Tammy Liang


I know her through her mummy la. She come 猫房 when her mummy go holiday!

Tammy Liang's Logbook

Age : 14y 2m
Birthday : 06 Mar
Weight : 4.41kg as of 1.12.2022
Date of Entry : 11.12.2017

Tammy 22.12.24 sun 

22 Dec 2024

After party end, jo send me their video on playing w cat nip. She react a little only, then she run the pillow then lick. Ha slow reaction one. Not like Bessie will hug flop back kick kick kick  

Tammy 30.4.24 Tue 

30 Apr 2024

8am; no poo. They same same. Morning Tammy not seen. Ha. Told them today mummy coming to fetch them le later on.  

Serve tuna w white fish w Japanese can food. 

today electric work at 5GM, and it take so long till I run home alr 3.10pm for mama to fetch them home. Food only 50% clear. 

Mention water intake a lot to mama, mama says ya – and its Tammy. 

3.9kg – lose 240g in 11 days. 

Tammy 29.4.24 Mon 

29 Apr 2024

8am: room clearing n i nag at Bella and Tammy attack scream at me, must scold. Told her Bella do wrong things. Medical stuff not fun. u still anyhow want attack me so bad. Guilty? Hide her face in box. sigh. v sad Raichu is gone, I just do my stuff and Tammy look at me I look at the fluids think she got the logic. She keep quiet n see me throw stuff. Got one set of poo 5/10. Serve tuna white fish and Japanese can. 

4.28pm: sleep until head hang face down… v weird zzz pose

9pm+: fed them dinner, no new poo. Remind them tmr going home le. Today I’m v sad/ tired. We don’t quarrel le 

Tammy 28.4.24 sun 

28 Apr 2024

7.30am: Tammy is so hungry that she ate overnight food – plates all quite empty 

Got one set of poo 5/10 

Serve tuna w white fish and Japanese orange pouch. She also like and eat some then didn’t eat much n go to the hanging bed again 

5.40pm: serve snack : tuna w chicken w light pink Japanese creamy chicken can food – she like! 

9pm+: serve tuna w chicken ham w aixia chicken immunity pouch. she is on the hanging bed. Scary. Later then I close window. Morning she and Simba will meow non stop. Simba leaving tonight so Tmr see how 

Tammy 27.4.24 sat 

27 Apr 2024

8am+: serve breakfast. 

They got clear food and drink water 

Got poo 5/10. 

2pm+: added one more fan in their room 

9pm: just behind condo sleeping – I check on her n she hiss me

Serve tuna w chicken and Japanese can food 

10pm: just sitting on hanging bed watching me. And I go see her she charge and want kill me. She is really weird 

Tammy 26.4.24 Fri 

26 Apr 2024

9Am+: morning alr sit on hanging bed looking at me. 

Open up window for them. 

Serve tuna w chicken w Japanese food – she also like. Water bowl changed. 

10am+: Bella bz eating, she is at the door ask me sayang. 

12pm+: want me sayang again but Bella hiss to scold her. 

4.58pm: wanna give them snack cos their plate relatively empty. Both sleep till v soundly. Bella on floor all fours open. Tammy in sb. So nice. I waited but they got no intention of waking up, no choice but to wake them up and serve kakato chicken w pumpkin, both of them got lick a little. N stop. Tammy go back to condo sleep 

10pm++: back and they look happy. Tammy on the hanging bed and she will attack fr the top one, n ya she go bonkers attack and screaming mode. Sigh. she is v v weird. Got one point she walk back to the condo and I can clear stuff n I start scolding and nag at them for their siao siao behaviours esp Tammy. Their plates almost all empty. Today good appetite. 

No new poo. 

Serve tuna w whit fish and finnese tuna. 

Tammy 25.4.24 Thur 

25 Apr 2024

4.45am: Simba getting louder and non stop. Wake up to serve tuna w white fish to him and rumi. When I on kitchen light, Bella and Tammy stand at the door to check me out 

9am: serve tuna w chicken ham. And I clear the bins and floor and when I wann take water bowl she scream and wanna charge out, get scolding from me so no logic at all. Think she know she also siao siao no logic, look a little guilty.

9.50am: she is at the door want me sayang so I sayang her. 

Then I take video and try saying her a second time n she angry hiss at me again 

3.00pm: walk out to look at me, if not thru out sleeping 

3.50pm: sleeping v soundly in the carrier box 

10pm: I was told Bella n Tammy room also got meow (should be Tammy) and bang door (confirm Bella), so I got to shut window. Day time then open window. Got one set of poo 5/10. Serve tuna w salmon.  

Tammy v weird fierce n very fierce. Night she auto will hang herself on hanging bed to laze ard n sleep 

Tammy 24.4.24 wed 

24 Apr 2024

9Am+: still in lower big box. Always sleeping. They did eat la. Water bowl always half bowl gone. Got poo 5/10 and 6.5/10. 

