Off to the Rainbow Bridge
(3.65kg 10.12.20, 3.71kg 27.12.20)
(3.85kg, pcv 27% 7.1.21)
(3.35kg, Rbc 2.37, HCT 12%, Retic 2.4, Wbc 18.76, neu 10.62, EOS 0.09, Plt 41, Tp 9.2, alb 1.9, glob 7.3, alt 87, Alkp <10, K 4.5, Crea 1.4, bun 36 16.3.21)
🐾 Depredil 0.3ml (8.11, 12.1.2020, 28.2, 5.5, 4.7, 21.9, 20.10, 29.11, 10.12, 24.12) – stop
🐾 meloxicam 0.25ml (8-10.1.21) then 0.12ml (11.1.21 onwards)
🐾 darbepoetin 0.08ml (16.3.21, 23.3*****)
🐾 pet tinic 0.75ml (started on 16.3.21)
An ex-community cat who can’t be released back to the wild anymore – toothless. Fiv+ and recurring mouth pain need to manage his pain factor and quality of life in 猫房.
20 Mar 2021
19 Mar 2021
7am: whole cage stain w poo 1/10
Confirm no vomit
Help him wipe his butt he understand, wipe his leg he kick me
Still weak
745am tube fed him 24ml of ad
That sound is still loud n scary
Given his morning meds including gabapentin n pet tinic – give twice also
755am RR 43
819am wipe his both hind legs – stain w lots of poo
tube fed 39ml of ad
840am tube fed 24ml – tell him sleep I got to rush alr
847am soak his legs w waterless bath
Whole morning checking on him he is fine – got change position
Got kpo look at me n I call him he got look at me
210pm: scary. He lying flat in his pee, head covered by the machine, I know alive cos can see breathing v fast from ip. I think he needs o2 – can’t buy clear sheet le, I better rush back see him then go back centre again
238pm position change a bit, away fr pee patch, but breathing still v heavy
330pm – RR >40 cos he move can’t get accurate reading
Pee still v yellow, help him change
No vomit
Improvise oxygen seal for him – like got use mouth to breathe le
maybe later give a Buprenophine iv?
tube fed 36ml ad
649pm: damn scary – I checked Ip for 5-6 times lucky he did change position, but he definitely look much weaker today
Every half hour check Ip – he change position, still worry why he is so weak. I think tmr morning I bring the metro to clinic n don’t give, safer in case any cork up in the 5ml?
910pm: rushing home to see mosses. He did pee again
930pm: clear Peepad, he is breathing super heavily, super yellow instead of just pale now
Tube fed 36ml ad
Somehow I give 0.2ml Buprenophine iv and cooler pack, he seem to be more calm n breath better
1020pm: given meds and tube fed 32ml ad and breathing is bad again, quickly close o2 chamber for him
1110pm: tube fed 36ml more concentrated ad
Rr: 68 – resting mode.
Prep his meds and get ready extra blended food for Clinic to tube feed him too
Amy chew commented on mosses video post on this: will show dr ym n ask her tmr:
18 Mar 2021
645am wake up to check on mosses
Wa ip off can’t see. Have to check physically – going to feed them early cos wanna walk in w mosses first appt
7am: he is alive, gummy take over baby cot, mosses sleep under the cot
V pale, waiting to sight battle at 930am first walk in
He got lick a bit of aixia oldie
Totally no idea whether iv is necessary – but I got ready 猫房 hospi cage 02 for him – panic buying Peepads now
925am: we waiting to walk into clinic – lucky he is still in sitting up position
Dr yeumee seen mosses:
1030am: dr ym give me a quick update iv cath is in, n mosses didn’t come out w me, she is bz w other consult. Not sure did they start him on iv fluid alr.
1051am: still waiting.
1135am: rbc 2.69, hct 13.2%, retic 5.1 – still bad but better than tues
Wbc 21.46, NEU 18.29, plt 26
Glu 6.65, crea 82, urea 11.1 – good to go ahead w o tube, I later fetch him home ard 7pm once he stable
Tp 87, alb 21, glob 66, alkp <10
Tbil 60 – is the descrution of red blood cell that cause him yellow, not his liver got problem, his liver is working very hard
Fiv positive still – so not end stage? Felv still negative
Urine dark yellow – expected, even got bil 3+
During ga o tube, reject biopsy of his gum cos
1150am: back in 猫房, wait for clinic news on mosses. Hospi cage w Peepads settled, I go buy blender for him.
Oh ya told dr ym re the darbepoetin, 2nd dose onwards should be 0.04ml
248pm: “Hello Cat, Dr Yeumee wants to inform you that she is going to sedate Mosses now.”
313pm: “Tube placement done, recovering from the sedation now.”
