Off to the Rainbow Bridge
FELV positive, FIV negative
(3.6kg pcv 33% 12.10.20, 3.57kg 6.12, 3.48kg, sdma 17, HCT 27.7%, revo 5.1.21)
🐾 cerenia b12 (30.7.20, 7.9, 21.1.21)
🐾 Subcut w b12 b com
🐾 vibravet (started 22.1.2021)
A cat I would say I save back from death, so when it’s time for her to be released back to the street where she almost die is a no no. She became 猫房二号 gang. She is a total lap cat! As a chronic flu cat, and I need to monitor her symptoms, she is only available for E-adoption.
26 Jun 2021
357am: awake to check on socks, she is gone, vomit out some food Ad like
Tube in tact – I pull out, but the tapes so strong, as if super glued to her nose.
Iv still good to flow.
Checked ip: she is gone at 231am. A fast one. No violent seizure, a quick one, she vomit out that last bit and she is gone in ard 10 seconds.
Clean her up and intro her the “song list” – later 8am then can buy flowers for her
25 Jun 2021
848am: fr Ip: didn’t move, quite neat.
850am: I already mentally prepared b4 I go in, she meow at me !
One thing v different – no pee (bad: toxic built up? Good: fluid kept in? Not excess flushing?)
She is gasping for air to a certain extend le, but I sayang her do make her calm down
Did use mouth for breathing already. Clean her nose.
9+: given morning meds and N tube 12ml ad w 1ml water flush clean.
Tell her rest. She watched me mopping floor, scolding tao.
Nubulize while I feed playground cats.
150pm: v weird. Weak until can’t even pee anymore? Overnight till now 16h no pee.
N tube 15ml ad w 1ml water flush clean.
Still got the feel. Think she is going but just 断不了气
506pm: check on her, breathing getting worse but she is still ard, still responsive when I sayang her and touch her. What’s wrong that give so bad ? Fluid rate? No. Kcl in bag 1 v only. No. Food intake. No. Semintra maybe? Maybe night I skip. Polycilic? Maybe? I skip. Nothing else so maybe That her body is really shutting down. I’m teaching so didnt really keep checking on her. Also maybe I should let her have enough time to leave? Yesterday seizure is too painful and drain out all her energy?
7pm: evaluated everything – what else can be done? I do think she is gone but can’t go only, make her better? Buprenophine 0.12ml given
She is still breathing v hard
7.08pm: still decide alive = hope, emergency consult dr d but no respond.
8.07pm; informed dr yeumee that socks didn’t pee 24h – that might be the reason for the difficulty in breathing?
Waiting for someone to reply
840pm; no reply, didn’t give anything else in the n tube.
857pm; dr yeumee responded:
“I think she is going into anuric renal failure. Can you feel if she has a bladder at all? If the bladder is still small, it means that her kidneys have shut down. Cannot accept and process any more fluid to turn to urine. Do you have any frusemide with you? Also can increase the amount of semintra. Can give one more dose again tonight. But I think have to be prepared that she will pass overnight. She fights to her last breath, that’s for sure”
“Can try to give a bolus of fluid to increase hydration over a short time. So let’s say 50ml over 1/2 hour.” – 945pm change rate, now at 100ml/h for half hour
950pm: still no pee despite of the 50ml bolus.
Change ice pack and let her sleep. if later she is still around but not getting any better, should I do this?
“M i still holding on the 0.05% chance that she can survive this round?
Or should I hope she quickly die? If so, I should pull out the nasal tube, take her off iv and out of oxygen chamber n we go playground sit sit watch stars?
Or I should sleep – I’m v sleepy. Tmr long lessons.
24 Jun 2021
828am; fr ip nothing scary soon. But also no movement. Today is review day. I’m scare to enter 猫房 hospital.
848am; I’m suddenly smiling – m I having illusion? I thought I heard socks meow. I’m trying to be awake to start morning round cos v rush n got to fly to vet
Checked on her, both eyes got the longan feel but can clean her eyes, cos she can’t wipe her own eyes
Left eye pupil enlarge
Can’t even nasal tube much, only 4ml I just stop. Review first bah. Morning jabs as usual didn’t give. Review first.
930am when I’m feeding the rest, sock is in sitting position. Omg I’m so happy. She give me hope again
On cab, her pupils size back to normal
10am seen dr yeumee
The moment she saw socks – notice the sizes of The Eyes – socks may b blind now, hopefully is temp n cos of neuro – maybe protein too high n toxin etc …
2.81kg – drop another 80g
Temp 35.4 – we hope is in the poo
N tube will keep in Didn’t pose any problem for socks
Got bladder – taken urine analysis
Have poo, not those hard or what, not a lot, but microlax in clinic to make her feel better la
Take full bloods – most likely today will start darbepoetin
Triple confirmed too high drip rate will cause body to flush out even more fluid sometime, so high rate aren’t that good.
Dr yeumee wanna take bp – go ahead
1045am: dr yeumee just update me bloods r running, microlax given, so socks in cage waiting n resting. Her iv cath is fine, but play safe so change leg.
1134am: dr yeumee say socks did have reaction that she wanna poo, but she is just too weak. No poo out yet, later see how.
Pcv 26%, Cbc out: rbc 6.05, hct Low 20.3%- start darbepoetin 0.03ml today, twice a week – dr yeumee don’t think socks can last long anymore (dr y thinks it should be ard 15%)
I know it’s Low cos her nose turn pale white
Wbc NEU elevated but Dr don’t think socks need Marbo – told me to stop, urasyn she think the dose too high, so down to 0.35ml twice daily
Driprate she told me go home boost highest 14ml/h then down maintenance to 10-12ml/h
Her lytes r Low, k 2.4, put 2 bags into bag – hopefully later got strength to poo
All results r worsen, crea 297 after dilution of not also no reading sdma 59. Urea 25.5
urine is super diluted sg 1.004, UPC r v high2.25, go high dose semintra 1ml x twice daily. Really high dose n twice daily.
Bp 130 – Low, so fluid first few hours after I send her home go high for the reason.
