Bella Liang


Health status

Enter 猫房 for now cos having fungal – positive. erm …

Joanna’s Cat. ha bella and me not gum one, maybe she know i dont fancy “pretty” cats that most pple like.

Bella Liang's Logbook

Age : 12y 3m
Birthday : 03 Feb
Weight : 4.85kg as of 18.8.22
Date of Entry : 18.8.2022

Bella 22.12.24 sun 

22 Dec 2024

After party end, jo send me their video on playing w cat nip. She react a little only, then she bite the pillow 

Bella 30.4.24 Tue 

30 Apr 2024

8am; no poo. They same same. Morning bella sleep until legs open. But today she delayed hissing at me. Sleep until blur blur. Told them today mummy coming to fetch them le later on.  Serve tuna w white fish w Japanese can food. today electric work at 5GM, and it take so long till I run home alr 3.10pm for mama to fetch them home. Food only 50% clear. 

Water bowl so dirty when I clear their stuff after they go home – ha all Bella fur loh. So scary 8am+ just serve new water. 

6.68kg- gain 70g in 11 days 

Bella 29.4.24 Mon 

29 Apr 2024

8am: wa this girl. I have to assume is her cos she sit on the fluid box. She torn 2 boxes of fluid and the room flood. While clearing she still growl me n Tammy attack scream at me, must scold. Too much. Medical stuff siak. Got one set of poo 5/10. Serve tuna white fish and Japanese can. 

4.28pm: sleep until belly up 

9pm+: fed them dinner, no new poo. Remind them tmr going home le. Today I’m v sad/ tired. Told her we can’t quarrel and play fights le 

Bella 28.4.24 sun 

28 Apr 2024

7.30am: plates all quite empty 

Got one set of poo 5/10 

Serve tuna w white fish and Japanese orange pouch. She got eat 🙂

5.40pm: serve snack : tuna w chicken w light pink Japanese creamy chicken can food – she got eat and I can serve her food without danger though she always growl at me

9pm+: serve tuna w chicken ham w aixia chicken immunity pouch. she is struggling to come out of the big condo box. Ha. No time to scold me while I’m being v careful of Tammy 

Bella 27.4.24 sat 

27 Apr 2024

8am+: serve breakfast. 

They got clear food and drink water 

Got poo 5/10. 

1pm+: Bella sleeping on the floor

2pm+: her fur coat too thick la. Must be too warm for her, she hiss me but she understand when I told her give her one more fan. She can coolllll herself down more. 

9pm: Shield will let her move to carrier and she just watch me Prepare stuff la 

Serve tuna w chicken and Japanese can food 

10pm: just sitting at door watching me 

Bella 26.4.24 Fri 

26 Apr 2024

9Am+: today seem happy, belly up sleeping. 

Open up window for them. 

Serve tuna w chicken w Japanese food – she like. Water bowl changed. 

10am+: she is still eating it. day food almost finish. 

2pm+: zzz. They like guy more 

4.58pm: wanna give them snack cos their plate relatively empty. Both sleep till v soundly. Bella on floor all fours open. Tammy in sb. So nice. I waited but they got no intention of waking up, no choice but to wake them up and serve kakato chicken w pumpkin, both of them got lick a little. N stop. 

10pm++: back and they look happy. But Bella on floor which I can easily settle w the shield, i clear stuff n I start scolding and nag at them for their siao siao behaviours –  bella still more logical than Tammy. Their plates almost all empty. Today good appetite. 

No new poo. 

Serve tuna w whit fish and finnese tuna. 

Bella 25.4.24 Thur 

25 Apr 2024

4.45am: Simba getting louder and non stop. Wake up to serve tuna w white fish to him and rumi. When I on kitchen light, Bella and Tammy stand at the door to check me out 

9am: serve tuna w chicken ham. Today sit at diff spot / the fluid box 

Zzzz v long today. 

10pm: I was told Bella n Tammy room also got meow (should be Tammy) and bang door (confirm Bella), so I got to shut window. Day time then open window. Got one set of poo 5/10. Serve tuna w salmon.  

