Snowy Hickman


a cat I gonna know cos she needs nubulizing for nose bleeding.

Snowy Hickman's Logbook

Age : 18y 11m
Birthday : 15 Jun
Weight : 3.26kg as of 15.6.2024
Date of Entry : 15.06.2024

Snowy 12.10.24 sat 

12 Oct 2024

11.02am: reach her house to visit her

Show mummy daddy and helper the b12 b com Cerenia purpose n what to note. Subcut her n given b12. Their bottle of bupre broke. So this morning only apply gaba cream on her right ear. They got another bottle for night use 

11.58am: about to be done w nubulization. 

Taken her bp. 117/99, pr 73. 

Temp taken 37.7 

Clean her nose and apply silver gel for her. 

Sena wait till blur2 le and we waited very long can’t get a cab home 

In the house, heard daddy says she is eating these days. 

11.09pm: Didn’t hear further about snowy for today 

Snowy 8.10.24 Tue 

08 Oct 2024

7.45pm: Jen:”Snowy is eating her kibbles” – I know n everyone should know that o2 is good n scientifically/ medically got logic one. Erm Duno what to log. Only hope to log more photos of lao baby eating well n maybe posing for photos. 

Factual infos scattered. morning didn’t eat, did pee. Cooked selar for her, but don’t know she got eat or not also. And also, that contain mercury siak. V sian. 

Snowy 9.10.24 wed 

I didn’t know a nonsense will be back to create unnecessary negative vibes, hope snowy repel all the negative vibes. Even vibes got scientifically reason one, cos affect the mood of the cats and their brains and will release hormones. hope that each time snowy run down the stairs will think of the happy day that ah Mao says I finally get to see where u r living n you are the host who show me ur house. Cos everytime she is at 猫房, she is like a rich princess who come to a poor cat house to visit and make friends n go back to her house. 

11Am+: was at clinic w Timmy, asked dr Brandon on a cat feeling nauseous and did vomit, is Cerenia correct. He said in fact, Cerenia is the best option. If not, he ask the same qn i have also: if not, don’t give anything meh? Let the cat feel like shit? And I suddenly thought of one thing: that guy is a guy. Guy seldom feel nauseous right? Maybe he don’t even know how uncomfortable it is. Kns sianz 

I told dr Brandon someone use google to tell a cat owner not to give Cerenia cos of all the side effects, then Dr Brandon say why don’t talk about these 2 side effects – pain killer and anti inflammatory which snowy benefit from. Sigh 

5.40pm+: send snowy mummy a direct msg cos worried about her n Jen no info to feed me. Got to rush to work le 

Can’t rest b4 class le  

6.07pm: no reply yet. Got to print stuff for classes starting soon 

Long msges coming in for the night, sum up: snowy eating, spun spun spun sound 🙂 

I’ll see when I can free up some time to sneak out to her house to visit lao baby again. 

Snowy 6.10.24 sun 

06 Oct 2024

Lunch time: sigh I got scolding cos I’m keep replying msges that my family know I’m upset w. sigh. I don’t care who that guy is, now I understand why vet hate it when pple question them when they search stuff on Google. Sigh. I only care about the cat, I hate to care about human issues. Things is simple when Human don’t complicate things. 

Things no need to be complicated. A cat is nauseous- give Cerenia. As simple as that. Ask any vet. [noting the potential side effects Cerenia can cause, simple qn that I would question back a person who only know how to anyhow convince pple not to give snowy Cerenia, so what would u give then? Cos she is feeling nauseous n she did vomit bile on sat, give nothing? Just let it be? At least if you want to talk med w me, at least mention about ondansetron la, that’s the substitute, just that I normally don’t use it cos of the vial it is in.] 

Ask any human. Ask if they feel nauseous, will they want to eat? I wonder why the distrust start sigh. Lack of info n I rely on very little info fed to me N it’s not within my control. I alr go beyond my available schedule to try to do something for lao baby, cos she isn’t in my place and she is my friend. I visit my friend solely cos I’m worried about her so I want to see her and check her factual information n status. sigh unless that snowy is worse off yesterday after I left? I would expect her to be better or at least stay as is esp w o2 supply. Help for breathing, help for anemic. At least I know I did the 2 core points on sat that snowy not ending yet: 

Her bp holding. Her temp holding. 

And out of no where one nonsense guy come and want to ruin the slim chance I’m holding on for snowy dear life. Sigh 

Upset day. 

4.45pm: Jenn send me forwarded msges Duno who send n what time it happen: “Ok I tell you the good news. Snowy is alert. Got good energy. Moving about. Asking for pets. Affectionate” – nothing is better than a video/ photos that I can gauges fr snowy look on my own. and no idea what’s the time frame. 

10.37pm: until this moment no more news about lao baby. So sad.  

Snowy 5.10.24 sat 

05 Oct 2024

10.54am: otw to find snowy. Just feel worry about her, wanna see her status after 4 days didn’t see her. Jenn told me yesterday that she didn’t eat for 2 days. She Gong Gong zoned out – so told her stop bupre. Monday off f patch then restart bupre. by right yesterday she should start eating must be damn hungry. Aiyo I rush out forgot to bring syringe n aixia – have to kick start her eating. 

Just now only rush to bring things that I can add value to what others can do. Forgot the food aiya. later see how to decide what I will end using. Targeting to see her physically first, take RR. then I think the pet sitter will come do her chores, Subcut. But I need to Subcut her leh, cos I wanna give her b12 b com. Erm. Good for her anemic and also lure her to eat. 

so she will nubulise snowy, then I want to add on oxygen for her. So I shall do her bp/ o2 check b4 the lady do nubulizing. Temp check depend I feel she is cold or not. I’m not scare she hot. If she is hot then is fever. But I didn’t bring meloxicam out n also can’t give cos don’t know her kidney status. 

See how. 11.00am – Omg jam. I’m dying. 

1120am: saw snowy at level 2, Still sleep in litterbin. 

Info gathered from mummy: yesterday weigh 3.4kg, Ate yesterday night.

I sayang her, take her out from bin, Awake, can move about.

11.35am: RR 17, mouth breathing 

Clean her nose, don’t see the hole like that day, got pus like liquid coming out, clean w f10 a few times, cant clean as well than Tuesday, now like a line. Just clean a bit more to kept it sterile. Applied silver gel for ai. told mummy that the gel/ liquid on nose is silver gel. 

Taken bp: average 3 readings: 179.3/115.7, high bp. Only thing is amlodipine can lower that, Erm. at least not low that her body is shutting down. Temp taken: 37.6 good also. Not having fever, not body temp dropping also. 

Subcut her with new bag fluid, b12, b com and Cerenia 0.34ml. told her later can eat well le. 

She got run to the mid stairs, I sit w her there and wanna take her o2 level, don’t let me clip her paw. so o2 level not taken. 

12.26pm: nubulise in chamber w o2, negative ion. RR 14. No mouth breathing. 

12.32pm: fall asleep in chamber alr 

12.50pm: off nubulizing, clean her nose further. Look better. o2 remain in the room, she walk to bin again. Sayang her told her I go back to 猫房 to medicate the cats le. 

Left a bottle of 云南白药 behind for emergency. 

Send instruction to Jenn for Tmr inwards snowy treatment: “Tmr onwards give Cerenia (0.34ml – tell the lady adjust the dose to 0.34ml) once a day during Subcut. 

Note: Cerenia is sting. Have to give slow and after most fluid is in the body, hold snowy well don’t let her jump off when Cerenia go into dripline” – snowy should feel better after a few days of Cerenia 

3.50pm: send Jenn: “Oh ya snowy turn a little yellow le. so far she start eating le Ma?” 

4pm+: as of now she still haven’t eat

Snowy 1.10.24 Tue 

01 Oct 2024

Got news that the vet who saw red says snowy got bone cancer cos something on her nose burst, got blood no pus got hole (they say can see thru the nose) so they going to Pts her. I rushed down, lucky make that choice, mummy change mind! Baby snowy can talk about, will come sayang me. I keep saying sorry to her cos her case is so diff fr all the cases that I face last time when I save those cats from being Pts. Lucky her mummy change mind. The vet don’t want help clean nose cos scare it cause non stop bleeding. scare she go home w that look, mummy may be worried n vet so negative, so lucky I make the decision to do it. Guai baby know I don’t harm her, I manage to clean more than what I thought I can. Can see the hole. Ok what. Just a hole. I didn’t manage to take b4 after photo. Snowy reach home eat Liao loh. Eat kibble then eat fish. How to kill ber like that. Visited her “home” and Subcut her and I rush back to do the morning round at 猫房. Happy to save back her life. Told Jenn standby 云南白药 in case it bleed again. 