Phos dr yeumee didn’t take, but sure high, get replacement liquid form for phos binder – also serve as guts protectant (polysilic III suspension) 3ml x twice daily
I still book review schedule Monday 11Am
Jennifer help socks wear a diaper v cute – later reach home I’ll help her take off
Treatment plan:
Iv drip rate 14 down to 12ml/h
Urasyn 0.35ml bid
Cerenia 0.28ml bid
Buprenophine I deem fit day time I can give 0.05ml
Semintra 1ml twice
Polycilin 3ml twice
In cab she got meow meow meow think got issue or she trying to poo out? Reach home get her on iv first then see how
Her cocktail super lots of stuff
Iv drip rate 1412ml/h
Urasyn 0.35ml m
Cerenia 0.28ml
Buprenophine 0.05ml
Semintra 1ml
Polycilin 3ml
Ad 12ml
Darbepoetin 0.03ml given subcut
B12 bcom I let it fuse slowly in the dripline
153pm: fr Ip, o2 tube in tact, she is moving, drip continue
415pm: N tube Ad 12ml w 1ml of water
Her go vet video look better? Most thought she is better – but nope she is worse off when she is back. she had grasping episode – I let her sleep
Got 5cm of poo out.
715pm: N tube Ad 6ml w 1ml of water only cos I know socks aren’t fine. worse than yesterday. Alr start to have sudden shake mild seizure.
Kcl too much? Rate too high?
Down rate to maintenance rate 10ml/h
Told her n remind her 猫房 fighter status she already had… if really is can’t tolerate old Liao need to leave don’t worry at all. If body can one, just need time, ah Mao is here w her. So no stress at all.
907pm; given urasyn n Buprenophine – then violent seizure already. Calm her down, talk to her again.
Didn’t feed anymore
945pm: sayang her, told her ah Mao will still continue to do as long as I see life, but she is free to go if can’t take it anymore. N tube 6ml ad, 3ml polycilic and 1ml semintra (elevating is semintra causing her bp to drop to have seizure? No.) – analysis I told socky that we believe the vet, but when come to seeing socks reaction: behaviour n etc, sock trust me more. I stick to 10ml/h but I change a new fluid bag w one vial of kcl. 2v will b pain and also that might b the reason for seizure.
23 Jun 2021
924am: fr Ip she got soft meow – I thought better than yesterday night no sound
Oh ya yesTerday night right eyeball got a little of that feeling
1009am; today that longan eyeball is much more
Meow more n louder
Morning I skip Buprenophine
Everything else given – today more sensitive to iv
N Tube 12ml ad w 1ml of water to flush clean – each day I up 3ml.
I serve food each time though to throw. I just need her to perk up suddenly like Emma last time.
Touch her ear, at least not cold – I don’t take her temp so far
1110am socks did meow 10 times that many quite loudly, I checked on her and she is sleeping right in, I sayang her n told her I’m bringing Maxine out to check eye
1205pm: check Ip: sock still face in, o2 intact, no movement – later check again
4pm: N Tube 12ml ad w 1ml of water to flush clean
She felt weaker, keep facing in, RR 14 slow n yet got some gallop beats at the front portion of her body
650pm: N Tube 12ml ad w 1ml of water to flush clean
Looks really weak. Just sayang her n sayang her. Today kiss kiss her.
I’ll skip night feeding. No poo also can’t. Today total intake 60ml ad.
12am sayang her, told her sleep, night I give 0.12ml Buprenophine. Overnight pain killer so she can sleep better.
Off heat pad. She don’t feel cold.
23 Jun 2021
1144pm: horrible. Whole day fr 4am till 1030pm I log on socks at 5am, 930am, and almost every 2h cos I N tube her every 2h 9ml of ad w 1ml of water to flush clean – all my log disappear!
Now I can only use memory to log down what’s the main summary for today, n not time frame details :,(
21 Jun 2021
8am: she survived! Day 05 not eating, no poo, got pee
Her nails last vet visit dr Ruth help me cut le, cos she can’t go grooming w toto today
I sayang her
929am: she start to look scary, did I feel that she seem gulping for Air? I think today can’t har iv cath check and pcv, have to do SOMETHING if not no chance Liao
Thinking o tube is the plan, whack survive got hope or just die from ga.
Asked dr yeumee for her opinion, rush to hs for dr Cheryl Chua – nasal tube will be the plan b4 going
1050am: seen dr Cheryl, 2.89kg – lost 290g
She is a pro o tube person, I told her I’m a super pro o tube person also.
Elevation of socks, look still bright for a “dying” cat, damn dehydrate at 10ml/h (told her cos dr Ruth say she got gallop, so play safe give lower), still got that bit of heart mur mur (most probably due to anemic), lung still strong. – conclusion, the damn dehydration is the reason for not putting o tube. We try nasal tube first, see how.
Dr Cheryl say up iv rate – 12ml/h for day, night 10ml/h – i was quite surprised by this number cos I thought she would go up much higher taking into the fact that socks so dry despite iv
Let clinic put the hard collar on socks cos I want play safe for nasal tube that I’m not familiar w so let them put better
Wanna do pcv, she told me won’t be accurate cos she still so dry, but still do it cos at least see the current status. If alr bad today at least I know it’s much much more worse. Today up rate then Thursday see dr yeumee will be more accurate for full check
1215pm: nasal tube fed her 6ml ad + 1ml water to flush clean the tube
Don’t look happy no choice de
Resting …
put iv rate 13ml/h, later night I’ll change to 12ml/h n stabilise at 12, think vet will down number cos overnight issue, she Duno I’m a zombie ah Mao who can don’t sleep n take care / monitor socks so day or night no diff to me.
250pm: N tube her 6ml ad + 1ml water to flush clean the tube
Now can medi, can give food – I see hope 🙂
420pm: she overturn water bowl, whole body wet – heater on higher
N tube her 6ml ad + 1ml water to flush clean the tube
8pm: N tube her 6ml ad + 1ml water to flush clean the tube no vomit so far or anything
910pm: she did meow weirdly, change peepad again. Today skip doxy cos I don’t want her to choke and yet today learn that doxy paste can’t dissolve in water so I can’t tube fed that. I think last time I give direct into o tube n I remember it did cause some issue cos oily. So skip doxy since dr d day give for the start too (4 days).