Bella 24.4.24 wed 

24 Apr 2024

9Am+: on floor. I have to use my shield again. They did eat la. Water bowl always half bowl gone. Got poo 5/10 and 6.5/10. 

Serve tuna w chicken and she got eat 

12pm+: sleeping soundly 

4.42pm: Tammy and Bella sleeping quite near, their head placement look cute and peaceful. I ask Tammy want snack? Ciao cup? She slow blink me wor. I say I go bring for her and Bella got a share too 

11pm: sitting at the door, shield needed again but she back off quite fast into carrier then I can do stuff easier. 

there is poo 5/10 in bin. Ha eat too much day n night got poo. Water intake is a lot. Weather is horrible, just now I’m sweating in aircon class. I on their fan to biggest. They ate most food. Serve tuna w salmon. Think she is v hot la w such fur coat. 

Bella 23.4.24 Tue 

23 Apr 2024

505am: i can’t sleep le. I sit down w Bella sitting at the door. Talk to her for a while. Ask her last time u go boarding u prefer that meh. Pple give you food n you don’t eat and they keep alr let u be hungry. Here you got the choice u want to eat or not. Wanna serve them early breakfast also can’t w her at the door, she needs to move to carrier or inner in if not I can’t clear plates and change water without she screaming. Now 5.11Am. Can’t do anything 

5.32am: I’m thinking so morning got delivery meh. Why got pple banging my door etc. is Bella lah.  

9Am+: serve tuna w white fish.  got 2 sets of poo. She is sitting in the carrier and I serve plate to her she ok leh – for this she is better than Tammy, Tammy is might sudden attack me one even I’m just giving her food  

1pm+: didn’t really touch food, still on the floor. On oval sb – she like that. At the door kpo looking out, whack the door when I sayang her thru the acrylic.   

Thru till 4pm+: still same spot same activities 

8pm+: at the same spot, I need to do stuff so I need her to move in, ha my amour shield have to take out to use. Bella hiss and backwards towards the condo, her tail irritate Tammy and Tammy whack her tail, she hiss at Bella. They got eat kibble, so I need to top up. Water also. 

Serve tuna w salmon. 

9.20pm: same spot, she knows lights out soon gonna sleep but she going to start her drum lessons in the midnights. 

Bella 22.4.24 Mon 

22 Apr 2024

7am+: I know Simba is meowing and someone else also. 

8am+: I keep my sound down when I prepare food to go in. So Bella won’t come To door to fight w me. She is sitting in carrier, scold me while I clear this n that. got 2 sets of poo, both look v dry. One is 5/10 one 6.5/10. 

Food confirm got pple eat. Water intake is almost half small bowl per day. Serve tuna w chicken ham. 

11Am+: I’m back from 5G, she hiss at me when I check on them. food didn’t touch much. 

5pm+: story I heard: Tammy sitting at the door looking v curious, Bella standing right behind her. Tammy excited until her tail swipe and swipe and slap and slap Bella face and Bella growl while just standing right there let Tammy slap her w her tail. And Bella end up licking Tammy tail non stop and Tammy piss off and walk off. Bella become sad cos no tail for her to lick and she lie down to rest. 

9pm+: sitting right there, 40cm away fr door I can’t even enter loh. No chance without making her scream. I check bin at least no poo so I serve food outside the room and give them. Tuna w chicken w smoked fish platter. I thought Bella seem more keen on smoked fish. 

11pm+: curious stick to door. 

Bella 21.4.24 sun 

21 Apr 2024

5.41am: got woken by cats meowing. Thought is Bella Tammy side then that will be damn loud. Checked: don’t think is them. 

Bella sit in litterbin growl at me while I clear out, I clear plates she want attack me. Ha

Didn’t touch much food. All throw. 

When I go change water she sit at the door to stalk me,  I can’t go in loh, she attack door, I got to use glove swing her inner in and she attack and shout so loud. 6am+ loh Omg. 

Serve tuna w chicken. 

Bin: no poo, got pee, amount should be 2 cats both pee alr. 

