Simba R


Simba R's Logbook

Age : 7y 7m
Birthday : 26 Aug
Weight : nil
Date of Entry : 26.2.2018

Simba 16.12.24 Mon 

16 Dec 2024

00.11am: mama”Simba chasing Lizard, it managed to escape” – mama send me videos of them playing, Erm didn’t have any on the catnip toy, I forgot for put for them meh? Mainly Simba playing w the neck feather.

Simba 28.4.24 sun 

28 Apr 2024

7.30am: disaster. They play w the spare litter. All over the floor. they will circle me for some time till they know I’m bz clearing the floor and they wait one side. 

Serve tuna w white fish and Japanese orange pouch. Both like Japan food. Like to stick tgt to eat tgt – think is Simba 粘粘

5.40pm: serve snack : tuna w chicken w light pink Japanese creamy chicken can food – they like! Remind them tonight they going home see their 狗狗姐姐s 

9pm+: wa one of them vomit out the 5pm chicken. serve tuna w chicken ham w aixia chicken immunity pouch. Say bye bye to both. They know somehow. Plus I bring in their carriers. I thought one of them might sit in it. None did. Kiss Simba bye bye. Put new Peepad for him. 

5.20kg – lose 110g. Brush his fur while we waiting for papa mama he like it, and flip over brush belly also. 

10.40pm: they left 猫房 4G le 

Simba 27.4.24 sat 

27 Apr 2024

8am+: serve breakfast. 

They got clear food and drink water 

Got poo 

1pm+: thought of this. They really grow up w doggy jiejie, behaviour like dogs. We will Rubs and sayang each round. 

Inform them Tmr they going home le. Can see their doggy jiejie 

I brought back more unique food from 5G to feed him later on, he generally didn’t have great food intake 

9pm+: Serve tuna w chicken and Japanese can food. These 2 like Japanese food 

This boy go sit in bin pee ? Alr then suddenly sit at one corner quiet – scary. But the jap food 

Serve, he walked over to eat. Told him guaiguai Tmr early breakfast.  

Simba 26.4.24 Fri 

26 Apr 2024

9Am+: Serve tuna w chicken w sparkles  chicken food – didn’t eat as much as yesterday le. Poo 1.75/10. Think later give them the Japanese food 

1235pm: sayang them they r like needy kids. Kiss kiss Simba, he little boy boy 

4.58pm: I enter they excited. serve kakato chicken w pumpkin, as snack. both of them got eat. 

11pm: food cleared, no further poo. 

Come greet me, surround me, Tell me hurry rubs and sayang n serve food. 

Serve tuna w whit fish and Japanese snack – both Simba n rumi love the new stuff 

Simba 25.4.24 Thur 

25 Apr 2024

4.07am: Simba meow non stop. Wa yesterday also. But I choose to die die sleep can’t wake up for him cos far too early, end up I wake up late yesterday. Today again. Why? Ur mama papa everyday feed u early ? Or u so needy ah? 

4.45am: getting louder and non stop. Wake up to serve tuna w white fish to him and rumi. Instantly eat, really ThT hungry? Cos aircon too cold? Cold most suitable for him in the whole room. Xiami must be soooo cold. the moment I off light he stop eating and meow again. Wa go in to scold him he continue to meow. I sayang him and give him plate and leave lights on. The rest so poor thing 

9am: serve tuna w chicken ham. Got a feel that he is feeling hungry but don’t like the food? Later I bring some food back fr 5G let him try diff type. 

1.00pm: major cleaning their room, let them go living room play. Wa scare till keep hiding in my bears… aiyo. Didn’t even get to play loh. 

3.00pm: sayang them, so scarey cat 

10pm: Serve tuna w salmon and more sparkles chicken w salmon – Simba like, yeah Tmr let him try other new flavours that I bring back for him. Simba q after rumi pee pee. 

Simba 24.4.24 wed 

24 Apr 2024

9Am+: room in a mess. Ha. The bin so dirty so everyone got to wait. Scrub all. Put a fresh pack of unicharm. Simba quickly go poo somemore? 4.75/10. 

Those in bin just now is 2 and 4/10. 

Serve tuna w chicken, they don’t seem to be keen 

1pm+: happy kid see me back I give Simba and rumi 2 catnip toys. Simba hug the small one and roll on the floor. 

5.03pm: sleeping soundly, but rumi walk to door so he wake up. 

Feel that he didn’t eat much and should be hungry but he don’t want tuna w chicken. 

Serve kakato chicken w pumpkin, got touch a little. tired Liao. Sigh his clock circle sarla loh. 