1010pm: N tube her 6ml ad + 1ml water to flush clean the tube no vomit so far or anything
Back to 0.1ml Buprenophine.
Told her sleep n rest tmr see how
This fluid bag will end on tues 1240pm.
20 Jun 2021
9am: socks survived the night. Weaker. Got pee, no poo, clear cage
Got one instant meow quite loud I scare
Like blind can’t see me or Buprenophine? Morning I didn’t give this then
Fed 6ml diluted ad only, can’t input food into her, should I take the risk to do o tube? I really think like this go on also die, if I can put o tube food go in while treatment still buying a chance?
1246pm; waiting for hs reply
6pm: socks still ard, just keep clearing the Peepads
Mon dr yeumee not in so I can’t take the scary risk
Thursday appt booked but I asked hs tues can do o tube? Told socks just now either way I think she can’t, might as well risk it if o tube she can wake up, I can pump her w food. Cos I now can only get 6-9ml of ad into her (maybe 2ml in?)
11pm: she did meow softly at me when I check on her again. Sleepy. Let her sleep. Tonight I go ahead give 0.15ml Buprenophine- pancreatitis will be pain. Minimum she need pain killer.
1207pm: she is sitting but I know in a daze type
19 Jun 2021
830am: socks survived, a bit blur a bit dazed, this morning I’ll skipped Buprenophine
No poo, got pee, food not touched
Throw all Peepads, she still can control body when I top up w fresh one – sayang her
Later will put in kibble bowl for her she is a kibble cat
930am; given 6ml aixia oldie – at least got swallow action
Marbo iv and urasyn given
1150am the way she meow for past 2 days r the scary type
She did try to get up when I check on her, she got drink water, that’s the reason y the whole neck so wet, that’s the sign of pancreatitis, nausea? – Erm should I up her drip rate? Should I give cerenia now? Maybe I will at 4+ after my last class
410pm: she got pee, look same, o2 tube drop on floor – lucky I check on her
night; syringe feed her 15ml ad but generally she isn’t taking the food in – I even think of risking o tube if she can survive till Monday?
1157pm: same, still critical. :,(
18 Jun 2021
1204am: from Ip she crawl out fr the shelf n sudden meow 2 times n stuck back to the hole :,(
711am: she is around but super weak. Subcut enough meh? Why don’t iv? nubulize her first, raining heavily outside, let her rest on heat pad . Later I let her out Duno she will still like to sit on my lap or not.
She Want but too weak n stand up v fast n fell.
I first time carry her to my lap and I Subcut her and give Marbo 0.4ml as per dr Geetha instruction.
Can’t sleep loh thinking of this qn, need to calm down and think properly. Y I need to worry so much about a vet’s opinion or thoughts – I should ALWAYS BASE ON ONE TOP RULE – SAVE THE CAT. DO WHAT IS RIGHT is more important right?
msg dr d telling her I really need advise on socks – bloods work given to her, told her socks on heat pad – “Socks is in sepsis it seems now, need antibiotic preferably iv. Need Iv, also for kidney to rehydrate”
Re her mouth most likely affect the kidney now: “Can, most likely bacterial”
“So that is really sounding like sepsis, but no longer acute fase. Need fluids and Iv meds.”
“Why bupre only once a day” – understood means dr d think I should give Buprenophine more frequent
“Probably don’t have urine from before antibiotic injection right? The fpl from the vcheck is completely not believable btw…. Difficult to say fluid rate without seeing the cat. But marbo, cerenia iv for sure. Bupre probably in the beginning iv, see if get sedated”
Ask dr d re the doxy I’m giving socks – “Uhm, can make nausea but sometimes bacteria only sensitive to doxy, So would continue in beginning”
Re Marbo: “Yes, but best to dilute and give slow. So put into 5 or 10 ml of hartmanns and then slowly give iv”
I ask dr d re med first b4 I walk in hs open 930am: “Cef would hold off for now, first see effect of this”
Good to still take urine analysis later on? “Can but will be false negative culture due to antibiotics. And can’t trust usg because of sc fluids”
So conclusion is to go put in iv cath, take bp. Dr Ruth is in, socks’ bp still fine, 140, and can fight dr when she try to see her bad mouth.
She take a quick xray – told me her lungs r cleared so is upper respiratory issue – I continue doxy
Iv cath on front right (i based on animal’s position)
Urasyn iv 0.64ml Bld
Buprenophine 0.2ml bld – I play safe I still give 0.1ml since now is iv. See first later on
Cerenia 0.32ml sld
Marbo 0.4ml sld – I give tmr iv, cos morning I given Subcut alr
Drip rate 10ml/h
Temp 36.6
1130am back in 猫房 on heat pad, in o2 chamber on iv 10ml/h, nubulize also, didn’t eat. Doxy given. Buprenophine n urasyn given.
102pm: fr ip: hope she is sleeping
125pm: check on her, she look fine n maybe alert
550pm: got pee, throw 2 Peepads. Kind of hyperventilating- add on ice pack for her in case us too stuffy – later I’ll monitor n change her drip rate lower?
Didn’t touch food not surprise
650am: fed her 6ml aixia – she looks quite weird? Her neck area v wet.
8pm: she got sit up, hand cross 🙂
1015pm: relatively weak, night meds given.
Sayang her, up the heat pad to hottest w cooling pack.
1140pm: she didn’t move – head resting on the ice pack – I change position n throw more Peepads away.
Let her sleep better. Tmr morning see how
17 Jun 2021
Morning; yesterday night she is a little weird. Today totally weird. Scare me like hell. Checked her physically – at least feel safer a bit, nostrils got some discharge so serious flu again. Fed her doxy, lysine (but she don’t seem to swallow water well a bit choking but it might just be she don’t Want med) and a bit of nutriplus (she Siam so all wasted, but she did have licking action)
3pm: she stand up heAd in the bin, vomit some fluid.
430pm: full check up, told dr Geetha other than all her usual chronic signs n etc, tues still eat batang fish n soup, yesterday night then a little weird and today got issue alr.
