Off to the Rainbow Bridge
FIV positive, Anemic
(5.38kg 3.1.21, 24% 12.1, 5.29kg, RBC 4.78, HCT 25.5%, WBC NEU Low 26.1, 5.29kg, RBC 4.78, HCT 25.5%, WBC NEU Low 26.1)
(4.47kg Rbc 3.53, HCT 20.2, Mcv 57.2, mch 18.1, Neu 1.82, wbc 3.96, suspect band, Plt 34, Crea 166, urea 8.5, sdma 18, Glob 55, Alb 26, alt 90, K 4.9 23.3.21)
(Pcv 21%, Tp 7.2, Temp 38.1, sneeze 8 times, left side pain no findings, Glu 5.63, Crea 155, urea 15.4, glob 57, alt 95, alb 25, k 4.7, 4.24kg, HCT 18.7% only, rbc 3.12, NEU 1.59, eos 0.03, plt 47, no internal blood parasites, Saline agg +, imha +, a bit of fatty liver, Kidneys still symmetrical 1.4.21)
(4.48kg, Lung n heart sound clear, dehydrate,
Rbc 2.96, HCT 18.0%, Plt 18, retic 34, Pcv 16%, tp 6.2, Gum pale, Temp 37.6 6.4.21)
(4.16kg b4 subcut, liver / spleen got issue – swollen, 4.34kg, Temp 38.6, Rbc 3.53, hct 20.9, retic 41.7, wbc 3.61, NEU 1.26, eos 0.03, plt 32. Glu 134, Crea 1.6, bun 32, phos 4.5, ca 7.8, tp 7.8, alb 2.8, glob 5.1, tbil 0.4, k 3.8, na 161, cl 121, Alt – 210 15.4)
(Bath n revo p 16.4)
A cat who might die on xmas due to severe flu. I managed to find him past mid night n he went dental surgery, post surgery 猫房 treatment and somehow he got his pr in 猫房. No more teeth can’t be released to the hood already.
20 May 2021
11Am: clear his cage, let him out to roam, v weak le. Can still walk – walk to bottom of cage to hide. Subcut done. Today both eyes coated w yellow stuff. There is blood in the bistro chicken – but think it’s the same issue I have w this food last time. Got poo v little.
240pm: he is sitting ard princess sweetheart, nearby the cage, but outside expose. The area he went in just now – floor got blood stains, think he is discharging some bloods
427pm: tiger sit in front of room c, floor got blood, I give him a new bed, I carry him up to bed in case he want to rest n can sleep, he don’t want he walk out n walk over Sheba n land on floor – Sheba didn’t get angry w him, Sheba got 灵性 – she understand. tiger c resting in room c – even Kitty just peep at him from inside the radio.
Did have some breathing difficulty alr.
519pm; breathing faster, got the feel, but hopefully will be a peaceful comfy one – agnes not sure will be on time to see him or not, may not b tonight
It’s not anemic it’s not kidney (all settled) it’s the body shutting down due to Fiv+? Final? Old? Super Final stage?
529pm: breathing slower, peaceful, I lifted his head to let him rest his head on a new pillow, the body let him happy – he choose the floor tilt let him be
6pm: agnes visit him.
649pm: he is still around, got change position of sleeping
Just now I informed dr ym, thought ivf might boost back his bp, n the cycle continue, agnes think that this is no point, I’m thinking of the pain he need to endure every 3 days change iv n the fact I know he won’t recover so I let him happy. He can still walk n change position let him be.
Between 7-959pm he passed on, enter his room at 959pm after I get ready night round stuff, he alr hardened. prep his funeral. shop didn’t sell flowers, tmr morning then go buy nice flowers for him.
19 May 2021
9Am: face didn’t look worsen, today blood pee seem more blood. Dr ym only avail at 8pm tmr.
1025am; clear his peepad, got pee, one drop of blood im sure from pee
925pm: he just look bad, should I just let him out of o2 tmr to walk about rather than die in a cage?
Got 2 small patch of bloods again. I think really ending alr. His right eye got stuck together cos of eye dirt, clean up for him.
Told him sleep one more night overnight, Tmr will let him go to roam.
17 May 2021
11am: not much changes.
Got pee
Night: syringe fed him 30ml ad
Tiger head 18.5.21 tues
10am: not much changes. Everyday is the standard routine, o2 nubulizing w gentamicin, Subcut, syringe fed the bare minimum, kidney gold.
Got pee but today got vomit out the ad I fed him last night, (maybe 40% of it)
Poo v small like 5mm thickness and 8cm long 2.5/10 still look formed
Night: got pee on Peepad. Paper plate got blood, think is from urine.
Totally not keen on food at all, without weighing he becoming bone
16 May 2021
10am: look better as in expression, nose better breathing cos sleeping in o2 chamber
Got pee got poo (ard 6cm) 4/10
Didn’t seem to touch anything – including water
1am: lucky I let him sleep o2, today horrible bz day to prepare for centre closure cos cb2.1, didn’t get to syringe fed him, he don’t eat at all. Got pee. At least got fresh air.
15 May 2021
14 May 2021
10am: survived, sleeping on deck 1 of cactus
Nicole ask me how he is after off iv, I would not say he got worse, just still bad. If anything I would say is the lack of o2 support cos I want him to have freedom walk about.
Subcut in the morning too, to keep system going. Fur further drop, I wanna lion cut him to let him feel refresh n good but the rate his fur falling plus grooming slot not available yet, i Duno he get to have lion cut or not.
Ask groomer hani can have special slot for him or not – she can but -cb don’t want call cb- news announced so that grooming is almost 0%.
11pm: syringe fed him 35ml of ad.
13 May 2021
950am: looks like he is sleeping when I enter, but when I touch him he didn’t move a bit- scare me. Looks weak. Left eye stick shut w those eye dirt, I clean up both eyes. Sayang him.
Later he did walk out n sit on tiles.
135pm: resting on cactus tree condo level 1
Night: syringe fed him 30ml of ad
Tmr will give him twice a day subcut – think he too dry and also b12 bcom more frequently
12 May 2021
11 May 2021
240am: his iv stop, should be stop ard 15 mins
Flush n etc all still clog leh – found out it’s the white stopper thing – somehow he push it tighten the tube. Anyway more firm tmr just take out out n that’s it. Happy tiger head to roam about to laze ard. Just Subcut daily like how Maxine overcome last time. Only thing that will ruin this plan is his sdma still freaking high (>24 n more). Maybe 28 I still stick to off-iv-give him freedom plan, maybe >30 then really can’t.
Change Ice pack for him
9Am: got pee no poo
1010am: see dr ym – take everything, plan is to stop iv (told dr ym mainly is the no life part( unless sdma still v bad), told her about the one off vomit, take Chem10 w phos instead of kidney profile cos wanna see his liver status also.
Dr ym; “losing more fur on his head” – today we did nothing in consult, straight away Go to the back to take bloods
For curiosity purpose want to know if his iv cath can still keep or not – no answer on this
3.25kg – drop 10% see how first
Bloodworks relatively not bad – so off iv and see how – tiger head fought so well Liao
Rbc 6.02, HCT 28.8%, plt 105. Steady go up and stable – target 2 weeks later is 30%
Retic 16.3
Wbc 5.63, dr don’t feel that tiger needs Marbo – stop, she wanna stop Clav too, but she say play safe maybe give 5 more days
Sdma 25, crea 99, urea 6.9 (might be false Low), phos 2.01, tp 72, alb 24, alt 69, k 4.1 – can still continue one vial of kcl in bag (Subcut continue as my plan like Maxine)
Taken Pcv n tp but result not given to me:
Pcv 32%
TP 6.4 g/dL
Dr ym says his legs wound look healing – but slowly.
1140am: damn stress on cab, he pee n I sense it I quickly shifted his bag so all pee onto my clothes
Reached 猫房 and release him to walk out see where he wanna settle down at
1pm: tiger head sleepin in the tv when I wanna bring in a new radio for him
7pm: serve snack – tiger head sleep in the radio 🙂
Serve bistro chicken he didn’t eat
930pm: he did seem interested when I serve tuna w white fish w bistro chicken – but didn’t eat
10 May 2021
09 May 2021
Did pee regularly today.
My mindset of getting him off iv is stronger.
