

A cat whom I get to know through his daddy. Dollar come to 猫房 whenever daddy mummy go tour 🙂 Only can eat “salmon” food

Dollar's Logbook

Age : 7y 5m
Birthday : 07 Nov
Weight : 6.29kg as of 4.11.2022
Date of Entry : 07.11.2018

Dollar 14.2.24 wed 

14 Feb 2024

9Am+: got eat 🙂 eat quite a bit. He 吃货 siak know is kakato and he eat. He got eat kibble too. Poo 5.75/10 getting better. Told him today go home le! 

1230pm: resting. Got eat breakfast as well

1.02pm: papa come fetch him. 6.31kg – lose 300g. 

2.41pm: papa send “I found the wound that the blood came from” there is a sore spot on his hind leg paw 

Dollar 13.2.24 Tue 

13 Feb 2024

9Am+: water bowl topple but didn’t have lots of water on floor means he drink a lot. Have to take note at home. Now I’m not sure is he trying to drink water to replace food cos he is hungry or his water intake is so much. Kidney is a concern. 

Got poo 8.5/10 still v hard. 

He didn’t even touch dd. All thrown. Serve tuna w smoked fish. 

11Am+: room service – vacuum he a little scare. He stay in box waiting for vacuuming and mopping to be done. 

1.20pm: a 20c portion of food disappear, he ate?

6.00pm: I think he did touch more of the food. 

Sayang him and Serve him another fresh plate of tuna w Smoked fish. 

9pm+: syringe feed him 21ml aixia oldie red. Wipe his face and tail, he drip all over loh. 

Serve him kakato mackeral told him this is good stuff ah. Tmr papa coming to fetch le. Tonight have a nice meal. 

Dollar 12.2.24 Mon

12 Feb 2024

Morning: no poo. There is some blood stains on blood. Erm can’t see fr where cos he is always sitting inside. I can only guess fr his old injured nail? 

didn’t eat again. But plate of food all over the place. Thrown the sb and everything. 

Serve food w kibble again. 

9pm+: checked body 4 limbs no issue. Nothing bleeding. This boy will limp himself when I try to get him out, v hard to get him down to eat. He didn’t touch food. I syringe fed him 33ml aixia oldie. Will hiss n e way he look at u so scary duno when will turn violent and kill me, but i choose to believe he won’t have his violent side, i sayang his chin he likes. tell him to eat don’t eat. Serve dd tuna w shirasu told him this food the rest love so much also don’t have, v ex, you better don’t waste ah. Serve w kibble too. remove the stairs so he got more space to climb. 

Dollar 11.2.24 sun 

11 Feb 2024

10.00am: got poo v hard 9/10. 

Didn’t eat wet food. Kibble seem to touch a little  – seem to be only. Hiss me n I sayang him he is ok. 

Serve him tuna w chicken n tell him I rushing to feed cats later san san go home. 

12pm+: he saw san san go home w her papa mama. this baby boy. 

9pm: didn’t eat. or he did? A little kibble? Can be sure. Top up more kibble in his hidden bowl. Serve tuna w smoked fish w added kibble on plate too. Syringe fed him 30ml aixia oldie green tuna. 

10.10pm: raining heavily. he isn’t curious loh, if not such a good room can go rain smelling rain watching. 

Dollar 10.2.24 sat 

10 Feb 2024

9Am: still didn’t eat. He confirm got drink water. But did pee. No poo day 04. Syringe fed him 15ml aixia oldie and drop the rest. Serve tuna w chicken plate in front of him.

11Am+: didn’t eat. tonight need to give him a/d le. Not enough food intake have to give high energy food  

11pm: syringe fed him 40ml a/d and he become angry w me. Ha. Same as san. You eat la. You don’t eat I can’t be waiting for u to starve mah. didn’t touch food. Thrown. 

Serve tuna w salmon. got further pee so is good.  

Dollar 9.2.24 Fri 

09 Feb 2024

6.42am: papa send voice msg for dollar 

8.00am: sayang dollar this is a big baby boy. He pee! This more important. Didn’t eat. Nvm later I syringe feed him alr if still don’t touch food. Serve tuna w chicken and kibble bowl right into the condo box for him. 

Let him listen to papa msg n he hiss! Ha let him listen a second time n he hiss again. angry or scare why this thing got papa sound. 