The vet put in a iv cath, so scary. Just 2 jabs time n cute baby is gone. Scary. oh ya today get to see one of the cats (like Bella Liang) and ha the 2 dogs so cute. One like to lick me so much 

Snowy 17.6.24 Tue 

17 Sep 2024

9.20am: Jen:”Snowy nose very swollen hor” – got a dot on snow, maybe got stung by something since she go outdoor. But didn’t tell her about niramine, cos a lot of side effects if isn’t allergy to stung. Told her to clean up the part w f10

Snowy 3.9.24 Tue 

03 Sep 2024

Done all meds and told her I going to vet and later come back sayang her again b4 she go home. told jo snowy leaving and she said she need to sayang snowy lots b4 she will start eating. Mmm says she is a lapcat. Ha she likes mama leg 

Snowy 2.9.24 Mon 

02 Sep 2024

Morning; got poo 4/10. No blood. 

serve 2 types of food not keen. 

She eat kibble 

Then I pack some stuff n found feline beef feast – serve to her she like  

Sayang her lots since she don’t want to go excursion … she know she is a precious good girl. Here got 3 humans welcome her again  …

Given brohxe so she can breathe better. 

2.44pm: eat kibble 

2.54pm: pee and she go sit on sb and she look in see I Subcut Don Don n Kerry and daring they all sticking tgt. We say hello to her 

3.54pm: drink water 

5.49pm; drink water 

6.59pm: eat kibble 

8.09pm: as of now no poo 

8.18pm: stick to jo, had her dinner and sit on sb 🙂 

Snowy 1.9.24 sun 

01 Sep 2024

7am+: no poo. still sleepy. Sayang her n do the routine. Told her coming tues she is going home. today I given her Cerenia also. Jenn taking 7 days supply i think she needs it a lot. but the rule is as long she eat well, good for her. Top up kibble 

802am: drink water 

2.13pm: eat kibble and pee 

5.48pm: eat kibble 

7.38pm: mmm serve dinner she got eat. Eat quite long. Ha she go home sure miss the mummies here but not ah mao. Ha I’m the bad guy. 

8.10pm. Until now no poo 

8.58pm: lights out 

9.33pm: drink water 

10.30pm: still no poo 

Snowy 31.8.24 sat 

31 Aug 2024

10am+: nubulise her, later sayang and brush her since she don’t want to go excursion. 

Sayang her and she bleed each time Subcut, worry about her platelet. 

7.22pm: mmm”snowy threw up” – kibble 

8.54pm: mmm;”I tried Rufus favourite- Fussie cat chicken with gravy. That’s all left of a full can.”- so means snowy quite like it 

Snowy 30.8.24 Fri 

30 Aug 2024

Poo 5/10. pee ok. 

Serve poesie chicken w carrot apple in jelly – totally not keen.

Serve aixia Japanese pouch she didn’t eat 

11Am+: after medi done I bring her to 猫房 excursion. She really don’t want leh. What happen. A but troubled, she wanna be alone? But then she go play the ctn box w the rest, she wonder why everyone want to climb onto this box. 

Got eat some kibble then wait at the door i food her I get ready needle and bupre we go back 

12.45pm. Go back room first time eat her salmon n indoor – oh 猫房 inside I give chicken kibble not to her liking. But I carry her to big bed she also down want. She like the old grey one that i had thrown? 

Night: poo 4+5/10 

Snowy 29.8.24 Thur 

29 Aug 2024

8am+: medi done, her platelet aren’t that great, bleeding have to hold longer. 

Serve the Japanese pouch she got eat. 

Will meow for jo to sayang. I’m always the bad guy cos I’m the one doing med. 

just status: feeling that she seem to lose weight, aiya I still hoping she leave 猫房 at 4kg 

No poo today. 

Snowy 27.8.24 Tue 

28 Aug 2024

9.44pm; so cute one she need to stand onto the stand to drink water  

Snowy 28.8.24 wed 

8am+: no poo. serve her feline natural beef wet food she eat. She also ate the treat the other time. 

9Am+: Nubulise and off we go excursion. Today we major cleaning and I throw the big bed earlier on. She came in and no big bed and she not happy? She really don’t want to stay on. No where to walk and rest? Not fun? She stay at the door, can see that she really don’t want today. I bring her back to room and she eat and rest. 

Oh – Erm is cos she know today is cannot scold Carrara day? Ha Carrara bday. She don’t want attend her bday party. 

Subcut her and I steam brush her she like n I sense she want more. Even rub me happy like damn high …. High till she give me a big bite. Omg angry meh? Then she rub me again want brush again. Scary. Want brush till high will bite pple. Ha. Sayang n I told her don’t brush le. 

1.40pm: I left 猫房. Hand swollen le. Snowy bully ah mao. excited like Princess sweetheart will bite me one 

9pm+: jo serve her aixia kin again she got eat 

Snowy 27.8.24 Tue 

27 Aug 2024

8am+: jo settle their food. 

1pm+: back from clinic w oly, nubulise her and Subcut bupre her. Tmr then we have major cleaning, today supposed to have also but got to cancel cos we rush off to clinic for oly 

3pm: I’m back to check on oly again. Baby sleeping, i clear new poo 2.5/10. Told her I got news that coming tues she is going back. let me think what I need to pack for her to go back for 1 month supply. [subcut 4 bags, 4 lines, 30 pink needles, her current bupre bottle, 60 x 1ml syringes, 60 orange needles, 7 Cerenia jabs, 4 b12 jabs] 

8.32pm: mmm telling her to eat and she walk out to eat. Ha she like English speaking mama. 

Snowy 26.8.24 Mon 

26 Aug 2024

Morning: 2 sets of form but soft poo 4.25/10, one set tinted w blood. 

Serve aixia kin she eat. 

now she is smart, I open up chamber tell her go in she will go in on her own  

Since snowy likes beef stuff, top up her kibble w earthmade beef 

11.40am: she is in for excursion, today she sit on the triangular board 

She got walk about, she also sit on top of the blue tutu cushion 🙂

Had been eating and posing on diff stuff. She like the salmon kibble 

1.25pm: poo 0.5/10. 

1.30pm: vomit quite a lot of kibble w bile. 

But she continue to eat kibble after that. And she wait by the door waiting for me to bring her back to nap 

1.38pm: saw she try to hiss (Princess hiss back) and snowy continue to stare like want pple to get lost so she can sit in that oval sb. Told her cannot naughty. 大小姐 attitude wor, but good girl will listen. Told her this occupy now just go to the next toy la. She sit on the toy w the ball bells and wait 

Back to her room and she sit on the first deck of the cat tree. Ha new place I thought she will go back to the hole 

Subcut and today added Cerenia 

tonight she is eating wet food again. Don’t know which food jo open for her. 

Snowy 25.8.24 sun 

25 Aug 2024

7am: got poo nice 5/10

serve wellness shredded chicken w beef – ha she like. She lie down to eat till her head stretch more n more n she get up to eat till half her body outside the cat hole 

I get ready the Nubuliser chamber n she walk in herself 🙂 smart girl. 

But when get out, today she don’t want to get out herself. 

Water intake is quite a lot. 

Kibble intake still good 

7.39pm: since she like the wellness, mmm serve the same as breakfast: “I put down n she is eating non stop”

Snowy 24.8.23 sat 

24 Aug 2024

9Am+: jo serve aixia kin she eat 

Got poo, about 7cm 5/10. 

10am+: nubulise and off to excursion – she go straight to her big bed gang. I let Carrara roam, no issue no disturbing.  

In 猫房 want to eat kibble need to pose to eat one. She like the salmon kibble 

11am+: 3.91kg – gain 110g in 18 days, ask her when will she hit 4kg?

She walk about to eat and rest alone in the oval sb. then I got to carry her back for Subcut and rest alr 

night: daring side help to chase for food, snowy just get their cue to come out eat. 🙂 

Snowy 23.8.24 Fri 

23 Aug 2024

10am+: no poo. 

Open aixia oldie for her didn’t eat. 

Top up kibble. did I feel that she looks dry? But I can’t up her fluid much more. but I check her pee, colour and amount looks good. Safe. 

night: got poo 4.75/10. So her usual poo is back to norm. The one off poo might be cos something inside bleed so she try to push out the soft poo 0.5 w quite a lot of bloods 2 days ago. Tmr I try to weigh everyone again 

Snowy 22.8.24 thu 

22 Aug 2024

9Am+: poo 5/10, got eat both wet and kibble. Suddenly her kakato popular left last can. 

10am+: nebulise and go excursion. Poo 0.5/10, w lots of blood. Expected to see more of these. like human piles I hope, just some discharge, don’t be anything major burst can le. I saw the big bed w 3 cats, left one corner – ha snowy really choose to go in there 🙂 

When I top up kibbles w some dried treats beef – she wake up and go kibble buffet – she ate for quite long, i medi 1 cat and come Subcut kp then she stop and walk back to bed to rest. 

thru out the day she rest In her fav condo box hole, and she will sit on sb looking at mmm. 

Night. Jo serve her the last can of kakato she eat also. She likes a little gravy one. Tmr I bring in some aixia kin food for her got gravy one also 

Snowy 21.8.24 wed 

21 Aug 2024

7am+: still no poo. Did eat kibble. Top up. 

Clean eye for her. now we Subcut while she eat. 

Night: ha kakato the lots of ingredient food she eat quite a lot. 