7.40cm: sitting by the door, pan kiss her n she hiss at me. Ha 

3.30pm: only someone ate maybe 20% of food. All other food not touched. Bella continue to scold me. no poo yet 

9pm+: Bella is 50cm away from me. I got to prepare food on the hanging bed. Serve tuna w white fish. No poo yet. she is active on the floor/ door. 

Bella 20.4.24 sat 

20 Apr 2024

3.10pm: enter 猫房. Totoro room. Scan for m/c – don’t have 

As usual, go bear side to hide and go computer room. Jiejie have to hug her back to room. Lucky I got cat condo in this room now – she is on condo. No need to scare that she whack me non stop when I open door. 

Weight : 5.24kg as of 5.12.22 – ha this girl today is 6.61kg. She gain 1.37kg in 16.5 months. 

4pm: serve tuna w chicken, half hiss half eat a little then she don’t want Liao 

5.30pm: fr Ip: still sitting same spot. Food not touched further 

5.47pm: she didn’t eat, tail touch plate le. Remove and put on floor for her. No one pee yet. 

8.00pm: on romantic light for them, no one pee yet. Food not touched further. Bella make lots of noise, hiss and make lots of noises. Close the windows by half. Too loud. 

8.45pm: still same spot leh. Not that ok leh. She really ok to come down? Jiejie and Mummy just now says she can. Let’s hope no issue for her. She is just grumpy only. Still no pee in room. She still making lots of noises. serve fresh tuna w salmon n put beside her 

9.53pm: worried that Bella can’t come down later fall down how, check ip since lights out hopefully she dare to move le. Ha – she in the carrier alr, so she came down Liao. Trace ip to 9.32pm: she slowly step by step level by level come down one. Didn’t jump down at all. Play safe mode. Good. Got kpo see I’m outside or not  

Bella 17.3.24 sun 

17 Mar 2024

“Omg she’s stuck” 

Bella 6.2.24 Tue 

06 Feb 2024

1pm+: 8th to groom. Got multiple matted fur need to shave off. Bath w argan oil shampoo. Fierce but not that fierce la. use lots of shampoo and need 2 towels. Ears not dirty. But fur v bad. Lots matted. She pee in playpen end up bath again redo everything again. More than 1h plus 

Bella 28.4.23 Fri 

28 Apr 2023

Bella 17.1.23 Tues

17 Jan 2023

Bella 4.12.22 Sun 

04 Dec 2022

Morning: got one set of poo 

Day: generally quiet, got hiss la. But ok la. 

So far these days she and Tammy r fine, no fights nothing. 

Bella 5.12.22 Mon 

Morning: got 2 sets of mixed poo. 

Today generally quiet. 

Afternoon: mummy coming to fetch them so feel safe to let them roam as they like, cos no need to worry about chasing them back. 

Wa they play 躲猫猫 w me. I close work room and Bella appear, hiss at me, and hide under sofa and attack my cats cloth. 

I think jiejie came she come out on her own one .

5.24kg – got gain weight la. But that day her weight taking not accurate. 

Bella 3.12.22 sat 

03 Dec 2022

720am: I created a shield to block her which is so much better than the long glove – less irritating to Bella. She will just back off while making her gnoa gnoa sound but at least she don’t need to waste her time attacking. Serve her a big big plate of food. She confirm eat la. 

One set of a poo, no further negative findings on the pee. 

Somehow Bella won’t finish Tammy share cos i nag at her eat your own plate only ah. This siao siao princess girl also got 听话的时候 – sound like tao. 

9Am: she choose to squeeze under the bed, w the rattan basket on the bed, I help her throw the basket aside. 

3pm: sleeping soundly at one corner 

8pm: serve dinner, clear a set of poo, nice form 5/10.

1010pm: dd pure is here, serve supper for them – dd pure salmon w ciao chicken  

Bella 2.12.12 Fri 

02 Dec 2022

8.40am: fr Ip: she is tucked at the far corner where Tammy originally sleep. She didn’t touch much of the treat food – Erm don’t like treat? 