12.50pm; checked no food intake. Sayang him. Told him later I feed him 

4pm+: fed him 21ml of aixia oldie. Told him later must eat ah. Give him a cute collar and 压岁钱。 serve kakato tuna w pumpkin. 

10pm+: he didn’t eat the pumpkin. Food thrown. 

Serve tuna w salmon at the back of condo. All in hidden section.  Fresh kibble bowl also in the condo box. 

Dollar 8.2.24 Thu

08 Feb 2024

8am+: now higher at the smaller condo box. No poo no pee. didn’t touch food. Still top up fresh kibble. Serve tuna w salmon 

9-12pm: relax just hear us major cleaning the house he didn’t come out kpo 

2.25pm: check; still no pee. 

Didn’t touch food. 

Pose in that small box, don’t know what he is thinking.

10pm: still same spot. I’m more worried about no pee. Day 02 no eat ok, day 02 no pee not ok. Tmr see how. Food I can syringe feed peeing is an issue for boy cat. 

Food Thrown, sayang him and serve tuna w cranberry overnight. 

Dollar 7.2.24 wed 

07 Feb 2024

4.00pm: enter 猫房 Totoro room, got request to stay room a but san san just occupy that room yesterday night. Ha both single cat household. 

Keep staying in carrier even till I weigh him. 

6.61kg – gain 840g fr i last saw him 7 months plus ago. papa says he seldom eat wet food, be it serve a can or half can or a spoon, he only eat a bit of the serving. serve him tuna w smoked fish, tell him long time didn’t eat this – just try as snack. 

5.10pm: he still sit in carrier. 

11.00pm: in cat condo big box, fur very soft, sayang him ask him eat. 

Food didn’t touch, thrown. 

Serve tuna w salmon. 

No poo no pee. 

Will hiss. 

Lights out. But he got new year light. 

Dollar 30.5.23 Tues 

30 May 2023

Today then I check the toto ticket that I told dollar I wanna buy. Haha strike toto. Dollar lucky boy. 

Dollar 29.5.23 Mon 

29 May 2023

9.20am: ha fr Ip, his paper bag overturn, he digging treats out ah?

930am: didn’t touch the wet food. Think got eat a little kibble only. Told him later going home le. Sayang him and told him I open mew food for him. Poo is hard 7/10. 

2.30pm: didn’t eat. 

5.77kg – lose 430g. quickly go home bah so u can eat and sleep. 

2.49pm: open his carrier to let him roam but he sit in carrier waiting for papa 

3pm: papa came and i show him the leg ok la.  N how dollar is a cute baby that groomer praised. Duno why at one point I can sense danger from dollar, he is really angry leh. Duno at me or his papa or thinking we talk so much for what. He wants to go home to his bed maybe. 

Dollar 28.5.23 sun 

28 May 2023

845am: all food not touched, thrown. no poo. checked his nail, santidise, last banocin, looks fine alr. Still want to play 老鹰抓小鸡 w me. Ha he know today need syringe feed. Fed him 30ml of aixia oldie. 

1230pm: no poo. Same same acting to hide 

6.37pm: fr ip: everyone not active 

Night: food all not touched. Serve sheba chicken again. Ha tonight hiss me wor. Sayang (aka irritate) him more. But he never do anything to me la. Added a ciao treat on his food. Told him Tmr go home le! No other cats for him to kpo Liao.    

Dollar 27.5.23 sat 

27 May 2023

930am: no poo. the ciao plate emptied. Praise him. Erm then I told him I give him finesse tuna food also in case he wanna eat what others are having and his chicken. Later I got to buy more. Hopefully he eat. 

355pm: didn’t touch the food at all, remove to food stand. So he got more space to move. Sayang him. No poo. serve wellness tiny taster. And let him lick some. serve on the plastic plate that he ate the ciao treat. 

Shift the whole buffet tray to the front of the box hole, so he can just pop his head out to eat n drink. 

1120pm: ha I walk in that moment didn’t see where he is, he zoom back into the box. He confirmed like other cats loh. Also like to laze ard tgt, sit on the floor relax sleep then I come he run. Ha. 

Didn’t touch food. 

I told him I walk to ntuc buy his sheba chicken for him ah. In case he hear the other cats say their tuna w white fish is nice, I serve him 2 food, so he got more choices. if nothing is touched, Tmr got to syringe feed. He knows the rule. no poo. 