Got poo 3.75+4.5/10 

Snowy 20.8.24 Tue 

20 Aug 2024

7.30am: mmm”Snack given at 7am.“ 

10am: no poo overnight 

11Am+: basic grooming day start-

Wipe body, brush fur, cut nails and clean ears.

Her hind nails r longer got cut but front is quite ok, didn’t want to stress her more than necessary so front don’t touch. Let her roam. 

She is big bed gang member! Wa still know how to sleep one side, away fr the old boys. She ate a few times inside 猫房. 

2.30pm+: back to her room, clean up alr, and she eat kibble and sleep. 

555pm: drink water 

7.56pm: finally come out eat some kibble 

8.31pm: dinner served 

9.06pm: lights out 

9.56pm: eat kibble 

10.01pm: pee only 

10.31pm: eat kibble 

11.33pm: as of this timing still no poo, so today is day 01 without poo 

Snowy 19.8.24 Tue 

19 Aug 2024

6/7am+: sleepy day. She did clear the salmon kibble, so I top up 3 flavours for her, indoor, urinary and salmon. 

Ha why morning i serve wet food she don’t really eat but jo serve at night she will touch. Erm. poo 4/10. 

whole day more or less thru out. Eat drink sleep, sit on sb. Tmr see how. Tmr major cleaning day! 

Snowy 18.8.24 sun 

18 Aug 2024

6am+: got vomit of kibble 

7am+: i clear her poo and got blood again. Scale 3.5+3.75/10

My main concern daily will be food intake and poo status, and whether got vomit (basic indicator of need to give Cerenia or not)

She did eat. Since she is recommended not to do unnecessary tests though I think Cbc kidneys r impt, then all the more need to monitor pee status/colours. Today colour is ok yellow. Still pee so kidney still functioning ok. 

Given Cerenia today. 

Snowy 17.8.24 sat 

17 Aug 2024

9am+: got eat got poo quite a lot. 3.5/10 

Morning: I went back for medi round. She is in the cat condo hole box sleeping, snoring also sayang her told her medi round Le.

She in chamber Nubuliser got pee and also fell asleep. Didn’t wake up her n let her sleep longer in it in the mist. 

Still eating kibble well n etc, morning jo serve her kakato veget meal. She did eat some. No need to add on Cerenia yet. 

Think next round of excursion will be on Tuesday. Major throw things day. Will put new big bed for all. Maybe she will join the gang again. 

3.21pm: poo 

8.06pm: lights out, she is still busy eating kibble. 

Snowy 16.8.24 Fri 

16 Aug 2024

00.34-00.39am: eat kibble for v long 

2.14am: drink water 

4.39am: eat kibble 

7.39am: drinking water and didn’t stop much 

7.49am: drink quite a lot of water 

9Am+: do the usual. And given nutriplus gel for her today again cos poo still not nice 

1015am: she makes noise in chamber aiya she wanna pee and she pee on the Korean mat – thrown. Bring her to 猫房 excursion. She go straight to the oval sb I gave her last time .

10.40am/ she settled herself in big bed. Kp squeeze in she also ok. As long as everyone mind their own biz  

Even if 4 cats in bed she is fine too. wait till the day of 5 cats. 6 cats maybe hard cos the 6th who will squeeze in no matter what w Jack is renny. And he normally come out only if I left. 

5.22pm: Jen send convo w dr d- 

Ok, so very large mass in liver, 9cm by 6 cm, pushing kidneys to the back. Multiple cysts in liver. Mass liver also pushing against pancreas which is irritated and inflamed

Liver mass is most likely biliary cystadenoma or carcinoma, so


Only way to confirm is biopsy

It could be benign hyperplasia also, so doesn’t have to be malignant.

No enlarged lymf nodes but that doesn’t exclude metastatic disease. Keep comfortable and happy. Could suddenly pass away if mass bursts

Bupre, Maropitant, ondansetron

Can give liver supplement but won’t do much. 

I wouldn’t recheck bloods” – so I ask dr d on is it going to give Cerenia indefinitely w bupre   – “As needed I would say, or when abdo pain – True but if appetite less, give”

8.45pm: lights out

10.30pm: poo 

Snowy 15.8.24 Thu 

15 Aug 2024

7/8am+: ha she finish the whole bowl of kibble le. Poo 2.5/10. serve food and let her eat a while before I nubulise her. Today more active, still want to see what’s in my hospi cages

9.55am: ps check in on snowy cos she sedate yesterday but I saw on bill is only bupre mild sedation. Anyway I reply: “Hi she came back and eat non stop for 10 mins – too hungry 🙂 

vomiting  – nope as of today 9.30am when I clean up her room. or diarrhea observed – got. Scale 1-10, 5 being normal. 1 = watery. She is at 2.5/10. Is Snowy Hickman eating and drinking as per normal – can’t gauge. 

Urination didn’t see any abnormality but can’t gauage amount. Didn’t check the below tray just now. We would like to ensure that Snowy Hickman is bright, active and alert as well. – alert.” 

9Am+: will 撒娇 w jo

9pm+: like to lick chicken gravy 

10.38pm: everyone sleeping le, she isn’t on sb or food corner. 

Snowy 14.8.24 wed 

14 Aug 2024

8.30am: poo is 3/10, got some bile juice vomit on floor. Hungry la 

9am: nubulise her and Subcut her minimum and given bupre so she won’t be in pain N hunger when doing u/s 

I did update Dr d on snowy past blood stools and vomits episodes. 

She hungry like siao

I’m like a betrayer don’t give her food just now when she saw me she thought she saw hope

11.22am: Jen”They need sedate snowy cos she move too much””I asked how long she will be down. They say will wake up immediately after scan cos they will reverse” – saw the bill is only bupre, so should be safe. 

1.22pm: mmm”Snowy came back n ate like 10 mins non stop. I make her walk away. I come out n she’s back to eating” 

4.40pm: she is sitting on the sb waiting for mmm to sayang. This Fri will bring her for excursion. 

Night: happy to get a photo w her and the kids next door, first time they eat at the same time

Snowy 13.8.24 Tue 

13 Aug 2024

7am+: got few sets of poo, 3-3.75/10, but confirm got blood. 

8am+: all meds done and she is a little funny always look at me as if I steal her chamber box. I bringing Buddy the kids to dental. 

Serve her RC gastro pouch and chicken gravy. 

5/6pm: given bupre and serve schesir food she didn’t eat also. didn’t top up kibble cos if she finish by night also good. No new poo 

1018pm: kibble almost finish. 11pm will remove all food for her to go for u/s Tmr 

She is sitting on sb, waiting for mmm to sayang her? 

Snowy 12.8.24 Mon 

12 Aug 2024

10am: 3 sets of poo, 2+3+3.5/10, w some blood clots. she still same behaviour. quiet sleep in the green hole. serve something diff vitakraft and tuna w salmon don’t eat. Serve the chicken gravy that she ate yesterday also don’t seem keen. 

I told her I bring the cats out to vet first later come back then nubulise – ha she wondering why I took her chamber out 

1+pm back to 猫房 to nubulise her, she pee in it and sleep soundly in it also. Come out and she eat a lot of kibble. Can top up alr, finishing, today eat more 

8pm+: she did eat the gravy i serve her in the morning. jo serve her kakato chicken she also got eat. 

9/10pm+: I’m back to 猫房 and given her bupre. No further poo. She pee to show me. 

Snowy 11.8.24 sun

11 Aug 2024

7am+: no poo overnight. Kibble given hypoallergenic also. Didn’t weigh le. She confirm finish more than 50g per day. 

Serve aixia oldie red and tuna w chicken – not keen 

Nubulise her and Subcut done she go

Poo 2 sets 2.5/10 

tonight mmm give her chicken w shirasu she finish a lot. 

Kibbles also finishing, top up more. 

Mmm:”Didn’t like the hypoallergenic kibbles. Exchanged. Added 50g indoor“

No further poo 

Snowy 10.8.24 sat 

10 Aug 2024

9Am: got vomit (kibble) over night, and 2 sets of poo 3/10. 

11.10am: checked, 55g kibble cleared. (Current: 205g) 

And I wash her bin, got diarhhoea stain. 

Got to add in nutriplus gel for her today – not big rejection but didn’t like it la. She continue to eat kibble after Subcut  

7.51pm: kibble almost finish

8.01pm: mmm top up for her and she is happily eating – “Yes. She cry at me. Gave her 70g indoor”

No poo till now 

Snowy 9.8.24 Fri 

09 Aug 2024

00.04am: eat kibble 

00.14am: drink water 

00.59am: drink water 

2.14am: drink water 

3.34am: drink water 

4.14am: eat kibble 

5.14am: drink water 

5.54am: half body go into bin only, didn’t do anything 

6.24am: go to bin – poo 

6.29am: eat kibble 

7.19am: eat kibble 

8.54am: drinking water 

10am: kibble finish 72g. 2 sets of poo 3/10. 

Refill new kibble (reset: 260g) 

Serve tuna w cheese, she didn’t touch 

After med round, come excursion. 

Ha I knew it – she go into big bed to sleep w the rest. 🙂 

Zzzz zzz but any movement she will jump out of bed. But she will go back again n again, ha she join the old cats big bed gang. she is ok w kp and Jack. See next time can get 4 cats in bed pic or not. 