3.04kg – drop 380g
Dr Commented she is damn dry, mouth damn smelly – kidney cat smell. Right upper tar tar mouth horribly bad and red w immflamtion. After I ask her so will u go ahead w dental (I know her dental issue last year w dr d ard, but no way to do dental) if u know her age is 17? – Erm so the mouth situation is no choice one. There is nothing I could have done. Socks can’t be going thru ga. I can only maintain her as what I had been maintaining for all these years.
Temp 37.2 – aren’t that Low but she reminded me more than once to give her heat lamp or something. Since back in 猫房 she sleep on the heat pad in the nubulizing chamber – Totoro join her too. Let them be
Chem15 taken – crea off reading – after dilution 3.3, bun 51, phos 8.5, tp 11.8, glob 9.0,
Livers fine – Subcut first 3 days 150ml, followed by 100ml. Give phos binder twice a day. ( I still thinking of dozy in my mind for her flu – might stop cos dr g put her on 2 ab. I think I go ahead w nubulizing w gentamicin)
Clav 0.3ml (started 17.6.21 night)
Marbo 0.4ml (she told me don’t dilute it, 18.6.21 day then start)
Lytes taken – generally fine k 3.9
Sdma – 43
Cbc taken – hct 26.6%, wbc 36.02, NEU 31.69 – obvious w dehydration means she is now lower in pcv – see tues review then see how (means dr don’t think I should whack darbepoetin yet)
Vcheck fpl taken – 9.8ng/ml – she said this is the highest she ever see. My known treatment got pancreatitis is fluid. So I ask why not iv then? She didn’t give concrete reason why she Didn’t want it but she just told me to give fluid Subcut.
Pancreatitis treatment 1) cerenia (she vomit so good for her also, she mention even she don’t vomit also give) but her instruction is give 2 days only 0.3ml vs 0.15ml (I given 0.3ml started 17.6.21) 2) Buprenophine 0.1ml twice a day for 2 days then once a day (this she told me deem fit cos I know socks better) – given 17.6.21
As of 730pm: just let socks rest w Totoro in the warm box
But she move n stuck at the small hole – damn scary.
I put a furry mat in the room and carry her to sleep on it, she sleep for quite a while, didn’t want to disturb her.
Given her pho’s binder w renal k. Given 18ml aixia oldie.
Nubulize her for a while only and she went to stuck at the small hole – damn scary.
I put her on furry mat again. It’s REALLY DAMN SCARY. see how first. She really felt damn weak.
15 Jun 2021
13 Jun 2021
11 Jun 2021
07 Jun 2021
06 Jun 2021
Serve her food, she did touch but looking out at me – think she know jingle is gone or she thought jingle v sick, n she is waiting for him at the door? Thinking jingle had gone hospital like what he had been all along n he will be back soon? :,(
Night; let her sit on lap, listen to some chanting of jingle funeral.
25 May 2021
10pm; nose status still bad, clean her face for her. I still didn’t get nubulizing started – house too messy to set up that department.
Give them the light blue sheep bed – socks occupy it 🙂
10pm: da jiejie bring chicken n chicken soup, she got eat 🙂
Socks 29.5.21 sat
Happy to sit on my lap as usual, sayang her 🙂
22 May 2021
9Am: Jingle poo on the new furry mat. I flip over n poor socks sit on such mat. Sigh. Tmr have to throw le
Socks 23.5.21 sun
230pm: I’m bz unpacking stuff so they got new water and kibble bowl – socks meow me to sayang her
510pm: finally reach their room. Socks happy w the new kibble bowl and start eating
830pm: serve food w the nutrional yeast, she got eat
21 May 2021
19 May 2021
Nose block sound r really bad – tmr got to set up nubulizing chamber for her.
16 May 2021
11am: nose still wet, Subcut her, hydration so so.
15 May 2021
830am: still look alert, but didn’t eat breakfast
12am: Still stuffy nose
10 May 2021
Angry w me these days cos of doxy – today last 2nd dose – promise her no more. No improvement much anyway. Didn’t worsen
08 May 2021
8am: look ok, got eat almost immediately after I serve breakfast – today got her fav chicken w pumpkin
1240am: eating well, told her just finish this course of doxy
07 May 2021
Nose still bad, doxy keep coming out she extreme hate it
Continue histamil jab too
06 May 2021
03 May 2021
740am: sneezing is bad – can sneeze onto my leg type
Eye didn’t look worse
02 May 2021
8pm: even right eye socket look swollen – start 0.3ml doxy tonight
3.42kg – lose 140g :,(
Given doxy – looks really unwell 🤒
01 May 2021
8am: Flu seem to be much worse than her chronic flu. Right eye seem to be swollen a bit
10pm: confirm flu, nose more block, lucky indoor; think this time more major, right eye is red too, tmr most prob need to weigh her n start doxy.
Lucky still eat when I serve tuna w chicken ham
23 Apr 2021
Night: sneeze a few times
Socks 24.4.21 sat
8am she sneeze a few times again
20 Apr 2021
07 Apr 2021
11am: not that happy cos I Subcut her. Subcut bag 1/3 each time I subq them. Sure sterile. given b12 jab and histamil jab. No vomit in the room today. Saw a 4yrs ago video of her – glad that she didn’t aGe that much other than joint etc issue surface now
30 Mar 2021
Morning: nose still v block
Night: given histamil jab, Subcut w b12 b Com n nutriplus gel
26 Mar 2021
21 Mar 2021
Night: nose still stuffy
Histamil on going as n when
Socks 22.3.21 mon
There is vomit of food in 猫房二号 – I think is socks
Given Subcut, b12 b com, histamil and cerenia
Night: got eat as usual
14 Mar 2021
Morning: still sneezing.
Subcut her w b12 n bcom.