1240am: fr ip he is relaxing at the door loh. I don’t have worry about his food in the box no space, cos I’m not ard he don’t hide in the box one loh. He kpo cat. 

Dollar 26.5.23 Fri 

26 May 2023

1025am: all food not touched yet he got poo wor 2+5/10. serve new food, later I got to go buy extra cans of sheba chicken. 

Shift the kibble and water bowl near him.

110pm: carry him out to check nail, looks good. But maybe pain when I still touch or he is just scare. Disinfect and apply banocin. put his carrier on top of tv box so he can kpo us more – better view. 

430pm: still same. Food not touched. 

1020pm: off the diffuser, is he scare? 

Food not touched. I put the kibble bowl inside the box for him, ciao treat for him inside too. Told him Tmr still don’t eat, i got to syringe feed him le. He got kpo keep look out but wonder why he don’t want follow the rest eat la. Maybe he wants their fish one? 

Dollar 25.5.23 Thurs 

25 May 2023

920am: still in the box, fr ip he did move within the box, didn’t come out at all. 

930am: checked: got pee wor. So safe point 01. Pallet no blood. serve orange chicken on small plate n put in his hideout for him. 

Nail check, it won’t grow back based on what they know. All nails cut. Paw fur all cut so will be neater. Ears clean. 

Injured nail sanitise and banocin. 

140pm: dollar too cute, he earn himself discount 🙂 – “Ya!! Too guai” 

230pm: sayang ask him don’t eat ah. top up a ciao treat for him, and smear some into his mouth. 

440pm: sayang told him to eat I go work. 

11pm: food totally not touched. I serve another fresh can and told him to eat, others also eating. When I’m doing stuff w other cats n etc, can see he wanna kpo but didn’t come out. 

Dollar 24.5.23 wed

24 May 2023

1030pm: enter 猫房, but w hind nail injury – he jump off from papa embrace and Duno how the nail broke and in a odd position, just sanitise to check and cut off the obvious can’t savage part and apply banocin to prevent

Infection. tmr groomer will check and shave the paw n see can better do something or not. 

6.2kg – gain 580g in these 5 months. 

Now he become a sheba chicken cat, tonight only pour his kibble for him. The moment I bring him to room A, he go into the tv box – expected that’s the design I gave him. If he come out go toilet, the box also block so he got privacy. but last time he loves to kpo other cats.

Dollar 26.12.22 Mon 

26 Dec 2022

9.35am: no new poo but got pee. 

Didn’t touch normal food, did eat ff. 

told him today go home Liao but I also dont know what time- he scold me by hissing me. Duno what time get scolding. Ha. 

1211pm: hide under bed again, didn’t eat. come here slimming center. Most cats come 猫房 is gain weight one Loh. Only he come here slimming sessions. 

Serve him another plate of food, tuna w chicken ham. Also don’t touch. 

8pm: given him tuna tilapia, aiya papa coming to fetch him in half hour time, most prob won’t get to touch the food. 

Weigh him 5.62kg – lose 230g in 2 days. Erm. 

820pm: papa came even earlier. One moment cling onto papa, next moment run back to the room, haha.

Dollar 25.12.22 Sun

25 Dec 2022

Morning: poo 5/10, ok colour and texture. Got pee. So safe already. Didn’t eat as usual, not even w ff. Given salmon and bistro chicken. Today fierce leh. Know he unhappy la. remind him mama papa go out v fast this round, Tmr go home le. 

1245pm: still didn’t eat, close all 3 windows leaving lesser gaps – think sun is too shinning. 

play w him a while. 

307pm: think he want accompany, I bring mettacat mouse to him, he got greet the mouse leh, biased on. He totally ignore the poor purple pilot bear. Let the mouse accompany him then. 

738pm: serve food w kakato steam Saba fish – Xmas eat all the party stuff but he everything don’t eat. Even add water to food I use hot water le smell nice leh. 

Got pee again 

904pm: serve steam ff. 

Lights off. He likes to eat on ratten chair 🙂

Dollar 24.12.22 sat 

24 Dec 2022

350pm: dollar came in urgently cos mummy want go out of town, haha papa says dollar scold him when coming out. he looks sad wor, come in already look very 忙肠… after papa left let him go find bear bear, pilot come welcome him. he still like to hide under the bed. 

5.85kg – did gain back 150g after going home. 

Papa says his food add water, I added but he also don’t eat. 

