Elie Chew


just a cat (jumbo side) that is coming 猫房 to stay for 20 days b4 her 4 months rental room is ready for her to move in.

Elie Chew's Logbook

Age : 5y 0m
Birthday : 02 Apr
Weight : nil
Date of Entry : 7.9.2024

Elie 6.10.24 sun 

06 Oct 2024

Morning: got poo still dark poo. Remind Elie that tonight she is leaving. Play w her didn’t bring Hp in. 

6pm+: she did finish the food n I serve food for her to eat b4 going home. Didn’t eat much cos we saying bye bye. The rest see her also. 

They crowd ard her basket to say bye to her 

Elie 5.10.24 sat 

05 Oct 2024

1pm+: sayang her n update her that her house not sure will be ready or not. So Tmr leaving 猫房 or not is uncertain. 

Her hind nails r so long till he leg trap onto the hole of her carrier Nd she cry for help n still want to run. Leg pain cos trap. I have to shake the carrier to try to help her get off it. Then I sayang her  

elie 4.10.24 Fri 

04 Oct 2024

Elie 3.10.24 wed 

03 Oct 2024

9am+: poo still rather black. Food cleared 

10.54pm: Amy:”Meggie started to get naughty again sigh… starting to attack my cats again..i dont have heart to place her in cage. I may have to place her in kitchen if she start to attack my cats again n then have to board elie elsewhere longterm” – wa Elie was told that she is making a special room for her …. Duno what’s the status for Elie again 

Elie 2.10.24 wed 

02 Oct 2024

11am+. Sayang her she play bite she will sayang me. She scare of vacuum cleaner 

Elie 1.10.24 Tue 

01 Oct 2024

2pm: see Elie and sayang her 

Elie 30.9.24 Mon 

30 Sep 2024

Morning: no poo in bin  

Play w her, Carrara want to play w her feather 

This Elie play bite so pain one loh 

10.45pm: mmm:”Toilet door almost got opened” – 

“Locked, but Elie so strong. N if playing with Carrara….”

Elie 29.9.24 sun 

29 Sep 2024

7.00am: sayang her. Told her n the rest wait for jo to come feed. I’ll be doing medical round 

Elie 28.9.24 sat 

28 Sep 2024

6am+: she is still active got move leh 

7.47am: so weird mmm on light n she didn’t move at all 

10am+: ha didn’t eat her food again, I told I won’t get cheated to give her a second plate. Sayang her n play w her. She knew ah Boy, Carrara and manja le. Cora also visit her 

Elie 27.9.24 Fri 

27 Sep 2024

Thru out the night she sleep on her basket box 

6.50am: I think mmm off the light n she sit in cactus and she did meow 

Will stand at door to look at everyone 

9.30am: she see me packing and clearing poo n etc. cleared her room. Got poo. Her poo quite dark one. Food plate cleared. 

she is the first to be serve food – tuna w salmon so she don’t have to wait for the rest. But she maybe touch 3%? N she don’t want to eat she cover food. 

11Am+: Serve her tuna w chicken n play w her. She eat 10% n she stop again. 

1.00pm: start to eat the first plate of tuna w salmon that she is totally not keen just now 

2.34pm: the plate of tuna chicken is almost finished, so she cheated me to give 2 plates la 

Night: she ok w all the cats visitors. 

Elie 26.9.24 Thur 

26 Sep 2024

8am+: jo alr fed her one can and she almost finish all when I reach at 9am+. 

New customised door installed for the toilet, so she can see the rest. 

I bring in the cactus wooden tree for her. Serve another can of tuna w white fish. 

She is quite ok, ah boy rena Bessie visit she is more curious than fierce. She is fine. Got pple to talk to. Sayang her. She got go n up the cat tree to pose and look at pple  

9.21pm:mmm”Very dark. Left lights on.Charging this one. Wireless.”

elie 25.9.24 wed 

25 Sep 2024

Elie 24.9.24 tues 

24 Sep 2024

10am+: given her breakfast. Told her major cleaning today n this Thur she going to move out of this room. 

Amy:”..Cos when she back with me she probably will get 2 wet food meals. She will always eat more if given, her boarding place last time when i visit her i always give her extra can of food , they told me she will just eat n eat if given. Maybe can phase her off to 2 wet food meals a day, then she can eat dry for rest of meals a few days b4 she comes back to me ?” 