Go back to her room and start eating, then sit on sb scratch a while and get ready for afternoon nap. 

1.40pm: poo – soft 

3.15pm: poo little – soft again 

6.55pm: drink water 

8.05pm: jo serve her new food – chicken and cheese – she did eat, same as the other day 

8.50pm: lights out 

9.45pm: eat kibble 

10.15pm: eat kibble 

Snowy 8.8.24 Thu 

08 Aug 2024

Morning: only clear 15g of kibble. Top up to 256g. Fur drop is better today. No excursion and I serve tuna w chicken and schesir salmon, didn’t eat. 

Poo 2/10. Given probiotics  

8.58am: eat kibble 

11.48am: mmm sayang her 

12.33pm: eat kibble 

12.43pm: drink water 

2.58pm: eat kibble 

6.33pm: pee 

8pm: jo serve kakato salmon in gravy, she got lick up all the juice 

8.43pm: lights out 

9.33pm: go bin but no poo 

Snowy 7.8.24 wed 

07 Aug 2024

1.38am: poo again – 5/10 

10am: Didn’t finish all kibble overnight. Finished 90g. 

Wa mmm cook fishes for the cats so I gave some to snowy see she keen or not, very keen! She come out of the hole on her own n want to eat, but hard to eat from my hand – she did finished ard 3 pieces 

Nubulise oh but didn’t do Subcut yet, and I let her go excursion while I prepare med 

She come in pee and poo in big bin. 0.5/10 – oh after fish. So no more selar round. 

She like to visit mama bai bai in the cage, she will growl at junior. Then steady go to wheel to sit and find sofa to laze ard. She watch tao chase after Bessie. 

12.15pm: brush fur, brush until so excited, she even turn ard the other side for me to brush then she walk over to the tv room and 

12.24pm: she vomited out kibble and fish. then she go into bin poo 0.5/10, she stay quite long think she want to clear bowel.

12.32pm: she vomitted some gastric juice 

Then she walk about and settle in a tunnel to laze w the rest. 

12.48pm: I serve fish to the rest and she still walk over to Teddy plate to eat her fish. So she love fish. But don’t think her stomach can take it. Today got to add Cerenia in. 

Subcut her and given bupre Cerenia. Tmr no more excursion le. 

Back to room: eat lots of kibble. Got a feeling she will finish all B4 lights out 

1.47pm: drink water 

2.17pm: drink water 

3.32pm: drink water 

5.42pm: eat kibble 

7.22pm: eat kibble 

8.12pm: wa jo serve wet food kakato chicken w cheese and she eat quite a lot 

9.17pm: eat kibble again 

9.25pm: 110g kibble finish. Mmm:”Gave snowy 30g indoor. Her bowl empty. Gave her bupre” 

Snowy 6.8.24 Tue 

06 Aug 2024

10am: finished all kibble, mmm give her extra kibble earlier in the morning cos she crying for more food 

No poo overnight 

Serve aixia oldie and ff – ha even ff she don’t eat 

Nubulise her and tell her later we go 猫房 excursion 

Ha she confirm happy loh. Walk about, she like to sit on the wheel but don’t know how to exercise.

Today she came in didn’t eat kibble buffet. 

Will growl at junior but generally ok w Jack. 

got one point Jack smell her butt far too long and she turn n slap his face and he walk off so paisey slap by a girl. 

Later part snowy keep standing by the big bed. Looking at kp and Jack, I really think she is thinking should I try to fit in? … she was there for quite long. 

Until I put a sofa on the floor – ha she is walking about to find a place to sit la. 

She also like the radio box, Teddy below sleeping she sit at the top till I bring her back to room after major cleaning. Go back to her room start eating kibble  

3.8kg, gain 110g. 

2.30pm: drink water 

5.05pm: eat kibble for v long 

8.26pm: eat kibble 

Serve wet food, didn’t see her go toilet more today 

9.26pm: lights out 

9.38pm: poo 

Snowy 5.8.24 Mon 

05 Aug 2024

Early morning: her kibble finish, mmm top up RC hypo food for her. 

Overall I feel she is quieter this round. Never really touch all wet food. Did eat – only eat kibble. 

10am+: will pee in nubulizing chamber, come out I Subcut her, and she meow meow meow want eat kibble 

Poo so far stablise 3/4/10 formed look. 

10.54am: I top up her food 

11.29am: she eat kibble 

5.21pm: poo -normal poo mix w dark poo 3.5/10. 

7.29pm: pee 

8pm+: serve kakato pumpkin.

8.24pm: eat kibble 

8.49pm: lights out 

10.01pm: she drink water. 

I just feel that she is generally thinner. Have to weigh. Tmr we major cleaning. 

Snowy 4.8.24 sun 

04 Aug 2024

00.28am: eat kibble 

2.32am: eat kibble 

Thru out the night Kerry n don keep eating, maybe snowy will follow them 🙂 

6.07am: eat kibble 

6.54am: eat kibble 

10.30am: kibble finish so far: 16g w/o pro, 19g with. Merge bowl into white bowl (666-pink) 

12.30pm: all medicating done. I restart broxhemine her nose stuffy sound still got loh. She meow meow meow  after Subcut straight away go to eat kibble.  

1.50pm: still sleeping in the green condo box 

1.52pm: go toilet straight after I left 

4.32pm: eat kibble 

I think she is just too bored. Tmr I think I’ll bring her into 猫房 to walk2. 

6.23pm: eat kibble 

6.28pm: poo – much more form. 

7.43pm: eat kibble 

8.38pm:  eat kibble 

Serve chicken food 

9.53pm: lights out 

9.58pm: eat kibble again 

Snowy 3.8.24 sat 

03 Aug 2024

7am+: checked: her kibble clear 51g. Mixture the probiotics into the bowl she prefer to use, see how. 

no new poo. 

sayang her and she will complain. 

Given probiotics direct she is ok w the taste. 

8.21am: eat kibble 

10.41am: drink water 

1.01pm: eat kibble 

3.40pm: eat kibble 

3.46pm; drink water 

6pm+: by now she finish 7g of kibble without pro and 20g w pro. Ha so is bowl issue. She like the white bowl More. 

I buy a new aixia food – serve orange one for her, she did smell and eat. But think she needs me to cut up to smaller PCs for her. 

6.46pm: eat kibble 

7.45pm: Nights out 

8.56pm: eat kibble 

9.53pm: poo 

11.41pm: eat kibble 

Snowy 2.8.24 Fri 

02 Aug 2024

Trace back: 11.54pm: ate kibble 

159am: ate kibble 

3.09pm: walk about

4.49am: ate kibble 

5.35-5.39am: drink water for quite long 

6.54am: eat kibble 

6.59am: toilet pee 

7.29am: go toilet again – poo formed poo 3/10. Dump that tmps. 

Her kibble intake is 81g. 

Clean her left eye discharge. No more nose discharge this round. 

Water intake not significantly more but more than a usual cat. 

Medical treatment done. 

Serve tube w chicken ham w kakato salmon. 

Serve kibbles 460g indoor w probiotics n 233g kibble without. She ate the one without. 

9.34am: she is drinking water 

1.50pm: so happy her face go into the kibble bowl w probiotics and she turn after split second to the other bowl without 

2.20pm: eating kibble 

3.35pm: eating kibble 

4.30pm: eating kibble 

5pm+: given bupre jab b4 I rush out again. 

She didn’t touch the indoor w probiotics at all. Ha. Smart. 

7.25pm: poo – Form looking poo. 

8.05pm: pee 

8pm+: snowy stand at the door! This round she seldom do so.

8.40pm: drink water

8.55pm: lights out 

9.50pm: mmm”Snowy wants scratches. Under ears. Got so itchy?” – she successfully ask for lots of sayang 

10.15pm: eat kibble and she did eat a little of the Probiotics one and turn back to the normal bowl 

Snowy 1.8.24 Thu

01 Aug 2024

Trace back 9.52pm: go to bin  

1.07am: eat kibble 

3.28am: drink water 

4.58am: drink water 

6.48am: eat kibble 

8.02am: this round in 猫房 she has been in the green condo box, didn’t like the unicharm cafe at all. I’ll throw that later on so got more space to walk 

8.43am: didn’t come out to eat further 

9.30am: she did drink more water than norm. 

Kibble ate 20g. 

Serve tuna w pumpkin see diff food she might eat or not – nope 

Subcut, given bupre n nubulise her. 

given tmps 1/8, fail cos she taste a bit only she foam foam foam and the med she puke out. No choice i crush all. try again after nubulisation. She still foam when in nubulizating chamber. the taste must be horrible. 

given probiotics. and given tmps in liquid form straight in, taken in some med for sure. But she FOAM3 a lot. I make the decision of stopping this med. the cons r more than pros. Will treat w probiotics. Lucky reject vet dispensing baycox. Baycox is 1000 times more disgusting than tmps. 

She show me her poo is from 3/10 after probiotics so that’s our plan. 