Since 130am she has been making lots of noises – meow and scratching 

855am: she walk towards me and want attack me, i only nag at her say u keep gniao gniao gniao, she surprisingly stop. The 2 sided wall paint come off – ha her water bowl and kibble bowl dirty. Changed. No one touch kibble. 

She eat a bit of tuna w chicken and she walk back to the corner to groom herself then at least I can pack something. One set of poo 3.75/10, I feel is tammy’s. 

310pm: think Bella got eat kibble. 

Got one point she is resting on the sb. 

440pm: serve bistro chicken and ciao chicken fillet treat that looks damn nice, of cos this girl sure eat la. Top up kibble.  no new poo in bin. 

Sit down w her for a while then she keep attacking me at the door. Ha. 

11pm: got one set of v dark poo formed 5/10. Scoop damn dirty thrown. This Bella crazy attack my glove n I can see the way she attack she is trying to attack the top knowing that’s where I’ll get injured. Serve tuna w chicken ham w ciao chicken fillet treat. 

Bella 1.12.22 Thurs 

01 Dec 2022

145pm: Bella enter 猫房 4G. 

Keep running off scale – can’t get very accurate weight, between 4.9-5.2kg, given 0.52ml of revo plus 

At one point he is on my big mat, I bend down wanna nego w her, haven’t even nego she smack my leg. Ha. No deal. 

She had her first pee in the bin, I thought I saw a little tinted red, but check unicharm Peepad, Col ok, but maybe diluted can’t see. 

Serve her tuna w chicken, she got eat. 

She got smack Tammy also.  

315pm: same loh, at the door stalking me. Got eat. 

I close my windows cos I really scare the way she bang she might bang the whole door down then windows close at least she won’t jump down. 

430pm: sit n resting in the new basket 🙂 

5pm: she clear her plate alr, serve her another plate of bistro chicken. Her signature want to hiss whack me sound till Tammy wake up look at the 2 of us DIAO look. 

1150pm: from downstairs can hear meow sound, should be bella’s. 

As usual, she don’t let me open door serve food, attack my glove and scream damn loud. Sigh. No poo in bin. 

Serve tuna w chicken w ciao cup chicken fillet w mummy chicken treat. 

Bella 4.9.22 Sun 

04 Sep 2022

6.35am: she should be happy w the breakfast – tuna w chicken w bistro chicken and ciao chicken. 

Ha she got sb party ah, clear a lot of shredded sb think she know going home le don’t waste the sb play it till torn pieces. 

Got poo 5/10. No more vomit. 

7pm: serve her more food, told her mummy coming to fetch her soon. Wa got rub rub against door siak. Finally leaving here le, think she happy also la. Or happy w today’s meal haha. later tabao some for her to take back 

910pm: we waiting for mama to come …

Oh ya afternoon Bella is so obvious – biased. She ok w guy.  

4.85kg 18.8.22, 5.38kg – gain 530g, go out of room excited wor, walk here n there. I can sayang wor 

Bella 5.9.22 Mon 

Today keep looking into the room, haha Bella not ard to whack me le. 

Yesterday and Today spray whole room w f10, Tmr deep cleaning. 

Bella 3.9.22 sat 

03 Sep 2022

502pm: fr ip: so weird. She didn’t touch food leh. She had been eating a lot and well all these while? poo well also. Erm … why? 

730pm: did touch food – but she vomited out in bin (wet food w kibble) – first time she for vomit. 

Poo still nice 5/10. 

Given tuna w chicken, kakato chicken fillet w gold d chicken treat – she lick the treat first. 

Bella 2.9.22 Fri 

02 Sep 2022

morning: her aggression towards the glove is getting scary. She should also know the glove is to shoo her to one side to eat, so I can clear her room/ old plates and poo. She will now grab and bite, if not wanna play my hand sayang her one. Told her 2 more days. Mama or jiejie coming to fetch u home le

130pm: generally very sleepy today. Raining day. Keep sleeping. 

Bella 1.9.22 Thurs 

01 Sep 2022

9+am: first time I open door she didn’t attack the food plate. No need use glove to shoo her away. Just give her eat – think she like the combo since last night. This morning is: tuna w chicken w wellness core tuna tiny tasters. 