“She actually dont need to eat so much, she just eats if given” – told her is not we give, is she ask for it. -“She just being greedy. She always want to eat if she knows there s food. She can eat her dry too” – so told Elie no more food for her when she looks so sad and so cute fr 11Am-2pm. Told her sigh not I don’t want to give her ah. Tmr will give her extra half can when i bring the cats back fr vet. She looks so sad just now just hide in the box since come down nothing to eat 

9.31pm: mmm”Elie threw up. Play after eating…”

Elie 23.9.24 Mon 

23 Sep 2024

9Am+: food intake food. Eat wet food lose weigh ah. 4.71kg – lose 160g in 10 days. 

Poo 5/10. 

716pm: mmm:”Copy Kerry. Play with basket n bin” 

Elie 22.9.24 sun

22 Sep 2024

Elie 21.9.24 sat 

21 Sep 2024

Got confirmation that she will leave 猫房 on 6.10 7.15pm. 

9.49pm:mmm”Jump down from there n landed against the door.” 

10.24pm: mmm:”Ellie watch Don n Kerry playing” – ha they look like her family 

Elie 20.9.24 Fri 

20 Sep 2024

10am+: she got new hideout. High up in my empty storage box on top of the cage. Let her be. Maybe it’s fun for her. Will come down greet me and wait for more food. 

measure door today and can install right on the day, so she won’t feel lonely or outcast when she move to our storage bathroom. the cats will envy her actually cos they love going in there. I have to find more things to throw b4 27.9. 
11.40pm: Amy: “She s looking very fat now. Better not too fat otherwise cant fit in the cage”- but weight only go up a bit only leh

Elie 19.9.24 Thur 

19 Sep 2024

8.31am: mmm”Ellie was sleeping inside there”

8.32am mmm scare me cos she call me. 

9Am+: she poo formed 5/10. 

11Am+: I forgot to on video, then I call her, and she run down to find me. she is sleeping up there in the storage box on the top top cage. 

Amy still didn’t reply on the timing for 6.10, but since 27.9-6.10 still got 10 days – going to do some Reno to toilet to make it nicer for her to stay in. 

Elie 18.9.24 wed 

18 Sep 2024

9am+: food intake is huge. No poo. Sayang her told her cleaner jiejie coming later again, I have to put her in carrier to protect her. 

2.04pm; mmm”Someone act cute n sad. No plate of food.” – told her I alr gave her extra serving after major cleaning round 

Night: she is going to stay in 猫房 till 6.10. To be confirm cos of timing 

Elie 17.9.24 Tue 

17 Sep 2024

11Am+: like to play w me. Then I sayang her then told her I coming do medi round. Her plate is alr all cleared. Eat a lot of wet food. 

Brush her fur she like 

super funny and cute, she lift her 2 hands up while she groom herself belly up. That photo of taken will be ultra cute 

12.45pm: give her another serving – she happy to eat. Mmm says she will meow for her to serve more wet food 

Looking at yesterday “vomit”, I think she vomit out the kibble 

4pm+: go back play w them, serve her a small plate of food. Her plate empty again. told her her plan of going off as arranged might be extended. But she gonna stay toilet le. see how first 

Elie 16.9.24 Mon 

16 Sep 2024

9Am+: clear almost 90% of food at one go. No poo yet. Like to post w toys. I take video her jump and pose aren’t that nice. I take photos and she jump about sigh. 

10.21am: I’m sitting outside doing logobook cos I need to charge phone, she looks white comfy looking at other cats. 

12.30pm: sitting on chair to do logbook, she stand on edge of bin to pee, like Bessie, cannot dirty own feet one. And after finishing she come to door to inform me.

She jump up the door stepper 01 and look into trash bag – her pee loh. 

Night: jo send photo that looks like thick vomit to me. bile w furball type. But she says:”Very dark brown poo smell dry strong maybe from the bin. Very strong” – I think I’m correct cos the bin got dark poo also. 

Elie 15.9.24 sun 

15 Sep 2024

Backdated: yesterday 10.57pm; mmm:”Playing with her basket. Jump there!” 

6/7am+: serve tuna w salmon. No poo. Got pee, going to change the new bin pad soon, she use the extra more often. 

Play w her, daring looks keen. 