9pm: fr Ip: still no movement 

10pm: didn’t touch food as usual, no pee no poo. didn’t hiss at me, on night lights for him, xmas eve leh. I serve him his food w dd pure salmon and ff- he eat that the other time. let’s see. 

1130pm: lights out, told him to sleep 

Didn’t touch food at all yet 

Dollar 20.12.22 Tues 

20 Dec 2022

11pm: saw his mummy posted this cute pic of him 🙂 

Dollar 19.12.22 Mon 

19 Dec 2022

550am: fr Ip saw dollar messing the platform, scare the water bowl topple so I wake up wanna help him adjust. Walk near his room i saw him eating kibble I quickly go back my room so he can continue eating. 

morning: serve him food and ciao seafood flavour. 

Check overnight: wa w ff, he did eat leh, not much but he did start eating 

Got poo too, harder 7/10

got msg from papa that they r back early so they can fetch dollar, informed dollar that papa coming soon, open door for him to roam he don’t want, jump up the ratten chair again. 

130pm: papa came on dot, carry him and he meow! Haha so cute he confirm can recognise. 

Weigh 5.7kg – lost 410g. 

Told him quickly go home eat and sleep.  

Dollar 18.12.22 Sun 

18 Dec 2022

630am: Prep his food really like preparing for xiao baby. Syringe fed him told him today 猫房 Xmas party. Serve his food and ciao chicken fillet – on special plate in case he don’t want eat from paper plate. He go up on the ratten chair to eat on his own.

1030am: also didn’t eat, no poo also day 04. Like to keep hissing me leh, cos I syringe feed him?  

830pm: didn’t eat, serve his food w little ff added. Still no poo. Got pee

Dollar 17.12.22 sat 

17 Dec 2022

925am: didn’t eat overnight. Day 03 no poo le. 

Serve his food w tuna chicken w wellness chicken tiny taster. 

Today didn’t really run away much. He know I’m checking his pee and nagging at home for his food intake and pee pee 

6pm: didn’t eat. 

Syringe fed him quite a lot of ad until he don’t want. 

Serve dd jelly sasami 

650pm: got go bin 

925pm: will keep peeking at me leh. A lot of action. Then hide again 

1016pm: wa he wanna tear down the door siak. 

Tmr will let him roam while I prepare his breakfast. 

Dollar 16.12.22 Fri 

16 Dec 2022

130am: fr Ip he is grooming himself 

930am: didn’t eat overnight, no poo, pee can’t gauge cos he might be peeing back to same spot. 

Hug him, haha think he likes his papa much more. 

serve his food.

210pm: didn’t touch food, serve dd pure salmon. 

5pm: didn’t touch food

950pm: fr ip: is he waiting for me? Tonight I’m going to syringe him ad le. 

1030pm: he didn’t eat. 

Syringe him ad, will run away. Haha hug him in between legs to feed, as usual will swallow when feed – come to think of it, papa mama holiday he just want me to feed him loh – always don’t eat on his own 

1110pm: I’m eating dinner he peeking at me again 

Dollar 15.12.22 Thurs 

15 Dec 2022

121am: fr Ip: didn’t touch any food yet 

810am: fr Ip: didn’t touch any food

840am: syringe fed him 20ml of aixia oldie. 

Serve his food and chicken ham. 

Poo a lot leh, 5/10, Got pee 

afternoon: still didn’t intake food  

431pm: serve him ciao cup. Give him a pilot bear to accompany him – ha he thinking what is this bear doing. Maybe he want bigger one 

11pm: he didn’t eat leh. Syringe him some dd pure salmon juice. serve his food and dd pure salmon. 

Sayang him. 

1150pm: discover he peeking at me eating supper, or is he eating kibble? (Trying to trace ip- confirm not eating, just kpo-ing) – but he run back and hiss me when I Open door. Nights out. 

12am: seeking and running away. 

Dollar 14.12.22 wed 

14 Dec 2022

10am: didn’t eat expected 

Still a shy shy boy, didn’t cry le, like tugging under the bed. No poo no pee. 

Serve his food and ciao cup crab stick. 

1215pm: same no special movement 

4.38pm: didn’t eat, kiss kiss him say he handsome boy. Told him as usual boy cannot didn’t pee, told him to remember to Pee. 