Night: her nose wet – tmr will give histamil
05 Mar 2021
01 Mar 2021
morning; meow loudly than normal N she vomit out quite a lot of kibble
22 Feb 2021
morning; think socks had been vomitting out kibble
01 Feb 2021
Night: nose wet today, just finish off the doxy course
31 Jan 2021
Nose definitely not ok, just start another tube of doxy to make it a 14 days ab course then see how
28 Jan 2021
26 Jan 2021
05 Jan 2021
5.1.21 tues
* 7am : vomit some food w dark greenish bile
* Room bin a lot of poo 5/10 so both hers n Totoro should be same
* Seen dr yeumee
* 3.48kg – drop 90g
* Dr yeumee says socks got fur mites
* Left upper teeth got tar tar – but consider her age n felv + and she a kibble cat, not that bad
* Dr yeumee noted she is a chronic flu cat, nose didn’t look that bad – I’m deciding to take pcv or cbc she mention to take wbc is to see whether to start ab or not – if no need ab, she self heal aka w lysine n nutriplus gel is better
* Hct 27.7%, cos rbc 8.53- dr ym seem to think it’s fine – main thing is her wbc NEU glob is fine – she don’t think ab is needed – let her be let her happy see how
* Kidneys feel the same – sdma 17 improve from last time – so every now n then Subcut help her. But need to keep track ThT her kidney is progressively got issue as she age further crea 200, urea 8.5
* Tp 112
* Alb 27, alt 73
* K 4.0
* Urine 1.010 – getting more dilute so monitor first
* Meow quite a bit today
* Revo her
7.1.21 thurs
* she vomitted out lots of kibbles today
21.1.21 thurs
* 4pm; saw her vomit some kibble
* Her flu n nose still v unwell
* Weigh her 3.45kg – given her vibravet 0.3ml
* Given Subcut b12 b com n Cerenia 0.35ml
30 Jan 2020
30.1.20 thurs
• morning: saw socks in bin and cry out – just uncomfortable? Something internal wrong? Can’t poo out? She vomit while at it, tonight need to subcut her n give her some vitamins
31.1.20 fri
• so many years socks still my lap cat 🙂 she is happy and will come to sit on me whenever I sit down in 猫房二号
12.2.20 wed
• tiger died yesterday, Tonight is the first night since i know socks that she didn’t run to me happily to sit on my lap when I call. She did eventually but that’s slow. Think she is grieving – I know they know
2.3.20 mon
• sock sleeping pose is scary – in fact past few days she keep sleeping even I go into room She didn’t get out to welcome me
• lucky she likes to eat Kakato
13.3.20 Fri
• 3.56kg – thinner a lot but I have to accept that she is getting much older but she still got eat n like kakato
• didn’t react much to newcomer totoro – but Toto this afternoon irritate but hiding beside her, she did hiss at him and i sayang her n she whack me
• night; she is fine eating beside him
21.3.20 sat
• ingrowth nails again, Manage to cut all front nails
25.3.20 wed
* likes kakato
* Today revo
30.3.20 mon
• weigh 3.47kg – lose another 90g I think she didn’t eat much Cos totoro had been polishing her food
13.4.20 mon
• I had made sure the food plate is right in front of her face but she continue to be thinning – 3.36kg – lode another 110g
3.5.20 sun
• night: she vomitted out bistro chicken – a few years ago she also got episode of vomitting out chicken
• tmr will give kakato instead
8.5.20 sat
• 3.51kg – lucky gain back 150g
14.5.20 Thurs
• she vomitted out quite a lot of food
12.6.20 Fri
• she sit in the litterbin even when Peepad is wet – a bit scary
2.7.20 thurs
• celebrate her 4th bday in 猫房
• having flu now – sneezing – don’t see the need for medi yet
6.7.20 mon
• serve young again zero mature kibble – she got eat 🙂
8.7.20 wed
• 3.6kg – gain 90g 🙂
30.7.20 thurs
• saw her wanna vomit
• given a cerenia n b12 jab
6.8.20 Thurs
• don’t like gold d Chx mousse but got eat Gold d chicken in g
• no limping but hind leg had been weak – or ingrowth nails again? – she react violently don’t let me cut
13.8.20 Thurs
• heard her sneezing Cum Coughing
7.9.20 mon
• sure she did vomit for the past period
• given cerenia jab n subcut her b12
8.9.20 Tues
• she is my cute lap cat as usual
9.9.20 wed
• 3.43kg – drop 170gb
12.9.20 sat
• tmr bringing socks to let dr d check for her latest health status, information given to dr d:
Cat 03
Socks Wu (tabby white, female, supposed to be 16 years old now, fiv negative but felv positive)
* She is a cat I know on 5.6.16. I help to medicate her and she return to her neighbourhood At 3.9kg, looking good
* Within 3 days outdoor, she almost die in drain – temp 40.3 degree and I bring her back to my place n she became mine – so she kind of got chronic flu issue since then
* 14.6.16 very Low red count 17% > given EPO N mild constipation w inappetite issue
* After recovering again in my place since 2016, had given her b12 and histamil jabs and nutriplus gel as n when
* Got flu every now n then n start vibravet paste which will solve the issue
* 27.11.16 4.58kg
* 8.12.16 / 2017 got more vomit episodes- but that time taken HG, CDP everything full bloodtest including pancreatic test all ok.
* 23.5.17 4.935kg – gradual good weight progress
* 27.6.17 5kg
* 17.12.17 4.88kg
* 2018 she still got flu issue
* 28.5.18 4.675kg
* 9.7.18 4.915kg
* 24.8.18 5.00kg
* 2019 still got sneezing issue
* 3.2.19 4.66kg
* 22.3.19 4.49kg
* 13.6.19 4.35kg
* I make a remark on 4.7.19 “ just a general comment for her for past months – she definitely is getting old – getting weaker in hind leg.“ – but May b ingrowth nails which I keep helping her to cut but it grow quite fast and she is in pain again
* 30.1.20 – “saw socks in bin and cry out – just uncomfortable? Something internal wrong? Can’t poo out? She vomit while at it”
* 13.3.20 3.56kg – thinner a lot but I have to accept that she is getting much older but she still got eat
* 13.4.20 3.36kg – Cos totoro polish her food
* 8.7.20 3.6kg
* 9.9.20 3.43kg
* Above is the detailed of how her weight went up when staying w me, but fr 2019 onwards weight had been dropping but behaviour n etc didn’t seem any issue other than kuning, Xiao lao Hu, Ruselle etc etc felv one by one pass away – I attribute that to her grieve that her friends pass away + she is getting older
* What to be done tmr: check what u deem fit + nails cutting
13.9.20 sun dr d
* 3.48kg
* Mouth bad – painful
* Both side got redness
* There r ulceration under the right tongue – so all r pain pain
* Upper right mouth got saliva coated w tar tar – wa all mouth issue siak
* Dr d heard her sneezing sound
* Liver feel ok
* Bladder small but ok
* Kidney a little small so taking urine as well, doing full bloods so might as well do sdma also
* Noted her gradual huge loss in weight (so might be mouth!)