Night: mmm:”Wants pats n tummy rubs. But flip fast …. Ellie trying to jump up. Things will be flying down soon”- have to redesign this room Tmr. 

Elie 14.9.24 sat 

14 Sep 2024

Morning: mmm:”So hungry. Doesn’t eat kibbles” 

1120am: her plate already empty. Polished 

7.57pm: mmm”Very hungry. Whole can empty n still screaming” 

8pm+: I’m back to check on them one round. She is quite ok w movement in room i bz taking out the medical box for Timmy bp reading. Sayang her n pat pat her butt 

Elie 13.9.24 Fri 

13 Sep 2024

9am+: no poo n pee 

11am+: I’m back to 猫房. Jo alr serve them breakfast just now. She only ate half. Sayang her and she at her belly show again. Checked her bin, she use both bins. 

12pm+: the way she look at me and daring Kerry don. 🙂 – happy one. She is learning to see cats can be w cats. She watch us for some time. So Guai and cute. when I go off she waiting for me to sayang her like I sayAng Kerry.  Told her later, I go back bath n back again 

2pm+: she stand near the door, she and Kerry don look like one family. Maybe that’s why she like looking at them.  

3pm+: all food finished. Weigh her 4.87kg – only gain 20g leh 

I wanna steam brush her she scare of steam? 

Mmm:”Haven’t told you the fun part – Elie was playing with her carrtier last night- batting it her and there, jump from cat tree and make it spin. Finally it got stuck between the door and the litter bin” 

Elie 12.9.24 Thur 

12 Sep 2024

7am+:mmm”Elie threw up after  pooing in bin. Furball. I checked” – 7.28am poo quite dark 

9am+: jo feed them breakfast. Elie still try to show belly rub3 on floor 

10am+: elv reached my place, she still trying to keep very positive vibes that maybe Elie trying to help her, maybe got some bad energy and Elie help to bite and scratch away. Ha. Goood for her la 

12pm+: i go back for medi round and cleaning what’s not done yest. I go in to sayang her first then I open her basket she jump in ha I close it to let elv go in safely. then I open up to play w elie. Wa she play bite one loh. My left hand itchy got one line. 

Brush fur for her, think she got lots of undercoat. 

Then the room got vacuum sound she so scare ah? She hide under cage. Even after vacuum stop for very long I call she still hide. Let her be 

2.24pm: mmm:”I called her n she came out. Now Manja like” 

2.47pm: amy reply after I send her video: “ She looks like she getting fatter ha ha” 

Elie 11.9.24 wed 

11 Sep 2024

9Am+: serve her tuna w chicken – didn’t eat much. Play w her and carry her a while, then put her down. 

10am+: she see me coming in n out take pillow case. Take ad. Told her major cleaning, later her room cleaning also, throw the blanket away told her cannot naughty anyhow pee. She know how to use bin. I carry to bin to remind her how to use bin again. 

Then she just stay ard meowing and showing us her belly, mmm says whole night she asking for sayang and want pat pat. 

1215am: her room cleaning start. Elv in her friend she is ok. Didn’t approach for sayang but nothing negative also, I still tell elv this girl like sayang but maybe Duno her yet. She still check on the door see she got pee behind door or not. I got ready a new bin to put for her so she got 2 bins to choose. 

12.21pm: she go bonkers. Elv can’t even remember why, she isn’t touching elie and also not really near her at all, she just suddenly choose to dash and jump up at her and bite n scratch her right arm. 4 punctured wound, 6-8 other holes and 3 scratches – why? Me and mmm bz helping her to disinfect and clean the wound to stop bleeding. Floor all blood drips. 

I try to calm her down. She looks like she want to dash at me also. Sooooo soooo fierce so scary. Cannot even calm her down. Tell her Guai Guai tone also no use. Fierce to her also no use. Want her retreat to under cage if she is scare, but no she is very fierce want to attack n attack. 

Can’t clean daring room anymore, even daring is shivering. Cats scare of Elie. Humans scare of Elie. I let elv go off. She is still bleeding. 

I open the door slightly n talk to Elie while she is still on scary mode, then tell her I go medi Timmy n do a bit more things first then back to her. In between she look at me I talked to her while I do my routine stuff. 