Serve wellness tiny taster chicken for


930pm: he is at the door leh, checked: didn’t eat, didnt poo or pee. Nag at him to pee. Wa he hiss me. Never fierce or attack la. 

Serve tuna w salmon n dd pure tuna n salmon, rub some onto his mouth he got lick. see how Tmr.  

Dollar 13.12.22 Tues 

13 Dec 2022

830pm: enter 4G, let him roam. He quite ok to roam leh. weigh him, 6.11kg – lose 170g. 

As usual in room he like to be under the ratten chair, under the bed. This round got one more basket in room, he didn’t use yet. Serve food as usual, he won’t eat one as usual. 

940pm: told him mummy papa go holiday la, he should know by now mah. Here just temp childcare center for him la. he just had a hair cut, fur nice, right inner ear for one scar. Oh ya he really cry siak. Got tears leh, I wipe for him, both eyes. Tmr I think of what toy to give him to accompany him.

1020pm: fr Ip, he is on the sb 

Dollar 6.11.22 Sun 

06 Nov 2022

9Am: didn’t touch all food, including selar fish. Got pee – that’s more important. 

Got drink water, cos water bowl got stain. 

Wipe his eyes for him. 

Serve him 4 course buffet – kakato tuna w chicken, super premium tilapia, tuna w salmon and tuna w white fish – he looks keen but didn’t touch food.

I shifted the bed to the door to make space for the food cos I scare stain his body, ha he move to sit in bed so cute, can take close up photo 🙂

1150am: he start crawling under the bed – ask him u playing 躲猫猫啊 – papa coming to fetch u Liao 

1220pm: didn’t touch all food, papa mama come fetch him le. 🙂 

Dollar 5.11.22 sat 

05 Nov 2022

1249pm: sitting at corner, didn’t touch food yet 

2pm: put kibble bowl in front of him

In between rub some juice on his gum, not keen to eat. Sayang him carry him go kpo window hanging bed, he shiver ah. Scare of height? Carry him to bed

Given him some soy litter, peeing more important. Until now no poo no pee. 

650pm: still didn’t touch anything 

10pm: inform him this round very short, his papa is coming to fetch him v early Tmr b4 1pm he is going home to snuggle w mummy Liao. Told him to eat more overnight. 

serve wellness tuna w salmon, tuna w salmon and tuna w crab meat. syringe fed him 40ml of tuna paste. As usual, he is willing to be fed and will swallow food. tmr see how. 

No poo n pee so far. 

11pm: suddenly remember I have selar fish for them. Ha saw dollar at the door, aiyo Duno what he is doing. I serve him a little selar too, told him don’t waste ah. The cats all love it, we share share w u. 

Nights out. 

Dollar 5.11.22 sat Morning

05 Nov 2022

hide under the bed, think he drag the paper plate w him also, left body wet stain w food, wipe him w f10. 

Then keep hiding into bin, checked; no poo no bin. Let him be. 

Didn’t touch kibble and food as expected. 

Serve tuna w salmon again. didn’t show interest to eat. 

Hide under bed again – too cold ah? I even switch to low fan alr. Now raining season. 

Dollar 4.11.22 Fri 

04 Nov 2022

825pm: enter 猫房 

6.29kg – gain 930g from i last saw him. 

The usual boy I know, scare and won’t eat for 5 days type. Wa this round only here for 3 dates, have to find ways to temp him to eat. Clean his ears, right ear dirtier

Serve his kibble and tuna w salmon. Expect him not to eat one. 

He like to hide near wall, under the rattan chair I bring back. pose some photos on the chair and he is curious then he jump back on the floor. Didn’t go onto the ducky bed or the sb w catnip. just staying on the floor tile. 

930pm: serve tuna w tilapia, see how, maybe this round overnight he will eat alr? Cos no other cats ard. 

Sayang him he didn’t hiss me la. 

