
Available for adoption

Entered 猫房 w her 2 brothers as 3 fierce kittens. Over the time in 猫房 free roaming and mixing with other cats n making friends, the boys are fine n I can kiss them. Nala still scare of everything, don’t allow touch will jump away. She will find Jack papa for comfy. Got to find a very patient adopter for her.

Nala's Logbook

Age : 5y 8m
Birthday : 23 Feb
Weight : nil
Date of Entry : 23.7.2019

Nala 13.10.24 sun 

13 Oct 2024

Night: mmm:”Nala yest and today didn’t eat.” 

  • morning I sayang her didn’t feel she got any abnormality leh 

Nala 10.10.24 Thu 

10 Oct 2024

nala 7.10.24 Mon

07 Oct 2024

nala 24.9.24 tues 

24 Sep 2024

nala 7.9.24 sat

07 Sep 2024

Nala 31.8.24 sat 

31 Aug 2024

Today then discover that though I submit registering her m/c successfully, but it’s not reflected in 猫房list of cats. She might be done thru SCSP sigh super sianz 

Nala 1.9.24 sun 

Night: mmm”I put n she ran over to eat”

Nala 20.8.24 tues 

20 Aug 2024

Nala 23.7.24 tues 

23 Jul 2024

Afternoon; I back for medi round, didn’t really see her. 

Evening; then i remember that it’s junior and Nala bday. Tmr then can help them celebrate belated bday 

Nala 24.7.24 wed 

Morning: celebrate their belated bday. Nala don’t eat the cake I sayang her  – tense 

Nala 15.7.24 Mon 

15 Jul 2024

Morning: basic grooming start. Nails cut one hind left leg only. and clean ears and face and body. Brush fur.

nala 14.7.24 sun 

14 Jul 2024

nala 12.7.24 Fri 

12 Jul 2024

Nala 7.7.24 sun 

07 Jul 2024

Noon: super want me sayang n play w her 

nala 29.6.24 sat 

29 Jun 2024

Nala 17.6.24 Mon 

17 Jun 2024

Checked on nala she is okay, got find me sayang 

Nala 16.6.24 sun 

16 Jun 2024

Night: mmm”Why like that?” – scary pose of nala, head pressed wall. Bring to dr that day no issue leh. She is fit somemore. 

Another photo: – Like not well. Tmr I check 

Nala 15.6.24 sat 

15 Jun 2024

Morning: checked by dr d. Certs settled. 5.00kg, gain 370g in 2 years+  dr say her teeth good. 🙂 

Nala 14.6.24 Fri 

14 Jun 2024

Night: mmm”Nala knows pats are nice. Keep coming”

Nala 8.6.24 sat

08 Jun 2024

Nala 4.6.24 tues 

04 Jun 2024

Morning: Carrara bully Nala 

nala 1.6.24 sat 

01 Jun 2024

Nala 17.5.24 Fri 

17 May 2024

3.54pm: mmm”Big fight between Carrara n Nala. I see lots of fur around bin under sink. Nala went to pee or poo…. Carrara was sleeping on top of fridge” 

Night: jo check”All 3 checked Mei shi”

Nala 21.5.24 Tue 

Night: mmm”Wants more pats”

Nala 7.5.24 Tue 

07 May 2024

12pm+: ears clean, cut nails and wipe body and brush body 

Nala 14.4.24 sun 

14 Apr 2024

Morning: mmm”Nala waited at cat tree for me to pat n scratch bum. So sweet.”

Nala 6.4.24 sat 

06 Apr 2024

Night: mmm”I pat nala 3 times tonight. Happy happy. She was next to Jack, so pat together” 

Nala 23.3.24 sat 

23 Mar 2024

nala 10.3.24 sun 

10 Mar 2024

nala 2.3.24 sat 

02 Mar 2024

nala 9.2.24 Fri 

09 Feb 2024

4pm+: all got their 压岁钱 了

Nala 6.2.24 Tue 

06 Feb 2024

6.30pm: 23rd: cut nails and clean ears – her ears quite clean. I hug her thru out.  

