Xiao Hei


A v small sized frame black cat that lll get to know from 17-24 Dec due to home minor Reno. no other info given, unknown gender. No fiv felv tested. So default my record all will be male cats from this family. But she looks like a female. V old and cute small like Bessie. her nails super long, think they might have issue w ingrowth nails. Their mama is a 80yrs old feeder

Xiao Hei's Logbook

Age : 11y 4m
Birthday : 17 Dec
Weight : 2.91kg as of 17.12.2023
Date of Entry : 17.12.2023

Xiao Hei 24.12.23 sun 

24 Dec 2023

8am: Mel, le and xiao Hei look out cos they are curious about Jackie Chan. Told them I got to clear Jackie side first, Jackie is idexx tested felv-. their food intake is more or less the same. Hei will growl and want food n when food serve she run away cos le le disturb her. 

I handle xiao hei longer today cos I hug her to take more close up photos of her current issues. Initial “issue” area near privates really nothing, her issues r more of the hind leg and area above eye/ ears (close up photos). I don’t think banocin help much for these, today I use Argasol silver gel on her and told her this better for you, she ok w it. Brush her a little. 

Think le le jealous, so when xiao hei she go whack xh. One set of 5/10 poo in bin. 

9.15am: give them one pack of catnip sachet each, run away. 

10am+: I back to give them some kakato tuna snack. 

12++pm: much later than the time I plan to say good bye to the lao babies cos I save a dog called Bobo (reunited w owner after they left 猫房)). 3.14kg – gain 230g!! Good girl. Sayang her. 

Xiao Hei 23.12.23 sat 

23 Dec 2023

9Am+: got 2-3 sets of 4/10 poo in bin.

Wet Food almost all cleared. 

Serve tuna w chicken ham. 

10am+: xiao hei in bin and I saw got 5/10 in it. 

2.30pm: take photo of her sleeping Soundly

7pm: serve tuna w smoked fish. Eating on hanging bed 

9pm+: hanging out w my floor managers. She is in the basket. Serve tuna w chicken. Everyone eat tgt. and told them Tmr we weigh n see if they lose or gain weight. By right will be lose cos they mainly eat wet food diet here. Didn’t touch much of kibble other than Blackie 

Xiao Hei 22.12.23 Fri 

22 Dec 2023

8am+: no poo in bin. And weird that their water intake so little but they can pee so much. Full Peepad. serve tuna w chicken. Walk away to first deck and le le come near and she growl. always like that. Don’t know why everyone making her angry. But she is not fierce. Just very grumpy 

10am+: 2 sets of poo clear it without pic. 4.5/10 

12.50pm: she is on the oval sb, so just nice clean her up, esp the right ears and put powder for her n she walked away fed up and shake off 

3pm: got one new set of poo, 5/10. still sleeping at condo 

5.30pm; serve ciao cup snack – xiao hei likes it 

10pm: on the oval sb again. Serve tuna w smoked fish. 

I put Jackie Chan in a playpen outside their room, keep meowing, and xiao Hei is v curious about him 

Xiao hei 21.12.23 Thu 

21 Dec 2023

9Am: wow Mel is on hanging bed, Mel and xiao Hei change bed. Xh on the oval sb. look alert when I take video of her. 

serve tuna w chicken ham and sparkles tuna w crab, she got eat instantly. 

10am+: continue to see me pack the massive stuff, still on oval sb 

11am+: I pack room so she go up the cat condo. 

Bin got 2 sets of poo, 5/10 and 2.5/10. 

3.15pm: serve sparkles w crab as snack.  No further poo 

Grumpy don’t want 

3.40pm: watching the rain … 

10pm: got some scatter poo, Erm overall 3.75/10. serve tuna w white fish w sparkles tuna w prawn. Back to hanging bed 

Xiao Hei 20.12.23 wed 

20 Dec 2023

Backdate yesterday night: read her bt from 15.12.23. Hardest bt to read, wa how old is this machine? Significant to note: glucose high and no fruto test taken. HCT 41% good but can’t see hydration on bt, physical check she is dry so real % should be lower. kidneys no issue which can be seen from their water intake. All 5 water intake won’t be kidney cats. 

10am: Serve tuna w chicken n sparkles tuna w salmon. ok food intake. They all clear indoor more than fit. 

Poo 2 sets both 5/10. 

Check the whole tummy area to her privates and even butt hole, nothing leh. That scratch line loh. Clean her ears her eye area, her hind leg and put powder. 

Status: still serving the higher deck, like hanging bed. grumpy old cat. 

3pm: Mel le le and xiao Hei observe me packing the tonnes of Xmas presents and the new 猫房 toys that just delivered. Can’t finish packing 

4pm+: serve them kakato chicken w pumpkin – first photo I got all 5 of them in one shot. Photo show that xh struggling to jump over to the plate to eat it, not v confident jumper. Good to be prudent la old alr. I carry her over to eat. All love this food, all got eat at the same time. 

