

Health status

FIV negative, FELV negative
CBC, CHEM10 nothing significant – so her organs are fine.
Spayed without tipping of ear; tattoo on ear.
Frontline plus given on 8.6.21.

A newcomer to the estate, aimed by Xiao bo. Scare she run to road and bang by car + her breed should be got owner one la, so thought just help keep overnight then can reunite them. Sigh. Called Spca, avs filed found report. Bring so many times vets cos she is full of mites, pregnant. No owner turned up at all. No news. Day 09 – since she is an abandoned cat, I bring her for spaying and microchipped. Now looking for her forever home. Cola (not shy girl) is looking for a home with Nala, the shy girl. Please fill up the form with the intent to love both these girls.

Cola's Logbook

Age : 5y 9m
Birthday : 07 Jun
Weight : 3.78kg as of 14.6.2021
Date of Entry : 7.6.2021

Cola 6.12.22 Tues 

06 Dec 2022

Cola 14.8.22 sun 

14 Aug 2022

Mummy fb post: “Fluffiest, always hungry & very rotund. “ 

Cola 23.3.22 wed 

23 Mar 2022

Mummy; “It is slowly growing back but her ears, omg, have an overgrown amount of wax compared to Cha2! And Cola, will find any opportunity to get out of the house. This morning, my helper left only a very small gap in the kitchen window and we found her sitting near the swimming pool. Good thing is, you call her, she will run and tried to get back in through the same small gap in the window. I almost have to enclose the entire house. She has also a big appetite. Eats her own wet food and Cha2 food. I have to watch her diet coz she is definitely getting fat!” 

Cola 11.2.22 fri

11 Feb 2022

1057am: update fr mummy; “Cola has finally settled in and although ChaCha and her aren’t the best of friends yet, they have found a way to get along. This is Cola’s favourite spot for bird watching and sometimes she sees monkeys walking through the compound in the evening. Cola also loves to sleep on my daughter’s bunk bed next to all of Sadie’s cat toys…Cola is doing well.”

Cola 5.2.22 sat 

05 Feb 2022

Update from mummy – she had a lion cut. “She is quite calm leh. Not stress… and behaved normally. She has one fold on her tummy that looks like her skin was stretched and never shrink back properly…She is a very good cat. Neat and tidy. Always uses her litter tray and covers her pee and poop all the time” 

Cola 26.1.22 wed 

26 Jan 2022

Morning; Serve tuna w chicken w aixia oldie w wellness core – didn’t eat much today. 

220pm: cola mummy come fetch Her, sayang her a bit only cos i rush 黑猫猫 to vet, so sad. She look a little sad looking at me in the carrier when she is moving away fr 猫房. 5.25kg when she leave 猫房 – gain 160g. 

4.58pm; mummy; “I will send you some pics of Cola later. I just gave her a wash, She is really very calm and mild mannered. I think ChaCha is scared of her “

Cola 27.1.22 thurs 

1pm; didn’t send me anything yet. 

7.18pm: “Cola is doing ok. But she doesn’t seem to be eating very much. I bought Aristocats and Ciao Cups are delivered on Monday. I am sending her and ChaCha for a full groom next Friday. I’ll send you pics after the full cut!” 

Cola 25.1.22 tues

25 Jan 2022

8am: relatively quiet cos all her friends not around 

Today bz day she know 猫房 set up cat condo etc – tmr have to find time sit down w her b4 she leave us. Today brush her fur. she does look sad – keep telling her she going to stay big house, I know I’m the one who raise her fr small. :,( 

Cola 24.1.22 mon

24 Jan 2022

Cola 23.1.22 sun

23 Jan 2022

9Am: ah boy play w cola. But I must let ah boy go w Kitty to 5G, so can’t accompany cola till Wednesday le. Told cola she seem a little sad, later she better play w them hard. 