Serve tuna w chicken on the floor 

12pm+: still in lower big box. Didn’t see her today  

2.28pm: she came out to pee? She is at the door 

4.00pm; she just ate something? Cos saw her grooming herself and licking paw and cleaning like after just eaten 

4.28pm: she is sleeping on the floor 

4.42pm: Tammy and Bella sleeping quite near, their head placement look cute and peaceful. I ask Tammy want snack? Ciao cup? She slow blink me wor. I say I go bring for her. First time she lick food in front of me but Bella growl cos my hand above her and Tammy stop 

5.19pm: checked: she almost finish 

11pm: checked: that plate is empty.

She is sitting at the back of the back condo box. there is poo 5/10 in bin. Ha eat too much day n night got poo. Water intake is a lot. Weather is horrible, just now I’m sweating in aircon class. I on their fan to biggest. They ate most food. Serve tuna w salmon. 

1120pm: Tammy is out on floor looking at me. 

Tammy 23.4.24 Tue 

23 Apr 2024

4.20am+: meow v loudly, can’t confirm is Tammy or Simba. I checked, Tammy is indeed walking on floor n looking at me. N I sit at sofa for some time no sound. Cos she like the hanging bed, I scare she is meowing out at the window 

9Am+: serve tuna w white fish.  got 2 sets of poo. She is sitting in the top box, looks peaceful. 

1pm+: didn’t really touch food, still in the deck box 

Thru till 4pm+: still on condo

8pm+: at the same spot, Bella hiss and backwards towards the condo, her tail irritate Tammy and Tammy whack her tail, she hiss at Bella. got pple eat kibble, so I need to top up. Water also. 

Serve tuna w salmon. 

9.20pm: she is on the hanging bed, she knows lights out soon gonna sleep 

Tammy 22.4.24 Mon 

22 Apr 2024

7am+: I know Simba is meowing and someone else also. 

8am+: She is sitting in top small box, yes so I can clear the plate I gave her last night. Food confirm got pple eat. The one i give 80% eaten.  got 2 sets of poo, both look v dry. One is 5/10 one 6.5/10. 

Water intake is almost half small bowl per day. Serve tuna w chicken ham. Wanna take a nice sunrise photo shoot of her, she hiss me so that shot not taken. 

11Am+: I’m back from 5G, she pop her head out looking at me curiously leh. I talked to her n she hiss at leh. food didn’t touch much. 

5pm+: story I heard: Tammy sitting at the door looking v curious, Bella standing right behind her. Tammy excited until her tail swipe and swipe and slap and slap Bella face and Bella growl while just standing right there let Tammy slap her w her tail. And Bella end up licking Tammy tail non stop and Tammy piss off and walk off. Bella become sad cos no tail for her to lick and she lie down to rest. 

9pm+: Bella sitting right there, 40cm away fr door I can’t even enter loh. Didn’t see Tammy. Serve Tuna w chicken w smoked fish platter. 

11pm+: confirm Tammy like this room more cos she like hanging bed. She hang there like charmander and look out the window. 

Tammy 21.4.24 sun 

21 Apr 2024

5.41am: got woken by cats meowing. Thought is Bella Tammy side then that will be damn loud. Checked: don’t think is them. 

Tammy in the lower box, thru out till 6am+ Bella bully me so long she still in that box. 

Serve tuna w chicken. 

Bin: no poo, got pee, amount should be 2 cats both pee alr. Didn’t touch much food. All throw. 

3.30pm: only someone ate maybe 20% of food. All other food not touched. Tammy sleeping in lower condo box. no poo yet 

9pm+: didn’t see her come down. Bella is 50cm away from me. I got to prepare food on the hanging bed. I took the risk to throw in to Tammy. Aiya Tmr morning if she don’t move then how I clear ah? 

Tammy 20.4.24 sat 

20 Apr 2024

3.10pm: enter 猫房. Totoro room. Mummy v sure she no m/c 

As usual, i can sayang her normal ok but once merge room w Bella she will change. Aiya she is behind the cat tree I only put phone to take photo of her she whack me. 

4.14kg – she lose 140g in 16.5 months. 

4pm: serve tuna w chicken, she got eat and she likes the hanging bed. Went up to admire the rain … 

5.30pm: fr Ip: can’t see her. Food not touched further 

5.47pm: she is in the lower deck cat condo. No one pee yet. 

8.00pm: on romantic light for them, no one pee yet. Food not touched further. Tammy only hiss after Bella make lots of noise 

8.45pm: Still no pee in room. She got move about. Got go sb. Got go condo box. Got sit in carrier box see me open new food for her and she want to attack me while Bella still making lots of noises. Sigh serve fresh tuna w salmon. 