Nala 28.1.24 sun

28 Jan 2024

Nala 19.1.24 fri

19 Jan 2024

nala 25.12.23 Mon

25 Dec 2023

Nala 23.12.23 sat

23 Dec 2023

Nala 21.12.23 Thu

21 Dec 2023

Nala 16.12.23 sat

16 Dec 2023

Nala 12.12.23 Tue

12 Dec 2023

nala 2.12.23 sat 

02 Dec 2023

Nala 25.11.23 sat 

25 Nov 2023

Nala 18.11.23 Sat 

18 Nov 2023

Nala 7.11.23 Tue 

07 Nov 2023

Nala 17.10.23 Tue 

17 Oct 2023

2-4pm+: go back visit them special trip. Cat nip party tonight and given her a necklace – most of them wearing the same. V cute

Nala 13.10.23 Fri 

13 Oct 2023

4pm: Ce: “Carrara chased out of litter bin”

Nala 20.9.23 wed 

20 Sep 2023

Nala 6.9.23 wed 

06 Sep 2023

Morning: first time I saw her eat wall paper, ok mouth got some sticker 

Nala 20.8.23 sun 

20 Aug 2023

7am+: run abt, spook by something 

Nala 11.8.23 Fri

11 Aug 2023

Nala 11.8.23 Fri

11 Aug 2023

Nala 2.8.23 wed

02 Aug 2023

Nala 27.7.23 Thurs 

27 Jul 2023

Nala 25.7.23 Tues 

25 Jul 2023

2pm+: Cut nails, clean ears and bath

Nala 23.7.23 sun 

23 Jul 2023

Morning: celebrate her 4th bday in 猫房. haha sayang her more n she keep running away fr her bday plate. 

Nala 20.7.23 Thu

20 Jul 2023

Nala 6.7.23 Thurs 

06 Jul 2023

Nala 12.6.23 Mon

12 Jun 2023

Nala 8.6.23 thu

08 Jun 2023

Nala 18.5.23 Thurs 

18 May 2023

Nala 13.5.23 sat

13 May 2023

Nala 9.5.23 Tues 

09 May 2023

Nala 9.4.23 sun 

09 Apr 2023

Evening; she loves sayang a lot – play n sayang her a lot 

Nala 5.4.23 wed

05 Apr 2023

Nala 4.4.23 Tues 

05 Apr 2023

4pm: cut nails and clear ears – 23rd cat. 

Ears v clean 

Nala 1.4.23 sat 

01 Apr 2023

Nala 24.3.23 Fri 

24 Mar 2023

Night: learnt to love belly rubs 

Nala 17.3.23 Fri 

17 Mar 2023

Night: sayang her as usual she loves it. 

Nala 28.2.23 Tues 

28 Feb 2023

Night: will find chance to want me sayang her 

Nala 13.3.23 Mon 

Night: she will wait for me to Sayang her. Her fur is really very nice to touch. 

Nala 14.3.23 Tues 

Love me to sayang a lot 

Nala 25.2.23 sat 

25 Feb 2023

530pm: today early dinner, sleep soundly in bed, look v much like Simba Ong. sayang her she likes 

Nala 20.2.23 Mon 

20 Feb 2023

Morning I bring mama Mimi to vet n Nala go back to old spot to groom herself  

Nala 9.2.23 Thurs 

09 Feb 2023

Night: somehow I feel she is waiting for me, ok position to be sayang. Sayang belly and 翘屁股 。.. some spots not used to it but didn’t want to attack. Ok cute girl. Learning to be sayang 

Nala 6.2.23 Mon 

06 Feb 2023

Morning: I see nala really fat siak. haha so cute 

Nala 21.1.23 sat 

21 Jan 2023

Nala 19.1.23 Thurs 

19 Jan 2023

Morning: nala let Jo touch but still scare and run away. I can sayang her much more, rubs and 翘屁股