Thrown the unicharm cafe box. Will see if she come out to the mat w the pink pillow or not – or will she choose to stay in the green box? 

1.23pm: go to bin 

1.43pm: go drink water 

2.13pm: eat kibble 

4.03pm: eat kibble 

4.28pm: drink water 

5.43pm: drink water 

8.13pm: change plate to kakato food. Didn’t eat wet food at all. 

8.43pm: light outs

8.48pm: come out eat kibble 

9.28pm: come out drink water again 

Sum up: today no vomit, no Cerenia jab given. 

I think Tmr I give her another kibble bowl w indoor w added probiotics also. See if she willing to intake on her own. Then won’t force her anything, she happy also. 

I’m worried that she is quiet, hiding, but got meow and just wanna rest. she miss the oval sb? She miss the visiting round in 猫房? But now she got coccidia I can’t let her roam w the rest 

Snowy 31.7.24 wed 

31 Jul 2024

5.11Am: snowy Polish all the kibble in the bowl. 

9.45am: mmm”Last night, I open small gap for air. She came out n came on my bed. Woke me up as it didn’t feel like princess or Mei” – ha snowy like to sleep w mao mei mummy on bed 

I top up kibble bowl and she come out to eat. saw floor got 8cm ² of 2/10 poo. Diarhhoea le. I’m going to give her probiotics. Wipe her butt 

Serve aixia green – not keen at all. 

Ate 9g of kibble 

11.23am: farted and I think she going to have diarhhoea poo in bin soon 

She did and is diarhhoea 0.5 w those crushed peanut like thing – send out for 3 in 1 in-house rapid test kit and microscopy. 

She vomit some kibble also and she continue to eat another 10g of kibble (log: 288g) 

Show sign of mouth pain 

11.46am: resting in the green box again. 

Have to get her out to Subcut, given Cerenia (no intention to restart that, but today must give) and probiotics and b12. 

Wash bin and change pad. 

She went into green box to sleep. 

Results back: “Snowy Hickman

3-in-1 fecal rapid test: faint positive for feline coronavirus. Microscopy: moderate number of Coccidia cysts. No medication for FCoV, will dispense meds for Coccidia. Snowy Hickman’s fecal microscopy: coccidia cysts. Do you need probiotics/stool firmer other than Baycox?” – reject baycox cos inedible, it’s plastic taste. 

“2nd line is TMPS an antibiotic tablet. But both FCoV and Coccidia are contagious. So isolation/hygiene important. trimethoprim sulphate – it’s an antibiotic tablet but also got syrup form (need to check)” – she is alone, first day in alr diarhhoea but no mention of that b4 she come? She go garden? – tmps liquid also not nice, and amount a lot, told clinic dispense tablet. 

“Range is quite high 15-30mg/kg either 1x or 2x daily. Usually I start average dose, what’s Snowy’s weight now? My last was 3.6kg. Ok only have 1 size tablet, you can do 1/8th tablet 1x daily?” – will lalamove later on. 

Sum up: lucky Giardia negative, she did go garden when she is at home. I already start giving her probiotics.  

1.02pm: she is drinking water, think her next review need to check her kidney, she is drinking more water this round than norm. 

2.32pm: drinking water again 

4.42pm; go pee? Poo peanut poo again. 2/10 

4.47pm: eat kibble 

5.37-5.42pm: walk into bin n walk out – stomach pain. Probiotics need to continue. 

8.20pm: wet food didn’t touch. Change kakato. 

8.22pm: eat kibble 

Night out le. 

Snowy 30.7.24 Tue 

30 Jul 2024

8.14am: mmm”Empty bowl” – wa snowy don’t want eat wet food, she finish the 20g of kibble. 

Mmm top up for her and she snack to eat so hungry siak. 

”Added 70g. I fed Timmy n then check” – she ate another 18g 

Did poo overnight (form poo 5/10 covered) soft 2.75/10, w tinted blood. Did pee. 

9am+: nubulise her and Subcut w bupre. haven’t get used to routine. Not as calm as last round. Serve aixia oldie green. 

1.30pm: didn’t touch wet food and also didn’t touch kibble further. 

Should I be happy that she like the green hideout? Sleeping. Resting. But somehow I’m worried leh. Erm  

1.35pm: she went to toilet for 3 whole mins nothing, or did she pee? Then 

1.38pm: she vomit 

Then 1.39pm: she try going into bin again.

1.42pm: manage some poo 2/10 out and she stay in bin for 2 more mins n after that she go in again, like still got shit cannot come out. 

1.50pm: she go eat some kibble 

4.10pm: she go eat some kibble 

9.28pm: mmm”Snowy came out to eat, I rushed in n jab her. Can food not touched at all” 

Snowy 29.7.24 Mon 

29 Jul 2024

1210pm; snowy is in. First thing she wanna go visit mmm house. Ha. Weigh her 3.69kg (recalculated, she is still fpli positive and high, how high unknown to me. So will give her 0.04ml/kg, ie 0.15ml) Told her go straight to nubulise first. She looks dry leh Duno why. Subcut and given first dose of bupre for today. 

Her fur super easily fly out scary. Ha. Her stomach lump seem more obvious, i scruff her don’t want to hold her tummy area. left eye still  discharge.clean her eye and show her the pink pillow I got her for, growl lah. Unhappy la come in haven’t kiss hug alr medical round cos so late le mah. 

Show her the new cat tree I assemble for her. She like green colour mah. She check out a bit, later will see if she can go up on her own.

1.10pm: she settled down in the cat condo hideout 

7.40pm: mmm”She’s crying. Not the scary kind. Like Bessie at the door” 

8pm: Jo talk to her she didn’t friend her. food not touch. Kakato gravy served. 

Kibble eaten 26g. (Log left: 190g) 

9.25pm: mmm:”Refuse to come out” – so I go and jab her bupre. She kind of like the condo box. Inside sleeping like seeing greenary. 

10pm: I’m back to sayang her sleepy look 

Snowy 28.7.24 sun 

28 Jul 2024

Morning; Tmr snowy coming in, the cat tree I buy for her came. All small parts. Install till i v sianz. But green colour one I think snowy will like. Duno how high she will go only. Daring Kerry look a little unhappy, they know not for them n I’m still going the tree, Delaying the time to go into their room. Abandon the tree, Tmr then continue b4 snowy come in. 

Snowy 2.7.24 Tue 

02 Jul 2024

Morning: jo alr serve her food. Of cos she didn’t eat. Sayang her, checked her kibble 26g eaten. Got poo (trace back jo photo got poo look hard though 7/10) Told rmm tonight must poo. So means today is safe  

Nubulise her n tell her I pack her stuff to get ready to go home. She somehow know la. 

Steam bath and brush. She got lots of fur wor. Then i Subcut her etc she know going outing! She and Kitty face each other not ok, but each move on. She go straight to nutropro chicken.

She rested on the green wheel when Rmm came and she just go about her walkathon. 

She also go eat rufus earthmade chicken again and she like mmm ah. She jump up to the pillow she sleep and lie there, and in about to sleep mode le then rmm bring her home le. 

Status; v pale. Nose looks pale. 

3.28pm: mmm”sigh – I miss Snowy at the door” 

Rmm”Lol. I think she angry come back lor. Keep biting me” – I reminded her we will see each other on 16.7. 

Snowy 1.7.24 Mon 

01 Jul 2024

Morning: no poo – send rmm this again cos this needs extremely special note. 

Serve schesir blue silver mousse chicken she got eat, but not much. Measure kibble she finish another 16g, so she minimum will eat 34g ++++ (cos she eat more when she is on excursion) per day. 

Top up n measure: 298g. 

Cute baby know our schedule: quickly nubulise and Subcut n med first then we go outing! 

12.50pm: first place to visit: the wheel – she sit there for quite long while I wash the cats nasi lemak plates 

1.04pm: she went to there kibble bowl to eat. Eat for quite some time, that’s why her food intake sure is more than 34g daily. 

Mouth is an issue. Think her bupre can up to thrice a day. 

Junior try to approach snowy slowly. Snowy give him a signature growl don’t come near n I move him away. Told snowy he is junior who like to give pple head butt. Just a small boy. today snowy look at ah boy.n the rest so many names for her to remember. she like to hear the tv sound … just some sound la. 

Night: got poo. V dry and it’s hard 8/10. not a lot. Have to really take note of this. 

I open kakato beef and tuna w prawn for her – ha the prAwn totally not keen. She got lick kakato beef. Open extra smoked fish not keen. kibble left 273g – eaten 25g. 

Lao baby, told her Tmr leaving le. I scare Tmr I can’t wake up early. Then Duno how long her excursion can be. Will let Raichu mama fetch her fr 猫房 room. 

Snowy 30.6.24 sun 

30 Jun 2024

9.30am: no poo. Day 02. Maybe might have constipation soon – so Subcut all the more a must. I’m thinking to add probiotics or not. 

serve tuna w chicken, aixia red can, ff. Lick a little. Kibble ate half so still got food intake 

10.30am: saw Jenn msg that she is going home on tues 

10.47am: nubulization done, kibble bowl 259g. 