Pretty photos taken when I’m clearing the common area n pull in the big slide condo – she got sit on it too 

Cola 22.1.22 sat

22 Jan 2022

Day; got news that cola mummy coming to fetch 2 days later, so the plan to let her friends accompany her till she leave is not possible anyMore. They will move on Monday as planned. Then cola will stay w Rena they all to start to get use to lesser crowd, and then “When she comes home with me, I have to separate her from ChaCha so she will be in a separate room for a couple of weeks” 

Cola 10.1.22 mon

10 Jan 2022

Cola 3.1.22 mon

03 Jan 2022

Cola 1.1.22 sat

01 Jan 2022

Cola Xmas p 2021

24 Dec 2021

Cola dec 21 when domain is down

19 Dec 2021

Cola 29.11.21 mon

29 Nov 2021

930pm: v fluffy, think she is v round 🙂 

Cola 1.12.21 wed 

220pm: celebrate Xiami first bday in 猫房 – cola excited finishing Xiami food loh. V round n fluffy and nice  

Cola 27.11.21 sat

27 Nov 2021

Cola 25.11.21 thurs

25 Nov 2021

Cola 22.11.21 mon

22 Nov 2021

Weigh 5.09kg – gain 230g 

Getting prettier, been reminding her that she is leaving 猫房 next time stay big house 🏡 

Cola 20.11.21 sat

20 Nov 2021

Cola 19.11.21 fri

19 Nov 2021

Cola 14.11.21 sun

14 Nov 2021

Cola 12.11.21 fri

12 Nov 2021

10pm: Room b cats all given probiotics since Duno who poo 0.5/10 yet  

Cola 13.11.21 sat

Night: Excited cos got selar 

Cola 5.11.21 fri

05 Nov 2021

830am: come out of room go lick the catnip lollipop 

930am: the crab catnip ball drop off fr the wall, Duno how cola manage to do it, she manage to smuggle into room b and play w it when I close door  

Cola 6.11.21 sat

Night: fur very nice, think fatter again 

Eating well 

Confirm she is leaving 猫房 on 24.1.22, mummy say will bring her for grooming so I can’t arrange her for grooming w coco anymore 

Cola 11.11.21 thurs

11Am: smart. She just know when I want her to be back in room b 

Cola 3.11.21 wed

03 Nov 2021

510pm: back home from cola future house visiting … wa I climb the 25% Bukit nature … kill time cos I’m too early, met more than 10 monkeys .. next time cola will have a Friend called Cha Cha and got lots of spaces to move about. 

Cola 2.11.21 tues

02 Nov 2021

Night: like the crab catnip ball- she is not even near it, just the scent she alr high 

She eventually lick it – damn high 

Cola 27.10.21 wed

27 Oct 2021

1030am: send her for grooming. 

From groomer: “For Cola, she is afraid of dryer sound so we put inside the pepe dryer box but this will take a longer time. “ – Erm cola come back like smaller size, didn’t look as pretty, she looks quite unhappy. Ha 

Cola 24.10.21 sun

24 Oct 2021

11Am: Sigh groomer give the slot n say the slot not available now. She end up can’t bath on Tuesday. Nvm she don’t really need it, I’ll brush ber myself. 3pm: booked grooming for her on wed morning since coco need to go. 

Cola 25.10.21 mon

9Am: serve tuna w aixia oldie to Princess n she eat a bit then cola went to vacuum the rest 

Cola 18.10.21 mon

18 Oct 2021

Still a v clean cat, will not dirty herself when she go bin 

Cola 17.10.21 sun

17 Oct 2021

Cola 14.10.21 Thurs

14 Oct 2021

Cola 10.10.21 sun

10 Oct 2021

8am: heard her sneeze 5 times – look ok, kiv 

Given nutriplus gel 

Night: didn’t hear her sneeze 

Cola 11.10.21 mon 

7am: didn’t hear her sneeze 

930pm: 4.86kg – gain 400g loh this girl

Cola 7.10.21 thurs

07 Oct 2021

Cola 1.10.21 fri

01 Oct 2021

Simba n junior Keep making cola scream  though she is the one who attack Simba – sigh put her w Stitch gang, she like to play the toy In the room. She don’t anyhow scream in room b. 

Cola 2.10.21 sat 

She is in room b when I’m at work – got screaming sound / sigh I make a mistake – junior in room b too. 

Cola 5.10.21 tues 

11Am; sit like Simba, like a dog – think it’s time to let her go to one cat household then, since no one want Nala :,( 

Cola 25.9.21 sat

25 Sep 2021

She also like to eat selar. Getting prettier. 

Cola 26.9.21 sun 

825am: dress on floor – to be thrown – she groom herself – let her be 

Cola 27.9.21 mon 

Noon: cat nip party b4 I vacuum floor later on

Night: will have small quarrel w junior, she don’t like Simba n junior 

Q room 20.9.21 mon

20 Sep 2021

9pm: I was out for 5h, kitty n ah boy alone in room c – got 1/10 poo, highly filter out is ah boy alr – so the rest I’ll temp stop giving probiotics. 