* There is a old scar on her right third eyelid
* Nails Super Long, almost ingrowth so confirm cutting – nails cutting done
* Heart sound ok
* Chem10 is out – she started old age kidney dysfunction – sdma 21, crea 188 urea 12.2 didn’t show Cos of her losingg ff weight that’s y sdma more accurate plus dr d alr felt her kidney is smaller. Somemore urine sg 1.020 diluted, urine got few cocci.
* K 4.1, alt 57, alb 29, glob 80
* Hct 28%, so Review in 1 month to see if I need to start darbepoetin for her alr
* Wbc 17.72, neu 14.27 – mouth, Kidney, pain.
* To start her on Marbo 0.35ml (Low dose) for her kidney and mouth – n see how for 2 weeks
* Take weight in 2 weeks time (27.9.20) see ab / fluid helping or not
* give 50-70ml fluid daily
• night: subcut w Marbo
15.9.20 Tues
• did drink more water than usual n more often
18.9.20 fri
• afternoon: saw her w a ball
27.9.20 sun
• 3.52kg – gain 40g
• so should continue Marbo or stop – got to Ask dr d- “Socks can stop marbo, continue sc fluids but then recheck pcv in 2 wks”
4.10.20 sun
Socks looks going to be sick again. Flu or anemic? Need to check soon. W 3.59kg – gain 70g
11.10.20 sun
* 3.71kg – gain 120g
* Sneezing – a little block
• tmr checking pcv
12.10.20 mon
* socks 3.65kg at Hs (minus out carrier weight)
* Taken pcv – 33% 🙂
22.10.20 thurs
• is her potassium Low? Hind is flatten
• subcut her today w b12 too
25.10.20 sun
* poo 5/10
7.11.20 sat
* new food for kidney came – going to give see how
30.11.20 mon
* night: vomit out some food
6.12.20 sun
* Night; 3.57kg – drop 30g
18.12.20 fri
* think she had been vomitting out kibble these few days
* Up keep her Subcut n b12 n nutriplus gel
22.12.20 tues
* night: got want to vomit sign – cerenia given
26.12.20 sat
* go in bin quite long
* Keep coughing can’t cough out look / nose issue? Breathing got issue
29.12.20 tues
* 10am: today look better – more Vocal
* Night: like dd pure sea bream
07 Jan 2019
7.1.19 mon
• socks realise I put in new blanket – da jiejie gave one – snoopy blanket
• today I nubulise her
10.1.19 thurs
• still got sneezing
• more of jealous of Lyon Cos he is critical n I’m helping him – sigh!
• still my cute lap cat socks
20.1.19 sun
• sneezing again, later got to give her a histamine and b12 jab
• night: histamine and b12 jab given
29.1.19 tues
• 1230am: Lyon not doing fine, I’m struggling to rush him to VES or not… v hard to decide unlike for jingle … think the stress mode is there n socks become stress n panic – she vomited quite a lot of fluid w some chicken shred
3.2.19 sun
• Socks 4.66kg – Drop 25g
• she got sneeze today
22.3.19 fri
• 4.49kg – lost 170g 😞
29.4.19 mon
• she is not feeling well- flu – given her a 0.5ml b12 jab first
• tmr give her more stuff
30.4.19 tues
• afternoon: she is puffing
• night: given a 0.35ml histamil jab
• tmr see how if she need to start ab
• her eyes teary I wipe for her
1.5.19 wed
• morning: she got walk to food, Duno got eat or not
• night; don’t seem ok – started her on vibravet
3.5.19 Fri
• continue vibravet paste – not ok yet. Nubulize her tonight – plain
4.5.19 sat
• she looks better today 🙂
15.5.19 wed
• can’t gauge what’s wrong, but I know she starting to get sick again day 01
13.6.19 thurs
• 4.35kg – lose 140g
• occasionally sneezing
4.7.19 thurs
• just a general comment for her for past months – she definitely is getting old – getting weaker in leg. Still my lap cat. But don’t like to be sayang too Long
20.7.19 sat
• this period had start the felv cats frequently on nutriplus gel
• today given socks histamil and b12 jab
• still my Lappy girl
4.9.19 wed
• Think v thirsty, drink water after I TOP up fountain and she vomit out some food w water
• her flu starting again
5.9.19 Thurs
• given her a histamil and b12 jab
26.9.19 Thurs
• few days ago cut her ingrowth nail on her left 2nd front leg
• trim all nails
• sianz sianz again but lucky still my lap cat
27.9.19 fri
• given her histamil, b12 n nutriplus gel
2.10.19 wed
• when call, don’t come to me de
5.10.19 sat
• her hind seem to be flatten – potassium Low?