Bella 31.8.22 wed 

31 Aug 2022

Morning: saw a little bleed stain like on floor – she injure her nail? Or her beneath body got issue? Didn’t get to check since she discharge. 

Everything else as usual. 

Serve her tuna w salmon w kakato chicken fillet – she confirm eat the fillet first. 

She eat, n my hand go in sayang her 4 times 

520pm: serve snack – tuna w prawn – she like leh. 

Night: serve tuna w chicken and wellness tiny taster chicken – she like – concentrate more on eating than wanting to whack me

Bella 30.8.22 Tues 

30 Aug 2022

730am- stare at me, I talk to her, fierce me – I walk away do some laundry 

She continue stare at me, softer a bit – thinking y haven’t serve food?  I walk to her, talk to her, fierce me again – – I walk away sort out my laundry and prepare plates 

She continue stare at me, softer a bit more – thinking y haven’t serve food?  I walk to her, talk to her, fierce me again – I walk away pack baby wipes and get ready stuff to clean up her room. 

She continue stare at me – ha she like that one la. Open door w the glove and today she attack higher siak, my finger Gana, somehow her nail is short (can’t be that short after discharge so long) so is her paw fur cover save me a bit. 

Clean up her room, all sb shreds ard, she like sb. Poo shape, colour, texture all v nice 5/10. Clean up her bin. And put a crab catnip toy for her – she attack me when I’m pasting I thought she excited about the toy. But never play leh. Wasted. U don’t play I also got to throw when u go home. 

1230pm: she sleeping and surprisingly wake up looking at me didn’t attack the door – maybe just wake up  blur2

215pm: she howl wor – scare me. then stop after a while. 

big appetite- will go eat kibble when I’m not topping up wet food yet, she is seeing cleaning of house  

Night: Poo 5/10 

Bella 29.8.22 Mon 

29 Aug 2022

Morning: this girl ah. i wear the glove (since no danger) try to sayang her to let her feel safe, she attack all the way, even biting the glove loh. Anyway, bed thrown cos she hide a plate underneath – omg so dirty, clean up her room since she attack I can’t tell cleaner clean her room. eating well. Don’t know why today I feel she look not as good fit as b4. poo 5/10 too. Pee daily. water intake moderate. Got eat both wet and dry food. 

Bella 28.8.22 sun 

28 Aug 2022

740am: her attack is not predictable one, don’t know what she want. Wa she only want chicken food, her choices v limited. Keep eating chicken ham. 

610pm: she is a little curious why got one boy – I called him Blackie smokii then. Sigh waiting for owner to appear. Don’t be like cola 

Serve her chicken ham w bistro chicken. No new poo. 

1020pm: Blackiesmokii go back w owner, i clear her poo as usual she whack and bite my glove 

Bella 26.8.22 Fri 

26 Aug 2022

830am: food all cleared. No poo. 

Serve tuna w chicken ham w kakato chicken fillet – ha only eat kakato. 

350pm: serve her tuna chicken ham w ciao chicken fillet, ha she ate the fillet and come monitor me clear her poo (5/10) and water bowl and see kibble bowl top up. 

Meow twice. Ha Duno her. 

Night: nothing significant to log, still the one who keep attacking me when I open door. Yet sometime calm at one corner stare at me clearing her poo. Exchange food w poo ok? 

Bella 27.8.22 sat 

Morning: poo daily so far, 5/10, food all cleared. today give her tuna chicken ham + dd jelly sasami. 

Ok got eat. 

1014pm: cool raining night. 

Bella 25.8.22 Thurs 

25 Aug 2022

Morning: poo 5/10, food serve finished. 

Just sleep and sleep n sleep, happy wake up growl at me. 330pm she realise I’m

Back she want to eat loh, ignore her I’m really damn tired. 

430pm: serve tuna w white fish. Got smell n come to door like scold me then realise no choice that’s the only food, she went to eat it. She really only want chicken one only.  