Told her get ready we going excursion! Then tues she is going home le. 

She visit tunnel, eat kibble from tv room, eat quite long. Ha pple food is always nicer. 

Go bin 2 pee also. I think she like the big bin. 

I like how she gauges b4 she anyhow jump. She is keen to go to level 2, but she know she is not confident to jump that height, carry her up. She rested and pose on 2 cat sofa. 

Each cat walk pass or jump pass her, i intro her their name. 

She even go n smell kp ear when she is sleeping. 

Oh ya today first time I see her having mouth pain action. Her front paw r the proof la, she must be rubbing her mouth. 

cage Carrara just now cos she overexcited seeing snowy, don’t want her to cause trouble. 

11.24am: let her go into cage 1, experience everything la. Since she is inside told her sit properly on the sb, have some oxygen therapy. Later prettier. 

One point I wanna carry her go Subcut le, think she thought chasing her out le n she bite me. ha. Throw temper wor. Medi finish open door let her roam to 猫房 room she is happy again. 

Today almost 2h long excursion. She is happy calm. She likes to sit on wheel. I start packing her leftover food, a lot of stuff wor. Want to tabao the sb and mouse back? She like it wor. Her personal mouse. the pink moon pillow I ordered for her didn’t arrive yet, cos too last min notice she going back in 2 days time. Next round then give her 

Aixia green delivered, open one more can for her. Got smell but also didn’t really eat. Keep thinking to give Cerenia or not but can’t Monitor cos she going home le. So didn’t 

Night: happy girl. Told her I hav her bupre but I feed the bigger gang first then I feed her then I feed daring side if not I got to waste 4 paper plates. Bupre kick in just nice? Or cos of this new food. Schesir silver mousse salmon – wa she Polish. Eat non stop till I go clean up. Kibble is at 234g, she ate 25g.

Snowy 29.6.24 sat 

29 Jun 2024

9.50am: resting on hanging bed 

No poo. Erm. 

10.25am: serve kakato salmon w tuna – she got eat. had been throwing away aixia oldie daily, today open red one she don’t want at all. 

Today don’t nubulise fast and told her I bring her excursion w close supervision. 

11.22am. Pro. Enter 猫房 and as expected., she is comfy and I know her curiosity to explore and see others r much much much more than any potential discomfort. Ha she first go see pple toilet. Then talk ard every corner, didn’t jump. 

Manja follow her ard but didn’t irritate her. 

She even walk to wheel and sit on it! I thought she want to try exercising. But she don’t want. 

She is generally ok w everyone, smell smell face to face all ok. 

She n Jack face v close twice n long, I can’t confirm if Jack smell her or groom her. 

She damn Zai, walk here n there, till Bessie make growling sound cos she scare of snowy. I know she make noise to stop snowy from

Approaching her. Snowy somehow know she  didn’t react or make any sound, she slowly walk over telling Bessie u go up la, I want to walk pass only. N snowy to walk Bessie to the tv room, she got smell our chicken kibble but didn’t eat. Ended her 10 mins excursion cos ah boy keep smelling her tail and i know she not happy. So excursion ended. 

12pm+: first time got vomit in room, w bile, w fur ball. I comb her almost daily still got some much fur. She likes her eyes, nose, ears to be clean when I Subcut her. 

8.24pm: mmm”Snowy still not eating.” – now can’t use wet food as gauge alr. Have to weigh her kibble Tmr onwards to know her intake. I alr know she did eat something this morning n her kibble bowl is half. 

9.33pm: mmm”After bupre. Hope she gets rest n then eat”

Snowy 28.6.24 Fri 

28 Jun 2024

10.20am: sleeping soundly 

Serve buffet – first serving tuna w pumpkin, got eat a bit. Then kakato chicken and ff. didn’t touch further. Let her rest. 

Poo is dry and 8/10. Erm. ermmmmmmm…. 

11.25am: given bupre first. I might need to give her another dose of bupre at 3+ if can. 

Cerenia stop 4th day alr, b4 she eat the earthmade yesterday I was thinking of restarting, but now kiv. 

She is a good girl in nubulizer chamber. She know. All cats know not harming them, it’s for their good. She did eat quite a lot of kibble. Today I’m throwing all and top up fresh one for her. Think she like RC urinary over nutripro chicken fillet. 

12.20pm: nubulising end, come out didn’t walk to eat kibble. Clean her nose for her, still got blood. Her clotting still ok. 

12.55pm: Subcut done, she pose like daring, ha. Cross hand. 

RR still unstable 

7.39pm: resting 

9.07pm: resting

10.25pm: mmm”Bupre kick in. Quiet down. But not eating” 

Snowy 27.6.25 Thur 

27 Jun 2024

7.31am: she look curious at daring room. 

7.32am: mmm”Didn’t eat at all.” – I’ll up her bupre today 

9.35am; given 0.21ml bupre. 

No poo 

Got eat some food w ff. 

Think every meal must add a little ff. 

9.50am: nubulise her, stable in it. 

Subcut her, medi. N given brox she ok. 

1235pm+: mummy and papa come sayang her. She walk ard see rufus she is ok leh. She growl at Carrara. 

She ate earthmade chicken kibble (quite a lot) and she show interest in Aristocats kidney food  

1.30pm: she watched me Subcut Xiami they all, she know. Xiami so weak also didn’t give up. Nobody is giving up. Xiami will teach her eat, must eat. Xiami always so excited when it’s meal time. 

Saw her walk into bin, most prob pee. No poo. 

Erm have to note: day 01 no poo. 

8.51pm: mmm”Gave bupre, didn’t eat” 

Snowy 26.6.24 wed 

26 Jun 2024

9Am+: got poo looks dry 5/10. 

Serve 2-3 food didnt eat. End up serve aixia red, she got lick some. b4 I nubulise her she poo again, 12cm long and nice 5/10. 

Nubulise her n told her later we go vet, mummy coming clinic see her. 

As usual, she watch me do stuff and I put her in backpack to vet. I can trust her to be in backpack. Later then can Subcut, cos taking bloods, like this more accurate. 

10.40am: see dr nally. 3.6kg. 

today first time I heard that she had fluid in lungs 6 years ago. told dr n that 3 vets heard snowy got mur mur but pro bnp negative. She use baby one then she can hear it. But she thinks it’s really minor, more of the pain etc that we need to be concerned w. when she touch spleen/ liver area, she mention there is a firm mass so she recommend X-rays and she do a basic u/s. there is a big piece pressing onto her kidney, stomach, intestines. Dr nally told me to monitor if she can’t poo have to help her manuelly, lucky so far she eat well, hydrate enough and poo well on her own. 

In short, alr send Raichu mama summary since I think they wanna bring snowy home w other pple: “Meds to give daily: Subcut, Bupre, B12 (on off), Clav, Nubulisatin w saline (to monitor, the need to add on gentamicin) 

Cerenia stop (monitor n give when necesssdy) 

Meloxicam stop (monitor n give when necessary)” oh ya dr days if I can give Bromhexine no harm giving – maybe Tmr give see how 

Couldn’t get an extra bottle of bupre cos Clinic said I bought all the bottles that they had le. Sigh the old folks all need mah. oh ya dr Nally mention the day May come when f patch might be used on snowy. (I think she mean it’s stronger cos she is smaller size, or she wanna mean it for cut cost purpose? Not sure) – but anyway bupre confirm better cos can up / change dose accordingly. She told me can up snowy dose to 0.2mg/kg if need be but I need to monitor closely that she is not zone out. Noted I’ll deem fit depending on her energy level. 

Cbc: main thing I want to test today, confirm her HCT dropping to 25%, not low enough to start darbepoetin. So leave it. Lytes still ok, cos she eat and hydrate so no change to fluid bag. 

Otw back, already take grab pet Liao loh, the uncle still niam and ask me why bring more than 2 cats. Kns nonsense n say must pay $5 more, he say he will send to grab, I say go ahead. Irritating. Honda fit so small, alr not comfy like other grab pet car, my leg twisted like Duno what and snowy also sick of him. Ha she pee in the car, the pee flow down Sunny carrier and onto his car loh. I don’t bother helping him clean up cos even snowy know he bully us. 

Back to 猫房, Subcut and med. clean face eye and nose as usual, but told her mama clean for u just now alr so pretty le. 

Serve food and she eat 🙂

She know I’m rushing le, when I’m clearing daring room, she show me she can jump up n down. I thought she wanna sleep on the hanging bed 🙂 

2pm+: Erm seem to have change in plan cos of dr Nally words that “maybe 2-3 months maybe weeks who knows” – Choy. But I will inform snowy that she might leave 猫房 earlier than arranged. so sad. 

3.03pm: fr ip. she is looking at mmm as usual. Maybe sight talking w ah boy, Carrara and brownie. Oh ya forgot to inform to mmm that snowy might leave 猫房 soon, cos snowy tao sayang daily also 

8pm+: mmm”Inn out of bin. No poo or pee. Didn’t eat too” 

10.31pm: let her sleep. I think maybe much more in pain? I’m going to open food n let her choose what she want to eat. Let her happy can le 

Snowy 25.6.24 Tue 

25 Jun 2024

7/8am: didn’t poo. Serve aixia orange totally not keen I’m dead Liao. Serve other food have to po lo so tell her eat also don’t want. Throw a few plates. Serve aixia green my last can. Ha she lick some better than nothing. 