She just watch me n I talk to her whenever I walk pass her room, then I settle to go into hers. I put the new bin in first, ok at least didn’t dash to attack me. I squant down as usual still nag at her ask her why just now go bonkers everyone scare of her. She scare everyone. Like 猫房 cats, I didn’t shout. She know I’m not scolding her. I’m lecturing her. She needs to know she is at fault. 

Serve her another can of tuna w smoked fish. Told her Guai Guai. I got to clean daring room on my own and daring shivering so badly cos she so fierce they also scare of her. 

She calm down eat and rest. 

But alert jo to be careful. 

2.49pm: told elv to still buy the medicated oil if she can find today n use asap, thought I bought a new bottle for her n I’ll see her Tmr again. she still ask about Elie: “How she is. Don’t tell the owner about it . It’s okey am scare they scolded her. She just upset maybe. Am okey also. Just don’t beat her. I sayang so sad no owner” 

333pm: mmm”Ok already. Came down n ate”

  • ha act cute again Liao loh 

Night: food all clear. Jo still play w her. Back to normal. Roll on floor. Poor elv 

10pm+: elv having fever. See how again Tmr 

Elie 10.9.24 Tue 

10 Sep 2024

6.40am: active. Alr awake. Plate all empty. Big eater. Sure will seduce mmm to give her food and sayang 

1.56pm; mmm;”oh, Elie pee on the blanket again. Open door can smell” – Tmr got to major throw the blanket and major clean her room 

2.01pm: mmm:”remove blanket and put pee pad. she hear me move, and start calling. hmmm playful and wants tummy rubs.” – Erm I think mmm go wash the blanket. sigh. Duno which Peepad, Tmr will throw also. 
night: same alr nothing significant to log

Elie 9.9.24 Mon 

09 Sep 2024

7.45am: mmm:”She pee n poo here. I cleared poo. Good form n firm. Not hard.” – the new blanket I put for her ruined le

9am+: she is eating very well. Eating a lot. Want sayang want play, then turn ard and bite me twice. serve tuna w chicken and she ate. 

555pm: mmm”wahhhh Elie is very talkative. non stop when she sees even just my shadow. hehehe cute meows”

Night: jo sayang her a lot. She love belly rub also. clear all food 

Elie 8.9.24 sun 

08 Sep 2024

7am+: mmm says she sleep on hammock but she didn’t manage to capture pic 

I checked: no poo. But did pee alr. Colour looks fine. today active will meow hello sayang her le. 

11.12am: mmm”I peep n saw. Looks like Kerry” 

12.48pm: mmm”Her meow sweet also. She finished her food.I gave 1 more can” 

3pm: come back and she is sleeping on top of cat tree, will come down Meow n sayang  

Serve extra food for her again.

9.27pm: mmm”Looks n feel pregnant” – she is v round like Kerry 

9.31pm: mmm”Keep asking for tummy rubs n pats. But I worry she’ll suddenly attack.”

Elie 7.9.24 sat 

07 Sep 2024

8am+: came out stretch herself. Look at daring 

9.06am; go n eat leftover food 

When jo clear is already empty plate. 

9.36am: eat fresh food 

10.25am: grooming herself under the cage. That’s her comfort zone 

10.42am: continue to eat 

11.10am: she still hiss at me ha

Checked : no poo no pee yet. 

12pm+: finished 60% of food, i top up another half can for her 

12.45pm: she eating again 

2.47pm: she go kpo look at Kerry 

As of 7.42pm: still no poo  

8.11pm: she go to bin … and 

8.20pm: mmm went in she even meow at her and she didn’t hide! Waaaa

She is Ang moh cat. I Chinese ah mao. Ha 

But I did tell her ill call her xiao baby. Her face is a baby. 

9.14pm: mmm:”Like Bessie. Didn’t like smell of other cats. But 2nd time, I try to take plate, hiss n smack plate. I dare not go nearer” 

Elie 6.9.24 Fri part 2

06 Sep 2024

1.45pm: she did come out to look ard. Even peek into daring room. 

4.15pm: go back check on her. Didn’t eat at all. didnt use bin at all. Trying to take the plate and she attack the plate.

