

A thin black cat with that left ear tipped quite a lot that lll get to know from 17-24 Dec due to home minor Reno. no other info given, unknown gender. No fiv felv tested. So default my record all will be male cats from this family. Their mama is a 80yrs old feeder

Blackie's Logbook

Age : 11y 4m
Birthday : 17 Dec
Weight : 3.52kg as of 17.12.2023
Date of Entry : 17.12.2023

Blackie 24.12.23 sun 

24 Dec 2023

8am: just alone but eating very well. Serve tuna w white fish. sayang her told her going home soon. One set of 5/10 poo in bin. 

9.15am: give them one pack of catnip sachet each, didn’t play in front of me 

10am+: I back to give them some kakato tuna snack. 

12++pm: much later than the time I plan to say good bye to the lao babies cos I save a dog called Bobo (reunited w owner after they left 猫房)). 3.59kg – gain 70g.

Blackie 23.12.23 sat 

23 Dec 2023

9Am+: got 2-3 sets of 4/10 poo in bin.

Wet Food almost all cleared. 

Serve tuna w chicken ham – got eat. Think she eat the most. 

7pm: serve tuna w smoked fish. The sb w bell become their table – Mel, lele and Blackie eat tgt  

9pm+: in the small box deck, sayang her n serve tuna w chicken. Sure got eat. and told them Tmr we weigh n see if they lose or gain weight. By right will be lose cos they mainly eat wet food diet here. Didn’t touch much of kibble other than Blackie. She eat both kibble and wet food. Happy w the meals provided. tmr I hope I remember to serve them a Xmas eve lunch snack kakato tuna. 

Blackie 22.12.23 Fri 

22 Dec 2023

8am+: no poo in bin. And weird that their water intake so little but they can pee so much. Full Peepad. Serve tuna w chicken. Eat a lot. Raining? Hungry. Sayang her face and clean her eyes. 

10am+: 2 sets of poo clear it without pic. 4.5/10 

12.50pm: make a lot of noise when handling her. Carry also make noise, scruff also. clean both her ears, dirty. She looks very dry and untidy, brush her, a lot of matted fur. she likes and still want somemore. 

3pm: got one new set of poo, 5/10. still on the hanging bed, wa now she like hanging bed ah 

5.30pm; serve ciao cup snack

10pm: Serve tuna w smoked fish. Active in eating. Good 

Blackie 21.12.23 Thu 

21 Dec 2023

9Am: serve tuna w chicken ham and sparkles tuna w crab, nothing to note. 

11am+: I pack room. She look tired and sleep on 4th deck small box. sayang her. just hot. Fan remain M, cos Vince left nostril still got discharge don’t want his potential flu to start. 

Bin got 2 sets of poo, 5/10 and 2.5/10. 

3.15pm: serve sparkles w crab as snack.  No further poo 

Erm quite restless. still in the same small box 

10pm: got some scatter poo, Erm overall 3.75/10. serve tuna w white fish w sparkles tuna w prawn – got eat. Walking on ledge 

Blackie 20.12.23 wed 

20 Dec 2023

10am: Serve tuna w chicken n sparkles tuna w salmon. ok food intake. They all clear indoor more than fit. 

Poo 2 sets both 5/10. 

Sayang her 

Status: on third deck of cat condo. 

4pm+: I Subcut Blackie and le le go and whack Blackie face. Blackie will meow when I get get to Subcut. she got eat 2 types of kibble in front of me. serve them kakato chicken w pumpkin – first photo I got all 5 of them in one shot. All love this food, all got eat at the same time. 

10pm+: serve tuna w salmon w tuna w pumpkin. see her eat kibble again. Indoor much much popular. She go poo smelly. 3.75/10. 

Blackie 19.12.23 Tue 

19 Dec 2023

8am: Mel and le le are my buddies. Keep circling me. Think Blackie gonna be the third buddies gang. Alive. I scare any issue w her Subcut since I don’t know her heart status. looks better. Today very bright can see that her hind legs also got abrasions like xiao hei. 

