Off to the Rainbow Bridge
Fiv+, liver cysts, dental pain
Pcv 30% 16.3.20, 5.65kg 20.8, 5.29kg 23.1.21
🐾 ursodiol 0.6ml every other day
🐾 Depredil 0.23ml (given 16.3.20, 29.8.20, 13.10, 27.12*****)
🐾 doxy 0.45ml (start 23.1.21)
He is one whom I know when he is 1.6kg and about to die Liao cos liver is failing, supposed to have cancer? Cysts? Took a risk to put in a o tube for him years back n he is now stable with regular maintenance for his dental and liver protectant.
08 Sep 2021
07 Sep 2021
617am: Kitty and stitch fighting, so I took a quick glance, Hui ard. Xh alive
830am: RR 93 b4 meds- panting more, i don’t think at clinic is 60.
Didn’t eat overnight.
Did pee in bin, but pees on floor too? – still yellow pee even charcoal Peepad can see the yellow stain.
Given morning med.
616pm: went in to clean room and saw xh in ending stage motion … accompany him n I told
Him to go I know. Left shortly at 618pm.
Trace back up 604pm he is still standing near door n walk to the back n jump up cat tree n
He is gone w Garfield.
Night: Jj, moon n Agnes attended his funeral
06 Sep 2021
905am: seen dr wong
4.4kg – drop 850g
“Still feel the liver” ??!
Temp 38.3
Breathing irregular
Heart rate ok
Ears and eyeball a little a little yellow.
I saw his mouth got some breathing action le, breathing problem is scary. I scare is heart or fluid. – but if cat in pain, can be like this too. That’s y i told dr wong I come mainly bcos I Duno what issue he had now, unknown.
Let dr wong record all his old records of bloodworks from January to March 2020, u/s report.
his breathing is the current issue, xray to be taken at chest area to see if can find any findings – if no, then xray stomach area
Taking full bloods – but dr didn’t tell me which bloods, but sure is the one w tbil cos he wanna compare n see any changes fr last time, but he agree that fr the “latest” blood works, xh seem to maintain well n fine.
No stray discount in this clinic, but not gst registered yet.
Fr the way dr ask, sound like he think Hui needs to be on iv …
hui can’t hear heart mur mur, but he say not accurate for cat, can’t hear doesn’t mean don’t have issue w heart.
I ask for fluid in lung or not, same – he say didn’t hear it. But doesn’t mean don’t have – that’s y we take xray.
Told dr he is still dehydrate despite I just Subcut him at 10pm yesterday.
950am: he is inside taking all the xrays and blood test.
Asked dr wong about probnp, he say will check – but I think he don’t have the kit yet. Clinic just open for a few days.
1004am: oh no quite slow cos only one nurse today. Haven’t take bloods n xray. I’m v late le.
Bp 140 – normal
1045am: wow take so many xray siak. But basically narrow down to 1 issue: asthma. his xray super patchy. Dr says he didn’t see such xray b4. (This is in line w the period that windows close, Halogone is used, xh most prob v sensitive to that) – this is the best possible reason. The other reasons more headache.
Possibilities number 2: ? Forgot, possibilities 3: the liver extended and pressing against the diaphragm will his breathing is not good
4: cancer. Last time his cancer is now spreading. oh I think 2: is possible lung n heart worms spreading to lung.
Hope vet now only have hg and CDP, but he took pcv tp as well today?
Pcv 11 or 16%, rbc 2.82, HCT 13.09%. – email and ask dr should he start on darbepoetin? – “Not for now. Let’s get Xiaohui breathing under control, eating well then we recheck the PCV before deciding if wanting to do the darbopoetin please.”
Wbc 61.59%, neu 43.46 – didn’t mention about ab
Eos high – dr mention this happen when asthma / heart worm – so in line w findings
(I normally see cat is Low on eos one)
Dr gave a dexason jab – steroid jab for the asthma and I know is short acting so ok – I bring home pred tablet, 1 tab (1mg??) twice a day start tmr.
Also start bronchodilator tonight 1/4, twice a day, b4 I give to check his RR first, see any
Improvement since he did have a steroid jab just now. His RR in clinic is 60.
Alt 136, tbil 2.9, Amy 2534, tp 6.6, k3.9 – slight Low – dr didn’t mention about that
Na slight Low – I’ll use nacl on him. have to Subcut more now though the ideal plan is to put on iv. But he is anemic now also yet hydrate yet breathing got problem. Liver got issue now, slight high.