7.55pm: fr Ip: she is hungry eating kibble on her own 

1130pm: her kibble bowl 20% left, ha I can’t even reach loh, how to top up. 

Given her tuna w chicken ham. 

Poo 5/10, amount okay. Wa one day poo twice ah. 

Bella 24.8.22 wed 

24 Aug 2022

815am: sleeping peacefully on the towel she hated the most – I almost want to tell her mummy is it she hate peach pink? She attack the towel the most. 

830am: maybe she find it fun to want to keep attacking me and show anger? Even her own food she attack for what? No logic, scolded her cos she whack her own food till drop on floor, what’s your logic?!! 

Come to think of it, maybe she will sleep on me one day like the pink towel. 

Eating well, really love tuna chicken. First meal always polish quite fast. 

no poo. 

4pm: sleeping on tissue paper 

540pm: serve kakato chicken fillet, sure happy one but still same princess temper 

1045pm: same sdd behaviour, ask her is this fun? Didn’t really react much to her, she got one side, I clear the plate and bin. Poo 5/10, quantity ok. Peepad day 08 full already, thrown. serve tuna chicken ham, she walk forward to eat look normal, Duno plotting to kill me or not, ha slide the plate to her and she just eat. 

Bella 23.8.22 Tues 

23 Aug 2022

Morning: routine started as usual, still same princess temper, even whack the food when she wanna the food 

1215pm: food already all clear. V good appetite 

Whole afternoon napping and growl n observe me cleaning packing. 

1pm; ate another can of chicken ham 

245pm: she is really not a fish cat, whole house stink of selar smell, she didn’t show any sign of excitement. Later dinner don’t give her selar at all. 

9pm: don’t want me near her, still block the door way, want food, don’t want me near and yet she is near me herself. Have to chase her i inner in and she keep screaming, scream until she stress herself and wanna poo v soft 2.75/10. Hard to clean. Duno inner room have or not, already clean away some. Bin got poo 4.25/10 – she ate quite a lot of food. 

Serve tuna chicken ham w kakato chicken fillet. 

Bella 22.8.22 Mon 

22 Aug 2022

925am: waiting for me at the door, still fierce sound. no poo. so far poo have been at least once every 2 days. Overnight did eat a little of aixia but majority not eaten, she guarding the bed/ plate, I can’t clear. 

I open the can in front of her outside, and put the plate in, she go straight to food. Really like chicken more. salmon n white fish all don’t touch.

1220pm: food finish. Not a very clean eater. skin didn’t look worsen. 

6pm: food plate empty, serve her tuna chicken ham, hungry wor, come straight to eat it. 

9pm: hungry again? Ha, use glove chase her one side, I serve tuna w chicken and bistro chicken, she come to me when I’m still opening wor. Today super hungry Mao siak? 

Bella 21.8.22 sun 

21 Aug 2022

730am: no poo. Pee isn’t much more, she pee in same position. 

Serve tuna w chicken and kakato filllet. Ha she really chicken cat. She can’t stand kakato smell, want growl and want to eat. 

830am: She only finish the kakato, stand at door want to attack me again. Ha. 

7pm: food cleared, I got to use glove swing her inner in before I can serve food for her. a bit a bit attack pple le. tmr no need to worry on how to get her inside carrier to go grooming cos groomer send msg to reject her. Erm … then how Bella going to recover ah? I know fungal can self heal, eat well sleep well. 

Serve aixia black can and tuna w chicken, she is hungry I think, come to check out food once I close door, but she sweep the floor don’t like aixia. She eat the tuna w chicken. 

830pm: keep monitoring me having dinner. I went to fetch her a new scratchboard, demo outside for her that’s what she like, told her Siam a bit then I can put inside for her, she angry angry till she went to shit. She angry will shit one? 

After shutting she went straight to ab to play, should be slightly a little happier la. Her poo 5/10, nice form and texture. 

Bella 20.8.22 sat 

20 Aug 2022

1202am: fr ip : so poor thing siak keep looking out, hungry siak but know food got meds and don’t want eat? Sigh. tmr will serve her normal breakfast alr if really not touched. Inconsistent ab no diff to no ab alr. 