12.44pm: her mama may be coming to see her this Thurs.

Night: given tuna w sardine and ff – aiya eat ff only. and she keep meowing at me. I feel that she wanna make friend ? Or she want to kpo? 

Plan change: her mama wanna visit her at clinic Tmr. Ha today i keep sayang her and change food for her till I forgot to take photos of her

Snowy 24.6.24 Mon 

24 Jun 2024

9Am+: didn’t poo. Didn’t further eat the i/d yesterday. I have to try diff combo of food, have her tuna pumpkin w ff, she got eat some. 10.17am: she back face me so easier to count RR, but can’t count cos her breathing not regular. 

1018am: she face me sleeping. RR 19 

10.35am: nubulization start. Nose blood stain still have. Not that heavy flow type 

Out of nubulization got go n eat kibble. Today I top up RC urinary. No more indoor alr. 

12.00pm: she finish 60% of aixia orange and she poo 5/10. Today looks fine 

Just now Subcut her I give her summary of what’s still need to be given, what thing I m stopping. Today last dose of Cerenia. See how. 

But I think her pain killer need a lot

Night: I’m back to feed them. Given bupre. Serve aixia special can purple n red. Ate a little. Serve aixia orange not keen at all. Jialat. Throw a lot of food. Serve ff she eat. 

Snowy 23.6.24 sun 

23 Jun 2024

Morning; looks sianz. sayang her active. But: 

Mmm” Snowy didn’t eat much. Will call out once she hears me. She’s so skinny, I’m little worried about touching her” – but she weight gain, so I’m worried about fluid. 

Serve aixia orange – lick half. Poo 4.75/10. 

12.30pm: Subcut and med. brush her fur 

1.49pm: status: either she sianz of red also, supplier hasn’t reply me on green. .. or she something wrong. She didn’t eat much today. Orange half. Red none before I leave. Normally she would have finish 1.5+ kibble by the time I finish morning rounds. 

4.53pm: fr ip: resting. Scary. Cos why suddenly don’t eat as well liao? 

5.24pm; I booked aw dr nally 26.6 wed appt, I think got to check heart rate, rr, Cbc. Not sure lytes needed or not. Kidney/pancreas confirm

No need. Jus need to make sure her basic conditions r stable. 

6.27pm: still didn’t touch food further? In pain? will give her another dose of bupre. But Erm .., unknown. 

7pm+: worried about them, go back open door first is saw snowy and Xiami looking at me so cute. Day time aixia thrown. Serve hills i/d she got eat some – so she is sick of repeated food? 

Sayang n given bupre jab 

She got eat la cos she poo again 4.75/10. 

Checked w seller on whether got food like aixia ..: ha now scare she don’t want after I order extra cartons for her, i no space to put siak. Eric:”Schesir silver mousse” – hoho v ex. I tried 2 packs see how this old ah ma

10.12pm: check on her again. ok resting 

Snowy 22.6.24 sat 

22 Jun 2024

10.05am: got poo 4.5/10. Pee seem fine but more yellow, actually she should check Cbc for her current red count status. Erm. 

Wipe her eye and left nostril w dried blood nose discharge  

Sayang her and serve aixia orange. 

10.30am: she Polish all alr 

She is resting but I feel RR a little heavy. 

11.13am: nubulizing start. Today I hug her a while b4 I put her in. Calm. But she don’t really like hugging la, cos her short tail off position, I don’t want to hold the area that she got a lump


11.35amd: serve snack round after breakfast. Cod fish fillet – later see she will eat or not after she is out of nubulizing chamber 

When she is out she did eat cod fish. So she just don’t like normal food texture. cod fish she did try to bite cos she like it. She is a fishy cat. 

Today she is 3.62kg – further gain 210g 🙂 but I feel that she looks dehydrated leh. Duno why I can’t believe the pro bnp result. see how. but she can eat easily 4 cans aixia per day bah. 

5.41pm: dr d “snowy crazy high, 50. if doesnt come down on review, to do us abdo. if o super worried, can do us abdo already”. -I think I should plan to see if I should send her to a vet to check some status on Cbc and HR (I did ask dr about taking Cbc b4 seeing her on 16.7: “still bleeding? it usually is very little but if want to make sure, do cbc yes” – kiv first 

10.23pm: fr ip: she is drinking water 

Snowy 21.6.24 Fri 

21 Jun 2024

9.13am: fr ip: sleeping soundly (8am+ she is awake alr) 

10.17am: tuna solid food intake is lesser. Pee looks relatively ok. Can stop plan meloxicam soon. 

Nose still got a little blood discharge (not that scary line of blood like thread that came out at clinic). Clean off the stain for her. 

11am+: nubulise her 

Come out go eat a little kibble. 

1pm: Serve tuna mousse, smell n not keen 

Open another can of aixia oldie orange. She eat. Ha she love aixia oldie only. Safe food. Lucky got 3 flavours 

Night: mmm: “Tonight don’t want to eat – Aristo salmon. After I gave the gravy tuna with chicken- smell n walk away.” She reject 2 food so told told mmm to open another can of aixia oldie. 

10pm+:”Yep. Almost finished. Sleeping” 

Snowy 20.6.24 Thur 

20 Jun 2024

10am: v vocal, sayang her and today need to clean eyes and nose. 

Poo 11cm scale 4.5/10 but looks dry 

Peepad looks ok. So I might want to stop her meloxicam soon. Maybe Tmr give one more dose will do (total 6 doses) 

Got eat more of RC indoor. 

11Am: complaining when nubulizing, topple stuff 4-5 times today. once settled down she will just rest inside and watch me packing stuff  in n out of room 

12pm: nubulise, nose got sound, clean her left eye and nose 

1.11pm: meow meow meow scratch her. Given tuna w lobster gravy. Totally not keen. Changed plate to 11yo kidney pouch – lick a bit.

Ha – did she eat a lot? Cos she poo again at 1.25pm, >10cm 4.5/10. 

3.57pm: planing the cats review, so snowy Clav most prob can end 28.6.24, ie 14 days. And I deem fit again. 

Night; mmm”Swf- ate quite a bit”

10.53pm: fr ip: resting on sb 

Snowy 19.6.24 wed 

19 Jun 2024

920am; I’m at gate she alr meow meow meow 

more vocal 

This morning no need to clean her nose/ eye – clear. 

No poo. Change pad. 

Red: ate 80%. 

Serve 2 food n she meow for more food b4 she know I’m going last room – serve orange can (Polish) basically she eat all aixia oldie 

Nubulise her she naughty ah keep rubbing till the blower drop. think she sleep v well yesterday night 🙂 

3.12pm: got news that snowy will extend stay. so there are a few days that Naicha will be in, so snowy will stay w the rest of the gang … will she think Jack Jack is handsome old man too? or Manja?

5.32pm: fr ip: she will meow meow at the can food. Choosing what to eat for snack le ah? 

8pm+:mmm serve dinner for her. She like pple sayang loh. she like to kpo at door meow for attention 

10.52pm: fr ip: sleeping soundly 

Snowy 18.6.24 Tue

18 Jun 2024

8.19am: fr ip: in sb resting. Food intake is ok. 

9.20am: like to eat from others’ plates. Give her combo of tuna w white fish and kakato chicken fillet. Top up Kibble and water

Bowl change. tmr change Peepad to see latest pee status. Got poo 5/10, 8cm long 2.2cm thick. 

10.05am: Nubulise her 

1pm+: open another can of tuna aixia oldie for her, she like and she Polish all. 

Ha did I thought her body condition looks better? 

2.45pm: fr ip: she is sleeping le. 

7pm: asked dr d about how many days should I put snowy on meloxicam/ Clav: “Snowy only for bladder infection. So depends on peeing. Snowy for mouth, so until eating better. Meloxicam is for bladder infection, so until recovered. Minimum clav 5 days. Meloxi no minimum, can stop whenever better” – Erm in short I deem fit. I see first how she is next few days. 

8pm+: watch her stand at the door, her face and body did grow bigger le 🙂 but the mao changchang not nice. Told her let’s steam bath her! She like happy leh. Flip here n there adjust for me. But bite me leh like oly. Think all lao ah Ma is like that. So cute. Brush her front neck also. today should sleep v well. 

Jenn ask me to let her try all the types of aixia oldie, so far she only eat green confirm like. She see me dig out all the new boxes of cat food, ha lucky I got buy red and orange also. 

Serve red (tuna) ha I think green is fish – she Polish red also. 

Also tonight she don’t have nose discharge 🙂

10.22pm: mmm”First time zzzz n didn’t look at me when I’m at the door.” 

Snowy 17.6.24 Mon 

17 Jun 2024

5.50am: fr ip, resting on sb. Got get up eat kibble and go toilet. 

7.30am: fr ip: she went toilet again 

830am: she is on the hanging bed! Smart find a good spot Liao. 