507pm: “She said that he’s drooling a little. So better to let him rest here for now.” – going to fetch him at 7pm
730pm: met dr ym and we conclude the following:
Back to 猫房 hospital,
1019pm: tube feed 12ml ad, fed probiotics to provide his guts cos on so many ab
Fed doxy and pet tinic
He pee quite a bit – v yellow – lay flat sleep
Given cefazolin direct into iv port – his loud purring breathing sound is scary
Metro jabs initially got issue – molecule too big or? I don’t have such issue last time – so a bit unknown
1115pm: tube feed 12ml ad, RR 34 – sayang him told him to sleep le
Total today: 48ml ad
17 Mar 2021
722am: worry about mosses awake check Ip first can’t see him at all – not at sofa chair anymore
8am: survive the night, I serve tuna w chicken ham n RC Renal pouch – he did lick, lick only is already a good sign compare to yesterday totally uninterested
He was sleeping in the tunnel
11am: syringe fed him 30ml diluted ad, most come out cos his mouth is pain. Should I stop his meloxicam too since not working? N switch back to depredil? Today will stop see how. Up pain killer.
1120am: Saw the paw injured (right front) ThAt the vet say yesterday – wa they didn’t even help him clean away the unicharm stick to his paw, I clean up today n saw one paw skin totally no more, wipe with f10
530pm: didn’t look worsen, didn’t look better yet, tmr will go ahead w review n see how – think maybe need dr ym to do a scan on him n see how
1030pm: his same paw got one more unicharm stick to it, I pour f10 to wet it and remove and clean it
He look damn bad. Really look … but yet when I syringe him ad n some drop to the bed, he got lick – I still see hope – pls let him see dr ym tmr
Syringe fed 30ml ad – his mouth in damn pain
I sayang n hold his head in my palm, he didn’t kill me n I’m scare. he did look at me I also scare. I hope he understand I’m preparing him for tmr battle, not …
1110pm: carry him to baby cot to sleep, sleeping pose really scary, neck hanging …. arghhhh
1136pm: ah boy walk over to check mosses make me so scare
16 Mar 2021
Afternoon: continue Subcut, syringe fed him 30ml ad, did swallow but paw some out cos mouth in pain. meloxicam not helping? Change back to depredil any use? Thurs see what dr ym says
9+pm: just find him too weak
Fed him 30ml diluted ad
He went to sit in litterbin, the way he lie down just look damn scary – – rush him to dr Chang for bloodworks
V anemic
3.35kg – drop 570g
Dr Chang commented he is weak
Blood drawn – diluted, didn’t paw got blood from his pawing of mouth
The vet ask me one sentence: “what’s my plan for him” – hard qn, I told him I know if jaundice need iv, but anemic can’t iv. – but hs can do for me I can go Low rate iv. See first
Actually want to see his kidney, then how anemic is he now – at least let me do something today n tmr n thurs see dr ym say what
1006pm; While waiting for bloodworks, omg he meow v softly in the carrier I scare
Rbc 2.37, HCT 12% – Dr Chang ask me whether I will do transfusion she said a sentence “most bt also die” – good she is in line w my thinking
Told her I intend to give darbepoetin- she will give me the dose (she initially say 50mg per cat, irregardless of weight, but I told her I normally give accordingly to weight, my calculation is give 0.075ml for mosses, she mention asking whether I want to give high dose for the first dose, 0.08ml) subsequent dose 1/4 dose 0.02ml
Have to give pet tinic (she mention iron but i can’t be touching mosses mouth w wanse)
Retic 2.4, non generative – might be fiv end stage le
Wbc 18.76, neu 10.62, think ab also no use – unless need to take urine culture n sensitivity to see what ab he resistent to – but last test he back negative bacteria – waste money only
EOS 0.09 – somehow I know all point to end stage thingy
Plt 41
Tp 9.2, alb 1.9, glob 7.3, alt 87
Alkp <10
Ha his ag ratio so Low that pple Duno will thought he fip cat
K 4.5
Crea 1.4, bun 36 – for now no issue to continue meloxicam for his mouth
Bring mosses go gai gai a bit buy teh o n go home – given darbepoetin 0.08ml and pet tinic 0.75ml.
Wanna carry him onto the baby cot bed to sleep but he settled in on the sofa chair on his own – let him be
14 Mar 2021
Morning: day 03-04 no poo almost like no pee? Also didn’t eat much, feel he is getting yellow. I still don’t think new vet can handle him – have to wait till Thursday
Supplement him w good stuff first, Subcut w b12 b com
Night: lucky got weird looking poo but formed ard 5cm
Didn’t really lick the food tonight
Mosses 15.3.21 mon
Morning: got poo >10cm scale 4/10
Still feel he is yellow, dr experience w new clinic I think mosses go see dr yeumee better
Subcut him told him that help him maintain some body conditions, sayang him, I know he know. I think I want to syringe feed him tmr
13 Mar 2021
Morning: can’t get any earlier slot from hs, will stick to thurs 10am vet visit
Night: given nutriplus gel too. Lucky still eating
12 Mar 2021
Stop his mouth wash. I think he is yellow. Yellow n pale n white – bad. I want to send him to vet asap – wanna go sunshine vet but I think I got to go hillside where I know they internally can handle him. Rather sure he is anemic too, saw him attempt to eat litter this morning.
night: lucky he did eat a bit. Quarantine him in LightHK room.
09 Mar 2021
28 Feb 2021
24 Feb 2021
23 Feb 2021
20 Feb 2021
19 Feb 2021
14 Feb 2021
10 Feb 2021
10 Feb 2021
08 Feb 2021
today did lick the food but didn’t really eat
04 Feb 2021
04 Feb 2021
03 Feb 2021
28 Jan 2021
24 Jan 2021