10pm: outside cats someone 1/10 – means tmr Rena Xiami they all got to give probiotics  

Q room 19.9.21 sun

19 Sep 2021

Night; still got soft poo, whole room probiotics except tao, Kitty n Nala. 

Q Room 18.9.21 sat

18 Sep 2021

830am: no poo in room b – so can’t gauge who might be the one having soft mucus

Stool. The 6 of them damn cute tgt – like a gang. Stitch, junior, Brownie, Maki, Sheba, ah boy. 

Night: when I’m back home, confirm tao and Kitty r ok poo, the rest of the bins got issue, so can’t narrow who – give 11 of them probiotics except Nala. 

General suspect 17.9.21 fri

17 Sep 2021

as of today, got some mucus like 0.5/10 poo, Duno who, but from this room. Cos of yesterdsy Stella and chewy morsels? Omg I still order so many. Tmr onwards got to randomly feed probiotics till I can see improvement. Today probiotics given to: stitch and xiami. 

Cola 16.9.21 thurs

16 Sep 2021

330pm: serve white snapper, she got eat 

Cola 11.9.21 sat

11 Sep 2021

Night: like to eat fish too

Cola 14.9.21 tues 

Put on a Purple Heart shape dress for her 

Put a spin toy w cat nip in their room, she love it a lot n keep sitting on it, occupying it. 

Cola 10.9.21 fri

10 Sep 2021

743pm – more than 8 mins fight – stitch and Simba fight until Duno like what, hug roll on the floor type, stare at each other type, Scream until damn loud type. Onlookers join in make things even more chaotic – brownie, Sheba, cola, kitty join in at some point of time. 

945pm; look ok. Fur on the floor no one injured. No bloods – eating ok 

Cola 3.9.21 fri

03 Sep 2021

Morning: still got diarhhoea in bin, should be still hers 

Noon; still busy eating w Xiami 

Night: given her probiotics 

Cola 4.9.21 sat 

Night: duno her front face is wet, fur too long Ah? – wipe for her 

Cola 6.9.21 mon 

Given probiotics 

Cola 2.9.21 thurs

02 Sep 2021

Night: discover is cola having diarhhoea 0.5/10 – given probiotics – difficulty level 1/10 

Cola 31.8.21 tues

31 Aug 2021

Kpo cat, obviously on better terms w black cats.

Cola 28.8.21 sat

28 Aug 2021

Still like to bully junior simba … sigh. Scold also no use. End up tickle her 

Cola 27.8.21 fri

28 Aug 2021

Fr ip she and junior only 2s paw fight, she bleed 6-7 blood stains on floor. Sigh. Clean her up seem ok. 

Cola 22.8.21 sun

22 Aug 2021

Coco groom ah boy a bit 

Cola 18.8.21 wed

18 Aug 2021

Yesterdsy she went grooming so I didn’t apply ear drop for her, groomer clean her ears alr. I apply today – v oily 

Cola 19.8.21 thurs 

Generally look oily n dirty cos of the ear gel. Wasted my money on grooming siak 

Cola 20.8.21 fri 

She looks so irritating dirty and oily – cos of the ear gel. Arghhhhh I need to bath her myself Liao 

Cola 17.8.21 tues

17 Aug 2021

830am: serve her tuna w chicken ham. Got eat, I take carrier she scare, I use bag when I bring her for vaccination etc reaction not so negative.    

910am: she went out for grooming. 

318pm: no news on the girls on when they coming back from Grooming – I’m super sleepy alr 

412pm: Update on groomer:”All of them have earmites. Cola afraid of hairdryer sound. Couldn’t dry the belly properly. A bit damp at the belly.”

Came home 不理我喔 – think she not happy – hair being cut away some? Or comb out those fur n end up become uneven? Uneven spots fr top to tail. ha ugly she angry w me. I still kiss kiss her, she didn’t whack me la, but I know she not happy la. Let her be. 

Night: sayang her w Sheba n stitch – black cat day! 

Cola 15.8.21 sun

15 Aug 2021

12am: just now brush her front fur for her, not much fur come off – she don’t like it. 

But she love that I call her cola! 

3pm see dr Geetha for vaccination. 

4.46kg – drop 140g Erm … 

dr g sad that she still can’t find a home now 

Cola seem to have car sick, got some drooling I think she is damn damn hot cos outside v hot n her fur grow back Liao 

Vaccinated – next jab next year Liao, cola seem ok for this jab, no down time and no fever. 

Ears still dirty, dr apply some gel into the ear, and me to continue tmr onwards – once a day. 