Nala 30.12.22 Fri

30 Dec 2022

Nala 24.12.22 sat 

24 Dec 2022

Nala 22.12.22 Thurs 

22 Dec 2022

11pm: v comfy w me sayang her 

Nala 25.11.22 Fri

25 Nov 2022

Nala 22.11.22 Tues 

22 Nov 2022

Tonight I cook selar. She happy got eat 

Nala 5.12.22 Mon

850pm: char meow3, Nala look at her curiously 

Nala 18.12.22 Sun

猫房 annual Xmas party. Charmander mummy says Nala v cute 

Nala 21.11.22 Mon 

21 Nov 2022

Nala 18.11.22 Fri 

18 Nov 2022

Nala 5.11.22 sat 

05 Nov 2022

Nala 1.11.22 Tues  

01 Nov 2022

Nala 29.10.22 sat  

29 Oct 2022

Nala 20.10.22 Thurs  

20 Oct 2022

Nala 15.10.22 sat  

15 Oct 2022

Nala 13.10.22 Thurs  

13 Oct 2022

Nala 11.10.22 Tues  

11 Oct 2022

Nala 6.10.22 Thurs  

06 Oct 2022

Nala 4.10.22 Tues  

04 Oct 2022

She long time didnt see joanna

Nala 15.9.22 Thurs  

15 Sep 2022

Nala 31.8.22 wed 

31 Aug 2022

740am: fr ip: play w my tissue paper, pull down and bite and pull down new one again 

Nala 16.8.22 Tues

16 Aug 2022

Nala 31.7.22 sun 

31 Jul 2022

Today lots of selar, she got eat. 🙂 

Nala 11.8.22 Thurs 

1140pm: fr ip: Duno what is Nala doing on ratten shelf 

Nala 21.7.22 Thurs 

21 Jul 2022

505pm: fr Ip: she will sit in the middle of the room. Brave siak? Is it waiting for Jack papa sayang?

Nala 23.7.22 sat

9Am: so anxious loh cos I keep giving her the big plate of food – bday cake 🙂 celebrating third bday in 猫房 

Nala 24.7.22 sun 

Night: sayang her for a while 

Brownie,Sheba,Nala 17.7.22 sun 

17 Jul 2022

Nala 21.6.22 Tues 

21 Jun 2022

150pm: randy came to 5G for photoshoot. Got some photos. Scare but I got sayang her. 

Nala 6.6.22 sun 

06 Jun 2022

These 2 days Duno why amber and Nala like to sit together at Nala territory. 

Nala 8.6.22 wed 

5+am: fr ip she roam about. Checking out stuff 

Nala 10.6.22 Fri 

Calm and naturally – will sayang her w the rest. 

Brownie & Nala 3.6.22 Fri  

03 Jun 2022

Nala 2.6.22 Thurs 

02 Jun 2022

915am fr ip; she is sitting leisurely in the middle of play room – she got the same tutu paw of Simba 

Nala 27.5.22 Fri 

27 May 2022

Night: Nala super love Jack papa 

Nala 20.5.22 Fri 

20 May 2022

11pm: heard she vomit on the top deck, Tmr morning need to remember to clear 

Nala 21.5.22 sat 

Sigh forgot to clean the top deck, Tmr is mass cleaning hopefully remember to Clean 

Nala 22.5.22 sun 

Still will run, ok w sayang.

Nala 25.5.22 wed 

Curious about Cora – cos Cora meow damn cute n soft. 

Night: she rub n turn n rub against Jack v cute, everyone love Jack, why Cora scare? 

Nala 6.5.22 Fri 

06 May 2022

Night, happy that she is at tv room, will move about – good. 

Nala 12.5.22 Thurs 

Was down on the floor w Jack 🙂 

Nala 15.5.22 sun 

Night: fr ip: … ah boy and Nala I think playing leh?

nala 3.5.22 Tues 

03 May 2022

Nala 28.4.22 Thurs 

28 Apr 2022

10am: bring her go retest fiv felv. The trust she give me is more Liao loh. This morning she also got meow meow – Duno at me or cos Jack is following me.  

12pm: go in to help out to draw Nala blood. he is still quite okay when first come out of carrier. Then suddenly start to fly ard – I wanna sayang her n got one hole from her only  – not bad leh. My right hand swollen. 