He didn’t eating, think I wanna let him roam and happy. My basic criteria is next bloodwork crea sdma must be reasonably ok (ok nad range is fine, maybe sdma 22 -24 is still ok. That day sdma 50 of cos need to be on iv)
Checked his legs – don’t think this iv cath got issue but yap above plan is to let him be happy
08 May 2021
8am: syringe fed him w 25ml ad
No pee surprisingly
Apply stimulant gel on ear
11am; his drip line ended I at work no choice shut off without fluid for 6+h
640pm: Kiss him he is a little weird
No pee at all? Weird
Reset new bag w kcl – this bag till end on: mon 350pm.
Didn’t eat
1040pm: checked on tiger – first instant – lucky got pee, but yet water bowl like lots of water disappear? Maybe more water spilled? But I think got pee la.
Didn’t eat.
Serve bistro chicken – he looks excited 🙂 got eat 🙂 – it’s the food, not appetite gel working
Later I will do night round n give him fish fr agnes “ Bring fish over for Tiger head ,no scelar today, bought another type fish very small size , so meat not much . Aunty say Malay new year no one go fishing”
1145pm; serve fish – not keen
07 May 2021
07 May 2021
850am: overnight w/o o2, seem ok, but didn’t eat breakfast
The hole on right leg still look like got pus coming out
9pm: fr Ip, didn’t eat, got poo 5/10
1030pm; syringe fed 15ml aixia
Think his right hole leg infected, he did feel a little hot and he is v frustrated
Shifted him back to o2 chamber – think got to check his kidney alr, if ok ok I think i off his iv, let him happy le. Like this really no life.
First time in so long he vomited out the pathetic amount of aixia.
06 May 2021
1020am: pee every time I clear cage, no poo
More raw spots on neck :,(
Serve food – did give attention but didn’t eat
Syringe feed 12ml aixia oldie
Dr ym see a quick check on his right leg, look healing
Iv cath is good, just rebandage
He still look alert
Reached home w new fluid w kcl – this bag will last till sat 1050am
Since home, i let him walk about while I clear bins and clean up the cage to shift him to non o2 chamber 01. He walk a bit n jump back to his o2 chamber cage – w difficulty – almost fall.
Fr 1pm onwards, stay in cage, no o2 no cooling pack.
945pm: no pee. looks scary (eyes both cloudy) – I clean up, lucky is clear, eye mucus clean off.
Serve tuna w white fish- sayang but didn’t really eat, sayang many times and he start to eat a bit 🙂
Restart back immuno liquid, up the kidney gold to his weight 0.18ml. nothing significant change to treatment.
05 May 2021
04 May 2021
Morning: no poo, got pee
Got eat kibble cos I got to top up
Wet food though got eat, is bare minimum
Serve tuna w white fish w gold d senior –
Got eat
240pm: 3.59kg – gain 100g
Skin pealing off Like Lyon, No absorption of nutrient
Temp 38.7 though feel warm
Kidneys still symmetrical – show dr ym the new kidney gold I give
ulcer still there, looks slightly better
Nose still got the sound
Dr ym says she mainly concerned w the pcv, so we see how first – that is top concern to be holding
Got bladder
He is still super hydrate despite 12ml/h iv
Pcv 25%, tp 7.0, continue treatment plan 12ml/h iv w same ab
His right front leg – nurse alison help to clean his leg – whole front leg (should be cage sore) and even got pus, she clean up and put w banocin and bandage up – I have to monitor and clean up for him
New iv cath on left side, she bandage w more soft ban and wrap loosely
Today urine analysis – pink slightly cloudy cos got blood 3+ – so is UTI Liao. Dr ym says she will grow the culture and then send out, so no change to ab for now. Pee sg 1.006 dilute and ph 7.0 not acidic. Pro 2+, ket negative, bil negative. Rbc >100/hpf, cocci few, crystal negative
Crea 159, urea 13.2, didn’t do sdma today. Phos 1.83, na 163 cl 115 normalise,
K 2.8 (need to add 1 vial to Subcut)
Rbc 5.02, HCT 25.5%, retic 13.1, plt 55
Saline agg test still positive
Come back 猫房 – carrier got 8cm poo 5/10 – look alert
start him on drip w kcl
Night: didn’t look that fine, but keep drinking water. Didn’t eat further
Given immune liquid and kidney gold – Tmr will
Up the dose to normal dose
03 May 2021
740am: got pee no poo, kibble bowl soak w pee – all throw n change new set.
serve tuna w white fish – got eat 🙂
Night: got pee again, almost want to log that he didn’t look that good
Serve tuna w salmon w ff – wa he eat happily
02 May 2021
730am: today plate got some diluted red liquid, I do think he did have some blood discharge. Not iv cath im sure I check alr
Syringe aixia 5ml only told him I super late for class, he eat a bit of tuna w salmon for me – good boy
8pm: got ard 8cm 5/10 formed poo
Didn’t look better but I’m happy he is alive – always means got hope
Syringe fed him 10ml aixia
830pm: got pee, clear cage as usual
Serve tuna w white fish – handsome eat for me again! 🙂 eat more this round 🙂
01 May 2021
8am: got pee no poo
I’ll say no food intake
Serve tuna w white fish – didn’t eat. I got to rush to work.
Drip stable at 12ml/h
Night: got pee, no poo, no eat.
Dehydration aren’t great so didn’t drop down to 9ml/h. See first.
30 Apr 2021
502am he poo (4cm amount) 1/10 poo into water bowl
Look weaker
Got pee, normal
I clear and change ice pack for him
When serve new bowl of water, he got get up to drink
1020am: got pee, look weak, tired. Nubulize. Didn’t eat
1050am otw to vet w tiger head, check his old record whether got convenia jab – don’t have leh.
His iv cath got blood – so not sure can tong till tues or need to change
Drip: 310/550 left 240ml
Pcv 28% 🙂 – informed dr ym
As expected, iv cath is fine, but extension cos got blood so Jennifer change and rebandage
Dr ym; “Maybe can increase fluid rate a little bit. Since the PCv is holding. Lets try to go to 12ml/hr for the day and see how he does”
1050pm: I’m quite happy cos he is sitting up
Tonight started half dose of the kidney gold – 0.08ml
Got pee no poo
Today I didn’t syringe fed him
Set up new drip bag, blood backward into extension line, manage to flush the blood back, no clogging. This bag end sunday 8.50pm.
He pee onto supper food(clear the plate, not sure is the pee w little blood or the food colour), so if he do eat later on will only be supper.
29 Apr 2021
610am: got pee, clear for him, his head also stain w pee n he shake his head – pee quite a lot, colour slight darker yellow
Change cool pack for him
Will maintain drip rate at 9ml/h – only first 33h is at 13ml/h. This bag will end on sat 1230pm+, so got to change b4 I go work.
6pm: fed him 10ml of aixia oldie – v hard to feed him so only feed bare minimum w 1ml syringe – v frustrated but good news is he will still groom his face
845pm: got pee (ok), syringe fed 10ml aixia oldie
Tonight started w Clav jab too
940pm syringe fed him some more n he keeps struggle n backward into my hug n I just talk to him – he like me to remind him he is 巫老虎头 。… – n he eat when I serve him supper round – tuna w white fish. Each meal knowing her don’t even touch or smell food I still serve, finally this meal he eat! 🙂
1127pm; iv stop cos jam. Realign the tube – flush his iv cath ok leh (211/550)
28 Apr 2021
10am: no poo, or got a bit? Stick to mesh food plate
Pee – did look scary yellow
not eating
Sayang him.
Night: still looking bad, didn’t syringe feed him, he didn’t eat.
Got pee (didn’t look like the scary yellow in the morning)
Night: change a new fluid bag for him, readjust the iv line, there is blood flow out of iv cath. Friday must check pcv minimum.
9ml/h drip rate
27 Apr 2021
Pee n poo in the cab. 2cm formed 5/10.
3.49kg – drop 470g
Didn’t intent to come clinic one. Then initially plan to take cbc only to see status but end up see dr ym. I run out of ways to help him alr – his body looks bad, his fur dropping due to no nutrients absorbed.
Eyes got those dirt discharge (though that’s not the worse I had seen – but this round is due to kidney anemic reason)
I sum up the last 5 days changes
Today new thing, at least 5 times that tiger head got some choke/ cough sound which we think of gummy. Body immune so down that new things starting. She press his throat area got reaction also. – o tube is a BIG NO.
So we decide if the red blood stabilise, we try iv. Cos that’s something havent try this round.