Morning: didn’t touch food at all. Didn’t poo and no pee much. 

Wanna take out the kibble bowl, she attack me through under the bed. really siao siao siak. 

told her no more medi alr, open can food in front of her so she know it’s CLEAN and she still attack me when I opening food. 

6pm: food 90% cleared. 

No poo, and she even guard at door, I open door she attack me. Best I can’t even open door, I got to take glove while she attack me to chase her to the corner of room so I can change water and clean up room for her. Wound cleaning for now is total no way.  

8pm: serve tuna w white fish when she is far away from me, so no length to attack me and I told her yum yum, and give her a ciaoru treat add on. She did come out to check out the food but I think she is not keen. Erm chicken cat? 

945pm: sitting at door, looking at me eat dinner 

1005pm: just sit w her, without me touching her n she can’t whack me, ha I know she not calming down. 

Bella 19.8.22 Fri 

19 Aug 2022

930am: fr Ip, can’t see her. 

Ha- she is sleeping under the bed. 

Didn’t touch food at all, expected so missed one dose of med. 

no poo. 

Given breakfast – tuna w chicken ham w added gabapentin, and bistro chicken. She is keen on bistro. 

955am: she saw me when she is in litterbin, a little alert, I walk away she continue her biz. Should be pooing – it’s not when I came back to check. No poo 

11Am rush back to attend to Bella cos her room needs lots of time. Crush meds and mix into liquid, target: to scruff her and feed directly so she can get her med. 

she really sdd one, but damn smart, or she simply love the belly up position so she can attack attack attack non stop. Cos she is at that position i got no grab space to scruff her at all, WRESTLE W her for 1h + just to get Duno how many % into her mouth, some on floor. I’ll conclude as med fail. 2 doses missed. This girl, soft approach don’t work, sayang her she attack me, if I don’t have the amber glove I’m alr at hospital. Attack non stop one. Poo put formed but ice cream cone like poo 4/10 all over the floor, sigh my tiles I scrub like siao. her butt stain also, clean up w f10. sigh. Like this her mental also got problem soon – only simple med can’t get in. gabapentin also don’t work – is that why she didn’t touch breakfast or she sense got something inside? 

2pm: Sum up: she did have 7 days of ab in clinic, mummy told me a go to starve her, serve only little food w med, so she either have to take it or starve. Later will throw all the food in her room. 

3pm: kept the kibble, throw the food. 

Serve tuna w white fish w smaller PCs of Clav and w kibble on diff layer to create texture. 

She bz hiding under the bed as her turtle shell. 

430pm: I go in give her a cute lantern cos she is supposed to stay here during mid autumn also initially, I didn’t even disturb her wor, she whack and attack my leg.  

1030pm: fierce, keep growling and on attack mode – ha like socks last time, wa want to bully me for no reason. 

No poo. Didn’t touch food at all. 

Serve night food w med w added dehydrated sardine. If she don’t touch this overnight will be day 01 without food. 

That’s y so angry ah. Hungry cat = angry cat. 

Whack me through the door panel. 

Bella 18.8.22 Thurs 

18 Aug 2022

1120am: go clinic fetch her, lucky I bring my carrier. Ha mummy carrier is the cui type, high chance of missing cat. Bella make angry sound when I say hello to her. Ha she is like that. That’s y I wonder how to medi her. Almost impossible. morning round is done at clinic, night then try will die or not. Clinic staff says many injured by Bella le. Erm … 

the spots to wipe is a lot by kartic. she ok w spray but not ok w cream, beneath also got – omg. Later I still got to go buy towel for her use. 

1230pm: till now groomer didn’t respond, I text 2 times alr. Plus I got to tell them Bella is fierce (haven’t even say this yet). 

Reached 猫房 isolated room. 

Pour new pallet set up bin for her, she went in check out. 

give her a new bed so she can lie on something soft, she went in check out. 

Give her water and kibble bowl, she got check out water bowl but didn’t drink. 

Give her tuna w chicken, got check out didn’t eat. 

