Ken Ken


For now, community Cat
as of 27.8.23 4pm+: first time I saw this cat. He is nice and friendly to me. He got checked out my 猫房 smell. Got eat my food. maybe is lost. See whether I get to see him again

Ken Ken's Logbook

Age : 4y 0m
Birthday : 27 Feb
Weight : nil
Date of Entry : 27.8.2023

Ken 26.10.23

26 Oct 2023

Just a status update: didn’t see him anymore I assume he is adopted by pple alr

Ken 30.8.23 wed 

30 Aug 2023

More n more pple take notice of him, and he even follow someone home – the person won’t keep him cos she got hamster 

Ken 31.8.23 Thu 

Morning: jo saw Ken also, he ate her indoor kibble 

Ken Ken 27.8.23 sun 

27 Aug 2023

420pm+: jialat saw a new guy. Handsome. Eat tipped. Seal point Siamese. Come smell me rub me. Told him wait I go get food. Finish a can of tuna w white fish. Physical looks fit. 

Nearby a flyer agent called Ken- ha so he is called Ken Ken. 

He looks 2.5 years old. 

1105pm: no one contact me direct other than one person comment on my post but no news after I replied one minute later. But the cat she lost does look like Ken Ken. Means the 4 days she lost him, he went Steralisation? Her cat 12 years and above wow … maybe wor. Ken is muscular old man?  

Ken 28.8.23 Mon 

Didn’t see him today.

The person says not her cat. But I still feel that they look alike leh. Did she conclude by his ear? I feel his ear like freshly tipped too