Heart n lung still sound clear, nose congested again (all due to immune system)
Temp 39.1 but he felt HOT (w some soft discharge on the thermometer)
Rbc 5.14, HCT 26.6%, Pcv 26%, tp 18 – dehydrate, so should be lower but rather stable – so we go ahead w iv (day time 13ml/h, night 9ml/h) – hopefully hydration help him correct something
Retic10.8, suspect band got infection, alr on Marbo. If I want, can add on Clav one more broad spectrum ab to help him (kiv)
Crea 170 – false Low didn’t eat much, urea 23.7, sdma 50, nacl high, k 4.6, phos 2.57 – I start renal pouch blend for him first no point give phos binder he didn’t eat.
Dr ym ask about a send out blood smear for specialist to see – reject
Dr ym mention famciclovir- reminded her the issue is tiger not happy w oral med so this is out
Sat is ph, so I can’t even send tiger in for childcare, Make more sense i Friday send in for cath change.
230pm otw back, pee in cab again
back in 猫房, in o2 chamber, nubulize, start iv at 13ml/h, w cool pack.
Smell kibble n drink water.
Didn’t eat
449pm: iv smooth so far.
Night; syringe fed him 30ml of renal pouch – difficult- scold him n yet I know he know la – I’m at worried mode for him.
Darbepoetin given Subcut. b12 b com Marbo given iv. Next such jabs will give subcut. Marbo also.
Put 2 big ice packs for him overnight
25 Apr 2021
Today no poo
Did pee. Not significantly yellow
Night: his physical looks bad
Today whole day I syringe fed him thrice x 30ml – difficult v difficult.
Night: let him out to roam – he go to water bowl to drink water
He did smell dd pure salmon but didn’t eat
7pm: he is changing different position in q room. Tmr I bringing him to vet for status check.
24 Apr 2021
745am: happy that I saw him eat kibble on his own when I enter
Got pee, no poo
Serve tuna w smoked fish w ciao treat – didn’t eat
Face v sharp – sigh
Night; didn’t eat at all
Got poo – 1/10 – cos of Marbo?
He looks bad as in having more bald spots, totally like lyon like that, keep losing fur – Lyon eat a lot, but tiger head not eating. Think tmr onwards I got to go back syringe feed him ad.
Very frustrated night. I know I siao tonight Liao mean I’m feeling negative :,(
Selar also not keen at all ;,(
23 Apr 2021
22 Apr 2021
10am: didn’t pee in water bowl – got pee no poo
1110am: see dr ym n told her about the yellow pee – she mention might be the liver, I thought is the rbc.
Tiger head didn’t turn yellow, he got eat on his own. Fur dropping, no nutrients absorbed
3.96kg – lose weight further – drop 200g in 7 days
To check on kidney n liver, cbc, dr says she will do a quick check on the spleen area again to see first (I mentioned to her that dr Geetha feel the left side also got issue)
I ask her since the date he is tested 16%, how long should she think he will live? She mention about Billie. But overall, if today HCT drop again, will be less than a month.
I ask about the “complete stopping of pred” consequences – the body will be in shock to not have the steroid help and May aggressively produce its own steroid, then the energy will be diverse fr other area to do this new job, tiger will become more sick.
Conclusion; understood can’t stop, but I’ll change to depredil jab 0.25ml starting fr today
But dr ym understand I mean the “tiger head soul” is unhappy things vs the med.
temp 39.0
Mouth looks fine
Hct 26.5%, rbc 5.24, retic 6.3, plt 52 – all in good direction (pred working) – but
Glu 10.57, crea 280, urea 19.7, na 166, sdma 18, phos 2.19. Kidney – Erm just Subcut more frequent then. No need phos binder yet.
From urine drawn, not that yellow, a bit cloudy, sg 1.008, ph 6.0, pro 3+, wbc 15-20/hpf aka got bacteria under microscope- not taking any culture for now, treat w Marbo which will help kidney too. 0.4ml.
On u/s, really nothing significant. Maybe liver a little bigger, kidney a little bigger and there is calcification in the kidney till dr tested for CA too, 2.57 – normal. If it’s high, she say it’s normally seen in cat w leukemia (cat without felv can have leukemia too)
Review in 1-2 weeks b4 the 2nd depredil jab
Tiger head back home to 猫房 – angry w me, want to hide under cage
Night: didn’t eat, pee in water bowl again, change bowl.
Given Subcut w depredil jab n started on Marbo also.
Serve tuna w smoked fish – didn’t eat.
21 Apr 2021
Face look really sharp – thin Liao.
Duno why he pee in water bowl leh. Then how he going to drink water b4 I can change for him?
V sianz of meds
Med round still done tmr see how
Bring whole hospi setup to q room.
6pm: serve tuna w smoked fish – he got eat 🙂
1120pm: pee in water bowl again – quite yellow :,(
I top up his kibble – he got eat.
I serve dd pure salmon – he got eat 🙂
But the yellow pee – Erm tmr see how
20 Apr 2021
9Am; got pee no poo
V not cooperative – really hard to give med
Food all not touched
After morning round of meds. He in o2 chamber nubulize n he did eat kibble
950am he is grooming his face
Now his head area got spots that look like lyon’s – nutrients not absorbed type, not fungal look
1220pm; pee in his own water bowl leh but he want to drink sigh
430pm move to upper deck – off o2
Night: I sayang him lots but he look really sianz
Didn’t eat
19 Apr 2021
930am: got poo 4.5/10 and pee
V frustrated – getting hard to give him meds
Think his mouth n maybe throat area got lesion/ sore fr oral meds?
didn’t finish food as expected
done everything in the morning
Now he push me away for med – I’m w injuries type – so means he really not happy
10pm: somehow feel he look weak? More than 24h in o2 chamber alr – tmr will put him in cage 03 after Sophie left.
18 Apr 2021
6am: on the slide condo again
After feeding him meds (v unhappy w the oral liquid one, gabapentin, immuno, pet tinic) – go n sit at one of the wall box – look really unhappy n sad? Think doing better in cage? But purpose of bringing him to playground is to let him walk, sleep, stretch n etc so to increase quality of life. Maybe today I bring him to nubulize.
Serve 3 flavours food – all not keen, only smell tuna w chicken but also didn’t eat.
Night: hug him out to nubulize him (have to pull him out of box. Turn fierce don’t want to come out w me maybe thought I’ll give him meds again) – decided to let him stay in 02 overnight – tmr after Subcut n feed meds then back to playground maybe at night.
In o2 chamber, serve dd pure salmon – got eat
17 Apr 2021
8am: fed him whole day med since I cut his to once a day, told him everyone waiting for him to eat then we start our breakfast round – he is rather cooperative 🙂
Serve tuna w white fish – got eat 🙂
Oh ya yesterday he as usual Want whack the vacuum uncle
Night: sitting on the big slide condo, got come down drink water, end up I still Subcut him, initially aim is not to “disturb him” more than once per day.
Serve can food – didn’t eat.
Serve selar – got eat 🙂
16 Apr 2021
10am: no poo got pee
Water intake: 50%
Subcut him, w B12 b com, pet tinic. Given darbepoetin. Given immuno liquid fr today onwards.
Given pred 10mg and sam e
Serve food – tuna w white fish – didn’t eat, but he eat kibble
Nubulise w genta in o2 chamber continue
12pm: bath him n go spa machine to be ready to merge into playground
10pm: he look ok merging
Eat a bit of tuna n salmon n start at the kibble buffet belt
15 Apr 2021
630am: poo 3.5/10
Looks super dry up
830am: no new poo or pee
Subcut 100ml, nubulize w genta
Weigh: 4.16kg b4 subcut – drop 470g in 3 days different
Serve tuna w chicken w gold d senior – got lick
1150am: bring him out to see dr Geetha – he looks like he is crying
1240pm: did show her the bloodtests – she say the drop of bloods r most likely due to fiv+, immuno issue
I show her tiger treatment chart – She also ask me why give gabapentin – told her 1 april his left side is pain
dr Geetha think his liver / spleen got issue – swollen but she didn’t want to press hard. Told her dr ym scan alr say no finding. She told me to get a more professional scan
4.34kg – that should be for the fluid
She ask me tiger head ab when she is drawing blood from his front leg, cos if Ab is Low – the absorbing rate of his fluid is slow, his front can’t draw blood cos fluid stuck there
She ask me why didn’t try retromad1? – but also mention she aren’t that used to this drug yet (no conclusion)
Also talk about interferon but also (no conclusion)
Temp 38.6 – but he did felt warm
Overall, she think 10mg pred twice daily is super high, she did tell me to consider the quality of life he gonna have (not Pts type) but more of let him be n leave out his fiv+ life without all these meds or ??!
Taken cbc n chem17.
Rbc 3.53, hct 20.9, retic 41.7, wbc 3.61, NEU 1.26, eos 0.03, plt 32.
