Meggie Nutmeg


just a cat (the one who is loner love papa cat who has pass away, friend w meow meow n meow pass away also. She become depress in Jan 2024 n block n sick) that is coming 猫房 to stay for a few days b4 her new cage at new house is ready. she will stay in 猫房 cage 01 – haha Jack will be the papa she will like 

Meggie Nutmeg's Logbook

Age : 5y 7m
Birthday : 02 Sep
Weight : nil
Date of Entry : 7.9.2024

Meggie 2.9.24 Mon 

02 Sep 2024

Amy: “Got space for meggie for few days ? I ordering big cage for her first but not sure if will arrive by 7th” – told her also is the iso cage in 猫房 cage 01. that one comfy. 

So meggie isn’t confirmed, but she feed me info on her: “Meggie , the one her dad ” died”. Meggie, dont get along with rest of cats. If she goes, can meow s urn go with her ? Its wooden box n i place in her room on floor with her.” – of cos meow meow is my Friend. 

“She gets stressed if cats come around her, n may react if she in that cage.” – last retort when her place really not ready. 

“She needs something to hide inside if she goes to yr place.”- will put the tv sb in the cage – best place to hide 

“Meggie only eats solid gold indigo moon chicken n egg. Quarter of wet food placed for her once a day. But she hardly eats wet food”

““Meggies seems to onlt like aristo white fish. N the smoked fish. But hardly eats wet food. Wont eat other dry food except solid gold. So i only place once a day quarter. Most times she doesnt eat the wet food. Both drink water , can see them drink. Meggie poops daily”