She escape netting thrice. 

Jennifer told me she found that Nala got somewhere bleeding but there is no way she can check – I saw her left hind nails bleeding.  

Blood drawn only enough to run fiv felv, Chem10 can’t do at all. Think they skip her nail cutting too. 

She both negative. 

Come back she run back her old spot w the door close but she jump thru the cat door In the door, wa I’m sooooo angry. i scold, scream, whack, also no use. I put on 5 layers of gloves and 敢敢 go sayang her n give her bistro chicken. I manage to scruff her down n bring to Jack in safe room. sayang her a bit more.  

Nala 29.4.22 Fri 

Night: my hand randomly go up to sayang – no danger 🙂  

Nala 24.4.22 sun 

24 Apr 2022

9pm: vomitted food again. Is it too hungry? 

Nala 26.4.22 Tues 

10am: poo n pee at that spot so confirm is her again. 

1140am Sigh sweeties is at hs w me now. Hope she dare to come down to settle 

Afternoon fr ip she did laze on a lower platform. 

Nala 22.4.22 fri

22 Apr 2022

Morning; sweeties get beating from me. Nala had been peeing n pooing fr the top, finally she sneaking come down to bin to pee I assume, sweeties chase after her to scare her. 

Nala 17.4.22 sun 

17 Apr 2022

733am: vomitted wet food.

Behaviour still as usual. 

Fr ip: can’t see who pee on the floor, it’s flow fr the top, so just be Nala Liao, even poo is formed rather dark 5/10 is hers. 

Can’t see who bully her but she keep pooing at her top deck too. 

Nala 12.4.22 tues 

12 Apr 2022

1130am: think is her who vomit out some wet food – drip on me and xiami. 

Nala 10.4.22 sun 

10 Apr 2022

7am: sena get lecture by me, go to top deck to bully Nala  – told Nala I help u scold jiejie 

Nala 4.4.22 mon

04 Apr 2022

All scare squeeze tgt cos heard stitch cry in carrier when he is leaving 

Nala 1.4.22 fri 

01 Apr 2022

Nala 28.3.22 mon

28 Mar 2022

Today is grooming-nail ear fur day, of cos she miss it, thru out at the top deck. Can sayang her la, I didn’t want to force her esp groomer far from a pro one. 

Night: saw her w stitch again, told her stitch leaving 猫房 soon. 

Nala 19.2.22 sat 

19 Feb 2022

Night: she growl at ah boy wor – Think she thought is Kitty? 

Nala 7.3.22 mon 

Morning: top shelf got lots of poo n pee dripping, think might be hers. someone bullying her till she can only do it on deck?  

Nala 18.2.22 fri

18 Feb 2022

Nala 6.2.22 sun

06 Feb 2022

11am: she and stitch high up on platform, I just feel that she might be sick soon 

Nala 25.1.22 tues 

25 Jan 2022

Night; also much more relax. I sayang her butt butt 🙂  

Nala 28.1.22 fri 

1030pm; got meow once and I sayang her 

Nala 24.1.22 mon

24 Jan 2022

1130am: we move to 5G, 4.63kg first time got her weight, i scruff her into carrier easily. Scare at new place, high up in room 1, close to junior. Can still sayang her. 

Nala 19.1.22 wed

19 Jan 2022

Night: look happy for me to sayang her 

Nala 12.1.22 wed

12 Jan 2022

1050pm: Kitty make me angry, and Nala got scare 

Nala 11.1.22 tues

11 Jan 2022

Nala 10.1.22 mon

10 Jan 2022

5pm: sayang them, they know packing house, cleaning in progress w Tao cactus and 2 brown shelves removed – I sayang Nala cos i not scare of her now, she turn her neck n she lick me!!!! – I’m a happy Mao 🙂  

Nala 3.1.22 mon

03 Jan 2022

850am: I just sayang Nala as normal. She is opening up, think at 5G, she can stick to Jack Jack again. 