Cola 14.8.21 sat

14 Aug 2021

9pm: fur at the front not that nice leh. Brush her, tmr she going 2nd vac. 

Cola 11.8.21 wed

11 Aug 2021

Same same. Still waiting for the right person to fill in form to want to give her n Nala a home tgt 

Cola 10.8.21 tues

10 Aug 2021

Cola 9.8.21 mon

09 Aug 2021

Cola 6.8.21 fri

06 Aug 2021

Cola is a v clean cat. Leg will step onto the unicharm bin to pee into the bin, so her legs won’t be dirty (Peepads)
looking for a forever home w Nala

Tonight I put green tea soy, saw she step into bin – she likes that? 

Cola 3.8.21 tues

03 Aug 2021

Got potential adopter, wait till month end. Sayang her tonight. Her body frame n etc dAmn cute n nice. 

Cola 1.8.21 sun

01 Aug 2021

2pm: 4.62kg – gain 680g 

Like to play policeman w simba, scare some of the kids. But will want to smell xiami n get whack by Xiami. 

Cola 31.7.21 sat

31 Jul 2021

8am: just status update; body looking good

Cola 26.7.21 mon

26 Jul 2021

Cola 23.7.21 fri

23 Jul 2021

Cola 21.7.21 wed

21 Jul 2021

1am: get scolding n slapping n whacking hard fr me, keep attacking others to provoke scream and jump n panic in the room. Really a v weird girl. She really need to be in single cat household. Q in room b. Sigh don’t have enough space alr 

Cola 16.7.21 fri

16 Jul 2021

Bottom nipple tummy area kind of wet, can’t see any wound but maybe is scratches,  told her at least santidise the body 

Happy day for her, she always like fish! 

Cola 18.7.21 sun 

I buy those puzzle mat she happily scratch it and sleep until belly up

Night: wa she groom Sheba leh, Sheba let her groom until head wet wet 🙂 

Cola 14.7.21 wed

14 Jul 2021

Like bully junior n Simba until they got to run back to the top condo. 

didn’t bully ah boy as much. 

Got eat kibble too. 

Wa angel no news one – sigh. thats y I know I can’t trust anyone who tell me to keep her babies – burden all on me loh. 

Cola 15.7.21 thurs 

7pm: I’m assembling a new cat tree for them, She love it a lot, alr start sleeping n cozy in those parts. 

9pm let tao out a while only, she go violent Chase after simba, she provoke so badly till I see Simba fed up and attack her alr, basic check I can’t find who is the one bleeding (got some victims involved cos happen to be ard, junior, cola). I through check cola not her bleeding but yet I still feel is her. She also fed up n go whack maki who is in the tunnel, but not aggressive towards me at all when I catch her n scold. 

Cola 13.7.21 tues

13 Jul 2021

Still follow me all over the place. Her nipples really big leh. Also like fish. Will share w Xiami

Cola 11.7.21 sun

11 Jul 2021

Active. But I feel her 6 nai nai like big?

Cola 8.7.21 thurs

08 Jul 2021

Morning; had been ok since vaccination date night. Also still like to follow me ard. 

230pm: I wanna bring Maxine to vet she sit in bin – weirdo. 

Cola 9.7.21 fri 

Morning; she is back to normal kpo mode alr 

One thing I like about cola a lot, she will check on Maxine, she looks like a nice girl who pamper old or sick folk

245pm:  Major fight among cola, Simba and Tao. Kitty and ah boy somehow involved. Someone injured for sure, got blood stains on floor (4 drops of fresh blood) – might be cola’s. Tao is facing her when she lie belly up tighten. maybe paw injured or something. No continuous bleeding so far. 

Night: Sheba and her kiss kiss, she move forward to bite Sheba neck (look like friendly type one) but Sheba whack her face n that’s it, both wanna fight, but I break it easily cos cola won’t attack me 

Cola 6.7.21 tues

06 Jul 2021

12/1pm: then get to see dr Geetha for vaccination. 

weigh 4.16kg – gain weight 

Vaccinate f4 – next dose 6.8.21. Booked for 12.8. 

Came home at 2pm, till 5pm she felt warm but not that active, let her doze off at one corner.

1030pm: start to be herself alr, sayang her squeeze her cute face, sayang her.  

Cola 5.7.21 mon

05 Jul 2021

4pm got new Shelfing in Q room, cola like n had been sitting inside one cubicle 

Cola 3.7.21 sat

03 Jul 2021

Cola 2.7.21 fri

02 Jul 2021

My whole day logbook disappear cos I accidentally overwrite it. Sigh. 