1030pm: lights out 

1033pm: fr Ip: didn’t eat anything yet. Just now doing his backlog, he don’t eat on his own till 5th day n more one Loh. 
1054pm/1152pm: fr ip he did come out kpo 🙂

Backlog: Dollar 7.2-12.2.2020

07 Feb 2020

7.2.20 Friday 

• 1210pm; dollar enter 猫房 – weigh him he is 5.36kg – Erm he lose weight again? – fr last seen him he lost 260g 

• let him stay room b, he seem pleased w the room (his first room) but this cat condo more fun 

• serve him fc tuna w salmon – specially reserved for him one – he didn’t eat 

• night: serve him other tuna food and Dd pure salmon – he didn’t eat too 

8.2.20 sat 

• morning: don’t touch all food, got pee no poo

• serve him aatas chicken and tuna food 

• evening: all his food not touched – later I think I open up kakato for him – last time he like it

• I smear some juice to his mouth – but he still didn’t eat it 

9.2.20 sun 

• morning: didn’t touch food 

• got pee no poo

• serve him tuna w crab meat

• night: still didn’t eat 

• syringe fed him 30ml ad and serve him ad and tuna w salmon

10.2.20 mon 

• Still didn’t touch food on his own 

• either he did touch the kibble or Cos I syringe fed him yesterday – he got poo 6.5/10 >10cm 

• syringe fed him twice today x 30ml 

• serve 2 types of flavours tuna w chicken n smoked fish

11.2.20 Tues 

• morning: he got eat on his own! – smoked fish clear 80% 

• like to hiss at me but I go kiss him and sayAng him didn’t get whack 

• today serve smoked fish again n tuna w chicken ham n salmon treats – not keen leh

12.2.20 wed 

• touch a little food only but sure he did eat kibble Cos he got poo formed 5/10 

• <1pm go home w papa 

• night: saw his mummy post that he snuggle w them in bed

Backlog: Dollar 27.11-1.12.2019

27 Nov 2019

27.11.19 wed 

• 940+pm: dollar enter 猫房 again – 5.62kg – drop 130g fr I last seen him 

• let him stay room D 

• serve him fc tuna w salmon, Dd pure salmon and RC indoor kibble

28.11.19 thurs 

• didn’t touch food whole day 

• got pee, no poo

29.11.19 Fri

• didn’t touch food day 02

• night: serve fc salmon and ff to seduce him to eat

30.11.19 sat 

• morning: didn’t touch food day 03

• got pee no poo

• night: still didn’t touch food 

• tmr going to syringe him food if he didn’t touch food again 

• tonight didn’t give him fc or ff alr. Give him tuna w salmon

1.12.19 sun 

• morning: got touch 40% of food — serve him same food and tuna w chicken 

•still no poo but got pee daily 

• tonight he is going home

Backlog: Dollar 12-15 Sept 2019

12 Sep 2019

12.9.19 thurs

• 850pm; enter 猫房 

• stay room D 

• more calm than first time – think he find me familiar but still thinking who I m? – not fierce at all 

• very big and fluffy size – 5.75kg

• serve him dd pure tuna w sea bream

13.9.19 Friday 

• morning: no pee no poo didn’t touch food

• serve japan tuna w smoked fish and kakato chicken w pumpkin 

• night; no poo no pee didn’t touch food at all 

• told him this round I’ll syringe feed him some food Cos he bigger size cannot afford to go without food – v easy to get fatty liver – only manage to give him 20ml of ad – he roll out the food plus have to be careful of his massive fur not to stain 

• serve dd pure tuna w salmon w kit Kat salmon treat w a bit of selar fish

14.9.19 sat

• morning: don’t think got touch food 

• got pee – that’s more important 

• no poo yet

• serve tuna and bistro chicken w Super nice chicken treats shredded

• night; didn’t touch food 

• applied appetite stimulant 

• saw him sitting near door – so mean he is fine w other cats. Not fine w me – think he only see 2 humans mainly in his life? 

• sayang him n told him zzzz aircon tonight – haze v bad – think he will be shiok while I scare the rest get cold 

• serve him dd pure salmon, Japan tuna and salmon and Fancy Feast liver and chicken

15.9.19 sun 

• morning: did feel that his water intake seem more – yesterday particularly note that water bowl is full and today is less than half left – pls note 

• did touch a little of ff, the other 2 food didn’t eat 

• finally poo, 5 pieces, total 8cm – mean he did eat kibble la 

• serve japan tuna w smoked fish and ff liver n chicken

backlog: Dollar 7-20 Nov 2018

07 Nov 2018

Details I got so far from daddy: 

1. Unsteriled – mummy don’t want (cruel) – trying to educate them is good for his health long term 

2. 11 months years old 

3. Light taste food not keen, like higher in salt food 

4. Tested fiv felv- at VC on 21.10.18. 

5. Got eat fussie cat tuna w chicken 

6. Daddy keep saying he is a naughty boy – for me to discover then?  – so far mention that he might make a mess of bin, he will want to eat at 4am? Say will meow but say is soft meow?