8pm: sayang her, omg at one point she head butt me siak – i happy like siao 😉 

Nala 4.1.22 tues 

310pm: do noon round, sayang her a lot. Omg she start to know sayang 

Nala 2.1.22 sun

02 Jan 2022

10am: can sayang her rather easily. I feel safer, but not totally secure type. She do still run off la. Recently I can scruff her easier – so move w her shouldn’t be an issue at all. 

Nala getting prettier 🙂 

Nala 27.12.21 mon

27 Dec 2021

229pm: got reply. Nala got rejected. Nala will move to 猫房 5G w us. Simba will be alone for the last few days. Or should I split brownie n junior for the last few days and let them be w Simba for the last few days b4 the kids move? 

Nala 27.12.21 mon

27 Dec 2021

1157am; I’m planning the routine and list of cats to move, batches by batches, nope Nala can wait here w Simba. Send a proposal to Simba papa, buying a slight chance that he will agree to trial. Buying a even slightest chance that Nala this poor little girl will steal his heart within a month. 

Nala 17.12.21 fri

17 Dec 2021

Nala 4.12.21 sat

04 Dec 2021

730am: tuna w chicken ham – eating well 

Nala 2.12.21 thurs

02 Dec 2021

Nala 26.11.21 fri

26 Nov 2021

8am: there is a big hole in the cupboard, someone scratch and bite a hole omg – for what? Rena is in room d – so is a suspect – but somehow I feel Nala is a much bigger suspect (feel)  

Nala 13.11.21 sat

13 Nov 2021

Morning: someone in room d got 1/10 poo w tinted blood – suspect list only. 

All fed probiotics tonight except Nala 

Nala 25.11.21 thurs 

Noon: Nala and stitch lazing tgt on the top of cage 🙂 

Nala 10.11.21 wed

10 Nov 2021

1030am: damn loving and cute – Nala asking Jack Jack for sayang 🙂 

Nala 29.10.21 fri

29 Oct 2021

230pm: pa came but only keen on cola, don’t want Nala. I so scare Nala understand the situation i just keep sayang her after pa left, just remind her no matter what she is Nala wu. We will just wait patiently if someone going to give her another surname. 

Nala 28.10.21 thurs

28 Oct 2021

Morning; she confirm like stitch, stitch go to the bin area room D aka her territory she come out sniff him. obvious stitch didn’t dislike her, but I didn’t see any sign of him interested, but somehow he don’t mind going to find her. Haha weird. Stitch good friend w junior, but rival to simba. These 3 siblings connection w stitch.    

nala 24.10.21 sun

24 Oct 2021

535pm: fr ip, stitch and Nala sleeping Tgt on top of hospi cage ♥️

Nala 23.10.21 sat

23 Oct 2021

Morning: stitch go to hospi cage area, Nala come smell him again 

Nala 16.10.21 sat

16 Oct 2021

830am: interesting to see Nala approach stitch for affection – twice I saw alr. But stitch violent guy, she retreat. But i think Nala like stitch leh. 

She sit pose like Simba siak – really look like her blood bro. 

Nala 17.10.21 sun 

930am: interesting – stitch come out of room for find Nala – Nala looks excited and happy 

Nala 6.10.21 wed

06 Oct 2021

Morning; today somehow I can sayang more n more natural – I really hope i can  trust to sayang her w ease without danger 

Nala 7.10.21 thurs 

11Am; Simba fierce her cos bcos he wanna his space at the top of hospi cage 

Seem ok to be w Kitty but play safe night I use stool scare her out of room c 

Nala 27.9.21 mon

27 Sep 2021

Nala 20.9.21 mon

20 Sep 2021

10pm: serve earthmade mackerel, give her some on the floor – she got eat finish 

Q room 20.9.21 mon

20 Sep 2021

9pm: I was out for 5h, kitty n ah boy alone in room c – got 1/10 poo, highly filter out is ah boy alr – so the rest I’ll temp stop giving probiotics. 

10pm: outside cats someone 1/10 – means tmr Rena Xiami they all got to give probiotics  

Q Room 18.9.21 sat

18 Sep 2021

830am: no poo in room b – so can’t gauge who might be the one having soft mucus

Stool. The 6 of them damn cute tgt – like a gang. Stitch, junior, Brownie, Maki, Sheba, ah boy. 