Ahhhh –  V KPO, even Tao scare of her, Duno Tao v pissed looking today is it cos of her. Tao Tao morning keep sitting in the tunnel.  
Night; wanna sniff stitch but stitch whack her
Get angry n chase after Tao, then get scolding from me Liao angrier go grab Xiami face to whack

Cola 1.7.21 thurs

01 Jul 2021

Really is a siao char boh . Like to act like an extreme enthusiastic police intern … I go chase who, she will go forward charge at them n chase my suspect away. Ahhhhhh scold her / smack butt/ push her away she still don’t understand she  isn’t helping me but ruining my plans … sigh eventually still sit down sayang her – she so gong gong u know. Sigh other cats scare of her sudden siao siao charging, but she isn’t fierce to me at all, like Guai Guai 被我骂 … yet still v alert in wanting to chase after the next cat I’m chasing to room for overnight sleep. Sigh. Really headache over her. So irritating yet so poor thing. 

Cola 30.6.21 wed

30 Jun 2021

11am: tao chase after Simba – but I do feel cola is a trouble maker – i can sense like as if she is asking “Tao tao why u don’t whack him? Why Simba u don’t scream and whack her back?” 

Afternoon: she will whack vacuum uncle n yet one point maybe she realise uncle just sucking the floor.

Day till night tao in room a – peaceful. 

I let her n one point I chase her in to room c, she wanna be fierce and cola go bonkers dash to whack Tao – I had to grab cola n throw her out. N scold n smack her. But she had never been fierce to me leh. I sayang her n ask her m I thinking too much – did she thought Tao gonna harm me n she dash forward to help me beat her up first? Duno leh this girl like not v smart leh. Naughty yet guai. So contradicting. Hope to find a family who will only have her as a princess. If she is a single cat, I’m sure she is a nice cat. A very good girl. A kissable girl. One who will follow u ard cos she like following me. 

Cola 29.6.21 tues

29 Jun 2021

10am; Kitty met his 克星 –  cola – cola chased after him n whack him one n he got to back off 

Scolded cola and she belly up play bites w me, scold stitch cos i think cola Learning fr him 

Night: really siao – dash to attack maki one, I scold n block n can’t stop her, She jump right into the box to want to kill Maki. Really siao one. Whack her Loh. Quarantine in room c. No space in 猫房 le. 

Cola 28.6.21 mon

28 Jun 2021

Morning: Simba n stitch fight, split Liao this cola 找死  – go find stitch face to face, have to chase her away 

3.94kg – gain 160g 

Night: she face to face to stitch again when I’m weighing him, really Duno what’s on her mind 
each time I enter she will come welcome me. Manja to humans.

Cola 27.6.21 sun

27 Jun 2021

She is fine w cat who don’t really bother much 

Cola 23.6.21 wed

23 Jun 2021

1010am: food all polished, kibble also eat a lot 

No poo. Got pee

Appetite still good, didn’t mix her this period socks critical don’t want her come out terrorise ah boy

Cola 24.6.21 thurs 

Appetite good, nipples kind of red n pink 

Night: open her door, she go smell Sheba – Sheba give her a soft whack only – back off 

She go smell Maxine for a while – she wanna come v close n keep wanting to sell Maxine when I Subcut Maxine – worrying for her? 

Cola 25.6.21 fri 

Morning; ok to eat beside tao. Both look at each other, peaceful – but im guessing both thinking should I whack her first? 

Night: she had been following me, particularly interested in sick cats? Or she know I’m worried about socks – but I got to lick her away told her go away don’t listen I can’t touch her when I’m w socks. 

She also like Maxine a lot.  

945pm: I bath le n got to check on socks one last round – will sayang her Cola 

Tonight free roam overnight 

Cola 26.6.21 sat 

I’m rather sure she cause problem today. 

Night: q her in room c w Maxine, she kind of like Maxine. Will smell Maxine Duno why. 

Cola 22.6.21 tues

22 Jun 2021

Today took off her cool collar le. Got groom herself. Lick her wound area n etc – fine – heal alr. didn’t open door for her cos she big bully to ah boy. Big eater. All food given to her cleared. 

Her body very long 

Cola 21.6.21 mon

21 Jun 2021

Morning: even floor mats w solid bowls she topple – daily waste my kibble 

I know 2 things today. 

She is a bully – temper not that good when it come to other cats. 