Glu 134 (ok, cos she just now got mention the use of such high pred scare later he diabetic or something even more headache)
Crea 1.6, bun 32, phos 4.5, ca 7.8, tp 7.8, alb 2.8, glob 5.1, tbil 0.4, k 3.8, na 161, cl 121
Alt – 210 – sigh need to start sam e – if finish, will switch to zentonil
dr geetha’s take: keep the pred since the bloodworks though aren’t good but in the right direction, but down to 7.5mg x twice daily. I’m back w tiger head late today, so today will be once 10mg first, then tmr start 7.5mg twice but I’m targeting 2nd week back to 5mg x twice see how. Review in 2 weeks
Otw back from vet, tiger poo n pee in cab ah!! Poo 2.5/10 w peanut crush, Erm …
but once I put him in cage, he started eating kibble – like how tiger Mao eat! His mouth lesion now look bigger, think need to clean up w f10 too
620pm: show dr ym the bloodworks – at least something is going up, maybe next week see her see how. If not improving further, might need to start atopical. I think I’ll put tiger head to a room see how
950pm: super hard to feed meds – I fight w him. Whack whack his butt Liao. Really angry
Given 1.5 pred.
Think tmr might do 10mg but all change to once daily based on today angry factor
Kiss him n we head to head talk, I know he understand – sigh tonight I siao Liao think my pain level also bad.
Wipe his mouth lesion w f10 n apply silvin
1145pm: Sophie meow quite a bit, tiger head back face me sleep, I shouldn’t think too much, he is just tired ff the vet trip.
14 Apr 2021
910am: got pee, no poo
Oh ya yesterday night got to skip night pred cos don’t have enough
Today will give day dose n I finished all, have to see can lalamove in or not for night dose
Didn’t touch wet food
1240pm: pee on the food – thrown.
Let him sleep in o2
330pm: Sophie keep meowing each time she see me – keep waking tiger head up
410pm: saw him eating kibble
serve him tuna w white fish n ciao treats – got lick ciao treats
1130pm: he seem weak, hot?
Transfer him to cage, he looks tired n weaker omg
Give him a cooler pack and feed night meds except pred, 2 days on 10mg only – tmr see de Geetha 12pm
1230am: he drink water, nauseous style of putting mouth near water but I don’t think so
1250am: resting
13 Apr 2021
930am: a little weird cos he had been a clean cat, today he sleep on top of the Peepad soak w urine – i was so worried that he become so weak?
Feed morning meds he is like usual so ok
Given darbepoetin b12 b com w Subcut
6pm: got poo 3.25/10 got pee
I put him back to cage without o2. He got eat kibble 🙂
1050pm: no new pee. Resting
1103pm: serve tuna w smoked fish w kidney health, didn’t touch
12 Apr 2021
840am: no poo, got pee, didn’t eat wet food but I think he did eat kibble – log as no
Think today I got to restart syringe feed him
945am: still didn’t eat, continue nubulize him w genta in o2 chamber
4pm: he pee n this time dirty himself so I put him back cage
5pm: syringe fed ad 30ml
6pm serve dd pure salmon – he ate!
930pm; angry w me loh- syringe fed him another 30ml ad – he did eat the dd pure salmon
4.63kg – gain 150g 🙂 will go ahead w thurs review
940pm: serve tuna w smoked fish w dd pure salmon – got eat again
958pm: resting Liao
Need to top up pred for him tmr – my reserve all used on him le
Chris:”Breathing quite heavily when sleeping”
11 Apr 2021
8am: didn’t finish the fish – wasted
He got meow at me leh – sayang 头头
Maybe got touch kibble?
No poo got pee – keep peeing on food plate
Subcut, nubulize in o2, given morning pred
Serve tuna w chicken w tuna pumpkin anti Aging – didn’t eat
934am: more than 10cm 5/10 poo
Told tiger today last dose of doxy
1105pm: sleeping
10 Apr 2021
650am: got pee, no poo day 03
Didn’t eat wet food yesterday
Nubulise in o2 chamber
Given darbepoetin, b12 b com n morning pred
747am: don’t eat yet, let him continue sleep in o2 when I go work
8am: fed nutriplus gel, he is in cooling o2 chamber
Night: didn’t eat, overturn the whole kibble bowl, did pee, colour still yellow.
Sayang him, got angry w him a bit cos hard to medi
give him selar fish, told him agnes jiejie love him, he ate 🙂
09 Apr 2021
Morning: got pee no poo day 02
serve food didn’t eat – so need stay o2?
But he ate kibble today 🙂
258pm: sleeping – fr Ip he did pee on paper plate – his way of not dirtying too much of his Peepad
10pm: didn’t touch wet food – dirty le
Today I miss morning dose of pred :,(
1040pm: feel I can’t let him do without fluid today, Subcut him n nubulize
1115pm: let him back to cage 01 w ice pack
08 Apr 2021
07 Apr 2021
130am: fr Ip his breathing so heavy till I can count rr 49
He is adjusting position many times – so sorry will be like those last moments disorientation :,(
He is facing downward, hungry? – I serve him food he isnt keen at all
I syringe feed him 15ml aixia oldie – really pissed
Worrying mode increase
Add one more ice pack for him
See how :,(
2am: he change position – let him sleep
930am: Survived the night.
Got pee no poo day 01
Remembered oxygen helps in generating Rbc. Let him sleep in o2 chamber after nubulizing
Think today will let him stay in there
He still feel feverish
Subcut and 10mg pred fed w 15ml of aixia oldie
1140am: he pee – pee still look ok yellow, not like mosses peeing out rbc. But why tiger head HCT not going up despite darbepoetin?
350pm; scary he lie really flat – sleeping
Change ice packs for him
530pm: flat sleep 8h in o2 chamber, serve tuna w salmon as expected to throw one, he eat!! That’s y I always tell pple don’t stingy, cat sick don’t eat still serve food, they might eat!!
1045pm: I came home n he knew I’m back, he flip up from sleep to look at me n I kiss him – but time for medi soon
No pee
Nubulize him n change Ice pack for him
Will let him sleep overnight in o2 chamber
Of cos still angry w night medi, but I still manage to give
1055pm: serve tuna w chicken – he eat too 🙂
06 Apr 2021
Morning: got pee no poo day 06
given Subcut, b12 b com, darbepoetin
230pm: seen dr ym
4.48kg – gain 240g not sure is it due to him not pooing for 6 days
Think I’ll give him probiotics today also
Have to microlax him if by tmr no poo
Dr didn’t even notice his nose today – mean better, still continue doxy
Lung n heart sound clear
Dehydration v bad I just Subcut him 2 hours ago siak
Rbc 2.96, HCT 18.0% – gradual dropping
Plt 18 – all dropping
Lucky thing is still generating blood (dr ym also mention this is the only figure that still give us some hope)
Pcv 16%, tp 6.2
Gum did look pale alr
Temp 37.6
Plan now: option a) up pred to 10mg x twice a day (push immune system) or option b) start atopical. Option a is preferred by dr ym due to tiger head didn’t have any negative effect after pred. N atopical can cause losing weight further. I deem fit whether review one or 2 weeks
Also to up his darbepoetin to 0.06ml but twice a week
430pm; bring him back to mfh
Night: fed him 10mg of pred – a bit worry I poke a little to his throat
1011pm: he is v tired, have to observe – can’t get any slot for him till next Thursday
Tonight given probiotics also, tmr must Subcut him and wait for poo
1am: from Ip I knew he poo, so I go and clean up (got poo and still yellow pee) for him. He looks really tired – I’m sure is cos of the pred. The first night he got pred he head press, tonight is a high dose of pred – by touch he alr felt feverish. I gave him a ice pack in his cage. Good that probiotics is working on his poo, but scary that I’m pushing his limit for immune system.
04 Apr 2021
830am: pee a lot, colour look fine
no Poo
850pm: while day didn’t eat, syringe fed 30ml ad
945pm: fed 30ml ad and all night med, including o2 nubulize w gentamicin n Subcut
Tiger head 5.4.21 mon
10am: didn’t eat, got pee (whole s size Peepad) no poo day 04 I think
Serve tuna w white fish didn’t eat
Nubulize and give morning pred
1235pm: sleeping
358pm: still sleeping
905pm: syringe fed 30ml ad
Nose didn’t worsen but still not eating
Given night medi
927pm: he likes me to sayang him n I call him baby head, he lick n eat the tuna w salmon I serve – not much but he willing to touch food 🙂
10pm: not sure if he will be unhappy to have a noisy neighbour – Xiami is back.
