

Not sure of the actual date, can’t recall when jiejie start seeing her too. New comer. Very hungry. Finish off jie all food. So anyhow start first log on 20.4.23. or maybe 18.4.23? As of now, NEWLY ABANDONED

Snowy's Logbook

Age : 3y 11m
Birthday : 20 Apr
Weight : nil
Date of Entry : 20.4.2023

Snowy 3.7.23 mon

03 Jul 2023

3+pm: saw her and give some kibble. She didn’t eat. Sayang her a bit. Not a fierce cat. Not that scare also. Raining heavily 

Snowy 29.5.23 Mon

29 May 2023

Snowy 2.5.23 Tues

02 May 2023

“Snowy eat n gone le”

Snowy 1.5.23 mon

01 May 2023

“Tonight got see m fed snowy”

Snowy 26.4.23

26 Apr 2023

First time I see her pic. Named her snowy. Ears untipped so means? J:”Didnt see any poster for lost cat. She seems young. Keep meow meow when see me“ – Jie like worry that snowy will become a Comm cat, posted on lost and found no news. Highly abandoned.

Snowy 24.4.23 Mon

24 Apr 2023

1107pm: j:”I saw the cat again. Feeding it now while i play with xbh to divert his attention. Xbh still see it n chase after it. That cat hiss loudly too so not timid type. at least knows how to protect herself. As usual veri hungry, finished up the food fast.”

Snowy 24.4.23 Mon

24 Apr 2023

Don’t know link or not. But someone throw lots of cats things – treats, kibble, not much can food, a pink litterbin w scoop rather new, some sb. snowy is abandoned or lost? Erm …. Non local who throw.