9.53pm: worried that Bella can’t come down later fall down how, check ip since lights out hopefully she dare to move le. Ha – she in the carrier alr, so she came down Liao. And Tammy on the hanging bed sleeping alr. Trace ip to 9.16pm: she use 2 mins to gauge n think b4 she jump up the ledge to the bed. Smart girl 

Tammy 28.4.23 Fri 

28 Apr 2023

Tammy 4.12.22 Sun 

04 Dec 2022

Morning: got one set of poo 

1230pm: when I’m back again, Tammy is on floor near door, surprisingly more calm but I don’t know … ha I want to open door top up kibble, maybe she ate kibble but she keep rubbing. Suddenly so calm? She choose basket to sleep in. 

Tammy 5.12.22 Mon 

Morning: got 2 sets of mixed poo. 

Today generally noisy, keep rubbing and meowing wor. 

Afternoon: mummy coming to fetch them so feel safe to let them roam as they like, cos no need to worry about chasing them back. 

When I let her out, I can sayang her wor, then she go walk2. 

Wa they play 躲猫猫 w me. I find Tammy for v long loh then she hiss me siak. this girl can’t predict properly. She hiss mama also but didn’t attack man. 

4.28kg – lose 130g. 

Tammy 3.12.22 sat 

03 Dec 2022

720am: V fierce la. Still on hanging bed, no way to sayang her le, just talk to her a while she HISS ME. serve her a big big plate of food. I dont think she touch food overnight. Somehow Bella won’t finish her share cos i nag at her eat your own plate only ah. This siao siao princess girl also got 听话的时候 – sound like tao. 

3pm: staring out of window, didn’t realise I’m back ah 

8pm: serve dinner, on floor, clear a set of poo, nice form 5/10. Even everyday poo is bella’s today got 2 sets. So Tammy sure got poo la 

1010pm: dd pure is here, serve supper for them – dd pure salmon w ciao chicken  – show it to Tammy told her nice to eat one, I show her a good sign, she almost fly up to attack me. Wa signal her good sign also cannot. Don’t talk to her better. 

Tammy 2.12.12 Fri 

02 Dec 2022

8.40am: fr Ip: Tammy sleeping on hanging bed, food not touched 

Since 130am she has been sleeping there while Bella makes lots of noises – meow and scratching 

855am: No one touch kibble. She is still on bed I serve her tuna w salmon. Not keen walk to one corner I put her food on floor. Sayang her twice she turn ard to hiss me but didn’t show any sign of wanting to beat me up. 

One set of poo 3.75/10, I feel is tammy’s yesterday night one. 

310pm: generally Tammy likes the hanging bed.

440pm: serve bistro chicken and ciao chicken fillet treat that looks damn nice, she is at one corner didn’t see her eat yet. no new poo in bin. 

10pm: fr Ip she got walk abt n got play sb.
11pm: got one set of v dark poo formed 5/10. Scoop damn dirty thrown. This Bella crazy sound think will affect Tammy. She all along still ok, I can even put plate beside w her on hanging bed or take down nothing ok. Tonight she attack me directly hiss n charge type more scary than Bella. Wa Liao.  Today I still go order the dd pure she like to eat last time. Serve tuna w chicken ham w ciao chicken fillet treat. 

Tammy 1.12.22 Thurs 

01 Dec 2022

145pm: Tammy enter 猫房 4G. 

4.41kg, given 0.48ml of revo plus 

She go to my bear bear to hide, taken photos of her. Didn’t show aggression to me but last time she is the random attack one. Many years ago. 

Serve her tuna w chicken, didn’t eat. Scare. Mummy says she scare of noise, just now got birds chirping only. 

She got smack by Bella once. 

315pm: soundly asleep. 

I close my kitchen door and I blend alley’s ad, checked she is still sleeping. That’s her spot below the rattan chair. 

Didn’t eat at all – perfectly normal. 

5pm: Bella clear her plate alr, so I serve extra plate of bistro chicken. Bella signature want to hiss whack me sound till Tammy wake up look at the 2 of us DIAO look then continue to sleep. 

1041pm: fr Ip: didn’t touch food at all. Later tempt her w nice ciao cup and Her chicken treats 

1150pm: As usual, Bella don’t let me open door serve food, attack my glove and scream damn loud. Tammy still sleeping at the corner. No poo in bin. 

Serve ciao cup chicken fillet w mummy chicken treat, can’t even go near her without Bella siao siao. 

1215am: she is at the door w Bella, wa follow Bella hiss me. Hiss ok, better than Bella just shout and attack. I think she poo, cos I think bin got poo but no way I can clear w Bella sigh. Tammy jump up to window and sit on the ledge.