She is a 跟屁虫 – keep following me here n there – food motivated la 

10pm: checked Ah boy his body n etc – not sick. Is scare stiff – even laser no no – he keep looking into room b cos I close cola in le. He damn scare of her omg. EXTREME SCARE  

Cola 20.6.21 sun

20 Jun 2021

Door open since morning, so far fine. She go smell rena w/o Rena realising, Rena turn n scream at her, short whack face n back off. 

She particularly dislike ah boy n Kitty colour cats. 
still will find me to sayang her – think she is hungry – keep topple all the water and kibble bowls in her room cos she wanna whack the next door cat

Cola 19.6.21 sat

19 Jun 2021

930am: yesterday get scolding – today ok didn’t naughty when I open door. 

Ah boy got go near her, she smell him,… nothing happen n they split 🙂

Stitch and ah boy continue to look at her like some exhibition 

cola 18.6.21 fri

18 Jun 2021

Eating well but i think she can be quite naughty – might fight if I open up her door this Sunday 

Night; open up her door cos she mess up the room, water n kibble bowls all topple cos she like to whack others (unknown who?) thru the acrylic. 

She walk out quite steady, walk near Xiami n whack Xiami I use paper plate whack her face n she go back into room where I continue scolding her n smack her. 

I continue packing her floor when she suddenly dash out to attack ah boy – wa the way she go after him is really hate ah boy siak ? Something wrong let’s monitor when I’m more free. Close door for the day. 

Can’t gauge her aggressiveness towards human now. 

Cola 17.6.21 thurs

17 Jun 2021

Morning; food cleared, no poo and pee 

She did meow at me while I’m in room c, but yet when I enter she is a little withdrawn, hiding under the soft mat. A little weird. 

Serve tuna w chicken ham – got eat, but still not as eager. Kibble bowl she got touch. 

740pm; fr Ip; y sit in bin?! 


Night round; she is fine, food finish and will stand up asking for food, i lights out n her food already finish. 

Cola 16.6.21 wed

16 Jun 2021

Morning; all 3 plates cleared 

Add on kibble bowl to her room 

End of this week I’ll open up her room, by then her wound have healed 

No poo in bin. 

Purr when I sayang her, seem fine n ok le 

I start to reduce her food but she can still polish 2.5 servings today 

Poo 4/10 

Checked her wound – 4cm – no one got stitches as nice as dr b 

No need cleaning 

M size cool collar ok for her 

No need Meloxicam 

Cola 15.6.21 tues

15 Jun 2021

930am: she meowing me for food, I deliberately feed the rest later so she see food for a while only while I get ready her to go to get for spaying 

Starve overnight and today didn’t eat – go clinic weigh only 3.68kg – lose 100g? 

No poo in the morning, got pee 

taken Chem10 and cbc – HCT 32%, kidney livers fine, nothing significant. Good to go ahead w ga. 

Dr tried to convince me to let her give birth saying she will help find adopters (but in v not convincing way? Cos say I’m v fussy about a adopters? Ha, this is only based on meshed house criteria – so it only firm up that keeping cola safe is the correct choice) – finding a safe and proper home for any is still the right way. if i want to anyhow find the cats a home or what I can dispose cola easily long ago.) Let angel rehome safer. Also based on onyx story, I also wont know if Cola babies might be inpregnant by her own dad or what? – play safe. Embroyes only – settled once n for all. I have to 以大局为重. 

450pm: fr clinic: “Hello, do you want to come after 6pm to 6.30pm instead because cola would only be ready after then.” – Duno why delayed by 1.5h, hopefully nothing went wrong. 

Batang soup cooked ready for cola 

5-730pm: waited for cola, 3 embroyes removed. Spayed and microchipped done. 2 weeks to 1 month later then can vaccinate. 

20h didn’t eat poor girl, bring her back straight away serve daily delight pure salmon, tuna w smoked fish and batang fishes w soup – within half hour – almost all polished. Sayang her head a bit let her rest already. 

Cola 14.6.21 mon

14 Jun 2021

9Am: food plate, got pee no poo 

Sayang her – prep her told her today go lion cut 

Serve tuna w smoked fish – almost finish b4 the rest get food. I feed her first cos give her time to rest b4 the journey to go bathe 

3.84kg – gain 330g – pls be food and muscle not babies growing 

1025am off she got for lion cut 

125pm; update fr groomer: “Drying her now.. took longer cos she was very timid. I gave her time to build some trust.. let her walk around abit so she knows we’re not gonna harm her.. yeah, she’s good!” 