7.11.18 we

• 11am enter 猫房 .. 

• can touch no hiss no growl – stress la, panting 

• 4.66kg

• serve him Bistro chicken

• 6pm: didn’t touch the bistro chicken, serve him dd pure pumpkin … panting still, dip some water on his lip, he got lick a bit 

• 7pm: didn’t touch the daily delight pure, serve him one more aixia tuna w white fish 

• 10pm: water bowl topple, don’t think food got touch, all spilled. Clean up and sayang him to feel safe. He still finds comfort w the little bed and the small paw cat nip pillow I gave him

• 1040pm: went to get fc tuna and chicken from da jiejie for dollar … didn’t eat in front of me. Tmr then see how

8.11.18 thurs 

• morning: didn’t touch all food

• shift him to room B w the cat condo n away fr other cats … 

• serve fc tuna and chicken

• 4pm: still didn’t touch food

• by supper time will have to syringe fed him

• in between gave him pork w soup, tuna w small anchovy all didn’t touch 

• night: will hiss at me – I thought I’m happier thAt way, at least he release some tension … I just continue sayang him and carry him

Down – syringe fed him 15ml ad and 5ml water to kick start his eating .. – he seem to like (left some ad hidden in the condo box for him)

9.11.18 fri

• morning: didn’t touch all food 

• serve bistro chicken breakfast

• happy that he got pee – boy must pee. No poo yet

• serve pork soup also don’t Want

• serve dd salmon w turkey dehydrated treat – see first, maybe he might like

• syringe fed him 30ml ad 

• sayang him on the floor he calm down more

10.11.18 sat

• got pee, no poo cos food intake so little 

• serve tuna and salmon

• evening: didn’t touch food – serve tuna w smoked fish 

• no poo and pee yet

• supper time: This cartoon boy I saw him run here n there. So think he wanna kpo other pple stuff then see me coming n hide

• hug him to take a short videos N syringe fed him 45ml ad. slowly upkeep his food intake

• got pee

11.11.18 sun

• morning: seem to got touch a little food? 

• got poo – v small pieces (total got 11cm but thin, hardness 7.5/10). 

• serve tuna w white fish

• he heard his papa talking to him n he look blur? Hear voice but where is he?

12.11.18 mon

• morning: seem to got touch food – v little 

• got pee no poo

• serve tuna w ham 

• afternoon check: got touch maybe 40% of food

• today can don’t syringe feed – see if he understand 

• night: he came to sit near the door kpo like tomoya? … sweetie visit him at the door, no aggression no hissing.

13.11.18 tues 

• morning: didn’t eat the turkey dehydrated treat, but did touch the wet food

• got good amount of poo – hardness 8/10 

• serve him tuna w salmon – got eat 70%

• night: serve bistro chicken

14.11.18 wed 

• morning: he didn’t touch the bistro chicken but ate some more of the tuna plate. 

• dinner: serve kakato salmon 

• if today’s meals didn’t touch, got to syringe feed him tmr again

• got pee no poo

15.11.18 thurs

• morning: got poo pee

• found something he like! Kakato salmon – high class cat siak

• morning: forgot what food was served – didn’t eat 

• tea break : tuna w smoked fish – cleared plate

• supper:  just serve him more tuna w smoked fish

16.11.18 fri

• quite a bit of poo 

• got eat on his own 

• night: didn’t touch morning tuna and white fish

• serve him tuna and salmon and Kakato salmon

17.11.18 sat

• got poo got pee

• clear his food – so he likes salmon

• night: his food plate is cleared 🙂 

• serve double serving: tuna w salmon and smoked fish

18.11.18 Sunday

• eating, poo and pee normally 🙂 

• don’t like bistro chicken

• tuna based food so far okay

19.11.18 mon 

• eating, poo and pee normally 🙂 

• sayang him n told him tmr papa mama r back!

• night: food all cleared 

• cat’s logic cos I forgot to replace new Peepad and pine – he pee in bin and poo on floor for me to pick :p

• serve tuna and Saba

• 1256am: hug him and told him count down 12h more n he is goung home

20.11.18 tues 

• morning; food cleared, got pee

• till go home didn’t poo yet

• 1255pm; papa fetch him home 🙂