Will brush against me, checking out the place, at least can walk now better than in cage la. 

4.85kg – I’m thinking of adding probiotics to her meds. Ha – don’t be so adventurous yet, tonight I got to plan what medi most important to give first in case fail attempt. pearlyn says she will scream. If she scream, I can’t give her med at all at night. 

Taken some pictures of her current skin conditions. Do look like ringworm. I got to buy a slipper to put in her room usage. 

120pm: still at door looking out, thinking of …. 

I sayang her ha – can leh. 

Summary of her med: 

1) Shampoo (wait for groomer) 

2)f10 spray, clean w silvin x twice till 24.8 ext

3)Amoxiclav 1.5 tabs x twice till 24.8 wed 

4) Itraconazole 1 Tab 2-8sept, 16-22 Sept 

5)Chloramine 4mg 1 tabx twice as nec 

6)sam e 1 tab x once 

FIV –  FELV – (idexx) 

Cbc done, mild imflammation since alr on ab 

HCT seem ok. 

Chem10 relatively ok, bun Low due to Low in protein – see how first 

222pm: didn’t eat, cat’s logic: sleep under the bed. 

330pm: ha – food all polished! Haha so really did eat well. Means got to give her snack round. 

440pm: sleep until beam beam, ha I give her tuna w salmon w ciao cup. Didn’t eat like just now  

515pm: fr ip: still didn’t eat yet. She is grooming herself 

1103pm: fr Ip: didn’t touch food, looking out, looking for me? She did touch kibble bowl 

1130pm: got poo 5/10, did pee colour n amount look fine. 

Didn’t eat the snack food at all, Duno how to appreciate ciao cup or don’t like salmon? 

ha – she can sense the medi coming vibes ah? Aggressive mode on still nvm. Is she scream, no way to continue. 

Give her ciao treat direct she attack me. Lucky somehow she no nails? 

if her sore cleaning is divided into 4 portions, left, centre, right, bottom. Tonight done left and centre. And best, when I open up the silvin cream, only left enough for tonight use. It’s almost an empty tub. Tmr I got to find new tub to use. Enough screaming 12am alr+ alr. oral medi is a joke. no way. Use the method I hate the most – crush and added to food – tuna w chicken + ciao treats. can only hope she grope food overnight. 

116am: grooming herself – food and med not touch

Bella – vacation from 11 to 20 Dec 2017

11 Dec 2017

11 Dec 2017 – Monday
• 1135am: Bella enter 猫房 – run all over the whole place – ok
• see her mummy n jiejie go off and she is v 🙁
• angry cat – sayang her also cannot, talk nice nice to her also cannot, fierce her also don’t listen.
• let her calm down alone bah in her little blue shark

12.12.17 Tuesday
• Super cannot stand her – Super 小姐脾气 … fierce for no reason – Too bad I don’t give in to bad temper cat
• sigh end up still give her a scratchboard sofa – she seem to like it
• I know she got touch kibble
• didn’t touch wet food (fc tuna w small anchovy)
• got poo and scatter all over the room

13.12.17 Wednesday
• kc came to visit Mao Mei – got Attack by her also, lucky she wear jean
• towards night, she seem to know I’m worried about Mao Mei not as crazy behaviour

14.12.17 Thursday
• got poo
• clear daily delight pure purple only
• let her sit in Q2, play w her thru glass door, she seem ok 🙂

15.12.17 Friday
• both seem more happy to be together and both of them clear all their food (without treats)
• I can use my hand to hand her ciao chicken fillet and shredded chicken and she try to eat – but after Tammy so fierce, she also fierce sigh
• got poo – she topple the litterbin

16.12.17 Saturday
• little poo like ard 4cm of poo only
• very sure she use the purple bin
• like the sofa quite a lot
• got clear all wet food and also the kibble

17.12.17 Sunday
• clear all food including kibble
• no poo
• got vomit but lots of fur ball

18.12.17 Monday
• today got good normal amount poo
• food all clear

19.12.17 Tuesday
• clear all food
• regular poop

Medical Record

Bella 18.8.22 Thurs  

18 Aug 2022