Night: when I’m back home, confirm tao and Kitty r ok poo, the rest of the bins got issue, so can’t narrow who – give 11 of them probiotics except Nala. 

Nala 18.9.21 sat

18 Sep 2021

General suspect 17.9.21 fri

17 Sep 2021

as of today, got some mucus like 0.5/10 poo, Duno who, but from this room. Cos of yesterdsy Stella and chewy morsels? Omg I still order so many. Tmr onwards got to randomly feed probiotics till I can see improvement. Today probiotics given to: stitch and xiami. 

Nala 1.9.21 wed

01 Sep 2021

Morning: getting more calm, I’ll touch her as n when I like – just no big movement can le 

Nala 11.8.21 wed

11 Aug 2021

Still got stay on the cat condo. 

But like to hide under the cage where princess like to be, princess will be fierce to her  

Nala 10.8.21 tues

10 Aug 2021

Nala 23.7.21 fri

23 Jul 2021

Nala 14.7.21 wed

14 Jul 2021

Still v shy. But I can sayang her without worrying now. Sometime she will still hiss – Duno why. 

Nala 11.7.21 sun

11 Jul 2021

I can touch her as when I like. Will hiss n run, at least I don’t feel danger now

Nala 13.6.21 sun

13 Jun 2021

Nala 4.6.21 fri

04 Jun 2021

I had been touching Nala daily, still will hiss n run n jump aWay, at least didn’t attack me 

Nala 17.4.21 sat

17 Apr 2021

Night: she had been nonsense all along, scary for no reason, hiss for no reason, sometime even show attack mode for no reason, today smack her butt a few times to warn / scold her – still want attack. Later I go crazy hiss hiss n move forward want attack – then I tell her this is how u behave Loh. Sigh. I’m sure she don’t understand. Nvm. We close the night w me handing a soup of selar to her nose to give her. Fair enough, no one as crazy as Paul Paul. 

Nala 3.4.21 sat

03 Apr 2021

Night: selar fish – she like 🙂 

Nala 25.3.21 thurs

25 Mar 2021

4pm: like sparkles chicken pumpkin 

Nala 7.3.21 sun

07 Mar 2021

we moved house, very scare. Stick to simba at top deck room 1 

Nala 9.3.21 tues 
Morning; come down Liao, power of jack in the room 

Nala 25.2.21 thurs

25 Feb 2021

Nala 18.2.21 thurs

18 Feb 2021

really like to be w jack papa 

Nala 11.2.21 thurs

11 Feb 2021

Nala 4.2.21 thurs

04 Feb 2021

maybe self recovering 

Nala 1.2.21 mon

01 Feb 2021

920pm: left eye look worse, but not the type urgent to go vet – she is not taking in my food that added nutriplus gel  

Nala 29.1.21 fri

30 Jan 2021

night; left ear wet also – kiv 

25.1.21 mon

25 Jan 2021

Jack papa and his adopted son Sunny and daughter Nala

Nala 23.1.21 sat

24 Jan 2021

Nala backlog – 2020

03 Feb 2020

3.2.20 mon 

• nala vomit out some dark yellow more to brown gastric juice – upon examinate Like got fine fur

27.3.20 Fri 


* at least for 5 days nala had been on the dustbin condo in room a when she will just watch me subcut Maxine and just look at me Loh – she know the routine of my hand going v near her but not touching her Cos I’m putting down the needle and taking syringe to feed Maxine

24.5.20 Sunday 

* Nala touch my hand today, no wound type and she hiss at me

11.6.20 thurs 

• morning; junior always lick himself till leg raw – Apple banocin gel

2.8.20 sun 

• at least 3rd time I saw jack sayNg nala – happy she finds comfort w jack papa

24.8.20 mon 

• nala left eye a bit can’t open – I look at her tell her u can’t sick ah

22.9.20 Tues 

• morning: nala fierce to Simba – reminded her that’s brother. 