• but I’m minimising all the felv+ vet visits
14.11.19 thurs
• only can suspect is socks who vomit out lots of food – a lot
• given histamil jab, b12 and subcut
02 Jul 2018
2.7.18 mon
• celebrated her bday, sit down w her n sayang w her – she don’t seem to like lamb smell
9.7.18 mon
• 4.915kg – gain 190g 🙂
11.7.18 wed
• started her w b12 w fluid jab dose 01
24.8.18 Friday
• 5.00kg – gain 85g 🙂
22.12.18 sat
• 4.685kg – drop by 315g (fr august18)
• few days ago given her a Histamil jab – her old flu is coming back again
24.12.18 mon
• midnight; she is sneezing – flu? Got to give her histamil tmr
04 Jan 2018
4.1.18 Thursday
• everyone sad mood in 猫房二号 cos 小老虎 not well, socks vomit out some bistro chicken and kibble
11.1.18 Thurs
• insist on squeezing in w 小老虎 in a tiny bed … she didn’t bully her today, think she knows little tiger v v v uncomfortable
9.2.18 Friday
• her fur still feel good
• but her left thigh does show sigh of reduced fur. All the other Felv cats all got fur loss and seem to be mites infected
3.4.18 Tuesday
• day 3 socks having flu, yesterday sneeze 2 big time
• checked on her physically n sayang her lots
• open window for her
12.5.18 sat
• keep coughing bits
• hair ball? But she don’t eat grass
• think tmr give her nutriplus gel
19.5.18 sat
• 1030pm; vomit some food out it there after still can eat
28.5.18 mon
• 4.675kg – drop 205g
• didn’t sneeze, just feed her some nutriplus gel to boost her immune system
18.6.18 mon
• 4.725kg – gain 50g 🙂
01 Oct 2017
1.10.17 Sunday
• early morning: socks got the sick look, lucky she is still eating on her own
• right eye didn’t look fine
• got to rush for classes- got to give her a histamil and b12 Jab. Not sure to start on vibravet or not
2.10.17 Monday
• scale 7.5/10
• histamil and b12 jabs given
• still eating well
• nubulize her
• sayang her n she feel hot
• 38.4degree
• morning i call her name to make sure she is ok n she run out meowing – so feel safe
3.10.17 Tuesday
• today she looks better
• vibravet paste day 02
13.10.17 Friday
• sit on my lap
• keep sneezing
• raise aircon to 27degree
• vibravet paste day 1
26.11.17 Sunday
• given her a histamil and b12 jab also
• she seem much better than jingles
17.12.17 Sunday
• 4.88kg – drop 120g
26.12.17 Tuesday
* Socks recently keep getting angry – she don’t like to eat w them in a file.
05 Jul 2017
5.7.17 Wednesday
• vomited 2 days ago, very sorry to forgot her bday celebration
6.7.17 Thursday
• thinking of tmr giving her a belated bday celebration
• today gave her a new cat nip small pillow
• didn’t eat jiejie fish
• sit on 姐姐 leg for sayang
12.7.17 Wednesday
• my lap cat – sayang her while she come n sit on me when we r waiting for kuning to be nubulize
• she takes care of kuning for the night
13.7.17 Thursday
• had been sayanging her for the past few days … today celebrate her BELLLLLAAAATTTTED bday cos she knows how many cats r in critical conditions this period
• found a catnip squirrel given to me by Naomi and crystal upon their graduation, gave to socks as her bday present
15.7.17 Saturday
• Like to play w me
16.7.17 Sunday
• clever girl- busy grooming herself in the spa machine – but somehow bulling kuning who don’t move inside …. she either kick her or put her leg on kuning to groom herself
19.7.17 Wednesday
• not v keen on food today – sleepy
13.8.17 Sunday
• jiejie help me fed them – she don’t eat
• I back at 12+ feed again – she don’t eat
17.8.17 Thursday
• eating lesser but still very sticky to me when I’m printing stuff …
• lie down w her on the floor n play n I sayang her lots
18.8.17 Friday
• today can feel ruselle from socks
• she is close to me, will stay near me to do stuff
31.8.17 Thursday
• Duno she likes wysong fundamental or uretic, ever since I serve them the mixed kibbles (RC indoor + skin n hair + wysong both) she fed kibbles
• still my Xiao lappy socks
1.9.17 Friday
• her room is still aircon on, I turn the fan to mode 1
• seem to be slightly cold
7.9.17 Thursday
• for a period was worried about her food intake, but did see that she ate kibble today fr the fresh bowl
15.9.17 Friday
• let her smell fc ocean fish – she vomited out kibble – Wa she really don’t like seafood
19.7.17 Tuesday
• ate daily delight jelly purple and kibble
20.9.17 Wednesday
• go into her room, the other 3 bz eating, socks only want to sit on my lap after I clean up their room.
25.9.17 Monday
• given her a light pink reddingo collar w her name tag
• Duno she jealous or what she keep whacking 小老虎
01 Apr 2017
1.4.17 Saturday
• 4.845kg
4.4.17 Tuesday
• morning: she didn’t seem quite ok – but physical check she is fine – think she is just unhappy – let her free roam today
• night: Kerry mummy bday food – didn’t eat – what happen? What happen?!!!
6.4.17 Thursday
• worried about her, lucky she still sit on my lap while I give her my hand to bite.
• temp check 38.9
20.4.17 Thursday
• given Korean sajo cat tuna w white meat – she got eat
24.4.17 Monday
• given her monge delicate chicken first – she vomited
• serve her sajo cat food and bistro chicken – both she ate without problem
27.4.17 Thursday
• junran wanna visit the cats when 大姐姐 private student wanna visit kuning they all, think this pic he is sayanging ah sock 🙂
1.5.17 Monday
• brought one new brown bed back to 猫房二号 for tiger, place one side and it’s occupied by socks, end up i gave one more New purple bed to tiger
17.5.17 Wednesday
• think socks know boy boy is gone, cos she went visiting him yesterday …
• today see socks fat fat and good
• getting clever know when I want her to be back to her room – she watched me steam the floor
23.5.17 Tuesday
• 4.935kg
4.6.17 Sunday
• vomited this morning
• think can only give her bistro chicken safer
6.6.17 Tuesday
• bathe her
• feel that she is having flu?