5.19pm; mmm”No sign. I peeped to in twice. Dare not open door. Later Joanna come then kaypoh. Picnic basket as carrier, hahahaha” 

8.30pm: Walk out again. Got jump up a little 

10.24pm: jo:”Morning one didn’t eat. bin no pee n poo. B4 I leave check got eat abit. She very guai. Just stay where she is. Probably scare la 

She ok to me. I retrieved plate she just quiet” 

10.45pm: got walk out also 

10.50pm: groom herself under cage 

11.08pm: sleeping alr under cage 

Elie 6.9.24 Fri Day

06 Sep 2024

10.01am: ha not here yet, i do logbook while sitting outside to wait for her 

10.05am: she reached and I bring her into our hospi room and choose to open all the barang in front of her to accompany her. Can touch can sayang then she racki a little and choose to hide under the cage to growl. Let her be. Told her I got ready food for her alr. 


use her toy a bit weird will growl but not much movement. I scare she don’t come out of there. 

10.37am: amy”Elie havent had bfast, pooped last night so probably will poop every other day from then” – Erm so she is hungry, I bring the plate nearer to her and she growl and hiss and wanna come out to attack the plate. Erm…. Close the curtain and let her be. Shift everything nearer to her 

10.45am: I feel that I bend down talk to her still ok. Once I take out photo take photo she angry 

11.14am: she came out on her own saw me, run back to under cage again. As long I know she will come out on her own will be good 

11.36am: amy;”Last night applied nextguard combo to everyone” 

11.48am: she is still the same. I move the kibble bow back to table 

Added an extra cam to monitor her since she is under cage – hiss at me. Let her be 

12.34pm: amy: “Dont think she understands chinese 😀. The staff who took care of think philippino or indo” 

1.00pm: still same position. Just now she did come out leh. W the curtain drawn, if she walk out to the door I won’t be able to see. 

Will load half day logbook for day 01 

1.58pm; still Same position 

Elie 2.9.24

02 Sep 2024

some photos of her

Elie 2.9.24 Mon 

02 Sep 2024

Ha scarier that Amy now try to feed me info about Elie. Elie is more dangerous than I alr mentally prepared for:

“She eats aristo bfast n lunch 1 can per meal. Salmon, smoked fish, chicken, whitefish. Think her tummy bit sensitive. If change her food sometimes her end poop bit wet so i keep her on that. 

She likes to eat rc fit 32. Thats what she likes. Cos i tried to give her other brands she doesnt eat. Sometimes she doesnt eat her wet food, then she ll just eat her dry. She playbites but she doesnt mean any harm. Like when u touch her she will playbite, but she likes to be sayanged n carried , just will playbite a lot. And when she dont understand situation sometimes she becomes defensive. She will attack. If she not familar with cats n they r hanging around by her grill door n u r inside, she cant attack them, she will attack u. Only happened when she was new here. My cats watchinf her play outside by grill door. N i was inside. She couldnt attack them n then she headed to me to attack. Lucky have cushion to blk. One time. N cos she escaped 3 times from her room, just the other day she attacked chuchu, then got to block her n let her calm down. If she stressed she will react. When she not stressed she ok. She needs something to hide inside if she goes to yr place. She is very manja, just that when she doesnt understand a sitiuation got to be careful”

“Both drink water , can see them drink Elie poops every other day. Her poop bit smelly. “

“Elie once relaxed will run around crazily. Can i give her some new toys. She needs something to do. She always bats her toys. U call her “princess elie”, last time staff called her “princess elie” , she calms down. She will roll on back n if u carry her low range, she like be hugged like baby, she will put her head on yr elbow etc. She likes her chin scratched etc” 

Elie 30.8.24 Fri 

30 Aug 2024

Getting info that I needed from Amy’s posts about Elie

“Elie is a very hyper girl n seems to need alot of mental stimulation n exercise. She goes all out playing, pants away, then she bounces back really fast. Kaki Bukit rescue, marbled cat, 5yrs +, active and vocal girl, Single cat household preference, Vaccinated, sterilised, fiv felv negative. June 2023 she is boarded at Pet Boarding Centre. Dec 2023 – she is one of those who had diarrhoea and step all over the room. May 2024 she also diarrhoea.”

“..so hopefully she doesnt push the door and come out n try to attack everyone.“ – 26.9.23 so she will push door, Erm. Have to be careful w this girl.” 

“Crazy Elie….she always screaming away at door asking for attention… like a female dijon. 

..but still continues to bite me daily.” – Erm will scream? Then dangerous leh. 

In short, she is jumbo friend. So whether she is coming depends on amy herself le.