02 Apr 2021
9Am: from Ip tiger head is v still, can’t see breathing – scare me like hell
I went to see, he is breathing v slow, sleeping, I woke him up n sayang him
Fed him pred still struggle – only succeed on third try
Nubulise him gentamicin in o2 chamber. I go buy stuff let him continue in o2 chamber
Serve food see got touch or not
1140am: still didn’t eat, just resting. At least the pose not that scary. He got drink water at 10+
6pm; Syringe fed him 30ml ad without scruffing him he is still fine w it – he got swallow n got show sign of wanting to lick on his own but didn’t – n he groom his face 🙂
730pm: from Ip he is grooming himself 🙂
9pm: syringe fed him 30ml ad and fed night meds
907pm: he is eating tuna w smoked fish on his own 🙂
940pm: he is sleeping le
tiger head 3.4.21 sat
8am: got pee no poo, Subcut him w b12. Com n given pred
Food didn’t eat further after yesterday night
NubuliZe, serve tuna w chicken w renal pouch, didn’t eat
850am: didn’t eat, carry him back to cage 01
1245pm: sleeping
356pm: change position – sleeping
415pm: change position – sleeping
509pm: change position – belly up, sleeping
850pm: sleeping when I’m back, I call him
N he wake up
He didn’t touch food today day 01
Given night medi, syringe fed 21ml ad
930pm: syringe fed another 21ml ad
Told him agnes jiejie bring him selar fish – he ate 🙂
01 Apr 2021
Day: didn’t eat, didn’t poo. No pee.
Nubulize him and serve food – not keen.
Find him sianz. Let him out to roam my house.
Got sneeze.
107pm; settled in my shelf – so put him back to cage to wait to go vet
150pm: tiger work as my assistant staff nurse when we go help Luna Subcut, he met fifi the big furry male cat, no provoke fight no reaction. Not well :,( his right eye tearing, pain?
Waited to see dr ym to check his pcv and consult.
Pcv 21% – supposed to be stable, but 2 jabs of darbepoetin n not going up at all, Erm …
Tp 7.2
Told dr ym he stop eating too
Temp 38.1
Physical check, his left kidney area is pain – left side also can be liver can be spleen – she going to do a scan n see how
He sneeze 8 times in the room – which I find it a good things. Better than block
Retake chem10 And cbc –
Glu 5.63, Crea 155, urea 15.4 (kidneys worsening), Glob 57, alt 95, alb 25, k 4.7.
He is still dehydrate despite i Subcut him 2h b4 seeing Dr ym
4.24kg – drop 250g in 9 days
Cbc show HCT 18.7% only, rbc 3.12, but still regenerating while destroying?
NEU 1.59, eos 0.03, plt 47
Blood smear taken – no internal blood parasites seen – so doxy mainly for flu
Saline agglutination test taken – positive, tiger head got imha – rather positive, or worse is his fiv* worsening. We rather treat imha – treatment is half tablet pred x twice a day, review in 1 week.
The pain at his left side, dr scan u/s and even xray don’t see anything, maybe a bit of fatty liver. Kidneys still symmetrical
Dr says ok for me to give him gabapentin
Continue doxy 2 more weeks
Plan: dr told me to monitor closely if starting Pred cause his flu to worsen, have to bring in to put iv
535pm: back home in 猫房, tried feeding him pred first, will attack but i feed him on floor w legs fast – successful.
915pm: look legartic
1130pm; head kind of pressing against cage wall – scary – sent a video to dr ym. Think tues can plan to bring him to put iv or earlier?
Given meds
He don’t eat – monitor first – tmr I’ll syringe feed
31 Mar 2021
Morning: got poo 5/10, not sure about pee cos water bowl over turn. Smart sleep at one corner didn’t dirty himself
Nubulize him but right nostril still block – wipe for him
Didn’t want to eat day 02
3pm: not touching food at all
1045pm: didn’t touch food at all
Serve loveabowl chicken – wa he eat I damn happy – only for seconds :,(
I serve ad – wa he eat too I damn happy – only for seconds :,(
Duno what happen to him – today last dose of doxy – stop alr will continue nubulizing
1244am: he isn’t critical but he isn’t doing fine. What happen? I would think putting him back to room to roam will be better for him. But I won’t be able to gauge anything at all.
29 Mar 2021
8am: didn’t really touch food
Nubulize him first
Got pee no poo
950pm: no pee
Wipe his nose, got discharge from right nostril
Give tuna w white fish w ff n FN beef – lucky got eat
While day didn’t eat much
Pee quite yellow
920pm: still didn’t touch food
Given pet tinic, doxy and darbepoetin
Serve tuna w chicken w sparkle white meat tuna w pumpkin w cranberry juice for renal n uninary tract – he smell 1sec n didn’t eat
Tiger head 30.3.21 tues
1030am: didn’t eat, nubulize him first, subcut him also
1130pm: still didn’t eat, given darbepoetin
28 Mar 2021
8am he looks happy n cute got a bit of meowing like asking me for food
Got pee got regular poo
I Serve tuna a salmon w aixia oldie. Smell n don’t eat – can’t smell or not happy? I add on FN beef, same. I add on FN chicken lamb, same.
930am: still don’t eat at all – why? So happy to have food n so disappointed?
4pm: he did eat the food 🙂 no pee no poo
9pm: sleeping
920pm: give nutriplus n lysine n doxy
Serve tuna w chicken w RC renal pouch w FN beef – did eat but
935pm: didn’t eat much – sleeping alr
27 Mar 2021
26 Mar 2021
1244am: nose wet and his flu can’t seem to recover much.
825am: seem to enjoy starting in 猫房 cage, I sayang him, clear his Peepads (he pee a lot) and clean his face n neck w f10, apply mycoban on him he seem happy
840am serve food – he got lick aixia oldie
Night: serve ff w feline natural beef and hoki feast topper – he like the topper
1130pm: he stand upright meow at me a bit scary but he did finish food – think he like the topper
25 Mar 2021
8am: got pee or topple water? Kibble all wet – throw
Didn’t really eat much
Serve breakfast got touch but stop
950am sleeping soundly, using his hand to cover his face – damn cute
520pm: still sleeping
848pm: fed medi, sure not happy – give him ff – he got eat 🙂
920pm: nubulize him
Till night no poo no pee
1116pm: fr ip saw him drink water again, he drink water quite frequent
24 Mar 2021
23 Mar 2021
I serve w gold d senior he got eat – is it mouth pain also?
1050am see dr ym – intend to take pcv only but aiya just do everything la
Weight 4.47kg – lose 820g
Dr ym noted he got breathing sound. Nose got mucus n a little block – told dr ym room is cold and he is alr on doxy – she check lung sound ok, so is just the nose
Taking full bloods Chem 10 w lytes cbc to see how
Taking urine test also
Noted that his head got those scabs – ears dirty etc
Rbc 3.53, HCT 20.2 – have to start darbepoetin 0.06ml weekly for 2 weeks then retake pcv then decide to down or maintain this amount
Mcv 57.2, mch 18.1 – think stress fiv virus’s all haywire again
Neu 1.82, wbc 3.96, suspect band – he is using wbc for his nose n etc
Plt 34
Dr ym mention famciclovir- I reject – don’t really think useful plus cost is v high which no logic
Crea 166, urea 8.5, sdma 18 – unknown if it’s the start of renal issue – have to hydrate n weight gain first then review see how
Urine result out, pale yellow also still concentrate so ok
Glob 55
Alb 26, alt 90
K 4.9
Plan: continue doxy, nubulize w gentamicin, lysine, Marbo (on hold see first).
630pm; Subcut w b12 b com, given doxy and pet tinic and 0.06ml darbepoetin given. Didn’t eat, not even aixia oldie. Very pissed when I carry him to o2 chamber for nubulizing. We both angry w each other then. He sense I’m not happy mode. Nubulize w gentamicin. Even ad don’t eat. He did lick once.