Most plates in the room cleared. 

Serve tuna w chicken ham, sparkles chicken w salmon and sparkles tuna w crab 拼盘. Didn’t see her eat, more keen on sayang. No poo at all this morning. This family seldom poo so weird. Water intake is also extremely low. When Blackie came down to join the sayang gang. Mel bite Blackie neck (the elderly bite kid type, not fierce, just dominate, but Blackie is supposed to be the oldest?) 

Blackie got eat RC indoor 

She likes to scratch sical rope. 

9.26am: “…written that Xiao Hei doesn’t have a wart. Actually it is Blackie that has a wart.” – I had been sayanging her face, why I didn’t see ah. Later I see again. 

10.50am: saw her wart. nothing to clean.

cleaning day. Their room condo dirty cos of the stains made by mainly Blackie. They like totoro comfy room so much that they don’t want to move to kitchen, so big can roam they don’t want move. Stay near xiao Hei and maybe she touch Hei backside Hei hiss at her. Nothing happen. She roam to the back of kitchen to check things out also. But all like to squeeze in one area. 

11.40am: room service done n I open glass panel of kitchen to let them out. Le Le and Mel run out and run back to the room on their own. Vince Blackie xiao Hei didn’t move. I carried her back. 3rd to go back and stay happy in the room. 

8pm+: Serve tuna w white fish (they obviously prefer this flavour) and sparkles tuna w prawn. 

Active eating so this is good for pancreatitis cat. Tmr Subcut her again, can’t intensive without knowing other body conditions – this is so weird that vet take fpl and didn’t take other bloods so I look back at Jenn msg. Wa they did take full bloods just that I don’t have it. but they didn’t take pro bnp. 

Got one set of 4.5/10 poo in bin. 

Blackie 18.12.23 Mon 

18 Dec 2023

Day: All food almost clear so they quite ok la. I think all did eat. They didn’t really touch kibble. Ha good kids they heard I say fit32 not good. Or should I serve them a plate of my kibble? Got one set of poo only. 5/10. Pee should be more than 1 cat pee alr. 

Much more active than yesterday. I serve tuna w chicken – Also didn’t see her eat. Got move about can sayang n she is very dry. Very dehydrated. 

Generally stay on the tree platforms. 

455pm; serve snack ciao cup. Didn’t eat but head butt my hand 

810pm: i think I feel safe enough w her. Carry her down to Subcut, 100ml and given a b12 jab. Told her it’s good for her, serve tuna w smoked fish and sparkles chicken w salmon. Didn’t see her eat but I think she got eat.

After Subcut, she went straight to pee and poo 4.75/10. and she go and eat her kibble. Oh ya I top up a bowl of RC indoor for them to have variety. Holiday mah, so try new thing. 

Blackie 17.12.23 sun 

17 Dec 2023

8.30pm: enter 猫房 

I weigh her, 3.52kg. “my sister managed to bring two of my mom’s cats less active cats to the vet as we wanted to be sure the cats are ok. Both are negative for FIV/felv. One of them dunno blackie or xiaohei has a white lump on the lips. That is not a teeth. Its a wart. But doctor say no medical required as it’s not life threatening” – . I haven’t check the “wart” yet, wait till day time. She is ok. Also walk into the room. Serve tuna w white fish got eat.

and her nails supposed to be cut alr by vet alr. Tested fiv felv negative. Fpl mildly abnormal. Either way should treat for pancreatitis so I ask: “Quick qn: Blackie at vet, vet got do anything for her? 

As in Subcut her? Given b12 Jab? If no, and if she like me enough for the next few days, okay for me to Subcut her n give her b12? That’s the standard treatment for pancreatitis” 

Tmr I’ll see we can be friend2 or not. 

Blackie 14.12.23 thu

14 Dec 2023

Photo from family

Medical Record

Blackie 17.12.23 sun 

17 Dec 2023