11pm: no new poo. Food mostly cleared. Weather is horrible, just now I’m sweating in aircon class. I let them sleep aircon overnight. Serve tuna w salmon. 

Duno why both of them didn’t meow, but sitting looking at each other like discussing something. I told them Tmr major cleaning day will let them go bear museum to play  

Simba 23.4.24 Tue 

23 Apr 2024

4.20am+: meow v loudly, can’t confirm is Tammy or Simba.

5.05am: is him loh. Keep meowing non stop. They like tuna w chicken? Cos they Polish that. Serve super early breakfast. I can’t sleep Liao 

5.40am: I thought settle down le so I try to go back sleep. He meow loudly again. Non stop. 

5.45am: have to go in scold him- scream non stop. Too much. 5am + only. get scolding alr still 不自动 

9Am+: serve usual breakfast.  got poo and stuff all over the floor. Clean up and he keep running me non stop and meow non stop. I scolding him he also Duno. Still want sayang while keep meow meow meow meow 

11Am: got calls to scold me – ha cos Simba keep meowing 

1pm+: whole day aircon for them can’t be hot. Or r they cold? He can’t be 

8pm+: I gonna change Peepad cos stay w them longer try to take photos. Simba still more keen on rubs and sayang. N the smelly butt keep brushing my face.  

Serve tuna w salmon n smoked fish 

9.20pm: told him really pls sleep. Can’t keep meowing In the night n early morning. 

Simba 22.4.24 Mon 

22 Apr 2024

7am+: I know Simba is meowing – high pitch meow 

8am+: these 2 keep sticking to me, take videos  also difficult. Photos can’t see face. Food confirm got eat but I think I can cut down. Got poo can’t differentiate one set or 2, but 2.75/10. Simba keep head butt me, head butt the sofa. Serve tuna w chicken ham.

11Am+: I’m back from 5G, food didn’t touch much. These 2 always greet me happily one. Simba always meow meow meow 

9pm+: didn’t eat a lot. No further poo. Sayang round, rub face. Pat pat. Serve tuna w chicken for tonight. 

Simba 21.4.24 sun 

21 Apr 2024

5.41am: got woken by cats meowing. Thought is the new kids, Checked: don’t think is them. But Simba contribute when I enter. Meow meow meow. Hiss hiss hiss. Duno why he keep hissing v naughty. 

Overnight: maybe clear 70% of food. 

Bin: got 2 sets of poo, one powdery one, both looks dry and hard but 5/10 not hard leh. 

got pee, one set at the end of bin, a lot. One set at the front, pee a little only. But someone pee on the tunnel, snatch new toy? Pee all on floor, thrown. 

Both will surround me but i serve tuna w chicken not that keen. Add on tuna w smoked fish both side at door. Didn’t eat leh. 

Keep wanting to go out. 

3.30pm: food got touched but maybe 50%?  I serve them a aixia food. Simba will rub against me but not keen on food 

9pm+: can’t take pictures cos both stick to me.  Serve tuna w white fish. 

Simba r 20.4.24 sat 

20 Apr 2024

3.40pm: enter 猫房 4G room A. 

I last see him on 17.11.2019. 4y 5m he is now 5.31kg – gain 1.34kg. M/c still Intact 

4pm: serve tuna w chicken, he got eat but not as fast as rumi. Got scratch the sofa also. left one carrier box in room for him – he needs the hideout more than rumi. 

5.30pm: fr Ip: carrier topple. Simba just sitting beside bin

8.00pm: the carrier so dirty inside got stain and so much fur and everything w Simba sitting inside. Remove from room and clean up. Their food almost all finished. Simba not fierce but keep hissing. 

8.45pm: got v little pee stain on the pad. Duno whose’s. He keep hissing till rumi slap him. Give them a new white tunnel. he wants food and I serve fresh tuna w salmon w tuna w chicken, eat a little and keep resting. 

10.21pm: fr ip. Both sleeping on the floor. 

Rumi & Simba 19.12.23 Tue 

19 Dec 2023

Mummy send me:”Thanks for the Christmas prezzies Ah Mao! They really love this one so much. Keep fighting to sleep on it hahaha” 

Simba 24.2.23 Fri 

24 Feb 2023

Simba 18.12.22 Sun 

18 Dec 2022

They receive 猫房 presents. Mummy send some of their updates 🙂

Simba 26.6.22 sun 

26 Jun 2022

513pm: mama “Sent them for grooming treat today. Simba naughty he peed in the luggage. Think he thought that’s his litter box” 

Simba Xmas 2021

19 Dec 2021