22 Mar 2021
950am: got eat 🙂
Head got a spot I use f10 clean up – think need mycoban cream
Night: continue give vibravet – angry n I can’t give pet tinic
Allow me to clean his right nostril – got mucus
20 Mar 2021
Didn’t look like he got eat
Night: give him food w ad – think he is keen lick a bit (5%?) n stop
I serve another plate n top w selar – good he got eat
Right nostril look block – started doxy
Subcut him too he damn Zai I can go Subcut Maxine n he just sit still
19 Mar 2021
Body structure look fine, cos I did Subcut him n etc
He didn’t really eat much – omg mouth pain also??!!! Anemic ? He need review – I think first
He like ad smell
17 Mar 2021
8am: not eating
Yesterday from ip I think he is drinking n I think he is waiting for water beside the empty bowl
Subcut him today also, w b12 b com
Syringe fed 3ml ad n he willing to lick the rest, let him eat on his own
Given pet tinic again – think tmr will bring him to check up too
530pm: body look a little better w hydration just now
Fed him pet tinic, nutriplus gel and lysine
16 Mar 2021
Night: realise his nose wet – he flu again, think I need to vibravet him – or maybe tmr try nutriplus gel and lysine first? Didn’t see him eat today
06 Mar 2021
01 Mar 2021
didn’t see him eat again (wet food) – did see him eat kibble in the morning
24 Feb 2021
23 Feb 2021
22 Feb 2021
21 Feb 2021
20 Feb 2021
these few days at least 6 days feel he don’t eat, just sayang Liao will eat a bit, face become smaller, but I did see him eat kibble
10 Feb 2021
04 Feb 2021
26 Jan 2021
01 Jan 2021
28.12.20 mon
* 4pm; he is sleeping when I’m playing w the cat w the train – he woke up n he went into unicharm thrice to lick the litter, attempt to eat it. Eat the kibble inside? I give him the whole kibble bowl he still go inside so I believe is really lick litter – that’s a sign of anemic
* Serve tuna gold d senior w nutriplus gel – he got eat the food
* Schedule him for vet visit
29.12.20 tues
* 5.42kg – good weight frame and good body structure
* Left side that patch wound burst alr – today just see means yesterday maybe burst
* Slightly dehydrate only
* Teeth still look pretty good
* Check full blood including electrolytes – dr yeumee say sometime electrolytes haywire also weird behaviour
* Do Nail clipping in clinic – done
* Really anemic – 23.0%, RBC 4.01 start iron
* Start ab but dr ym mention can check if he is still fiv+ (if become negative means fiv end stage) – still fiv+
* He is muscular so dr ym can’t feel much about his other parts, but kidneys feel ok
* Bladder ok
* No way to scan him at all he angry Liao
* Cos of his Low plt 62, Low NEU white blood cell, Manuel blood smear taken – he got adequate amount so still ok
* No blood parasites for sure
* Plan; given doxy 2-4 weeks and iron (room b) and recheck pcv in 2 weeks and review in 1 month
* On hold darbepoetin first cos sdma 14, crea 132, urea 7.9, TP 88, glob 63, alkp <10.
• given doxy 0.45ml and pet-tinic 1.2ml
* forgot what thing about fiv, about viral maybe about anemic? Say spleen might see changes – anyway don’t do cos tiger is angry le
30.12.20 wed
* morning; don’t eat kidney health series
* Serve tuna w Chx eating ok
* Jo didn’t send pix so assume poo is fine
* night; clean his left hand hole w f10 n silvin
31.12.20 thurs
* morning; poo 7/10 tinted w a little blood – maybe too dry? – reason for his anemic?
1.1.21 fri
* morning: food n kibble bowl n water bowl also clear
* Poo 4.75/10
* Night: poo is fine too, no need to monitor further
* Now he don’t jump down to find me le cos he know lll give him medi
2.1.21 sat
Morning; drink quite a bit of water
* night: sayang him – fur nice n he look fit fit 🙂
3.1.21 sun
* night; 5.38kg – lose 50g
6.1.21 wed
* Afternoon: poo in bin 04: 5/10
* He is active walking about
9.1.21 sat
* Yesterday last dose of doxy
* Today continue pet tinic for his anemic only
11.1.21 mon
* wa fur damn nice siak
12.1.21 tues
* 3pm : Pcv 24% – can continue w pet tinic relax version – retest next month
19.1.21 tues
* night; drink water for quite long
03 Feb 2020
3.2.20 mon
• morning: he scare me Cos he look tired and v calm sleepin on the cat tree – poo 4/10 got pee
• when meal time he got come down to meow – means just how he trying to show me he can be a good boy? – he hear what dr d says?
• saw slight bleeding from his mouth
• no vomit today
• night; still eating v well
• got lots of vomit again – maybe I got to cut down on food
• poo 2.5/10
5.2.20 wed
• morning; try merging tiger head – he Attack brownie and brownie n him roll on the floor – brownie v scare
• he almost lost his pr again
• remembered dr d words and jo also want to help him – we try again n just let them trash out
• no major stuff. Tiger head learn to relax don’t anyhow pound on others
• he will move to blue room n back to room A
• night; he will come rub me but I scare of him Cos he Attack my leg b4 – still got a deep wound now
6.2.20 Thurs
• successfully merge in 猫房
8.2.20 sat
• successfully merge in 猫房
• will roam between room a and blue room – will go up cat tree, go to spa machine TOP
• can face kiss sweeties, kitty, daring so far
• don’t bully xiao guai
• will go to plate to do his massive poo 3/10 a lot
10.2.20 mon
• night: he still got eat when I squant down to sayang him but he kind of didn’t eat on his own at first – I’m sure he feeling cold and going to start flu – I blast aircons for 2-3 days Cos of rex fever – off aircon tonight
• kate try to share food w him, he whack her
28.2.20 fri
• Log down that this period he is weird. Don’t really eat that much or don’t eat? Even go toilet Duno for what
• I have to sayang him yet Duno he want sayang or not. But yesterday I give him a plate lift up w ff chicken n liver he eat
29.2.20 sat
• his eating is so on off ThT is scary – is it that he know here sure got food so no need to eat when serve? Or
• not well? He got episode of staying toilet – sigh want release him also scare
1.3.20 sun
• just now he yawn, tongue didn’t look that bad leh – but he still behave scaryly – today onwards he will be living on 猫房‘s account – aka free of charge
• lucky tonight he willing to eat dd pure salmon
4.3.20 wed
• just feel that he isn’t that fine but lucky he still got eat ard today
6.3.20 Fri
• today tiger head sit in litter bin
• got drink pork soup but today is the don’t really touch food look again
7.3.20 sat
• Duno how to gauge – definitely won’t say he is well, but duno what he not well also
• day time got sleep w x Guai at blue room window
• night time not Active w food in room f
12.3.20 Thurs
• past 3 days didn’t really see him eat
• night: he is sitting in toilet till his whole body wet – really scary. Just think he really need doxy – started first dose – he went to water fountain to drink water after that – good
13.3.20 Fri
• he did eat today but picky
• night; hard fo give doxy without worrying my hAnd will be safe or not
15.3.20 Sun
• quite safe in applying the doxy on his mouth n he somehow lick in
• This boy ah … sleeping pose is really damn scary that I need to wake him up to make sure he is sleeping n not having a seizure or something – even gummy sit beside him like worry about him? Checking on him? He n gummy look quite alike – hope they can be friends
• … tummy so big
23.3.20 mon
• tonight he got whack by me a few times, might not be his fault, might be alley’s n the rest who
Later join in esp stupid Bessie (like rattata trying to join a fight between snoulax and dragon knight) – but he looks the one I need to stop Cos his 杀气 v strong
• after I separate them I manage to sayang him n say sorry to him without getting injured, serve him supper kakato tuna w mackerel first b4 I prep medi – he ate supper
• he also went toilet to drink the water that drip down fr the toilet cover – think he miss the water fountain – all 猫房 water fountain spoilt – I saw him drink from
One b4
27.3.20 Fri
Tiger head
* intend to fight w daring – manage to stop
* Apply silver gel on his head and those bald spots
1.4.20 wed
• he is now steady w the mop – he even observe how I mop floor
• he still will whack the vacuum uncle
13.4.20 mon
• major fights between tiger head and daring – tiger head lots of injury – lucky daring Not that fierce if not the damage could be worse since tiger no teeth at all
• tiger head got whack by me a few times Cos he is the one who pounce when daring leave alr, tiger head still chase after n continue while I even fall kneel down while trying to chase after them to stop them
• after that I sayang tiger head n told him nicely – lucky he didn’t Attack me
• I clean up his wound n apply silver gel for him – he seem to know I’m treating his wound (his left face seem to be in pain Cos that’s y he got reaction when I clean up)
• forehead still bleeding
18.4.20 sat
• these days had been on danger mode w alley
• tonight fight w kitty
• serve him pork broth – he got drink
21.4.20 Tues
• I had been at risk these days Cos I keep stopping him from fighting w alley. Tiger head normally is the one who provoke further. And I know fr past fights if start fight he is the one who pound first so if I need to resort to whacking one to stop fight I whack tiger head – but after that I will sayang him – but seriously I’m at risk that he might kill me somehow some day
• Tmr I got to throw away the nice water fountain I bought Cos I know he like – but it’s damn dirty – don’t serve purpose, water is soooooo easily dirty
28.4.20 Tues
• bath tiger head And revo him
• night: wa what happen? He is staying at room b – in the bin – looking sick. Cos of revo? Can’t be Cos of bathing Cos he enjoy the spa and dry nicely
• his right eye got 针眼 – Cos of that? What to do ah? – even Fancy Feast don’t eat leh
29.4.20 wed
• look better … got eat
2.5.20 sat
• 4.84kg – gain 520g 🙂
12.5.20 tues
• tiger head like to hiss at alley think that’s y they always get into fights
• junior run pass tiger head n got pissed n junior just go Away, tiger head face is like “oh 我认错猫?”
