19 sun
• got a bit of vomit on floor
21.1.19 mon
• morning: v picky about food – give her diff type like fc tuna and small anchovy then she eat
• night: receive her urine result: no growth
1.2.19 Fri
• taro accidentally jump up her cat condo where she is sleeping – she trying to act fierce . I stop n tell taro go off b4 anything happen
13.2.19 wed
• summary of her treatment plan so far:
❤️ Maxine
* f patch (6.1.19)
* Gabapentin
Stopping everything for now she is a happy girl who like to wait for me to serve her fish like food. Indoor and selar
1.3.19 fri
• this cat v hard to fatten
• illusion? I thought she looks a little more muscular
6.3.19 wed
• she sure like the fish but she also like to eat the pumpkin w chicken
2.4.19 Tues
• poo scale 2/10
• still active
17.4.19 wed
• today she seem to be not feeling normal / sleep in cat box. Lucky I gave her kibble she got eat
27.4.19 sat
• still got eat
• left eye can’t open well- I sayang her
• night; she seem better. Got eat selar
21.6.19 fri
• a super tensed girl – had become so much more relax in 猫房 now
30.6.19 Sunday
• she is really pleased w the new cat tree in her room – she sleep in the box n she love the white fleece cloth – she really love sleeping on it and she look v comfortable
12.7.19 fri
• v sure to say Maxine still don’t like human touch but she don’t mind me sayang her
• her fur getting v soft and nice to touch
• I know she is fatter now but havent meet 猫房 standard
24.7.19 wed
• she really seem much fatter
• need to grab chance to weigh her
3.8.19 sat
• somehow these 4 days didn’t feel that she is that fine – got bully by oly?
9.8.19 fri
• her left eye not fine. Jo says can’t open. will check n if need be, see vet and also wait for kitty to merge back n give her room D for recup
• night: check manage to scruff her but didn’t get to see The Eye still
• she want to whack me w her right hand 4 times
• didn’t seem that bad yet
• can sayang her n I ask her why
• give her fish which she love she don’t eat, think tuna food she didn’t eat, give her kakato salmon she don’t eat
• give her fc gold chicken in gravy, she eat!!!
10.8.19 sat
• confirm need to bring her to vet. Deciding which one
•’supper; I manage to try to see a little of that injured eye – Duno severity but definitely not v bad type
14.8.19 wed
• Eye still not fine – jo say Like a little Swollen, I’m catching chance to put her into carrier
• got eat – my basic indication.
19.8.19 mon
• got eat
• left eye still didn’t open – can’t gauge can’t wipe w silver Cos don’t allow, no choice spray her w silver she thought I bully her
21.8.19 wed
• Eye definitely not fine, I really hope I can catch her tmr to vet
• somemore her belly look saggy
14 Jan 2019
• morning; in room she use bin – got poo (amount good, scale 7/10)
• didn’t clear wet food but ate quite a lot of indoor
• went to AW dr b for testing
* 2.46kg – drop 30g
* Gum pink
* V v small bladder – needs ultrasound guided aspirations of bladder – urine drawn for testing for urine culture and sensitivity
* Can tolerate dr b (> 15 mins) of touch w me holding her
* Back in 猫房 – stay in room b
31 Dec 2018
31.12.18 mon
• morning; she got use bin, got pee
• got eat RC instinctive +7
• whole day she did move from condo to lying on floor to standing on purifier to look out of window … is she deciding to trust me or not?
• night: I gave her some bites of selar, she eat from my hand straight
1.1.19 tues
• first day of the year – open up room B – whole day she didn’t roam she didn’t come out. She stay in the condo box
• Leng Leng and Fei Fei in the room w her –
No fights nothing
• I put RC INSTINCTIVE +7 into the box for her she got clear – w gabapentin
• i serve selar to her mouth again she ok to let me feed
2.1.19 wed
• mummy jo thought she is a blind cat – eyes don’t seem good – I even thought she seem to be tearing …
• didn’t try to escape for the past days
• likes RC I +7 still
3.1.19 thurs
• today eyes more open
• she hiss me wor
• but I give her food and sayang from her leg to her neck she ok when eating
• generally v sianz sianz look
• 130pm: give her some probiotics chicken broth – she likes 🙂
• dinner and supper chicken! She loves … selar she super love v happy to eat from my finger
4.1.19 Friday
• night; she came out of the cat condo and sit down waiting for me – maybe she smell selar / eat fr my hand 🙂
5.1.19 sat
• morning; Maxine first time out of room B! She went to blue room planning her escape route – windows r open at this room, she is panting up n down along the table top at the window. My grill is 1.5 inch, still a bit worried. sayang her a bit, hopefully she just follow the rest wait for cleaning to be done and eat eat eat eat eat – go out for what?!
• she looks Super thin
• so worried that she will try squeeze thru 1.5 inch metal grill – double confirm she is still ard at 1pm
• 10pm: she is still at the window area – hopefully she is happy – not friendly still – want to sayang her will beat pple – but like socks – is can’t go fr the front maybe someone beat her b4 from the front so she don’t like the hand gesture
• ate 2 servings of supper
• 12am; extra supper time – as Long as she is open, I can sayang her, though she still v sensitive to touch – weigh her 2.49kg – drop 80g
• manage to change fentalyn patch for her
• feed her some selar
• will meow me for food
• give her kakato salmon she likes
6.1.19 sun
• she likes Probiotics chicken broth
• but regular food like getting v v v picky
7.1.19 mon
• morning; she station in blue room alr. Poo n pee on my weighing scale
• not sickness kind of not eating
9.1.19 wed
• Maxine likes real food.
• she drink fish bone broth N bistro chicken today
• I gave her indoor She eat
• I gave her RC RENAL kibble she also eat
• still v thin
• she is making didi angry, Cos she occupy his fav space
10.1.19 Thurs
• anyhow pee and poo everywhere – sigh
• scare of vacuum Uncle – sleep on mosses butt – mosses didn’t mind
13.1.19 Sunday
• ever since she move to blue room she is happy, n wait for the supper selar but she anyhow poo n pee on the table TOP which is horrible tat the rest got to lick and drink or accidentally eat her pee? ESP when I need to test her for her bacteria now.
• 3pm: she pee almost on the new cat tree! – sigh – move her to room B without any cat condo
30 Dec 2018
* Confirm a girl
* 2.57kg
* At least 3 Broken canine, v v bad mouth, left right seed worse than right side, right side in video, lots of inflammations
* Can’t even see inside the mouth but mouth Alr Super had enough – sure need a dental to be done
* Convenia need to be given to prepare for dental – too much inflammation
* Fentalyn patch placed on left ear – v v dirty ears
* Small kidneys, but she is small size
* Got food inside
* No heart mur mur
* Fiv + felv –
* Pcv 27%
* TP GLOB High Cos of the mouth
* dr d says if I can touch her, give her gabapentin as well
* If she is eating, give her meloxicam too
* Back in 猫房 – given her room B to monitor see how – v calm, maybe sleepy let her rest. One hour pass, didn’t come out of carrier … let her be