From pic, ear cleaning aren’t that dirty alr, hopefully is the past 8 days cleaning make a difference. 

245pm: she is back to 猫房 – ha a bit don’t 理我wor … still sayang her. W her fur gone, the nipples so pinkish so obvious wor. 

3.78kg, her fur weigh 60g 

Serve bistro chicken – got eat, give her a colourful bedding, later see how hope she sleep on it. 

I throw the radio sb alr cos she got mites. 

320pm: fr Ip; bz licking herself, tmr need to remember to bring cool collar for her spaying 

Night: poo 3.25/10 

She did head butt me but v little, nipples v pink, I just hope she Duno she pregnant yet. Best is she never give birth b4. So after tmr hopefully she is fine. But I feel that tmr if she upset she might bite me one. Duno why. Pls everything go well tmr and she come back like normal sx n eat n heal well n play w the rest. 

Tonight she did keep licking herself

Fasted since 9pm.

Cola 13.6.21 sun

13 Jun 2021

920am: serve breakfast w Tuna w chicken + new food loveabowl chicken w red snapper for guts health- got eat 

Food all cleared overnight 

Top up kibble bowl 

Poo 4/10 – so have to continue probiotics 

Night: no new poo, change Peepad for her 

Clear food will meow dAmn cute 

Fur v nice but play safe don’t let mites eggs got chance 

Serve Tuna w smoked fish + new food loveabowl chicken w shirasu for healthy bone- got eat

Cola 12.6.21 sat

12 Jun 2021

Wa I tired today, Morning poo 4.25/10, got pee

Eating well

Like me sayang

Today slightly warm 

1010pm: food finish, will meow at me, Duno is happy to see me just like me or see me as food dispenser alr.

Bin is clean nothing new 

Fur look v nice but still going ahead w lion cut, get rid of her mites issue once n for all

Cola 11.6.21 fri

11 Jun 2021

Morning: food all finish 

Poo still bad 1.5/10 n little 

Got pee as usual 

A bit gloomy 

Serve food got eat

Will purr when I sayang 

Don’t really like to be handled 

night: start to scare of me cos (negative vibes) or I feeding her probiotics 

no new pee or poo 

Eating ok

Cola 10.6.21 thurs

10 Jun 2021

9Am: she is looking at me, hungry – cos no food overnight 

She wanna eat, thinking I didn’t serve her food 

Got poo, 2+5/10 (later go home will deworm her) – good to poo hopefully u/s clearer 

Seen dr ym, 3.51kg, gain 55g in 2 days – not that much 

First sentence dr ym say is – got mites!! Yeah that’s after frontline plus 2 days ago alr 

Vet guesstimate 2yrs old cos alr got adult teeth w some tar tar, but is definitely a young cat. – she don’t really like dr to touch her mouth today 

Physical feel; cant feel any foetus anything, but u/s should hopefully give me an ans on spay or not. 

Her behaviour do tally w early pregnant – sleeping, manja, eating a lot. 

Dr ym mention she got imflammation ard her butt and skin as well, think she kick herself too much cos of itchiness. – but the itch should be reduced for the past 2 days.  

Cola keep putting dr can’t hear much, at least can confirm no heart mur mur 

In view of her mites and checking for flank spay marks, lion cut is obviously the plan. 

No need to test flank spay etc Liao. U/s show something, right 1, left 2, Right got 1, n maybe more havent formed 4-10 days pregnant, Max 2 weeks, Vet say v early stage, Xray canteven see anything yet, She say at most called embryos now, can’t even call foetus – i know dr yeumee is helping me w more concrete info to spay now. 

Sigh after SERIOUS BREAK HEAD thinking – nobody can adopt a pregnant cat, n be realistic w the fact that it’s still embryos now, do it now than wait till it become feotus. Arranged spaying on earliest slot – next Tuesday. 

6pm: shift her to room b, she definitely happier to be able to walk, put her small bin in also, she know how to use unicharm bin. 

Serve her food and she eat again. Still going to feed her well. 

Monday lion cut as scheduled. 

Tuesday spaying. 

Then recuperating then can treat mites better. 

9pm: sit down n talk to her, Tell her sorry that I can’t keep her babies n hopefully it’s still eggs n not forming anything yet so she won’t even know, I better do it soon so she Duno then feel better? 

deworm her she scream cos mouth open? 

given her probiotics also 

Dislike me Liao 

Can see she is angry (cos of babies news? My vibes she sense negativity? Or angry cos I feed her drontal n probiotics?) 