• poor appetite
7.6.17 Wednesday
• not eating
• fed her nutriplus gel
8.6.17 Thursday
• morning: not eating
• given her a 0.3ml histamil n 0.4ml b12 jab
• night: got eat 🙂
13.6.17 Tuesday
• got eat but vomit several times
22.6.17 Thursday
• jealous and beat kuning up
25.6.17 Sunday
• appetite coming back – good to give her nutriplus gel
27.6.17 Tuesday
• 5kg
08 Jan 2017
8.1.17 Sunday
• 4.555kg
10.1.17 Tuesday
• still a lap cat. Will walk over to sit on my lap whenever I sit on the floor
25.1.17 Wednesday
• not happy that I bathe her
• don’t like to be brush
27.1.17 Friday 除夕
• given her 压岁钱
• she went w me to give 猫房三号 cats Angbao n hope she isn’t unhappy seeing ruselle and Emma in urn form
15.2.17 Wednesday
• 4.74kg
23.2.17 Thursday
• don’t seem v keen on food
24.2.17 Friday
• eat as normal
25.2.17 Saturday
• new comer jingles come into 猫房二号 – socks is the first to check out this New boy
2.3.17 thursday
• checking on fat boy – brave girl
• think she is Not v happy that I didn’t sit down w her for sayang session
5.3.17 Sunday
• I know she is unhappy.
• got to find time just to sit down w her …
6.3.17 Monday
• worried for socks, duno how she is taking it – she seen how fat boy vomitted blood and pass on. she is worried for fat boy when I rush him to vet.
05 Aug 2016
5.8.16 Thursday
• aiyo Duno she pee or tiger pee on her fav bed > throw
27.8.16 Saturday
• gave her a new bed – she v happy
12.9.16 Monday
• loves eating Fc kibble – keep forgetting to bring back from 猫房 to TOP up for her
15.9.16 Thursday
• loves the steam chicken by 大姐姐 but think the rest got stolen by tiger
• flu started
• don’t allow subcut
• recently drink lots of water but in line w eating lots of kibbles
17.9.16 Saturday
• b12 jab given again- flu seem better
19.9.16 Monday
• clean eye for her
• now she will Lie beside me Accompanying Emma n kuning for subcut
26.9.16 Monday
• a kibble lover
• given her b12 and histamil jabs
5.10.16 Wednesday
• Super sticky to me
• really like Ruselle – accompany me to photocopying stuff
14.10.16 Friday
• cut nail, dig ears, bathe
• we fight Loh but eventually become bff again
23.10.16 Sunday
• today seem better than yesterday
• yesterday totally hide dun want me to jab her
• but flu season start? Sigh. Tmr onwards need to jab her more till flu fully clear
• today syringe feed her 12ml honest kitchen prowl – she seem to be ok – maybe she wanna Nutrigel plus
28.10.16 Friday
• flu seem better, will continue histamil
• ok to stay w tiger and don’t open door as frequent as last time w tiger w her
• going to merge them to stay w 小老虎 – thinking which cat tree to throw
27.11.16 Sunday
• 4.58kg
29.11.16 Tuesday
• emotional due to 小老虎 opening up? = less sayang for her? She is one who likes me settling down for her n sayang her play hit butt butt w her n let her bite
• vomit out food but she is eating ok
• time for check up soon
6.12.16 Tuesday
• think she is not that ok, didn’t eat as well compare to past weeks
8.12.16 Thursday
• vomit out chicken
• wanna cry: taken HG, CDP everything full bloodtest including pancreatic test all ok.
• no injection no medication – to observe
• got to deworm her
28.12.16 Wednesday
• simply allergy to wet food? cos nothing found from all the bloodtests n physical check at vet
• given her a cerenia jab but she jump so only half jab
• 4.685kg
05 Jun 2016
Entry: 5.6.16 Sunday for Medicating
8.6.16 Wednesday
• leaving Tmr :,(
• manja cat who fight w me on day 1 but today we hug hug n she sits on my lap n tell me to sayang
I can belly rub her too
• eating both kibble n can food (4 cans per day)
• not success in subcutting her (NACL Low)
• deflea
Update: 9.6.16 Thursday
• 3.9kg
• left 猫房二号
Took her in again on Sunday midnight 2am aka 13.6.16 Monday
• very bad conditions
• 1254Am 40.3 degree
> drink water, clean her up and clean nose – very blocked nose
> pump her w nutriplus gel
> Fan oscillating to cool her down n the vinyl floor is cool
• 1020am 40.1 degree
> jab b12
> clean up her body
> Not eating at all
• 1143 40.2 degree
• 215pm 39.8 degree
> subcut w fluid – successful
> Gave her lots of nutriplus gel
> Syringe fed urgent care AD
> Pop a vitamin pill into her
> Fed her n let her drink water w lysine
> jab b12
• 510pm 40 degree
• 555pm looks bad
• 613pm given her cooling bag
• 715pm
> given 1/4 flu medi
14.6.16 Tuesday
• 948am 39.8 degree
> spent the night in Ruselle room
> pee in Emma food boxes – all throw
• 117pm 40.2 degree
• 230pm from vet
> very Low red count
> given EPO
> Low alt alp – worrying
> Low potassium n NACL too
> will continue subcut w bcomplex
> still not eating
• 9pm 39.3 degree
> pee on Ruselle bed n floor – throw
> given another course of vibrapaste
> 1/2 flu medi
15.6.16 Wednesday
• 147pm 38.6 degree
• ks given b12 jab, b12 oral, nutriplus gel other than medications
• subcut unsuccessful :- good news can fight back Alr
16.6.16 Thursday:
• temp vary a bit scary:- hopefully is I didn’t poke into the butt hole properly ~
• still not eating
• at least 4th day: not pooing
18.6.16 Saturday
• 6th day already didn’t poo?
• taken pumpkin
22.6.16 Wednesday
• improve red blood to 26%
• 3.8kg fr last vet visit 3.6kg
• mild constipation w enema given
28.6.16 Tuesday
• poo today
• appetite is not regained to the day I first know her
• seem to be caterwauling
1.7.16 Friday
• HG rbc 17%
• EPO 1/5
• 3.9kg
2.7.16 Saturday
• officially 猫房二号 cat
3.7.16 Sunday
• EPO 2/5
4.7.16 Monday
• bathe w grooming tab
6.7.16 Wednesday
• EPO 3/5
9.7.16 Saturday
• EPO 4/5
11.7.16 Monday
• EPO 5/5
• book appt w vet but think she needs review b4 the booked appt, but meow meow hospi in clinic- schedule sigh have to plan well.
• meow loudly n a lot
13.7.16 Wednesday
• tried subcut her, fierce Loh- not successful again