Dr plan: for today, he gave the above jab, then I monitor him at night, then I give the bronchodilator then tmr i update the vet status on what else to do.
Pred as usual need to tap down.
1130am: back in 猫房 hospi, he got meow otw n in clinic. told him brave boy last time can survive why not now?
stay in oxygen chamber, got go lick water, which I feel is good.
Dr told me continue the b12 b com vitamins n sc. serve aixia tuna kidney pouch, didn’t touch food.
310pm: check Ip on xiao Hui and Garfield. Just now checked twice, o2 tube is in.
Xiaohui didn’t change in position so I check on him physically, ok, alive, he pee quite a bit, v yellow. At this rate I damn scare.
4pm: update dr wong on xh pee and ask he don’t need to be on any ab?
520pm: RR >100 when open door, he pee again, v yellow
618pm: RR 68 when door close – later i most prob shift him to stay in room c alone to monitor him, think he is stress in the oxygen chamber.
834pm: RR 122
take syringe feeding ok- given 24ml of aixia kidney pouch. – tmr should give him ad. Need to stock up for him n Garfield.
953pm: RR 116 sitting on floor, looking out at the rest. When I enter room c to sayang him, he jump into cat condo, i go out he come out on tiles to sit again, let him be.
1110pm: I stalk xiaohui, change thrice position, lying flat on the floor – resting pls. Contracy to what I thought; received dr wong reply; “It is yellow because of the excess bilirubin and it is a good thing that he’s passing it out in his urine. No need for antibiotics.”
06 Sep 2021
8am: serve tuna w chicken ham, w aixia Renal pouch – go into another cat box not keen. Didn’t eat again.
Subcut him told him we prep for a “better” bloodworks for tmr – I Duno tmr I can survive or not
630pm: I see he walk almost fall but floor wet. But he is weak la. I think i Subcut him again tonight. W b12 n b com.
9pm: done and his respiratory confirm got issue, looks so weak that he didn’t move n sit right at the buffet area.
Syringe fed him one whole pack of aixia watery. He is b dry despite Subcut. I think of pancreatitis- omg he need iv too?
His ear is slight yellow now.
Eventually he did move to the corner of the whole room, scary.
1120pm: check on him again, same spot, damn scary. I carry him to big bed to let him rest.
04 Sep 2021
Morning: still look v dry and a little weird
Subcut him told him ah mao sayang
Serve tuna w salmon and aixia renal food in case he can lick – he did eat a bit n go off
930am: email received – dr wong close at 5pm on weekends so is totally can’t see him le. I booked mon 4pm see how – confirmed.
630pm: still alive, hiding in the box
10pm: given him selar – not keen
03 Sep 2021
Day: still dry and didn’t look fine but he did eat.
Night: still look dry and didn’t look fine, I serve food he didn’t eat and walk away – when he walk, look a little unstable like want to fall but didn’t. Then he seem to pant in the box. Inform Agnes, can’t help her save money le, i think Hui need proper check so I can act accordingly. Booked dr wong tmr 7pm though I’m damn bz, but I somehow got a feeling that I scare I find Hui dead tmr. I Duno why I think of heart problem?
02 Sep 2021
Night: feel that he is damn dry, Subcut him. sigh he need to go vet but Garfield situation is money draining to want to save him back.
Tonight see a hope vet – think is dr wong’s clinic?
29 Aug 2021
Got eat, but hidden at top deck
25 Aug 2021
22 Aug 2021
Night: v dry and scary. Lucky eventually he eat the food w chicken sprinkles
21 Aug 2021
11 Aug 2021
04 Aug 2021
26 Jul 2021
Vacuum uncle accidentally vacuum bit of hui’s tail n he run away. Should be fine
13 Jun 2021
27 May 2021
10am; will stand in line wait for food, I serve tuna w salmon he walk away. These few days always like that. I serve w bistro chicken he eat.
Xiao Hui 28.5.21 fri
1030pm: standing w sena at the waiting area
22 May 2021
15 May 2021
Got eat, but i feel he looks kind of dry. Maybe should Subcut him give some vitamins
12 Apr 2021
930am : still will sit from far n slow blink me 🙂 like a bit scare to be w the crowd, will sit at one corner or hide in box, I put food into box he did finish
21 Feb 2021
19 Feb 2021
morning: keep looking at me – all food don’t want – settled on ff then eat
03 Feb 2021
01 Feb 2021
930am: like the tuna w chicken
25 Jan 2021
night: eating ff and kakato tuna fillet
24 Jan 2021