Poo 1.5/10 still w the peanut powder

Cola 9.6.21 wed

09 Jun 2021

950am Rr 41 – resting also got heavy panting quite scary. 

food all cleared 

Kibble also eat quite a lot

Got pee no poo still  

Today everyone will get to eat more cos 10pm I’m fasting cola. 

1008pm: today she ate ard 3.5cans of food. Removed all food from cage. 

Got pee again. (The way she pee is stand properly one so worn stain herself when her tail so bushy) 

Still no poo fr her

Cola 8.6.21 tues

08 Jun 2021

Yesterday when in carrier on floor, she fierce wor, hiss at Tao Tao 

9Am: got pee, no poo

Got finish food overnight 

Can’t be sure got touch kibble or not 

I sayang her she purr wor 

1030am; yap she got a name, cos need to register her at clinic 

Maine Coon cross mix Persian 

Tested fiv felv – both negative – later she can stay in room b n see how – can’t I’ll put her in cage first for next 2-3 days cos mites have to kill first 


Temp 37.9 

Guesstimate age 1.5yrs, teeth generally ok, w some tar tar – kitten meow sound 

Heart beat a little hard – dr Geetha told me to monitor RR n review when I think is abnormal 

Lots of mites- can’t Revo plus – cos might be pregnant – can put frontline plus (ok for pregnant cat) 

She can’t hear her heart too clearly cos she keep purring  

Not spay – even shave down to check already 

Nipples look like given birth b4, or human keep the kittens n she is abandoned or she is released cos on heat n currently pregnant (if nothing is done, by 27 july she will give birth) 

Both ears damn dirty, both got mites, can’t even clean one cos v dry v dirty – can’t use most ear drops that can kill mites, cos not sure is she pregnant 

Can only keep cleaning cleaning cleaning 

Very Guai even in clinic 

Behaviour keep belly up n etc like really pregnant leh 

Dr Geetha say she v cute 

When I mention what if “owner” appear and say y I did this n that to the cat, she say who cares what t f the owner say, when the cat is a roaming cat. 

Should have shave her down cos of the mites but a lot of unknown now see how. 

Back to 猫房, frontline plus her. 

Use f10 clean her ears, she is damn itchy till she keep using her legs kick her ears – right ear inner surface bleed a little. 

Her front fur a little brown all due to her licking cos damn itchy – lots of mites.

6pm: sit in litterbin so dirty Loh, I carry her out she really hate the ear cleaning just now, try to help her dust the dusts away. 

Serve bistro chicken – got eat 

She Keep sleeping in the bin, fur now v dirty w charcoal pine dust

Think tmr I’ll just put charcoal Peepad for her no need put pine

She will respond to me, so far didn’t show any aggression towards me 

V bore in cage, but wait first need to settle her mites issues 

830pm: serve tuna w chicken ham – got eat

Cola 7.6.21 mon

07 Jun 2021

Regret answering feeder auntie – she told me to go old hood see a new cat. Is those type fluffy tail later goondo scare run to road type. Sigh. Ss Vet say no slot, so keep her one night tmr go vet see how. 

I stupid la go call avs. Anyway the following done:

Found a new cat by the feeder. Fluffy tail one. Black cat. 

Step 1: posted on my wall n lost n found for owner (loc, colour stated, picture not given)

Step 2: I called Spca – left a voicemail 

Step 3: trace microchip 7 times – don’t have 

Step 4: physical check, dirty ears, female, butt a little bald, think not Steralised, I scare pregnant. I think is a young cat <1yr. 

Step 5: report to avs already – but weird that the officer keep telling me to pass to their contractor, I told him 3 times that’s not my purpose of phone call. I just call in to make a report so I can find the owner faster if any. Duno what he is thinking. 

Step 6: I tmr bring her check fiv felv. Then I told the cat I at most keep her 2 days wait for her owner appear. 

Step 7: I wait? Wait 7 days till 14 June then? What should I do ah?

In 猫房 let her sleep cage 01, serve tuna w smoked fish, don’t think she is keen, keep standing near to door.

1158pm: fr Ip: at least is resting mode le.

Medical Record

Cola 15.8.21 sun

15 Aug 2021

Cola 6.7.21 tues

06 Jul 2021

Cola 15.6.21 Tues

15 Jun 2021

Cola 10.6.21 thurs

10 Jun 2021

Cola 8.6.21 tues

08 Jun 2021