• Duno Simba wanna bully nala or just wanna get close to his mei mei who seem to forget him

19.10.20 mon 

* even Kerry tonight bully nala – scream until dAmn loud – she saw me scolding Kerry

30.10.20 fri

Nala love to hangout w jack

23.11.20 mon

* She really like jack a lot, I’m happy to see that. She will hAng ard him

Nala backlog – 2019

23 Jul 2019

From what i know is just 3 fierce kittens (with simba and junior) that’s boarded for 2 months elsewhere and almost no information about them that I know of. Only fierce, Steralise alr and lean wanna release them to streets. just a temp offer to help to see if I can rehab them or not. Let them absorb some positive vibes from 猫房 and hopefully some love from me?! Ha … but I hate kittens. 

23.7.19 Tues 

• 1+pm: enter 猫房 

• just now went AW to do the necessary, nurse gave them their names, so they r without a name for 2 months also

• nala, the only girl, 2.3kg female tabby. Very very siao siao. Even blur from sedation, still dash here dash there, jump up jump down the wall, wanna run from human touch. I found out her tummy area v saggy, like those typical hernia cat like that somemore she just spay recently. can’t be fats Cos she rather thin? I don’t think the previous place can confirm whether she did eat. This have to observe 

• conclusion as of now, all r scary cats, scare pple touch. Don’t think is fierce. 

• has served them 2 bowls of kibble, 1 bowl water, 3 plates of tuna w salmon.

• evening: didn’t touch all 3 plates of wet food

• nala on TOP of the box 

• supper: no poo no pee yet. I squant down to communicate w them. Nala the flying girl – I can sayang her v softly b4 she go bang her head against door again 

• serve tuna w chicken and also fc gold chicken in gravy – food accepted by them. 🙂

24.7.19 wed 

• morning; ard 1 set of formed poo – someone use bin 🙂

• heard me coming in and all 3 squeeze into the tiny box 

• nala can get to sayang her thrice b4 she hiss – the hiss is not like domino type, that one hiss n totally won’t attack 

• serve fc gold chicken w gravy and tuna w chicken

• night: no new poo, but got pee

• one plate overturn so food wasted – so not v smart ah?

25.7.19 thurs 

• morning; 2 sets of poo or more, formed and 2cm PCs type. Got one set is flatten so more of scale 4.5/10 

• food all cleared – kakato tuna yummy 

• water intake quite a lot – change 2 bowls to water bowls 

• someone did touch kibble 

• nala is inner in so I sayang her back 

• serve dd carrot and tuna w salmon

• evening: they didn’t really like above food, wa picky after eating kakato ah 

•Tonight: nala and junior sit together on the floor 

• serve kakato tuna – the 2

Boys eat and didn’t leave any space for nala to come out to eat  

• shred Peepads all over the floor

28.7.19 sun 

• morning; all food finished, Including whole bowl of kibble 

• water intake still relatively more   

• let them get used to 猫房 style at own pace. See that I’m bz, see I put eye drop for kitty, see I scold the rest for fighting, see I sayang xiao guai 

• nala is the lost one Duno what to do – taking her brothers’ q

• likes kakato range of food

29.7.19 mon 

• food including kibbles all gone 

• messy toilet users

10.8.19 sat

• normal day – nala want to attack – got whack by me in the butt twice

24.8.19 sat 

• nala still shy n like to hide behind curtain 

6.9.19 Fri 

• nala separated fr her bros le / wa they forgot they got a sister ah?

11.9.19 wed

• Nala like to run away – v pretty

25.9.19 wed

• nala still don’t like pple to touch

19.11.19 tues 

• Status of 3 of them:

Nala: will run and don’t like touch, will bite me but I know she didn’t meant to hurt

22.11.19 fri

• nala being bullied by ah boy and tao tao

Medical Record

nala 16.7.24 Tue 

16 Jul 2024

Nala 15.6.24 sat 

15 Jun 2024

Nala 28.4.22 Thurs 

28 Apr 2022

Nala 23.7.19 Tues

23 Jul 2019