Got eat for sure. 

Rub n rub. Manja. Both nostril got some discharge. Think a little block. Room too cold? Gonna down the fan speed. 

No more fresh blood. 

Clean her face for her 

Got poo 5/10 and 7/10 (the smaller PCs) – no tinted blood so not constipated 

Serve kakato pumpkin got eat a little. 

9am+: nubulise her, today keep rubbing non stop, even rub the tube off thrice. Have to use tap to hold it. 

10.19am: out from nubulization and go eat kibble (I add on nutripro chicken other than indoor) 

today sticky mao, I walk in n out she want follow me sayang. Active, will go to hanging bed laze and come down the mountain to sb to kpo. 

Sayang her much more and found something round, ask dr d”Dr, snowy tummy area got one lump? I feel like a lump like dangling from inside” – she reply “Umbilical hernia if I remember correctly” 

She weigh 3.41kg – further gain 150g. 

Subcut will throw temper a while, ok la. Cerenia is sting, ok reaction. 

Serve aixia oldie she eat much more. This can be her core food alr. but I open Aristocat tuna w smoked fish for the rest she want a bit also. 

2.39pm: ip: resting on sb 

7pm+: she is happy see me? Told her nubulise again. She ok. While I pack new food into the room. 

serve old cat food she like. 

I change the light back to my original night light. 

945pm: mmm”  Sleeping. Used to the lights” 

Snowy 16.6.24 sun 

16 Jun 2024

Backdated: mmm 10.15pm:”I changed to a softer light. Hopefully she can nap.” – later I check what’s a softer light. Fr ip did look darker. – is a cute small light. Ok la darker maybe can sleep better. I’ll bring one sensor one again. 

4.16am: raining heavily. Fr ip: she is on sb. 

Trace: 3am: she is in bin. 

5.35am: fr ip; she is still resting on sb 

9.13am: she is resting on sb. Kibble half gone. I’m decide to top up or not. Maybe top up a little n see how. – top up. She ate quite a lot. 

10.07am: got further pee but not a lot. Redness can be seen. Continue Clav. No poo 

Give her a 鼠鼠, she headbutt her. 

Serve aixia oldie green – she confirm like this, got eat instantly 

10.46am; finish almost 70% of aixia. Later can top up some i/d for her. Gastro food. 

She jump up 30cm up and jump down to find me, then I can she did move the ip cam a little last night. 

Started nubulizing. Confirm she know the Advantage, sit inside and slow blink me. 

12pm: done all meds. Give her bistro chicken. Can see she is a more fish cat. But I told her is the cats fav, she still give face try some. 

12.51pm: mmm”Finally see snowy sleeping” 

2.28pm: fr ip, in bin again. I manage to get brand new bottle of Meloxicam. Later can start her on it when I give her another dose of bupre. 

3.02pm: Snowy in bin making sound  

3.45pm: given her bupre n melo. Sayang her she like. Check bin no poo still day 02. 

Serve tuna crab snack – got eat also. But she saw I’m rushing out w Xiami to vet. She understand. Good girl. 

4.42pm: fr ip she is moving about. She further shifted my ip cam ha. Just now I carry her to hanging bed she is not a fan 

6.00pm: I’m back w Xiami and she looks so ganjiong – think cats will also worry others and she look happy Xiami is back safe n sound 🙂 

8.06pm; mmm”Gave her snack, didn’t want.” 

9.09pm; fr ip: resting on sb – lights out le 

Night; mmm”Wants pats. Don’t want to eat” 

Snowy 15.6.24 sat night 

15 Jun 2024

5.17pm: mmm”Keep going into litter bin.” 

5.21pm: ask dr d:”if I can free catch snowy pee, do I send in?” – ““Please send in urine yes. I wouldn’t even mind  start Amox clav with the mouth” – will get ready containers to free catch. 

6pm+: go and check on her. Mmm says just now she wanna try jump up the cat wall platform, too high for her so the cans scatter 

we are friend friend again. She show me she keep going into bin also. Checked pad, only 2 patches. 

7.03pm: told dr d I suspect she UTI – “Could very well be, she kept peeing in the clinic. Start Amox clav” 

– She go bins more than 10 times n I just  check – the amount on Peepad only a little and tinted blood. 

So catching pee to test before ab is in the ideal world, but I don’t think can catch that soon, so I ask: just start Clav, don’t wait to catch pee anymore – “I would, if not better, then bring” 

Sayang her, given Clav and bupre. 

She sit in bin, like scratches and nose discharge still frequent. Clean for her. 

Serve tuna w white fish – she eat too. 

Lights out but mmm side still got light. 

8.05pm: dr d “For cystitis sometimes also need meloxi or an anti inflammatory btw…” – I wanna shelf off this, but she add on: “But never mind, just treat the cystitis. If keeps going to toilet, might need meloxi” 

8.13pm: fr ip , she is kpo-Ing 

8.55pm: fr ip: she is sitting in litterbin 

9.00pm: fr ip: she is back to sb 

9.45pm: fr ip: same position, think she will sleep on sb tonight 

10.10pm: fr ip: she go bin pee again. taken a video. 

Snowy 15.6.24 sat Day 

15 Jun 2024

Morning: go to dr d for full check b4 she come over to 猫房. Today 3.2kg. 

Very very bad dental. causing the pain. So taken pro bnp to check: her heart is ok. But dr d did hear a heart mur mur. But she is good to go for a dental if she want to. N I can feel safe Subcutting her. Cbc is out/ her HCT is 29%, drop quite a lot from 11 days ago. I saw her nose bleed. Will get v anemic one day. kidney/ liver/ potassium generally ok, nothing significant – so safe to go ga. 

Fiv felv both negative. 

fpli – very bright dot, severe pancreatitis. By right should iv, don’t know why Dr d didn’t say that. But she knows I’ll Subcut, b12, Cerenia and bupre treatment. 

Bp 150. Ok. 

Wanna take urine can’t take cos she keep peeing in clinic. She did drink water in clinic. 

At the clinic, I look into her carrier, like red thread hanging from her left nostril. So much blood come out. Erm will monitor when she start the new treatment plan. 

Things I find weird and confirm/ solve: 

  1. Kitten kibble. Dr d says bad. Cos v high in carbo, snowy should be on low carb diet and wet diet (diabetic food is low carb diet) I will give wet food that I intend to give anyway to old cats. Will try aixia oldie. Cos her mouth pain mah. Kitten kibble and RC indoor I still serve – minimum. not giving to starve her. 
  2. Doxy for flu. Stop. Cos hers aren’t flu. Most prob is dental cause obstruction in nasal passageway, and cause issue to eye and nose (all one sided) 
  3. That steroid nubulization is bad bad. Worsen her condition. Stop. Will switch to pure basic saline. If I deem fit then add on gentamicin. 

12pm+: we back to 猫房. She enter her room. She go straight to the kibble bowl i prepare just now (RC indoor). So she also eat other kibble. 

I serve aixia oldie green tuna flavour she ate 80%. She go sit on the oval sb, for scratch it. Not fierce. Laze ard. Didn’t growl not scare. Got lie down just looking at Xiami and don. 

Set up made shift chamber using the trolley box – can see her also. nubulise her for > 20 mins while I prep all the meds. 

she got move about, sb vs her blanket. 

Then I Subcut her, angry level 5% till Cerenia go in n b com. I’m giving b com once for her potential anemic. Cerenia no choice is daily med. Sting but she will feel better later on. Angry don’t friend me Liao. Bite me. sayang her want make up also cannot. Ha. 

Serve another can of kakato chicken n tuna – she eat also. Totally ok w other cats. She is eating w Xiami looking at her food. 
weight her: 3.26kg – after eating meal but b4 Subcut. I’ll record this as her weight as of today

3.54pm: fr Ip: she is resting on the oval sb

Snowy 14.6.24 Fri 

14 Jun 2024

Night: got info that Jenn is dropping snowy for bloodworks, I send dr d these: “..will take fiv felv test, basic profile w lytes and fpli.” 

And she reply: “Ehm for epistaxis/bloody nose I want blood pressure, calcium, maybe urine” 

so snowy come I will know whether I can touch her a lot/ frequent or not.

snowy 14.6.24 fri

14 Jun 2024

last min arrangement: In: 15.6.24 sat 11.30am.
Go home is when ah? 24.6.24 Mon 12.30pm

Come 猫房 for:

  • 1-2 times nubulizing w given saline that’s added Pulmicort (budesonide, a corticosteroid) – left 6 days
  • ⁠doxy x 1 notch once per day (left 5 days)

Other info:
“She is still super vocal and always ask for pets”
Taken Cbc only, not anemic is all I know based on 4.6 bw.

Medical Record

Snowy 31.7.24 wed 

31 Jul 2024

snowy 16.7.24 tues 

16 Jul 2024

Snowy 26.6.24 wed 

26 Jun 2024

Snowy 22.6.24 sat 

22 Jun 2024

Snowy 16.6.24 sun 

16 Jun 2024

Snowy 15.6.24 sat 

15 Jun 2024

snowy 4.6.24

04 Jun 2024