10pm+: I clear up and serve tuna w salmon w tuna w pumpkin. She is on ratten basket. Rare, always growl n eat. Her right upper eye lid got 2 holes, whack by her friends ? 

Xiao Hei 19.12.23 Tue 

19 Dec 2023

8am: same on the hanging bed sleeping. Will walk about but love the bed.

Most plates in the room cleared. 

Serve tuna w chicken ham, sparkles chicken w salmon and sparkles tuna w crab 拼盘. Didn’t see her eat, maybe v full from yesterday. Yest eat so much. No poo at all this morning. This family seldom poo so weird. Water intake is also extremely low. checked on her bottom area, I really can’t find where is the “area near her private’s” which got issue? That scratch that I log in? I feel her hind leg abrasion is worse, but also nothing much. Anyway clean all and put banocin. 

9.26am: “…written that Xiao Hei doesn’t have a wart. Actually it is Blackie that has a wart.” – Erm then xiao Hei face got a few raw spots, beside her left mouth and she got the typical bald spot above her eye area (a lot of black cats got this) 

10.50am: cleaning day. Their room condo dirty cos of the stains made by mainly Blackie. They like totoro comfy room so much that they don’t want to move to kitchen, so big can roam they don’t want move. Hide behind the food cartons, generally like to growl. Will show displeasure. 

11.40am: room service done n I open glass panel of kitchen to let them out. Le Le and Mel run out and run back to the room on their own. Vince Blackie xiao Hei didn’t move. I carried her back. 4th to go back and stay happy in the room. 

8pm+: Serve tuna w white fish (they obviously prefer this flavour) and sparkles tuna w prawn. 

But xiao hei didn’t eat. her ears and face n hind legs so many spots looks like allergy needs hypo diet? 

9.20pm: n I’m sooooo pissed when I just realise at this moment that she is given a convenia shot. Pls monitor her anything n everything. Keep the dec23 bloodworks and maybe june24 take bloods to see if anything is affected. I just hate convenia ab. Don’t see any need for that. Vet could have dispense 10 days ab. 

Got one set of 4.5/10 poo in bin. 

Xiao Hei 18.12.23 Mon 

18 Dec 2023

Day: first to sleep on the hanging bed. All food almost clear so they quite ok la. I think all did eat. She is the one w the growling sound. Want eat but irritated I told her i trust her not to irritate her own skin further and take off that weird super xs collar for her and told her to eat. She clear 1 plate in front of me and I serve her a second plate. Then she continue to sleep on bed zzzz – can sayang 

They didn’t really touch kibble. Ha good kids they heard I say fit32 not good. Or should I serve them a plate of my kibble? 

Sleep on the hanging bed and walk on ledge of window. Got kpo 

Got one set of poo only. 5/10. Pee should be more than 1 cat pee alr. 

3-4pm:  She know something happen outside and remain a good girl.  

455pm; serve snack ciao cup. Polished, she is the one w a white spot on mouth, don’t even look like a wart. Just kept clean w f10 will do 

810pm: can sayang, don’t like too much touching and doing of stuff to her,  checked her so-called lick infection wound. No leh. Looks like a scratch – is a scratch la. Anyway clean up w f10, I think Shave that area better. Apply banocin as instructed. 

Clean both her ears – dirty. 

Clean her face w f10. 

And her right hind leg got more issue loh. Raw spot. Tmr day time I check that area more. 

serve tuna w smoked fish and sparkles chicken w salmon. Got eat.

Xiao hei 17.12.23 sun 

17 Dec 2023

8.30pm: enter 猫房 

I weigh her, 2.91kg. “my sister managed to bring two of my mom’s cats less active cats to the vet as we wanted to be sure the cats are ok. Both are negative for FIV/felv. Xiaohei needs to wear a soft cone as she has some skin allergies and always lick herself. One of them dunno blackie or xiaohei has a white lump on the lips. That is not a teeth. Its a wart. But doctor say no medical required as it’s not life threatening. This is for Xiao Hei, not sure Cat can help to shower her during her stay there?  She has to apply Baneocin on the affected area which is near her private area. Instructions given on the box but once the sore is gone don’t need to apply anymore even it says for 10days.” – the e collar she is wearing don’t make sense at all. Don’t think is of much usefulness but shouldn’t affect her food intake. I haven’t check the “wart” yet, wait till day time. She is ok. Less active. walk into the room, will jump up second deck. 

Serve tuna w white fish didn’t eat. sayang her and she like to 翘屁股 too. Seen a little bit of the so-called affected area (can’t be sure cos night time) but don’t seem like a big deal. Don’t see the need to bath to apply med. 

and her nails supposed to be cut alr by vet alr. Tested fiv felv negative. Fpl normal 

Xh 14.12.23

14 Dec 2023

Photo fr family

Medical Record

Xiao hei 17.12.23 sun 

17 Dec 2023

Xiao Hei 15.12.23 fri

15 Dec 2023