15.5.20 fri
• tiger reacted and turn to snatch ashley serving of gold d sardine soup
16.5.20 sat
• Super Like hgf chicken broth – polished bowl
23.5.20 sat
* tiger head a bit weird, did eat, but didn’t eat as frequent as I would see normally
* Got eat selar
6.6.20 sat
• given alley baba fav treat for his bday cake, let tiger head eat too – he like
13.6.20 sat
• find it damn cute that tiger head actually respond to cat nip – he relax and rub his head against the floor and join in Kp bday catnip party
17.6.20 wed
• morning: poo 3/10
• good boy who will poo in bin
22.6.20 mon
• do provoke fights still
• Sometime will come rub
My leg like a good boy
2.7.20 thurs
• got flu. Got sneeze but I don’t see the need for medi yet
• will manja me sometime like me sayang him
• still eating
5.7.20 sun
• today sayang him lots – tell him he is 巫老虎头- think he is having flu now, but he is still eating – both wet and kibble
6.7.20 mon
• morning; like aatas chicken burrito after that like choke or asthma like that
11.7.20 sat n 12.7.20 sun
• eating ok but poo 1/10 – given probiotics
27.7.20 mon
• got flu but not v serious yet, try to give lysine n nutriplus gel – both fail. He will want to kill me so can’t give anything
29.7.20 wed
Tiger head
* still sianz sianz all along like this, sleep also v scary
4.8.20 tues
• look a little sianz. Flu no worsening
• like gold d senior
8.8.20 sat
• got eat but sneeze a lot of times
• not confident to start him on med
• night: tiger head do like me sayang – sayang him
• 4.91kg – gain another 70g 🙂
• given 0.45ml doxy
• apply Sean FTO on him
• he generally like most gold d food – today eat ginseng
19.8.20 wed
• last dose of 2nd course of doxy
31.8.20 mon
• 130pm: poo 1.25/10
• vomitted out some Undigested food – n continue to go kibble bowl n eat
11.9.20 fri
• tried giving him a b12 jab – failed – 0.15ml only
27.9.20 sun
• 5.52kg – gain 610g 🙂
19.10.20 mon
* fur look nicer than last time but he had been sleeping always sleeping n today didn’t seem to see him eat much
• lucky he like gold d senior
Tiger head
21.10.20 wed
Scary to keep sleeping even at hidden area now – but size n frame look good
7.11.20 sat
* night; poo 2.25/10 w a little to reddish brown In unicharm bin 01
* V smelly
15.11.20 sun
* night; only eat more if I give w gold d senior
Tiger head
23.11.20 mon
* night: saw his left front leg got a wound, clean up w f10 he allow, he is quite nice to me, n sometime when I saw him don’t eat, i sayang him tell him “Jiak” – he will eat 🙂
30 Jan 2020
31.1.20 Fri
• morning; first time tiger head vomit a lot – n vomit out his o tube. I still don’t understand how he did that Cos the o tube is still intact in his neck. Meaning the tube in his gastric break down and torn n he vomit out?
• can’t use his o tube anymore, cut out fr his neck and throw
• a bit worried that there is still a bit of leftover tube in his body – but he is eating well
• poo 2/10
• lucky I still can feed him meds directly into mouth – I didn’t try the whole probiotics capsule though
1.2.20 sat
• poo 2/10
• still eating v well
2.2.20 sun
• morning: got pee no poo
• vomitted out lots of food
* 4.32kg – lose a little weight
* Xray:- confirm no more tube inside – safe, can stop all medicAtions and see how to monitor his vomiting 🤮
* Mouth gum all healing well
* Tongue still not ok – dr d highly tell me not to release back to street … omg
30 Jan 2020
7.1.2020 Tues
• morning; got pee no poo
• looks v depressed Cos no food given to him – told dr d that he is being mentally tortured – dr d:” ok then give but only small portions” – serve him aixia oldies 2 cans and tube feed him 75ml. (Yesterday he total 120ml)
• got to order more aixia – Cos gummy came to tiger head room Cos he smell HIS food
8.1.2020 wed
• got pee, no poo day 02
9.1.2020 Thurs
• morning: pee a lot, no poo day 03
10.1.2020 fri
• morning: pee in bin, poo on blue horse 3/10
• eating well – w tube feed and on his own
• can eat normal can food at ease
11.1.2020 sat
• morning: got pee no poo
• everything as normal
• afternoon: did poo in bin! Yeah but 2.5/10
12.1.2020 Sunday
• morning; no poo no pee
* 4.15kg – gain 300g
* Kkb healing well
* Left upper canine got food stuck so got imflammation – need to restart meloxicam
* Tongue still got ulcers – need to continue famciclovir 2 weeks more
* Skin tent ok
* Few sultrates came off
* Soft poo due to ab no choice
* He eat Liao have to help him brush left upper mouth – Cos if food stuck there n can’t heal and inflame would have pus
* Fr the way dr d describe that tiger head no way to defend himself … Erm …
* Review in 2 weeks time
13.1.20 mon
• morning; pee a lot a lot
• food intake a lot
• night: poo 3.5/10 – think tmr start him w probiotics
14.1.20 Tues
• his pain patch is off
• probiotics given
• bandage changed – very nice o tube no issue at all
16.1.20 thurs
• too many photos mix up, can’t confirm if he poo or not
17.1.20 fri
• got pee no poo
• plates all polished
• open up his door, manja approach so I close
• tried again at 4pm + n sweetie approach him when he is bz eating all the kibbles in the kibble buffet tray – they almost kiss kiss wor. n he continue eating
• heard sound when I’m doing stuff, less than 10 sec saw alley and tiger head face to face 4cm away n I walk to try to stop, haven’t reach them n tiger head pound onto alley n my leg Gana n I whack tiger in the face w paper plates twice n manage to scruff him to his room
• didn’t find any injuries Cos alley if manage to whack or bite him he is dead – think alley shocked that someone dare to pound on him
• tiger head lost his potential pr status for sure
18.1.20 sat
• morning: our routine continue.
• got poo on paper plate 4/10, got pee
19.1.2020 sun
Tiger head
* 4.47kg – gain weight, body got size alr
* Tongue still got ulcer need to continue famclocivir
* Left upper open up alr, but must flush regularly hopefully can heal on his own
❤️ tiger head (appt: 3.2.20 mon 1130am)
* Tube feeding
* Famclocivir 125mg x twice (start 29.12.19-12.1.2020) – till review – continue review 2 weeks
* Clav oral 1.43ml x twice (start 7.1.2020) – continue
* Meloxicam 0.1ml (restart 12.1.2020) – continue
* Clinda 0.9ml of 100mg/ml x once daily (start 19.1.20)
20.1.20 mon
• night: poo in bin, v nice formed big size 5/10 poo
• pee on paper plate – but he pee a lot
22.1.20 wed
• praise him Cos first time he pee and poo in bin scale 4.5/10
• told dr d that he pee a lot – tmr review
23.1.2020 Thurs
• morning: got pee no poo
* tiger head pee a lot so need to see kidney function Cos he is on meloxicam also
* He is damn fierce N strong in clinic, scream until damn scary from outside, killing them behind
* Hungry n angry? – i think so
• come back eat a lot
• night: change his otube bandage
24.1.20 Fri
• morning; poo 4/10 a lot, praise
Him for pooing n peeing in bin
• today he had like 6-7 serving?
25.1.20 sat
• morning: he is doing well – but he is eating so well doing so well that I’m worried for him – what if the o tube come off n ab n famciclovir all can stop? Can he survive out there?
• got pee no poo
• night: just feel that he is getting fiercer
28.1.20 Tues
• morning; Attack the mop when I mop his room
• night; he head butt me when I give him medi thru tube.
• when I go out of room to prep food for the cats. He Attack me – Attack my leg! – wth v v fierce – hungry will turn fierce?
29.1.20 wed
• poo 4.5/10 – poo quite a bit but he also eat a lot la
• somehow v bad temper leh
30.1.20 Thurs
• poo 2.5/10
06 Jan 2020
6.1.2020 mon
Tiger head
* Morning: got pee got dark scale 2.5/10 poo
* Yesterday fasting since 1130pm staying in cage 01 – cbc taken (hct 32%) and wbc back to normal : so today onwards can stop his iv drip.
* His mouth extraction depends Cos last time didn’t get to see his inner mouth – dr d:”Tiger head tongue better but still ulcers. All canines open roots and starting abces, so had to remove all. Rest teeth all ok” – “So tiger head: next few days no oral food, only tube so canine sites can heal. After 4 days can start oral food again” – ha I understand what dr d means, definitely won’t serve him astrocats that sort of food. But totally nothing to lick is torturing siak. I try to give him a few drops of ad when I syringe in food n medi. Minimum oral food given. 60ml ad in tube feeding when home. (He see Maxine buffet next door it’s like killing him)
* Iv cath taken out. Change to oral clav 1.4ml? Twice daily start tmr
* Famciclovir TOP up 2 more days and finished
* Meloxicam 0.09ml
* Doxy continue till when? – “All meds untill review 1 wk so Sunday”
27 Dec 2019
27.12.19 fri
• morning: didn’t eat, didn’t poo and pee in room E
• just 2 subcut don’t think he can hydrate fast enough
• but he did look angrier / better today to look fiercer – dr d felt so too – stronger too
• brought him for iv cath – to start 10ml/h plain drip
• given him 0.2ml Buprenophine subcut
• to continue same med – Clav 0.25ml subq unless I can’t then change to urasyn 0.78ml x twice Iv
• let him stay cage 01 w oxygen chamber
• nose and eyes discharge still bad
• use earth powder comb his body
28.12.19 sat
• morning: didn’t touch food at all, told dr d n video. To start cerenia too
• got pee no poo
• seem more fierce keep hissing
29.12.19 sun
* tiger head
* Morning: got pee no poo
* Not eating day 04
* 3.84kg – Lose 40g Cos not eating
* Today manage to open his mouth, lots of ulcer on his tongue – no wonder can’t eat – need pain killer – to give Buprenophine 0.23ml (0.06ml per kg)
* Have to make sure he can eat b4 6.1 surgery – so today got to opt for o tube placement (then can add on meloxicam and ?)
* Eyes look better
* Nose still bad – need continue nubulisaeion
* Male intact skin r thick – no choice I got to continue urasyn
* Hydration definitely better, almost to normal alr
* Lungs clearer
* Urasyn 0.77ml x twice need to top up med
* Buprenophine 0.23ml pending
* In clinic now to put in o tube – survived!
* Famclocivir 125mg x twice (start 29.12.19-12.1.2020)
* Cerenia 0.4ml
* Meloxicam 0.1ml
30.12.19 mon
• morning: got pee, no poo day 5
• will hiss at me but somehow I look At him I know he know I’m helping him … I sayang him he likes he trying to enjoy
• afternoon he sleep on the ad bowl – body dirty I clean for him he is fine
• night: he ate!!!!! Somemore eat big mouth big mouth one 🙂
31.12.19 tues
• morning; v hungry eat the leftover pork also – got to snatch from him. All plates empty
• got pee no poo day 06
• blend ad and didn’t get to tube feed him – he drink a lot on his own
1.1.2020 wed
• 930am: he will meow!!! Damn cute
• but I on cautious mode Cos he confirm getting much stronger
• food all cleared – yesterday supper 2 cans of food polished
• finally poo! But 1.5/10
• didn’t think he needs cerenia anymore – today onwards won’t give
• this bag will end sat 6am
• he basically ate 6 cans of food today – each serving 2 cans and after eating clean, he will pee in the empty plate
• midnight; fr ip; he is grooming himself
2.1.2020 Thurs
Tiger head
* 4.12kg – gain weight 270g
* Skin tent aren’t that good still (dr Ruth mention old cat)
* Temp 37.9
* To check and change o tube bandage
* To check iv cath – change leg Cos got blood n etc
* Dr Ruth commented tiger head tooth aren’t that bad?
* Bring home continue all Med except f patch taken off
* Drip rate 10ml/h – this bag will last sat 1121am
• came home n polished 2.5 cans of food – I know he want more – later la
3.1.2020 fri
• morning: he really make it a point to pee onto the used paper plAte so he won’t be dirty – smart
• poo 2.5/10 – given him probiotics – he willing to eat leh then I no need to give in his o tube
• serve 3 cans in one serving
4.1.2020 sat
• 9Am: I knew he is a smart cat, he is – he is sleeping Super tightly to the door – Cos he poo all over the cage – ALL OVER, the walls of cage, even the nubulizer the clear sheet also stain w shit. Massive diarrhoea. Why? After probiotics? Stop Aatas cat.
• change drip bag, this bag will last thurs 815pm. Change drip rAte to 8ml/h. Just slightly lower
• yesterday night got some back flow of blood – today ok alr
• still clear food well
• night: clearing food really well
• got pee no poo
• iv keep stopping due to blockage – line block? Entangled? Flushing n etc all done – still keep blocking till one point tiger head like torn out part of bandage and the plug come off – lost quite a bit of blood
• still eating more food while I flush directly at his iv cath – if still jam I’ll stop his iv, but ok alr no jam
• 12+am; got issue again. For his safety, removed unplugged, tmr got to go vet.
5.1.2020 sun
• Morning: got scale 2/10 poo, but stable n not as Disaster as day b4
• brought him in to change iv cath to the left front leg
26 Dec 2019
25.12.19 wed
• agnes officially think that her tiger head Aka now now tiger is very sick and she wants to bring him to vet
• he started sick yesterday or many days b4. Need a summary of him for dr d tmr
• she can’t find him n after I settle 猫房 stuff I went >12am. Ha… he isn’t sterilised and his ears give him away, he camouflage well in the grass patch but I saw the 2 triangles plus my eye sight in dark places r good.
• caught now now tiger but think I shall use agnes’ name and create an album for him. So NNT will no longer appear in my gang album.
• brought him back to room f since not checked yet
• definitely look like got flu, dehydrated and his fur v rough one – didn’t look as bad as I thought. Guai02 look 8 times worse than him.
• but agnes mention he isn’t well b4 even b4 this round – so most prob taking a wellness plan makes more sense – book Hs slot see tmr what slot left
• serve him tuna and smoked fish n ff
• water w lysine
• lights out see how tmr
26.12.19 thurs
* morning: no poo n pee
* Didn’t touch food at all
* Looks calm
* Put him into carrier and hiss
* 11Am: seen dr d
* Very very very dehydrated – may need iv – see blood first – take wellness program (take xray instead of bp) – his left lung got lots of cracker sounds
* He pee all over dr d – v yellowish pee – urinalysis
* Mouth v bad – v bad dental. Right bottom got gum ulcers. Broken xxx? I know v bad
* Eyes and nose all got discharge
* Ears v dirty
* 3.89kg
* Balls intact so confirm not Steralised – need to still do if after he is okay
* Should have mites n etc – to revo but I will use the earth order instead
* I worry siak – not confident I can poke him daily – he needs fluid and ab
* Bloods out – aren’t that bad – organs fine but wbc high tp glob high all may be due to mouth or something internal
* Pcv 40% but he is v dehydrated
* Xray generally show fine except that there is a shadow near his heart – scary – will have to recheck again – Taken pro bnp
* Urinalysis his urine v concentrated ie that’s y protein in urine also high
* K level, liver still ok
* Treatment for the next 2 days: subcut 70ml, clav 0.25ml, b12 and doxy 0.31ml And nubulisation.
* If 2 days no improvement, have to come back put iv
* Fiv + felv –
* Eye gel Dr d say put off think she scare I get killed / but if I can subcut I think eye gel no issue
* Pro bnp negative
* 6jan booked in for dental and castration
* • 154pm: update dr d that I managed to do everything. “So his skin tent must improve in the next 1-2 days, if not: iv. I would also give revo but I know you don’t want to”
* • I’ll try scrub him w earth powder: “Can try malaseb also on his body, but don’t try too much, might stress him out. If starting to eat and better hydration, we can start pain meds. Now can give buprenorfine only if you think needs”
26 Jan 2021